Maven 2 dependency problem - java

I'm merging two projects into one(mergin project1 into project2). Now I'm going to copy all dependencies from project1 pom into project2 pom, like :
And some others. The build is successful the thing in eclipse annoys me so much like when hovering over import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException:
The import org.apache.commons.configuration cannot be resolved
But the build still succeds, what can I do to get rid of these?

If you use m2eclipse, you need to click Maven -> Update Dependencies.
Otherwise I guess you need to regenerate the Eclipse project with mvn eclipse:eclipse.

Try doing 'mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse'. That will force maven to delete all of the old eclipse configurations for your project and rebuild them from scratch.

Maybe try to edit POM by inserting whitespace and saving it. It should trigger rebuilding of the project. There is also a "Refresh Dependencies" option in m2eclipse plugin.
I had similiar problems when I used Eclipse integrated with Maven and the 1st technique usually helped.

Make sure a build is done successfully and ensure that on your Package Explorer the org.apache.commons jar is found under the Maven Dependencies section (given you have m2eclipse plugin installed in your eclipse)

What version of Eclipse, mvn and m2eclipse? Might want to double-check those.
You shouldn't need to do mvn eclipse:eclipse anymore - that's obsolete. You can try deleting your Eclipse project files and reopening the project (settings, project, classpath).


How to do Maven Clean and maven update project in Intellij idea

I am shifted from eclipse to intellij idea to work with my Spring boot project. there i found only maven clean option, but I am unable to find out how to do maven update. instead there it has maven build option, the build option created .class files. But i need to update only my dependencies.
To update the dependency it is enough to update its version in pom.xml and invoke Reload All Maven Projects action in Maven tool window. If dependency is not updated there is some problem.
step by step :
and your enter : mvn clean update
inside in IntelliJ, instead of Using maven update, we are using the maven install. so that it will install all the dependencies and update the project.

IntelliJ Idea not resolving Mockito and JUnit dependencies with Maven

I am using IntelliJ idea for writing simple unit test cases using JUnit and Mockito. I am using Maven for dependency management.
IntelliJ idea keeps complaining that following imports cannot be resolved:
import org.junit.Test; //Cannot resolve symbol 'Test'
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; //Cannot resolve symbol 'mockito'
Following is the dependencies section of my project:
<!-- Dependency for JUnit -->
<!-- Dependency for Mockito -->
Following is my project structure:
Try View -> Tool Windows -> Maven projects, then click the blue icon in the top left of the tool window (Reimport all Maven projects). You should be able to find the dependencies in the project view, under external libraries.
If this does not work, there is probably something wrong with your maven config (pom.xml). Try mvn clean install from the command line see if it gives any errors.
My IDE was not resolving JUnit & Mockito dependencies. Tried reimport in IntelliJ and mvn clean install multiple times which didn't help. Reimport worked for me, but with the following steps.
Please be aware that you will lose any run configurations that you have created.
Close IntelliJ
Go to Project Folder and remove .idea folder (rm -rf ./idea)
Import Maven project again (You will need to add back any run configurations that were deleted)
I solved this problem by adding mockito to module I used. Just go to File -> Project structure and in Modules add mockito to your selected module - the one in which you use mockito (usually Test).
You can also use command
mvn -U idea:idea
This command forces a check for missing dependencies and helps in resolving them.
Restartig intellIJ fixed that for me
For me, I deleted org.mockito package from m2 repository and then did mvn clean install.
this reimport the package.
Try using lower versions of junit and mockito.
The latest versions weren't working in my project but it worked once I used lower versions.
Few other things you can do:
After adding the dependency just make sure to update the maven
project. (right-click on project folder -> Maven -> Reload project)
You can also try clicking on the tiny m symbol on the top right to
load maven changes or select maven button to get clean+install
options and click play button.

maven- not downloading new added dependency in pom.xml file

I need new third party jar for reading csv in maven based project. So, I did entry in pom.xml for same as below.
But when I run mvn install or mvn package command, It does not download newly added dependency and just build project and generate war.
I am trying to get the issue! Please share solution if anybody face this earlier!
Try running a forced update:
mvn clean install -U
The -U (uppercase U) forces maven to look at all dependencies and try to update them.
If the dependency is defined in a <dependencies> block that is within a <dependencyManagement> block, adding it without the version number to a <dependencies> block that is outside <dependencyManagement> may fix the problem.
This is because the purpose of <dependencyManagement> block is to manage dependency versions, and not to install the dependencies. See this other article: Differences between dependencyManagement and dependencies in Maven
I resolved this issue by following steps:
1). Remove concerned jar from local /m2 folder.
2). Run mvn eclipse:eclipse command
3). And last run: mvn clean install
Now I am looking for concerned jar in my project class path!
If you are using IntelliJ Idea as your editor then simply follow 3 simple steps:
Right click on your project
Select Maven (last option probably)
Select "Reload project"
And that's it, IntelliJ Idea will download the dependencies and now you can proceed further.
Menu -> Project -> Clean -> Select the project
Right Click on the project -> Maven -> Maven clean
Right Click on the project -> Maven -> Maven install
Happened to me and it has fixed my problem. Hope it helps you.
I deleted .m2 folder and then from eclipse ran maven install then took maven update project. It resolved my issue and jar file got downloaded.
You can usually resolve these errors by updating Maven dependencies as follows:
Right-click on your top-level project (not on the pom.xml file) in the Project Explorer view.
From the menu, choose Maven > Update project
Make sure ForceUpdate of Snapshots/Releases is checked, and click OK.
You'll see a progress indicator in the lower-right-hand corner of the application window. When the update completes, you should be able to generate code normally, and the error markers should disappear.
In IntelliJ
Right-click on your root folder of the project in the Project Explorer view. From the menu, choose Maven > Reload project.
After that, your new dependencies will be downloaded. Then you should be able to generate code normally, and all the error markers will disappear.

IntelliJ IDEA creates wrong maven snapshot dependencies

Why it could be that IDEA is creating maven snapshot dependencies with a path like: (the first time only for 4 out of ~10 dependencies)
I fixed them by hand in the .ipr file just to see, what will happen. I wrote:
and after opening IDEA, the references in java code worked fine, but under Maven Projects the dependencies were marked red. After clicking on Reimport All Maven Projects the wrong dependencies came back - now not only the 4, but almost all snapshots I am referencing.
I have looked in the pom.xml files, the version in the dependencies is always 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT.
File/Settings.../Maven/Allways update snapshots
This did it for me + hope that can help (even me in the future).
Build your project using maven
mvn clean install
now all the dependencies downloaded to your local Maven repository.(you can define it.)
Then all the dependencies are in one location. Go to module(project) properties in IntelliJ IDEA by right click on that project. set your local repository as maven repository. Then re import dependencies. Now you solved that issue. If you have more issues leave a comment here

Successful build in Maven still showing errors in Eclipse

I'm having something quite peculiar here, my build is successful in maven when I type "mvn clean install" however once imported into Eclipse it's showing errors.
See for yourself:
I guess exluding quartz from the `pom.xml solved the problem but I'd like to know why.
PS: Here is the pom.xml in case you want to see it:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
As you can see quartz is here:
Updating maven project after importing it has fixed this issue for me:
Right click on the project --> Maven --> Update project.
Sometimes I get these types of issues as well.
Generally, what worked best for me with Eclipse & Maven:
Use the latest m2e Eclipse plugin
Use Maven 3
Make sure m2e uses the same Maven version as the one you're using on the command line (not the internal one)
Import projects as Maven projects to generate the Eclipse project files
The other upvoted answers did not work for me using these versions:
Eclipse Neon
Maven 3
m2e 1.7
This is what I had to do:
Delete the Eclipse project from Eclipse interface (do not delete project contents on disk)
Go to the project's root directory in a file explorer or terminal
Delete these files: .classpath, .project, and .settings directory
Back to Eclipse, File -> Import... -> Maven -> Existing Maven projects
If you don't see any error in Eclipse project but it keeps showing the red icon on your project name. Try mvn eclipse:eclipse.
Then select all projects in Eclipse, Right click > Maven > Update projects
Hope it helps.
You should try mvn eclipse:eclipse
And then make sure the M2_REPO variable is point to your local repository.
sometimes maven update nor all above works.
so check which import statement gives you error, then go particular lib file which is usually in c:user/ur-PC-NAME/.m2 get into package delete that .jar file.
then in eclipse, right click on project > maven > update maven.
Sometimes the m2e "maintained" eclipse project is out-of-sync with the actual project in POM (There are lots of reason for that). Assume you have using m2e 0.8 or later, right click on the project, under Maven, there are two entries that are usually useful. They are Update Dependencies and Update Project Configuration
Have a try on them, wait a while after u clicked that for eclipse to update the project and build. Normally it solves similar problems.
That often happens when the m2eclipse hasn't updated the build path to correspond to what a modified POM file says. There's an entry in the Maven context menu to update the Configuration.
In my case,
I just deleted project from Eclipse (not ticked checkbox to delete
from project location).
Opened project as "Existing Maven Project" again.
and it solved my issue.
I found that my project was using a project specific Java Compiler setting set to Java 1.5. Furthermore, the project facets were still referencing Java 1.5 when Maven, m2e, Eclipse general Java Compiler settings were all set to Java 1.8.
In my case there were also problems with Java build path like the following:
"Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment." Fixing this resolved compilation errors.
You've a library (quartz-1.5.2.jar) that's reference to your m2 local repository which doesn't exist if you just remove the quartz from your build path and update your dependencies internally(in eclipse) that would solve the problem
Try to use different/older version of JRE. In my case switching back to JRE7 from JRE8 eliminated the problem.
Delete and Re-Import the project in eclipse (without deleting files of course). Unlike other answers I have not looked into why this happens but it works. poof - compilations errors be-gone
It may help: After upgrading eclipse or changing it or something like, old eclipse specific files (.classpath, .project, and .settings) may not be compatible to the new version of eclipse. So you may have to re generate this eclipse specific files using Maven. So try this in your eclipse project root
mvn eclipse:eclipse
In my case, eclipse starts to show all errors after I changed some versions of dependencies in pom.xml, however the command line mvn clean install build successfully
I deleted folders of the dependencies I changed manually from the .m2 repositories (in my case everything under org.apache.beam), because I also has corrupted dependency issues.
mvn clean build the project, this downloaded the dependencies again
right click project: maven -> update project
delete the project from eclipse (but not from disk) and reimport (this actually left me with 1 error still, then i delete and reimported again)
Go to Eclipse> Project (Menu) > Clean... > Select project to clean
This also removes invalid errors from Eclipse.
For me Right click on the project --> Maven --> Update project with the "Force Update of Snapshots/Releases" checkmarked worked.
Some times, eclipse's validation causing these errors.
You can disable them by going to Menu>window>preferences>validation and uncheck suspend all validators or disable them one by one for builds.
E.G, every time You build the project eclipse does not validate your files and does not show up those errors.
This worked for me
Delete the Eclipse project from Eclipse interface (do not delete
project contents on disk)
Go to the project's root directory in a
file explorer or terminal
Delete these files: .classpath, .project,
and .settings directory
Back to Eclipse, File -> Import... -> Maven
-> Existing Maven projects
Got the same problem, I deleted the project from my workspace (not on disk), opened the project folder and deleted the files .project, .classpath and the folder named .settings.
Now goto eclipse again, import the same project again and viola my error is gone!
