Android: setPictureFormat() error - java

I'm a beginner in Andoird, currently trying to write an application using the Camera class of Android in Eclipse. The problem is when I call the parameters.setPictureFormat() method with ImageFormat.JPEG as the argument, I get an error.
Here's how my code looks like:
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int w, int h){
Camera.Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters();
parameters.setPreviewSize(854,480); // (h,w)
parameters.set("jpeg-quality", 100);
parameters.set("orientation", "lanscape");
parameters.set("rotation", 90);
And I get this error in return:
ImageFormat cannot be resolved to a variable
I've tried using PixelFormat.JPEG as well, but I get the same error that says "PixelFormat cannot be resolved to a variable". I've checked, it's not importing android.R. I also tried importing but it doesn't work.
Could anybody help point out what the problem is?

For what target are you trying to build this app? is only available for android 2.2. I suppose your selected target is android 2.0 or below.
Two important points:
For Android 1.5 and Android 1.6, you
can't call setPictureFormat. Only
getPictureFormat is supported.
For Android 2.0 you will need to call
getSupportedPictureFormat to get the
list of formats supported.


Anychart Android Java export chart as SVG or PNG in specific local folder

I was trying to create and save an image with AnyChart for an android application. This image is created without being rendered since the idea is to use the data from a vector to generate the image and save it on the phone's memory. I am using Java for programming the android application.
I have been testing the ".saveAsPng()" and ".saveAsSVG()" functions from the Anychart Library but there has been no success... I don't receive an error but I don't get the image either... and I don't know exactly how to proceed...
I tried to follow this guideline ( but as I said, I haven't succeeded in generating and saving the file.
This is the code that I have been using:
private class CustomDataEntry2 extends ValueDataEntry {
CustomDataEntry2(double x, Number value) {
super(x, value);
List<DataEntry> dataLateral = new ArrayList<>();
for (int p=0; p<DataX.size();p++) {
dataLateral.add(new CustomDataEntry2(DataY.get(p), DataX.get(p)));
AnyChartView anyChartViewLateral = new com.anychart.AnyChartView(this);
anyChartViewLateral.setProgressBar(new ProgressBar(this));
Polar polarLateralImage = AnyChart.polar();
Linear xScaleLateral = Linear.instantiate();
Line polarSeriesLine = polarLateralImage.line(dataLateral);
Could anyone tell me what am I missing or what amb I doing wrong? I know I might be asking too much, but if it were possible, I would be happy if someone could provide a code snippet that works.
Thank you very much!
Unfortunately, the current version of the AnyChart Android native library doesn't support exporting features, it was no implemented yet.

Unity AndroidJavaObject not working without showing errors

I have been trying to call a Java method in unity. Not working for me, even the simplest example from the docs
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
AndroidJavaObject jo = new AndroidJavaObject ("java.lang.String", "some string");
int hash = jo.Call<int> ("hashCode");
Debug.Log ("hash=" + hash);
Unity console prints hash=0, which is not the hash code for provided String. Even if I change and use java.lang.StringInvalidClass as class name, unity still reports same result to the console without notifying errors. I can even try to call toString, toStringa, toInvalid2 and they always return empty string without showing errors.
This is a brand new 2d project with only script displayed above, attached to camara object. I am using Ubuntu, Unity 2019.4 and project platform is Android.
Thanks for the assistance.
Answering myself after some time working with unity.
All examples in the web and unity documentation doesn't mention it, which is weird since it is something simple to mention and about confusions: code needs to run as an android application. Editor or even unity remote does not work, in order to use AndroidJavaObject and related classes, your code needs to run as an android application installed in the phone.

Controlling Brightness of tablet with Qt Android

I tried the Qt forums but with no avail. I'm trying to develop an Android application that one of the functionality is changing the brightness of the tablet backlight. I have successfully written two programs in Android Studio (in Java) using the LayoutParams and Android putInt system brightness to change brightness. The issue comes when I try to move the code to my Qt application. I have the JNI code working and it runs my functions, but when I paste the brightness code in to change brightness method the application fails.
From what I understand of Android and the error statements, my issue (I think) is I am not running the code on the UI thread. I've tried to force my Java method to be a Runnable and use runonUiThread but that doesn't support the ContentResolver or Window because it is not an Activity.
Does anyone have experience with this that can guide me? Or have any experience getting anything in the Android settings to work?
I appreciate everyone helping out,
You could have it in a static Java method like :
package com.MyApp;
public class BrightnessChanger
public static int change(int n)
float brightness = n / (float)255;
WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = getWindow().getAttributes();
lp.screenBrightness = brightness;
You can then call this static Java function from your C++ code :
bool retVal = QAndroidJniObject::callStaticMethod<jint>
("com/MyApp/BrightnessChanger" // class name
, "change" // method name
, "(I)I" // signature
, 50);
Here you pass a value between 1 and 255 to the function.

Citymaps questions on Android studio

I have some new questions in today's citymaps development.
In the Android studio,if I develop the code for citymap, there are always no logs showing but for others that does not happen. Why?
According to the citymaps official website, to create a map instance with CitymapsMapFragment, but in the sample project which citymaps provides, it uses SupportCitymapsMpaFragment ,What is the difference between them?
When the map is loading complete, is it automatically positioning to the current position or some other default position? Where is it?
If I open the GPS location,I can locate to the current position and show a blue arrow quickly, but too much power consumption,are there any other location way like network or base station location?
Code follows:
CitymapsMapFragment fragment = (CitymapsMapFragment)fragmentManager.findFragmentById(;
if (fragment != null) {
I did not find the fragment have the method setMapViewListener but setMapViewReadyListener,does it right?
Other code:
CitymapsMapView mapView = new CitymapsMapView(this, options, this);
When I add animate in additional methods like this:
mapView.setMapPosition(position, 300, new MapViewAnimationListener() {
public void onAnimationEnd(boolean completed) {
Log.d("SomeApp", "Move Complete!");
the project fails and exits,I tried to surround the code with try-catch block to catch exception for purpose, but nothing shows in logcat view. Why?
I am developer on the Citymaps project. I will do my best to answer all your questions
1) If you are not receiving log statements, this is likely an issue with your own application, IDE, or device configuration. In our own application, which uses the Citymaps SDK, we have no issues with logging.
2) Prior to using the Citymaps SDK, it is highly advisable that you familiarize yourself with fragments, but the short version is that SupportCitymapsMapFragment extends from the Fragment class in the v4 support library.
3) It is up to you to set the default position the map.
4) If you create a class which implements from the LocationSource interface, and then call mapView.setLocationSource, you can modify the behaviors of the map's location services. For an example, have a look at, which is the default implementation for this interface used by the SDK.
As for the exception you are having, you have not provided nearly enough information. Please show a stack trace, and I may be able to help.
Thank you for using our SDK, feel free to post again with any more questions.

Android GoogleMap getProjection() not working

This is my first post here, so I hope I'll explain my problem clear enough:
I'm extending the FragmentActivity class to create a HeatMapActivity. In this activity I use a GoogleMap object, which I obtain as follows:
// Try to obtain the map from the SupportMapFragment.
map = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()
Now, after doing a null-Check etc., I'm adding a TileOverlay in the setUpMap() method, as shown below:
// Configure and add overlay
tileProvider = new HeatMapTileProvider(map);
map.addTileOverlay(new TileOverlayOptions()
Ok, so far no problem at all. I implemented the TileProvider interface to provide the tiles for the HeatMap overlay.
I want to use the Projection object for converting latitude/longuitude to and from pixels on the screen. The Projection object should be returned by the getProjection() method of the GoogleMap class.
So now here's the problem: If I use the following code in the HeatMapActivity class, everything is fine:
System.err.println("Test1: " + map.getProjection().fromScreenLocation(new Point(50, 50)));
But if I forward the GoogleMap object to the TileProvider, respectively to the renderer I use, the code is not working anymore:
public byte[] render(int x, int y, int zoom, GoogleMap map) {
System.err.println("Test2: " + map);
System.err.println("Test3: " + map.getProjection().fromScreenLocation(new Point(50, 50)));
I definitely know, that the map parameter is not null (see Test 2), but the code just seems to block when I call getProjection(). There is no error coming up and if I don't use the Projection object, everything else is working fine. I don't have any clue, why I should not be allowed to call getProjection() from another class than the activity...
I am using the ADT bundle for Windows (version x86_64-20130729), Android SDK version from 8 to 17, testing on Android 2.3.5 at the moment. The map is displayed, the needed libraries are included and the permissions are set in the android manifest.
Any ideas? Any help or hints are appreciated.
The issue here is that getTile (and your render method) are called outside UI thread.
This will cause exception, which you won't see, because it is probably silently handled by the code calling getTile. This is really bad it doesn't crash, so someone could post an issue on gmaps api issues.
Try to wrap call to getProjection in try-catch to see it.
Because you should not interact with GoogleMap outside of main thread, you will have to find another way to achieve, what you want to achieve...
Anyway, I can imagine no good reason for a need to call getProjection in getTile. Maybe another question describing your real problem?
