BigIntegers to the power of BigIntegers - java

I am trying to implement either the Fermat, Miller-Rabin, or AKS algorithm in Java using the BigInteger class.
I think I have the Fermat test implemented except that the BigInteger class doesn't allow taking BigIntegers to the power of BigIntegers (one can only take BigIntegers to the power of primitive ints). Is there a way around this?
The problematic line is denoted in my code:
public static boolean fermatPrimalityTest(BigInteger n)
BigInteger a;
Random rand = new Random();
int maxIterations = 100000;
for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) {
a = new BigInteger(2048, rand);
// PROBLEM WITH a.pow(n) BECAUSE n IS NOT A BigInteger
boolean test = ((a.pow(n)).minus(BigInteger.ONE)).equals((BigInteger.ONE).mod(n));
if (!test)
return false;
return true;

I think BigInteger.modPow might be what you're looking for. Note the "mod m" in Fermat's test.

One of the primality tests is built into BigInteger.isProbablePrime(). Not sure which one, you'd have to look at the source.
Also, you can raise a number to a power by multiplying. For example: 2^100 = 2^50 * 2^50. So pull out pieces of your BigInteger power and loop until you've used it up. But are you sure you don't mean to use BigInteger.modPow(), which takes BigIntegers? It looks like you are, based on your test.

You'll have to implement your own pow() method. Look at the sources of BigInteger.pow() as a starting point.


How to calculate 2 to-the-power N where N is a very large number

I need to find 2 to-the-power N where N is a very large number (Java BigInteger type)
Java BigInteger Class has pow method but it takes only integer value as exponent.
So, I wrote a method as follows:
static BigInteger twoToThePower(BigInteger n)
BigInteger result = BigInteger.valueOf(1L);
while (n.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE)) > 0)
result = result.shiftLeft(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
n = n.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE));
long k = n.longValue();
result = result.shiftLeft((int) k);
return result;
My code works fine, I am just sharing my idea and curious to know if there is any other better idea?
Thank you.
You cannot use BigInteger to store the result of your computation. From the javadoc :
BigInteger must support values in the range -2^Integer.MAX_VALUE (exclusive) to +2^Integer.MAX_VALUE (exclusive) and may support values outside of that range.
This is the reason why the pow method takes an int. On my machine, BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(Integer.MAX_VALUE) throws a java.lang.ArithmeticException (message is "BigInteger would overflow supported range").
Emmanuel Lonca's answer is correct. But, by Manoj Banik's idea, I would like to share my idea too.
My code do the same thing as Manoj Banik's code in faster way. The idea is init the buffer, and put the bit 1 in to correct location. I using the shift left operator on 1 byte instead of shiftLeft method.
Here is my code:
static BigInteger twoToThePower(BigInteger n){
BigInteger eight = BigInteger.valueOf(8);
BigInteger[] devideResult = n.divideAndRemainder(eight);
BigInteger bufferSize = devideResult[0].add(BigInteger.ONE);
int offset = devideResult[1].intValue();
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize.intValueExact()];
buffer[0] = (byte)(1 << offset);
return new BigInteger(1,buffer);
But it still slower than BigInteger.pow
Then, I found that class BigInteger has a method called setBit. It also accepts parameter type int like the pow method. Using this method is faster than BigInteger.pow.
The code can be:
static BigInteger twoToThePower(BigInteger n){
return BigInteger.ZERO.setBit(n.intValueExact());
Class BigInteger has a method called modPow also. But It need one more parameter. This means you should specify the modulus and your result should be smaller than this modulus. I did not do a performance test for modPow, but I think it should slower than the pow method.
By using repeated squaring you can achieve your goal. I've posted below sample code to understand the logic of repeated squaring.
static BigInteger pow(BigInteger base, BigInteger exponent) {
BigInteger result = BigInteger.ONE;
while (exponent.signum() > 0) {
if (exponent.testBit(0)) result = result.multiply(base);
base = base.multiply(base);
exponent = exponent.shiftRight(1);
return result;
An interesting question. Just to add a little more information to the fine accepted answer, examining the openjdk 8 source code for BigInteger reveals that the bits are stored in an array final int[] mag;. Since arrays can contain at most Integer.MAX_VALUE elements this immediately puts a theoretical bound on this particular implementation of BigInteger of 2(32 * Integer.MAX_VALUE). So even your method of repeated left-shifting can only exceed the size of an int by at most a factor of 32.
So, are you ready to produce your own implementation of BigInteger?

Random number array with lazy initialization

For a distributed application project I want to have two instances share the same/know (pseudo-)random numbers.
This can be achieved by using the same seed for the random number generator (RNG). But this only works if both applications use the RNG output in the same order. In my case this is hard or even impossible.
Another way of doing this is would be (psedocode):
int[] rndArray;
for(...) {
rndArray[i] = rng.nextInt();
Now both applications would have the same array of random numbers and my problem would be solved.
BUT the array would have to be large, very large. This is where the lazy initialization part comes in: How can I write a class that where rndArray.get(i) is always the same random number (depending on the seed) without generating all values between 0 and i-1?
I am using JAVA or C++, but this problem should be solvable in most programming languages.
You can use a formula based on a random seed.
public static int generate(long seed, int index) {
Random rand = new Random(seed + index * SOME_PRIME);
return rand.nextInt();
This will produce the same value for a given seed and index combination. Don't expect it to be very fast however. Another approach is to use a formula like.
public static int generate(long seed, int index) {
double num = seed * 1123529253211.0 + index * 10123457689.0;
long num2 = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(num);
return (int) ((num2 >> 42) ^ (num2 >> 21) ^ num2);
If it's large and sparse you can use a hash table (downside: the numbers you get depend on your access pattern).
Otherwise you could recycle the solution to a problem from the Programming Pearls (search for something like "programming pearls initialize array"), but it wastes memory iirc.
Last solution I can think of, you could use a random generator which can efficiently jump to a specified position - the one at is decently fast, but it generates 16 numbers at a time; anything better?

Pick a number randomly from two numbers

I have two integers, let them be
int a = 35:
int b = 70;
I want to pick one of them randomly at runtime and assign to another variable. I.e.
int c = a or b:
One of the ways that come into my mind is to create an array with these two integers and find a random integer between 0 and 1 and use it as the index of the array to get the number..
Or randomize boolean and use it in if-else.
My question is that is there a better and more efficient way to achieve this? I.e. pick a number from two previously defined integers?
Is there a specific reason you are asking for a more efficient solution? Unless this functionality sits in a very tight inner loop somewhere (e.g. in a ray tracer), you might be trying to prematurely optimize your code.
If you would like to avoid the array, and if you don't like the "bloat" of an if-statement, you can use the ternary choice operator to pick between the two:
int a = 35;
int b = 70;
int c = random.nextBoolean() ? a : b;
where random is an instance of java.util.Random. You can store this instance as a final static field in your class to reuse it.
If you don't require true randomness, but just want to switch between the two numbers in each invocation of the given block of code, you can get away with just storing a boolean and toggling it:
int c = toggle ? a : b;
toggle = !toggle;
Since I can't comment on other answers, I'd like to point out an issue with some of the other answers that suggest generating a random integer in a bigger range and making a decision based on whether the result is odd or even, or if it's lower or greater than the middle value. This is in effect the exact same thing as generating a random integer between 0 and 1, except overly complicated. The nextInt(n) method uses the modulo operator on a randomly generated integer between -2^31 and (2^31)-1, which is essentially what you will be doing in the end anyway, just with n = 2.
If you are using the standard library methods like Collections.shuffle(), you will again be overcomplicating things, because the standard library uses the random number generator of the standard library.
Note that all of the suggestions (so far) are less efficient than my simple nextBoolean() suggestion, because they require unnecessary method calls and arithmetic.
Another way to do this is, store the numbers into a list, shuffle, and take the first element.
ArrayList<Integer> numbers=new ArrayList<Integer>();
In my opinion, main problem here is entropy for two numbers rather than making use of that entropy. Indexed array or boolean are essentially the same thing. What else you can do (and, hopefully, it will be more random) is to make Java give you a random number between limits say 0 to 100. Now, if the chosen random number is odd, you pick int c = a. Pick b otherwise. I could be wrong, but picking random between 0 to 100 seems more random as compared to picking random between two numbers.
You can simply use secure random generator( ).
try {
r = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
boolean b1 = r.nextBoolean();
if (b1) {
c = a;
} else {
c = b;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
// Process the exception in some way or the other
Refer this link for more information
Randomize an integer between 1 and 10, if it's more than 5 then take the value of b other wise go with a. As far as I know there are no other ways to select from integers.
int a=1;
int b=2;
int get = new Random().nextBoolean()? a : b;

StackOverflowError computing factorial of a BigInteger?

I am trying to write a Java program to calculate factorial of a large number. It seems BigInteger is not able to hold such a large number.
The below is the (straightforward) code I wrote.
public static BigInteger getFactorial(BigInteger num) {
if (num.intValue() == 0) return BigInteger.valueOf(1);
if (num.intValue() == 1) return BigInteger.valueOf(1);
return num.multiply(getFactorial(num.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(1))));
The maximum number the above program handles in 5022, after that the program throws a StackOverflowError. Are there any other ways to handle it?
The problem here looks like its a stack overflow from too much recursion (5000 recursive calls looks like about the right number of calls to blow out a Java call stack) and not a limitation of BigInteger. Rewriting the factorial function iteratively should fix this. For example:
public static BigInteger factorial(BigInteger n) {
BigInteger result = BigInteger.ONE;
while (!n.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
result = result.multiply(n);
n = n.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
return result;
Hope this helps!
The issue isn't BigInteger, it is your use of a recursive method call (getFactorial()).
Try this instead, an iterative algorithm:
public static BigInteger getFactorial(int num) {
BigInteger fact = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++)
fact = fact.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i));
return fact;
The Guava libraries from Google have a highly optimized implementation of factorial that outputs BigIntegers. Check it out. (It does more balanced multiplies and optimizes away simple shifts.)
Naive implementations of factorial don't work out in real situations.
If you have a serious need, the best thing to do is to write a gamma function (or ln(gamma) function) that will work not only for integers but is also correct for decimal numbers. Memoize results so you don't have to keep repeating calculations using a WeakHashMap and you're in business.

Randomizing a BigInteger

I'm looking to randomize a BigInteger. The intent is to pick a number from 1 to 8180385048. Though, from what I noticed, the BigInteger(BitLen, Random) does it from n to X2-1, I'd want some unpredictable number. I tried to make a method that would do it, but I keep running into bugs and have finally given in to asking on here. :P Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?
Judging from the docs of Random.nextInt(int n) which obviously needs to solve the same problem, they seem to have concluded that you can't do better than "resampling if out of range", but that the penalty is expected to be negligible.
From the docs:
The algorithm is slightly tricky. It rejects values that would result in an uneven distribution (due to the fact that 231 is not divisible by n). The probability of a value being rejected depends on n. The worst case is n=230+1, for which the probability of a reject is 1/2, and the expected number of iterations before the loop terminates is 2.
I'd suggest you simply use the randomizing constructor you mentioned and iterate until you reach a value that is in range, for instance like this:
public static BigInteger rndBigInt(BigInteger max) {
Random rnd = new Random();
do {
BigInteger i = new BigInteger(max.bitLength(), rnd);
if (i.compareTo(max) <= 0)
return i;
} while (true);
public static void main(String... args) {
System.out.println(rndBigInt(new BigInteger("8180385048")));
For your particular case (with max = 8180385048), the probability of having to reiterate, even once, is about 4.8 %, so no worries :-)
Make a loop and get random BigIntegers of the minimum bit length that covers your range until you obtain one number in range. That should preserve the distribution of random numbers.
Reiterating if out of range, as suggested in other answers, is a solution to this problem. However if you want to avoid this, another option is to use the modulus operator:
BigInteger i = new BigInteger(max.bitLength(), rnd);
i = i.mod(max); // Now 0 <= i <= max - 1
i = i.add(BigInteger.ONE); // Now 1 <= i <= max
