how to input invalid formula in Excel using Java - java

I'm currently making a code that creates an Excel using Java jxl. I've encountered no problem as long as the formula I'm using exists. The problem is, I need to input a formula which excel will not be able to find because we use a special excel to read it. I need my code to retain the invalid formula instead of writing =1 ERROR() on the cell so that when my file is opened using our special excel, it gets the value. How do I go about this?
Here is my code:
WorkbookSettings ws = new WorkbookSettings();
ws.setLocale(new Locale("en", "EN"));
workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(file, ws);
WritableSheet s = workbook.createSheet("Sheet1", 0);
WritableFont wf = new WritableFont(WritableFont.ARIAL, 10, WritableFont.NO_BOLD);
DateFormat dateFormat = new DateFormat("M/d/yyyy H:mm");
NumberFormat dp = new NumberFormat("#");
NumberFormat dp2 = new NumberFormat("#.##");
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
int nRow = 0;
Label l = null;
Formula f = null;
for(int index = 1; index <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); index++) {
l = new Label(index-1,nRow,rsmd.getColumnName(index),new WritableCellFormat(wf));
while( {
String valueDate = VerifyNull.ifNull(rs.getString(1), Constant.BLANK);
f = new Formula(0,nRow,valueDate,new WritableCellFormat(dp));
String rateDate = VerifyNull.ifNull(rs.getString(2), Constant.BLANK);
f = new Formula(1,nRow,rateDate,new WritableCellFormat(dp));
String market = VerifyNull.ifNull(rs.getString(3), Constant.BLANK);
l = new Label(3,nRow,market,new WritableCellFormat(wf));
String ccy = VerifyNull.ifNull(rs.getString(4), Constant.BLANK);
l = new Label(4,nRow,ccy,new WritableCellFormat(wf));
String label = VerifyNull.ifNull(rs.getString(5), Constant.BLANK);
l = new Label(5,nRow,label,new WritableCellFormat(wf));
String quoteDate = VerifyNull.ifNull(rs.getString(6), Constant.BLANK);
f = new Formula(1,nRow,quoteDate,new WritableCellFormat(dp));
String bid = "="+VerifyNull.ifNull(rs.getString(7), Constant.BLANK);
/** The value in the bid = "BDP("EURON Curncy","PX_BID","DATA")1"; */
f = new Formula(6,nRow,bid,new WritableCellFormat(dp2));
/** The value in the offer = "BDP("EURON Curncy","PX_ASK","DATA")1"; */
String offer = "="+VerifyNull.ifNull(rs.getString(8), Constant.BLANK);
f = new Formula(7,nRow,offer,new WritableCellFormat(dp2));
String timeStamp = VerifyNull.ifNull(rs.getString(9), Constant.BLANK);
f = new Formula(8,nRow,timeStamp,new WritableCellFormat(dateFormat));

I supose that your "special excel" is that you have a plug in with visual basic functions to use whithin cell formulas
I dont know if the current version of JXL support macros or at least don't delete it when you modify an existent Workbook, but in your code your are not updating an existing Workbook, your are creating a new one
have you tried to use your code opening an existing workbook in which the visual basic function works? (it can be an empty one). If it works, you can use that file as a template, copy it to the location you want, rename it, and edit it with JXL

Sorry, I only have time for a quick reply, but have you looked at Apache POI at all? Its API might be of use to you.
However, I'm not 100% sure this is for writing Excel as I think its primary use is reading MS Office files. Still, might be worth a look though.

The problem is, I need to input a formula which excel will not be able to find because we use a special excel to read it. I need my code to retain the invalid formula instead of writing =1 ERROR() on the cell so that when my file is opened using our special excel, it gets the value.
Your problem isn't JExcel or POI. No API will be able to help you with a formula that it cannot be found.
What is this "special excel"? If it's another file, simply read it in and use it.
Your question is confusing. I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly is going on. I'm voting to close unless you can clarify.


read an external worksheet using apache poi in java

I am trying to create an excel which has the names. I need to execute a formula which needs to reference an external worksheet.
String formula = "=VLOOKUP(A2,[asd.xlsx]Sheet1!B$2:L$2045,11,0)";
System.out.println("formula: "+formula);
When I execute this, I get the following exception.
java.lang.RuntimeException: not implemented yet
at org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.getExternalSheetIndex(
I tried to use INDIRECT function, set that formula as text and execute the INDIRECT, but it did not work. Am I missing something?
Update 1:
Thanks for the comments. I did not use XSSFEEvaluationWorkbook. My code is below
FileInputStream abc = new FileInputStream(new File("Z_abc.xlsx"));
XSSFWorkbook workbookabc = new XSSFWorkbook(abc);
XSSFSheet sheetabc = workbookabc.getSheetAt(0);
Iterator<Row> rowIteratorRead = sheetabc.iterator();
while (rowIteratorRead.hasNext())
Row rowRead =;
Cell cell = rowRead.getCell(0);
Cell cell1 = rowRead.getCell(1); //////////////////////////
if(cell1 == null) {
cell1 =rowRead.createCell(1);
int rowNumber = (rowRead.getRowNum()+1);
String formula = "VLOOKUP(A2,[asd.xlsx]Sheet1!B$2:L$2045,11,0)";
//System.out.println("formula: "+formula);
}//if(cell1 == null) {
}//while (rowIteratorRead.hasNext())
I was successful in getting the formulas work if they refer from same workbook without using XSSFEEvaluationWorkbook.

POI - Excel remains held by some process and cannot be edited

I am using POI to read,edit and write excel files.
My process flow is like write an excel, read it and again write it.
Then if I try to edit the file using normal desktop excel application while my Java app is still running, the excel cannot be saved, it says some process is holding the excel,
I am properly closing all file handles.
Please help and tell me how to fix this issue.
SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(WINDOW_SIZE);
Sheet sheet = getCurrentSheet();//stores the current sheet in a instance variable
for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < data.size(); rowNum++) {
if (rowNum > RECORDS_PER_SHEET) {
if (rowNum % (RECORDS_PER_SHEET * numberOfSheets) == 1) {
sheet = getCurrentSheet();
final Row row = sheet.createRow(effectiveRowCnt);
for (int columnCount = 0; columnCount < data.get(rowNum).size(); columnCount++) {
final Object value = data.get(rowNum).get(columnCount);
final Cell cell = row.createCell(columnCount);
//This method creates the row and cell at the given loc and adds value
createContent(value, cell, effectiveRowCnt, columnCount, false, false);
public void closeFile(boolean toOpen) {
FileOutputStream out = null;
try {
out = new FileOutputStream(getFileName());
finally {
try {
if (out != null) {
out = null;
// Open the file for user with default program
final Desktop dt = Desktop.getDesktop(); File(getFileName()));
The code looks correct. After out.close();, there shouldn't be any locks left.
Things that could still happen:
You have another Java process (for example hanging in a debugger). Your new process tries to write the file, fails (because of process 1) and in the finally, it tries to open Excel which sees the same problem. Make sure you log all exceptions that happen in wb.write(out);
Note: The code above looks correct in this respect, since it only starts Excel when out != null and that should only be the case when Java could open the file.
Maybe the file wasn't written completely (i.e. there was an exception during write()). Excel tries to open the corrupt file and gives you the wrong error message.
Use a tool like Process Explorer to find out which process keeps a lock on a file.
I tried all the options. After looking thoroughly, it seems the problem is the Event User model.
I am using the below code for reading the data:
final OPCPackage pkg =;
final XSSFReader r = new XSSFReader(pkg);
final SharedStringsTable sst = r.getSharedStringsTable();
final XMLReader parser = fetchSheetParser(sst);
final Iterator<InputStream> sheets = r.getSheetsData();
while (sheets.hasNext()) {
final InputStream sheet =;
final InputSource sheetSource = new InputSource(sheet);
I assume the excel is for some reason held by this process for some time. If I remove this code and use the below code:
final File file = new File(getFileName());
final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
final XSSFWorkbook xWb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
The process works fine an the excel does not remain locked.
I figured it out actually.
A very simple line was required but some some reason it was not explained in the New Halloween Document (
I checked the Busy Developer's Guide and got the solution.
I needed to add
pkg.close(); //To close the OPCPackage
This added my code works fine with any number of reads and writes on the same excel file.

How to update cell reference values using Apache POI

I am using Apache POI to create new XSSFWorkbook from an existing one, after updating some values. Suppose I have two worksheets (Lets say: worksheet A & B) in my existing workbook. Worksheet B has some cell reference from Worksheet A. IF i modify those cell values of worksheet A and save them as a new workbook, corresponding cell values of worksheet B should be updated too. But it doesn't. How can i update them programmatically? . Thank you.
My code:
public void createExcel(ClientData cd) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidFormatException{
// create a new file
double[] dataHolder1= cd.getFinalData1(), param1 = cd.getRecord1Param();
double[] dataHolder2 = cd.getFinalData2(), param2 = cd.getRecord2Param();
double[] ncv = cd.getNcv();
String[] pname = cd.getName();
Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook( FileInputStream("template/mncv.xlsx"))); // or sample.xls
//CreationHelper createHelper = workbook.getCreationHelper();
Sheet s=workbook.getSheetAt(0);
int counter = dataHolder1.length + param1.length +param2.length+dataHolder2.length;//+ param1.length + param2.length;
// r = s.getRow(0);
// r.getCell(0).setCellValue("Param1");
// r.getCell(1).setCellValue("Record1");
// r.getCell(2).setCellValue("Param2");
// r.getCell(3).setCellValue("Record2");
int i;
for(int j=0;j<param1.length;j++){
r = s.getRow(i);
}else if(i<dataHolder1.length+param1.length && i>=param1.length){
for(int j=0;j<dataHolder1.length;j++){
r = s.getRow(i);
}else if(i<dataHolder1.length+param1.length+param2.length && i>=dataHolder1.length+param1.length){
for(int j=0;j<param2.length;j++){
r = s.getRow(i);
for(int j=0;j<dataHolder2.length;j++){
r = s.getRow(i);
// if(i<=param1.length){
// r.getCell(0).setCellValue(param1[i-1]);
// r.getCell(2).setCellValue(param2[i-1]);
// }
// r.getCell(0).setCellValue(param1[i]);
for(int k=0;k<ncv.length;k++){
r = s.getRow(i);
s = workbook.getSheetAt(1);
s.getRow(2).getCell(5).setCellValue(pname[0]+" "+pname[1]+" "+pname[2]);
try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xlsx")) {
//WorkbookEvaluator we = new WorkbookEvaluator(workbook);
XSSFFormulaEvaluator.evaluateAllFormulaCells((XSSFWorkbook) workbook);
}catch(Exception e){
The Excel file format caches the result of formula evaluation, to make opening the file quicker. This means that when you're done making changes to your file, you'll need to evaluate all of the formula cells to updated their cached value. (Otherwise, when you load the file in Excel, for almost all cases it'll still show the old value until you go into that cell)
Luckily, Apache POI provides code to do that, see the Formula Evaluation documentation for details. (You can choose to only recalculate certain formulas, if you know just those cells have changed, or do everything)
For any cell, say "B5", at runtime,
will give you cell reference (like in example... it will return you "B5")
will give you the Column Reference (will give you "B" if the current cell is B5). Now
will give you Row Index. Now you have the reference of the target cell. just replace these character with the references you have already created. This will update the cell references.
The following solution worked for me
// replace "wb" with your HSSFWorkbook/XSSFWorkbook object

How to use Apache HWPF to extract text and images out of a DOC file

I downloaded the Apache HWPF. I want to use it to read a doc file and write its text into a plain text file. I don't know the HWPF so well.
My very simple program is here:
I have 3 problems now:
Some of packages have errors (they can't find apache hdf). How I can fix them?
How I can use the methods of HWDF to find and extract the images out?
Some piece of my program is incomplete and incorrect. So please help me to complete it.
I have to complete this program in 2 days.
once again I repeat Please Please help me to complete this.
Thanks you Guys a lot for your help!!!
This is my elementary code :
public class test {
public void m1 (){
String filesname = "Hello.doc";
POIFSFileSystem fs = null;
fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(filesname );
HWPFDocument doc = new HWPFDocument(fs);
WordExtractor we = new WordExtractor(doc);
String str = we.getText() ;
String[] paragraphs = we.getParagraphText();
Picture pic = new Picture(. . .) ;
pic.writeImageContent( . . . ) ;
PicturesTable picTable = new PicturesTable( . . . ) ;
if ( picTable.hasPicture( . . . ) ){
picTable.extractPicture(..., ...);
picTable.getAllPictures() ;
Apache Tika will do this for you. It handles talking to POI to do the HWPF stuff, and presents you with either XHTML or Plain Text for the contents of the file. If you register a recursing parser, then you'll also get all the embedded images too.
//you can use the org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor to get the text
String fileName = "example.doc";
HWPFDocument wordDoc = new HWPFDocument(new FileInputStream(fileName));
WordExtractor extractor = new WordExtractor(wordDoc);
String[] text = extractor.getParagraphText();
int lineCounter = text.length;
String articleStr = ""; // This string object use to store text from the word document.
for(int index = 0;index < lineCounter;++ index){
String paragraphStr = text[index].replaceAll("\r\n","").replaceAll("\n","").trim();
int paragraphLength = paragraphStr.length();
if(paragraphLength != 0){
//you can use the org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Picture to get the image
List<Picture> picturesList = wordDoc.getPicturesTable().getAllPictures();
for(int i = 0;i < picturesList.size();++i){
BufferedImage image = null;
Picture pic = picturesList.get(i);
image = ByteArrayInputStream(pic.getContent()));
if(image != null){
System.out.println("Image["+i+"]"+" ImageWidth:"+image.getWidth()+" ImageHeight:"+image.getHeight()+" Suggest Image Format:"+pic.suggestFileExtension());
If you just want to do this, and you don't care about the coding, you can just use Antiword.
$ antiword file.doc > out.txt
I know this long after the fact but I've found TextMining on google code, more accurate and very easy to use. It is however, pretty much abandoned code.

Open Microsoft Word in Java

I'm trying to open MS Word 2003 document in java, search for a specified String and replace it with a new String. I use APACHE POI to do that. My code is like the following one:
public void searchAndReplace(String inputFilename, String outputFilename,
HashMap<String, String> replacements) {
File outputFile = null;
File inputFile = null;
FileInputStream fileIStream = null;
FileOutputStream fileOStream = null;
BufferedInputStream bufIStream = null;
BufferedOutputStream bufOStream = null;
POIFSFileSystem fileSystem = null;
HWPFDocument document = null;
Range docRange = null;
Paragraph paragraph = null;
CharacterRun charRun = null;
Set<String> keySet = null;
Iterator<String> keySetIterator = null;
int numParagraphs = 0;
int numCharRuns = 0;
String text = null;
String key = null;
String value = null;
try {
// Create an instance of the POIFSFileSystem class and
// attach it to the Word document using an InputStream.
inputFile = new File(inputFilename);
fileIStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
bufIStream = new BufferedInputStream(fileIStream);
fileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(bufIStream);
document = new HWPFDocument(fileSystem);
docRange = document.getRange();
numParagraphs = docRange.numParagraphs();
keySet = replacements.keySet();
for (int i = 0; i < numParagraphs; i++) {
paragraph = docRange.getParagraph(i);
text = paragraph.text();
numCharRuns = paragraph.numCharacterRuns();
for (int j = 0; j < numCharRuns; j++) {
charRun = paragraph.getCharacterRun(j);
text = charRun.text();
System.out.println("Character Run text: " + text);
keySetIterator = keySet.iterator();
while (keySetIterator.hasNext()) {
key =;
if (text.contains(key)) {
value = replacements.get(key);
charRun.replaceText(key, value);
docRange = document.getRange();
paragraph = docRange.getParagraph(i);
charRun = paragraph.getCharacterRun(j);
text = charRun.text();
bufIStream = null;
outputFile = new File(outputFilename);
fileOStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
bufOStream = new BufferedOutputStream(fileOStream);
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Caught an: " + ex.getClass().getName());
System.out.println("Message: " + ex.getMessage());
System.out.println("Stacktrace follows.............");
I call this function with following arguments:
HashMap<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<String, String>();
replacements.put("AAA", "BBB");
searchAndReplace("C:/Test.doc", "C:/Test1.doc", replacements);
When the Test.doc file contains a simple line like this : "AAA EEE", it works successfully, but when i use a complicated file it will read the content successfully and generate the Test1.doc file but when I try to open it, it will give me the following error:
Word unable to read this document. It may be corrupt.
Try one or more of the following:
* Open and repair the file.
* Open the file with Text Recovery converter.
Please tell me what to do, because I'm a beginner in POI and I have not found a good tutorial for it.
First of all you should be closing your document.
Besides that, what I suggest doing is resaving your original Word document as a Word XML document, then changing the extension manually from .XML to .doc . Then look at the XML of the actual document you're working with and trace the content to make sure you're not accidentally editing hexadecimal values (AAA and EEE could be hex values in other fields).
Without seeing the actual Word document it's hard to say what's going on.
There is not much documentation about POI at all, especially for Word document unfortunately.
I don't know : is its OK to answer myself, but Just to share the knowledge, I'll answer myself.
After navigating the web, the final solution i found is :
The Library called docx4j is very good for dealing with MS docx file, although its documentation is not enough till now and its forum is still in a beginning steps, but overall it help me to do what i need..
Thanks 4 all who help me..
You could try OpenOffice API, but there arent many resources out there to tell you how to use it.
You can also try this one:
Looks like this could be the issue.
