passing values between two jsp files - java

<% if(empRecNum != null && !(empRecNum.equals("")))
boolean canModify = UTIL.hasSecurity("PFTMODFY") && empSelected;
<script type="text/javascript">
function add(){
On the click of add button, i need to pass the boolean value to another jsp and then go on with the df servlet function.

pass in URL like
access param from second jsp
Store it in cookie
Persist it in DB

I found this, which may help:


send values from javascript page to servlet page at run-time

window.onload = loadResTimeData;
function loadResTimData() {
var e = window.performance.getEntriesByType("resource");
if (window.console) {
console.log("Resource Timming");
var perf_data = "";
var name, load, connection, request, fetch;
for (var i in e) {
if (e[i].name == "document") {
name = e[i].name.replace(/^.*\/|\.$/g, '') + ":";
load = e[i].duration;
request = e[i].responseEnd - e[i].requestStart;
fetch = e[i].responseEnd - e[i].fetchStart;
var s1={"Name": name, "CONNECTION":connection, "REQUEST":request, "LOAD":load, "FETCH":fetch};
var String1=JSON.stringify(s1);
console.log("Resource:" + name);
console.log("User Time:" + load);
console.log("Connection:" + connection);
console.log("Request Time:" + request);
console.log("Fetch Time:" + fetch);
url:"Final", //Final is my servlet page
datatype: "json"
This code calculates different response times when a web page is loaded and sends the data back to the servlet page.
This data i am printing on console(Console.log values), I want to send it to my servlet page in json format.
I tried doing it using jquery ajax, but the value didnot get passed to my servlet page.
Now I came accross various links where many people gave example on how to do it. But problem is
that all examples will be trigerred by clicking on the button. For that i need a form or may be some other thing
But in my application I want the data to be passed to my servlet page once the window.onload function is
trigerred; where I dont need a form or textfield. Also please let me know what exactly do i need to call at my server end(request.getparameter(???))
I am sharing the links i referred.
<script src=""></script>
<title>JSP Page</title>
<script language='JavaScript'>
onclick=' window.onload';
Also I had people telling me to use cookies. I created cookies but my servlet page was not able to read it.
Someone suggested I can use hidden fields as well.
You can understand I am a mess right now. Please help as to where am I going wrong or what do i need to do now....

populate hidden input form fields based on URLparameters

I have a ppc landing page that I want to change the hidden value of a form field based on the URL parameter.
The field
<input id="Campaign_ID" name="Campaign_ID" type="hidden" value="7g012455dv5441vdf">
The URL would be something like
There will be other field "values" that are also based on the URL parameter, so it has to tie the "input id" (or name) to that specific value.
EDIT: There was an error in my code.
PHP would be the easiest!
echo '<input id="Campaign_ID" name="Campaign_ID" type="hidden" value="'. $_GET['campaignidvalue'].'"/>';
This block will check to see if the value is passed in a GET parameter, and then echo it out into a hidden form field.
The first part:
Is checking to see if a parameter named Campaign_ID is being passed.
So your URL of:
Would allow the code to continue, as it is not empty.
This section is the part that actually displays it on the page.
echo '<input id="Campaign_ID" name="Campaign_ID" type="hidden" value="'. $_GET['campaignidvalue'].'"/>';
If you view the source of the HTML page, you would see
By using this function:
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp(regexS);
var results = regex.exec(;
if(results == null) {
return "";
} else {
return decodeURIComponent(results[1]);
You'll be able to get any URL parameter by name, like so:
var cid = getParameterByName(campaignidvalue);
Then, once you have the value you can use jQuery to set it, like so:
$(function() {

Retrieve map attribute from page to page JSP

i am trying to get retrieve attributes which are being put into a map. However i keep getting null when i try to debug it by putting it in an alert. Any help will be appreciated, thank you!
First jsp
//Map newSurvey = new LinkedHashMap();
Map newSurvey = new HashMap();
newSurvey.put("description", request.getParameter("description"));
newSurvey.put("startDate", request.getParameter("start_datetime"));
newSurvey.put("endDate", request.getParameter("end_datetime"));
newSurvey.put("maxParticipant", request.getParameter("max_participant"));
newSurvey.put("minAge", request.getParameter("min_age"));
newSurvey.put("maxAge", request.getParameter("max_age"));
newSurvey.put("preSurveyText", request.getParameter("pre_survey_text"));
request.setAttribute("myMap", newSurvey);
window.location = 'Survey_Questions.jsp';
Second jsp (to retrieve) i used a javascript to see if i am able to retrieve it
function testGet(){
Map myMap = (Map)request.getParameter("myMap");
String description = (String) myMap.get("description");
On first page you are using: request.setAttribute("myMap", newSurvey);.
So you must have to use request.getAttribute("myMap"); on second page.
window.location = 'Survey_Questions.jsp';
Will just redirect to a page and it will not pass your request object to other documents.
Instead you can use below lines of code:
RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("Survey_Questions.jsp");
rd.forward(request, response);
RequestDispatcher helps you to forward your request to other pages.
Also, use getAttribute instead of getParameter as you have used setAttribute to set myMap on First.jsp.

How to create a form with dynamic parameters using javascript?

I am trying to create a form using java script, the form is created but the dynamic param values to the form are not replaced. The following is my form....
var formVar='<form:form name="service_form" commandName="command1" action="/serviceProcess" method="post">';
formVar+='<label for="'+ paramsdata[2] + '">'+paramsdata[3]+'</label><br/>';
formVar+='<form:input type='+paramsdata[2]+' path="webParamMap['+paramsdata[2]+'].webValue" value='+ paramsdata[5] +' class="input"></form:input><br>' ;
formVar+='<label for=" '+paramsdata[2]+' ">'+paramsdata[3]+'</label><br/>';
formVar+='<div id="select">';
formVar+='<form:select path="webParamMap[' +paramsdata[2] + '].webValue">';
formVar+='<form:option value='+paramdata[8]+'>'+paramdata[9]+'</form:option>';
In the above form the label tag values(dynamic param values) are updated but the form:input and select tag values(dynamic param values) are not updated in the output.
please help me how to create these tags with dynamic parameters ?
This is server-side Java.
Your Javascript is client-side only.
With following script each element is getting its right value. I wonder why are you using "
var paramsdata = new Array();;
var formVar='<form:form name="service_form" commandName="command1" action="/serviceProcess" method="post">';
formVar+='<label for="'+ paramsdata[2] + '">'+paramsdata[3]+'</label><br/>';
formVar+='<form:input type='+paramsdata[2]+' path="webParamMap['+paramsdata[2]+'].webValue" value='+ paramsdata[5] +' class="input"></form:input><br>' ;
formVar+='<label for=" '+paramsdata[2]+' ">'+paramsdata[3]+'</label><br/>';
formVar+='<div id="select">';
formVar+='<form:select path="webParamMap[' +paramsdata[2] + '].webValue">';
formVar+='<form:option value='+paramsdata[8]+'>'+paramsdata[9]+'</form:option>';
document.body.innerHTML = formVar;
//helper function to create the form
function getNewSubmitForm(){
var submitForm = document.createElement("FORM");
submitForm.method = "POST";
return submitForm;
//helper function to add elements to the form
function createNewFormElement(inputForm, elementName, elementValue){
var newElement = document.createElement("<input name='"+elementName+"' type='hidden'>");
newElement.value = elementValue;
return newElement;
//function that creates the form, adds some elements
//and then submits it
function createFormAndSubmit(){
var submitForm = getNewSubmitForm();
createNewFormElement(submitForm, "field1", "somevalue");
createNewFormElement(submitForm, "field2", "somevalue");
submitForm.action= "someURL";
<input type="button" value="Click to create form and submit" onclick="createFormAndSubmit()">

How to prevent client from accessing JSP page

In my web application, I use the .load() function in JQuery, to load some JSP pages inside a DIV.
In chat.jsp, no Java codes is executed unless this client has Logged in, means, I check the session.
String sessionId = session.getAttribute("SessionId");
//execute codes
//redirect to log in page
Those java codes that will be executed, they will out.println(); some HTML elements.
I don't want the client to write /chat.jsp in the browser to access this page, as it will look bad, and the other stuff in the main page won't be there, and this could do a harm to the web app security.
How can I restrict someone from accessing chat.jsp directly, but yet keep it accessible via .load() ?
JavaDB is a class that I made, it connects me to the Database.
This is chat.jsp
String userId = session.getAttribute("SessionId").toString();
if (userId != null) {
String roomId = request.getParameter("roomId");
String lastMessageId = request.getParameter("lastMessageId");
JavaDB myJavaDB = new JavaDB();
myJavaDB.Connect("Chat", "chat", "chat");
Connection conn = myJavaDB.getMyConnection();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
String lastId = "";
int fi = 0;
ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery("select message,message_id,first_name,last_name from users u,messages m where u.user_id=m.user_id and m.message_id>" + lastMessageId + " and room_id=" + roomId + " order by m.message_id asc");
while ( {
fi = 1;
lastId = rset.getString(2);
<div class="message">
<div class="messageSender">
<%=rset.getString(3) + " " + rset.getString(4)%>
<div class="messageContents">
<% }
<div class="lastId">
<% if (fi == 1) {%>
<% } else {%>
<% }%></div>
<% if (fi == 1) {%>
<div class="messages">
<% }
} else {
Guys I don't know what Filter means.
If I decided to send a parameter that tells me that this request came from Jquery.
.load("chat.jsp", { jquery : "yes" });
And then check it in chat.jsp
String yesOrNo = request.getParameter("jquery");
Then they can simply hack this by using this URL.
or something like that..
I tried Maksim's advice, I got this when I tried to access chat.jsp.
Is this the desired effect?
In order to achieve this in my application I check for X-Requested-With field in http header the client sends to my page in its request. If its value is XMLHttpRequest, then it's very likely that it came from an ajax request (jQuery appends this header to its requests), otherwise I don't serve the page. Regular (direct) browser requests will leave this header field blank.
In ASP.Net it looks like this, you will have to change your code slightly for JSP:
if (Request.Headers["X-Requested-With"] != "XMLHttpRequest")
Response.Write("AJAX Request only.");
UPD: After quick googling your code will probably be something like this
out.println("AJAX Request only.");
UPD2: Looks like request.getHeader("X-Requested-With") returns null in your case change the condition to something like this:
String ajaxRequest = request.getHeader("X-Requested-With");
if(ajaxRequest == null || !ajaxRequest.equals("XMLHttpRequest")){
Is your code snippet a servlet? If that's so, use a security framework (such as Spring Security) or a javax.servlet.Filter for applying security, then you can apply security to JSPs too.
you should use Filter. Check session in filter code and redirect to login.
according to
JQuery gives you the tools you need to create a request and retrieve a response through it's ajax library. The raw $.ajax call gives you all kinds of callbacks to manipulate http messages.
So you can add a custom request header in your Ajaxa call like this
beforeSend: function (request)
request.setRequestHeader("Authority", "AJAXREQUEST");
And then in your servlet check to see if the request has the header Authority equals to AJAXREQUEST. This is how you read request headers
