I'm working on an Android app in which I download JSON data from a web service. The class parsing the data looks something like this:
public class JsonCourseParser implements CourseParser {
public Course parseCourse(String courseData) {
Course result;
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(courseData);
result = new Course("foo", "bar");
} catch (JSONException e) {
result = null;
return result;
This builds just fine and it works when I call parseCourse() from within my app, but when I try to test this method in a unit test I get this exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/json/JSONException
at JsonCourseParserTest.initClass(JsonCourseParserTest.java:15)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(FrameworkMethod.java:44)
at org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable.run(ReflectiveCallable.java:15)
at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(FrameworkMethod.java:41)
at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(RunBefores.java:27)
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:236)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit4.runner.JUnit4TestReference.run(JUnit4TestReference.java:49)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.TestExecution.run(TestExecution.java:38)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(RemoteTestRunner.java:467)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(RemoteTestRunner.java:683)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.run(RemoteTestRunner.java:390)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(RemoteTestRunner.java:197)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.json.JSONException
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:301)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:248)
... 16 more
It seems that the classes of the org.json package which come with the Android Framework are not available in Java by default.
Is there a way I can fix this so I can unit test the classes which parse JSON?
All you need to do is add the following line to the dependency section in your build.gradle:
testImplementation 'org.json:json:20180813'
Note that you also need to use Android Studio 1.1 or higher and at least build tools version 22.0.0 or above for this to work!
testImplementation means that the dependency is included as a test dependency will only be used when your project is being compiled for executing unit tests. The supplied jar will not be included in your APK and will only be used to replace the missing classes in the org.json package.
Edit: see updated answer at the end
I've found the answer to this one. It doesn't solve my problem, but at least it explains why there is a problem.
First, I made the faulty assumption that the JSONObject (imported from the org.json package) was included as a part of the JRE. It isn't - in an Android project, this resides in android.jar (classic "duh" moment).
This discovery boosted my self confidence a bit. This could easily be solved by adding a reference to the android.jar in my unit test project - or at least so I thought for a brief moment. Doing so only gave me another error when running my test:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Stub!
at org.json.JSONObject.<init>(JSONObject.java:8)
At least this gave me something more to google for. What I found however, wasn't really encouraging (yet another classic "duh" moment)...
This blog describes the problem pretty well: Why Android isn’t ready for TDD, and how I tried anyway. If you don't bother to read the whole thing, the brief explanation is as follows:
The problem here is that the
android.jar supplied with the SDK is
stubbed out with no implementation
code. The solution that seems to be
expected is that you should run your
unit tests on the emulator or a real
When further doing some googling with this in mind, I found several articles, blogs and also questions here on SO regarding the issue. I'll add a few links here at the end, for those that might be looking:
android.jar In The SDK Only Has The API And Not The Implementation?
Can I use android.os.* libraries in a standalone project?
Eclipse + Android + JUnit test references android.os class = NoClassDefFoundError (not sure why on earth I didn't find this one when I initially wrote my question, I must have been completely lost...)
And there are plenty more if you look around.
There are several suggestions/solution/alternative approaches to unit testing in Android in many of those links, but I won't bother to try to make a good answer based on that (as there is obviously way too much I still don't know about Android development). If anybody has any nice tips though, I'll be glad to hear about them :)
After experimenting a bit more, I actually managed to find a working solution to this specific problem. The reason why I didn't try this in the first place, was that I thought I had read somewhere that it would be problematic to include "normal" java libraries in my Android app. I was trying so many different things to get around my problem, so I thought I'd just give this a try as well - and it actually worked! Here is how:
I downloaded the source for the "real" org.json package from here: http://www.json.org/java/index.html
Next I compiled the source code and packed it together in my own json.jar
I added the newly created json.jar to the build path of my project (the main project of my Android application, not the test project)
No changes to my code, no changes to my test, only adding this library. And everything works, both my Android app and my unit tests.
I also tested stepping through the code in debug mode, and when debugging the Android app the JSONObject in my JsonCourseParser is fetched from the Android SDK (android.jar), but when debugging my unit test it is fetched from my own json.jar. Not sure if this means that the json.jar isn't included when my app is built, or if the runtime intelligently selects the correct library to use. Also not sure if this extra library might have any other effects on my final app. I guess only time will tell...
I'm using Björn Quentin's Unmock Gradle plugin, which allows you to replace stubbed classes in the default android.jar with real versions from another android.jar (e.g. Robolectric).
I had the same problem but I found a better way. The framework Roboelectric does the job. At first I just added the roboelectric.jar as external library (because I don't use Maven) to the build path of my Java JUnit test project and as "class annotation" I added #RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class). But then I got a NoClassDefFoundError: android/net/Uri. After I still added the android.jar itself used by the corresponding Android project (although the Android library with its android.jar was already a part of my build path), it works.
I had this exact problem in my JSON tests. Your updated answer led me to try a simpler approach, which worked for my project. It allows me to run JUnit tests, using the 'real' org.json JAR, on my non-Android classes from within Eclipse:
Download org.json's json.jar from here (or wherever): http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.json/json
Add a folder 'libs-test' to your project, copy the json.jar file to it
In Eclipse open: Run / Run Configurations, select JUnit / YourTestClass
On the Classpath tab, remove "Google APIs" from Bootstrap entries
Click "Add JARs", navigate to /libs-test/json.jar and add it.
Click "Close"
Run your tests
i have a minecraft fabric mod project
this is its struct
Initially, i build them as a single project, but with the increase of code and function, i added some another depend into my project. such as mysql-connector and HikariCP.
its only needed in server side because the client does not need to connect my sql.
but mysql-connector is too big. it caused my jar file size increase to 4MB+ from 100KB+.
I think it's unbearable.
So I disassembled my project.
the project airgame-api-common is universal environment code: it can be running with client and server.
the project airgame-api-client is client side only code. it just can be running with client. it depend with api-common.
the project airgame-api-server is server side only code. it just can be running with server. it depend with api-common too.
the api-server include some server-side code. example as mysql-connector and HikariCP.
and finally, the api-all include all code of api-common, api-client and api-server. In this way, I don't need to import api-client and api-server at the same time when coding other projects. (Actually, I can't do that because api-client and api-server used the same mod_id. If I import them, when I execute the test, the running environment will contain both dependencies, and then crash due to mod_id conflict.)
okay, first i try to use api project(":airgame-api-common") in the api-client, but it now work, other project that depend api-client still can not see api-common. i guess may plugin fabric-loom changed gradle's build or depend logic.
the fabric-loom docs say that i need use modApi, i tried, but it look like cant be use to import self sub-project.
OK, I'm sorry to say a lot of things that have nothing to do with the problem, but I just want to show that I've done my best to solve the problem.
So now I guess there's one way left: add classpath and resources from api-common to other projects before gradle starts compiling code. I think modifying build.gradle can do it, but I don't know what to do.
I tried to read gradle's documentation, but I really didn't know much about the software, so I couldn't find much useful information. Can someone tell me?
I need the api-client compile file have both its own code and api-common code, and the api-common code needs to be visible to the projects that depend on the api-client.(This is also required for api-server and api-all. But I think if you teach me to configure api-client, I should be able to configure others.)
Finally, my English is not very good, but I try my best to express my intention. I don't mean any harm to anyone. If I offend you, please forgive me.
OK, I found the answer in another answer: Gradle: common resource dependency for multiple java projects
sourceSets.main {
java.srcDirs += [
resources.srcDirs += [
We have maven apps that until recently were on JDK8. We just upgraded them to JDK11 and are trying to take advantage of the JPMS from JDK9 by making our utility libraries into modules.
We originally had this kind of path:
There, java is the "source root".
So a colleague placed the module-info.java file in the lib1 folder and declared it thus:
module utils.lib1 {
exports com.company.team.utils.lib1;
From the command line that builds and works, so he assumes everything is all module-y goodness.
But when I opened in Intellij, it had an ugly red line and the message said I should move it to source root. It then moved it to the "java" folder above. Fair enough.
That caused me to dig around trying to find out more about this JPMS that my colleague had implemented. After a lot of searching and experiments, I also determined that the "java" folder, as "source root", should be renamed to the name of the module ("utils.lib1"). So now I have these two files:
And even Intellij is happy. Hooray! So I refactor all the other libraries. Suddenly I hit a major snag in let's call it lib2 with this line:
module utils.lib2 {
exports com.company.team.utils.lib2;
requires java.ws.rs;
Intellij flags the module with the red error squiggle again, this time saying:
Module 'utils.lib2' reads package 'javax.activation' from both 'jakarta.activation' and 'jakarta.activation'
I did some digging and found out the following:
java.ws.rs pulls in one of the following (it depends on which app):
Their module-info.java files contain this line:
requires transitive java.xml.bind;
Which pulls in one of:
Which all have this line:
requires transitive jakarta.activation;
And that's where I give up. Our libraries are big hefty things that are hard to parse completely, so to simplify I created a maven app with just one class and all it does is import javax.ws.rs.core.Link.
And IntelliJ still gives that crazy error that I can't figure out and Google has been adamant in refusing to tell me.
Is it really broken or is Intellij just as confused as I?
I gave the long story both to show what we've done and to let you know that I'm very new to modules. So if it's a simple thing, please excuse me. I am just stumped though.
Additionally, are there any obvious tests one can perform at the command line to validate module configuration?
I've had inconsistent luck with jdeps, javac, and actually running as indicators of problems.
My suspicion is that things only work now because they're all in the unnamed module. But I need to get everything working if I'm going to convince anyone to change it.
This question was reported as already answered, but that is incorrect. The suggested link deals with two different packages (A & B) importing package X. But in my case, the error is that the same package (A & A) imports package X. And this is done a few transitives down, so I have no control over the imports and can't see how to do an exclusion. Also, this problem can be repeated with just single requires statement in module-info.java!
Plus, there is a second question here that is also important that has not been addressed: how to validate the module configuration from command line (without involving the IDE at all).
I also determined that the "java" folder, as "source root", should be renamed to the name of the module
No, it should not. The java source root should be left as is but you must create a package name corresponding to your module name, so it should be /src/main/java/ - source root and then utils/lib1 directory - whidh would be the package.
I came across exact same warning in Intellij and it was genuine. In my case the collision was coming from three separate dependencies using same module name (i.e. 'jakarta.activation'):
It got it resolved for my project by applying explicit exclusions on dependencies which were pulling the last two.
I had to include some bittorrent java library to my Android project. My workspace: Android Studio 1.0.2 (osx) and jdk8. I've connected its maven-repository (ttorrent:1.4) with Gradle and after starting using main classes and features i've got an error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method encodeHex([BZ)[C in class Lorg/apache/commons/codec/binary/Hex; or its super classes (declaration of 'org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex' appears in /system/framework/ext.jar).
I went to library's code and find out that it's using org.apache.commons.codec from where ttorrent is importing encodeHex and calling it. Looks like binaryHex method is gone! Or it never been. But I went to commons.codec's code and found binaryHex in its place and with arguments that I was looking for. How come? Why? My Android Studio found it. But java runtime not.
In fact, the decision was more difficult than I thought. Let's start with the fact that I came across an article by Dieser Beitrag'a, from which it is clear that not one I had similar problems. The whole thing turned out that within the Android operating system already has some libraries that have a higher priority use, rather than loaded with dependencies along with the application. Among them there and my org.apache.commons.codec.
Yes, such things.
To solve the problem in two ways, either you need to pump source code library and using some tool to rename the project (i.e. org.apache.commons.codec to org.apache.commons.codec.android), collected it to a .jar file, include .jar in a project and at code use imports of the necessary classes only "our" library, or just get the required class to your project and do not pull a megabytes of unneeded code. However, I did just that.
Thanks for help!
Has someone tried to use MessagePack with an Android app?
Is it possible? I have tried to use the Jar from msgpack-java and received the following Exception:
Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.msgpack.Packer.pack(Packer.java:532)
at org.msgpack.MessagePack.pack(MessagePack.java:31)
... 15 more
Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.msgpack.template.TemplateRegistry.<clinit>(TemplateRegistry.java:38)
... 17 more
Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: org.msgpack.template.BeansFieldEntryReader
at org.msgpack.template.builder.BeansTemplateBuilder.<init (BeansTemplateBuilder.java:42)
at org.msgpack.template.builder.BuilderSelectorRegistry.initForJava(BuilderSelectorRegistry.java:73)
at org.msgpack.template.builder.BuilderSelectorRegistry.<clinit>(BuilderSelectorRegistry.java:38)
... 18 more
The code that I use is very simple
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream());
Message msg = new Message();
msg.body = "asdasdasd";
msg.from = "qwe";
msg.to = "ttt";
byte[] bytes = MessagePack.pack(msg);
I have javassist.jar, msgpack-0.5.2.jar, slf4j-api-1.6.2.jar and slf4j-jdk14-1.6.2.jar in my lib directory.
In my server application this code works fine with the same libraries.
(Hopefully) FINAL UPDATE
msgpack : 0.6.8 works on Android without any problems
msgpack-rpc : 0.7.0 works on Android with one caveat.
Specifically, you need to add the following to onCreate for API Level 8 (Android 2.2.1), and possibly lower:
java.lang.System.setProperty("java.net.preferIPv4Stack", "true");
java.lang.System.setProperty("java.net.preferIPv6Addresses", "false");
due to this bug.
If you want to see a simple example, here's a pair of projects set up for this purpose:
Previous Versions
UPDATE: as of 0.6.7 msgpack should be compatible with Android (there is a small dependency exclusion issue). Check the text below for msgpack-rpc (which also might be adapted in the future).
NOTE: If you're also using msgpack-rpc, you need to do the following steps:
Download the msgpack-rpc source from git://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-rpc.git (specifically, the "java" folder).
Change the main msgpack artifact version to the one you've built.
In org.msgpack.rpc.loop.netty.NettyEventLoop, change the NioClientSocketChannelFactory to OioClientSocketChannelFactory(getWorkerExecutor()).
Build the MessagePack-RPC in the same way as in the case of the main MessagePack JAR (see Step 11 above).
The NettyEventLoop replacement is due to this issue:
http://markmail.org/message/ypa3nrr64kzsyfsa .
Important: I've only tested synchronous communication. Asynchronous might not work.
And here's the reason for msgpack not working with Android prior to 0.6.7:
The reason for the error is that MessagePack uses several java.beans classes that are not included in the Android SDK. You're probably using the MessagePackBeans annotation.
This is a similar problem to the one described here, for which the general solution is outlined here. Unfortunately, in our case it requires a rebuild of msgpack. Here's what I did (you can almost certainly skip Steps 5 and 8, but I haven't tried it that way) :
Download the MessagePack source from https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-java.git.
Import the MessagePack source as a project in your IDE.
Download the Apache Harmony source for the relevant packages from http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/harmony/enhanced/java/trunk/classlib/modules/beans/src/main/java .
Copy these packages into your MessagePack project's src/main/java folder:
In your MessagePack project, remove the following classes:
Rename the java.beans packages to something different, e.g. custom.beans .
Change all java.beans references to the renamed ID, so again e.g. custom.beans. This applies especially to BeansFieldEntryReader (this class is the reason for the original error).
Change the custom.beans references for the five classes you removed in Step 5 back to java.beans.
In the org.apache.harmony.beans.internal.nls.Messages class, comment out the method setLocale, and remove the imports associated with it.
Remove all classes that still have errors, except Encoder. In that class, comment out all references to the classes you've removed. You should now have an error-free project.
Build the MessagePack JAR:
If you're using Maven, change the version in the pom.xml to something unique, run Maven build with the install goal, then add the dependency in your Android project with that version.
If you're not using Maven, you have to run the jar goal for Ant with the included build.xml. Replace the msgpack JAR in your Android project with this one.
If you're publishing your app, remember to include the relevant legal notice for Apache Harmony. It's an Apache License, just like MessagePack.
That should do it. Using your example code, and my own data class, I was successfully able to pack and unpack data.
The entire renaming ritual is due to the fact that the DEX compiler complains about java.* package naming.
There is a critical msgpack bug saying data packed with msgpack will get corrupted on the Dalvik VM. http://jira.msgpack.org/browse/MSGPACK-51
There is an ongoing effort by #TheTerribleSwiftTomato and the MessagePack core team to get MessagePack working on Android, please see the related GitHub issue. The fix mentioned in #TheTerribleSwiftTomato's answer is to be found here.
I've managed to get it at least running on Android by (painstakingly) adding all the necessary javassist Classes which are currently required for the build to succeed. An extra 600KB gain in size, yet at least it seems to work. All in all, it appears to be working to some extent on Android, eventually check out the lesser-known resources about Message Pack such as its User Group and its Wiki for more information.
On a side-note, be sure to use a HTTP Request Library (such as LoopJ's Android Async HTTP or Apache's HttpClient) which can handle binary data.
Last but not least you can ping me if there is interest in this jar which makes MessagePack seemingly work on Android – credits go out of course to #TheTerribleSwiftTomato who supplied the fix above!
I suggest you write this in the main proguard-rules file-
-dontwarn org.msgpack.**
-keep class org.msgpack.** { *; }
I am building an Android hello world application in Netbeans. It's building properly and I am able to run in the emulator also.
But when creating and running the Junit test I get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.
How can I fix this problem?
Check the manifest of your test project, for example HelloWorldTest/AndroidManifest.xml. The android:targetPackage attribute of the instrumentation markup should target the package in your application, for example, com.example.helloworld. Not the test package of your test project (eg. com.example.helloworld.test).
Simply AndroidManifest.xml -> manifest -> package of main application should match AndroidManifest.xml -> manifest -> instrumentation -> android:targetPackage of the test application.
The full error message contains the name of the class, that wasn't found on the classpath. Double check if the classpath that is used for running the test includes all required classes and libraries (your class files, junit.jar, android specific libaries).
I find that a rebuild usually finds the classes (as it is a classpath issue). Netbeans seems to aggressively compile existing tests, but the main source code (from a maven setting at least) is not always available.
I've started running full builds to try address this. There might be a plugin that addresses this but I haven't found it yet.
EDIT: This might help.
I don't know about netbeans specifics, but the problem is probably the same.
FragmentActivity can not be tested via ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2
Your test project can be using a different android compatibility library than your main project, and that causes this weird errors.