StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("{ call ? := mailmerge_package.getLetters(?, ?, ?)}");
I know it's like an sql statement but theres no such thing as 'call' in SQL.
Can someone explain to me what it means and how does it come to be understood by Java
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes;
//omitted code
CallableStatement cs = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("{ call ? := mailmerge_package.getLetters(?, ?, ?)}");
try {
cs = conn.prepareCall(sql.toString());
cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
DAOUtils.setLong(cs, 3, checklistAnsMastId);
DAOUtils.setLong(cs, 2, workEntityId);
cs.setLong(4, patientId);
DAOUtils.setLong(cs, 5, encounterId);
cs.setString(6, encounterType);
rs = (ResultSet)cs.getObject(1);
This looks like SQL you can pass to Oracle.
If so then this could be used to call an Oracle function mailmerge_package.getLetters which returns a value. That value is parsed by JDBC and the Db layer to replace the first ?, this can be read into a Java variable. the Oracle function takes 3 parameters (the 3 ? in parentheses)
{call <<procedure name>>}
is a SQL escape sequence. Basically, since different databases have different syntax for how to call a user-defined procedure and different databases have different built-in functions for various things like common date/ time functions, JDBC drivers implement a number of escape sequences where the driver translates a generic specification (i.e. {call <<procedure name>>}) and expands that to be the database-specific syntax. There are various other escape sequences for things like outer joins, date literals, and string functions that can be useful if you're trying to write database agnostic code.
FYI, these escape sequences were originally defined in the ODBC API and then adopted by JDBC so you may find more documentation related to ODBC than JDBC.
It is call to an stored procedure of a database. But which database, I can't tell from this code.
I'm using Postgres 12 and have written this procedure:
UPDATE inventory SET ProductStockAmount = ProductStockAmount - soldQuantity WHERE ProductID = id;
It works perfectly if I open up psql on the command line and run call reduceStock(1,1);
However, calling it from my Java program as follows:
CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("{call reduceStock(?, ?)}");
stmt.setInt(1, productID);
stmt.setInt(2, quantity);
Gives me the following error:
What I've Tried
running call reduceStock(1,1); from the psql client - works perfectly
dropping the database and starting over to see if some old definition was cached - didn't work
different capitalisations, spacings of call
Any ideas would be appreciated
You need to remove the curly braces, which are the JDBC escape for calling a procedure. But because Postgres has it's own call command, they are not needed (and collides with the JDBC escape).
CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("call reducestock(?, ?)");
The curly braces around the procedure inocation ({call reduceStock(?, ?)}) mean that this is not native SQL, but rather JDBC syntax. You can read more about it here: Why do JDBC calls to stored procedures wrap the call in curly brackets?.
So calls like this still have to get translated to the native SQL by the JDBC driver. It happens that the Postgres driver, by default, treats such statements as function calls and translates them to SELECT reduceStock(?, ?) SQL query. This is not how stored procedures shall be called in Postgres. In Postgres a stored procedure call SQL is call reduceStock(?, ?).
One way to make it work would be, like #a_horse_with_no_name wrote in his answer, to remove the curly braces. This makes the statement a native call and because it's a valid Postgres SQL this is going to work. The downside is that it makes it less cross-platform as it will not work for DBs that don't support the call procname() syntax. For example this won't work for Oracle, so if you have to support multiple JDBC drivers, this is the less-preferable way to go.
A better fix would be to hint Postgres JDBC driver to treat this syntax like a stored procedure call rather than a function call and translate it to SQL accordingly. For this purpose the Postgres driver exposes a escapeSyntaxCallMode configuration property (check out the EscapeSyntaxCallMode enum as well):
Specifies how the driver transforms JDBC escape call syntax into underlying SQL, for invoking procedures or functions. (backend >= 11) In escapeSyntaxCallMode=select mode (the default), the driver always uses a SELECT statement (allowing function invocation only). In escapeSyntaxCallMode=callIfNoReturn mode, the driver uses a CALL statement (allowing procedure invocation) if there is no return parameter specified, otherwise the driver uses a SELECT statement. In escapeSyntaxCallMode=call mode, the driver always uses a CALL statement (allowing procedure invocation only).
As you can see all {call something()} statements are treated like function calls by default and always translated to SELECTs. Setting escapeSyntaxCallMode to call will make the driver translate them to call SQL statements instead. The callIfNoReturn option seems most reasonable for most use-cases as it will transform JDBC calls to stored procedure calls if no return parameter has been specified and as function calls otherwise.
You can find an example of using this setting in Postgres docs (Chapter 6. Calling Stored Functions and Procedures):
// set up a connection
String url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test";
Properties props = new Properties();
// ... other properties ...
// Ensure EscapeSyntaxCallmode property set to support procedures if no return value
props.setProperty("escapeSyntaxCallMode", "callIfNoReturn");
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
// Setup procedure to call.
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
stmt.execute("CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_val ( some_val bigint )");
stmt.execute("CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE commitproc(a INOUT bigint) AS '"
+ " BEGIN "
+ " INSERT INTO temp_val values(a); "
+ " COMMIT; "
+ " END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql");
// As of v11, we must be outside a transaction for procedures with transactions to work.
// Procedure call with transaction
CallableStatement proc = con.prepareCall("{call commitproc( ? )}");
proc.setInt(1, 100);
proc.execute(); proc.close();>
I'm writing a webpage that takes input from a form, sends it through cgi to a java file, inserts the input into a database through sql and then prints out the database. I'm having trouble inserting into the database using variables though, and I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me out.
String a1Insert = (String)form.get("a1");
String a2Insert = (String)form.get("a2");
This is where I get my variables form the form (just believe that it works, there's a bunch more back end but I've used this before and I know it's getting the variables correctly).
String dbURL = "jdbc:derby://;user=blah;password=blarg";
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL);
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
stmt.executeUpdate("set schema course");
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO MEMBER VALUES (a1Insert, a2Insert)");
This is where I try to insert into the databse. It give me the error:
Column 'A1INSERT' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'A1INSERT' is not a column in the target table.
If anyone has any ideas that would be lovely ^.^ Thanks
java.sql.Statement doesn't support parameters, switching to java.sql.PreparedStatement will allow you to set parameters. Replace the parameter names in your SQL with ?, and call the setter methods on the prepared statement to assign a value to each parameter. This will look something like
String sql = "INSERT INTO MEMBER VALUES (?, ?)";
PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);
stmt.setString(1, "a1");
stmt.setString(2, "a2");
That will execute the SQL
Notice the parameter indexes start from 1, not 0. Also notice I didn't have to put quotes on the strings, the PreparedStatement did it for me.
Alternatively you could keep using Statement and create your SQL string in Java code, but that introduces the possibility of SQL injection attacks. Using PreparedStatement to set parameters avoids that issue by taking care of handling quotes for you; if it finds a quote in the parameter value it will escape it, so that it will not affect the SQL statement it is included in.
Oracle has a tutorial here.
I've tried to call a stored procedure with parameter names specified, but the JDBC failed to accept the parameters. It says:
Method org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4CallableStatement.setObject(String,Object) is not yet implemented.
I use postgresql-9.2-1003.jdbc4
I there any other way to do this?
I know that I can just specify the sequence number. But I want to specify the parameter names as it is more convenient for me to do so.
My code:
String call_statement = "{ ? = call procedure_name(?, ?, ?) }";
CallableStatement proc = connection.prepareCall(call_statement);
proc.registerOutParameter(1, Types.OTHER);
proc.setObject("param1", 1);
proc.setObject("param2", "hello");
proc.setObject("param3", true);
ResultSet result = (ResultSet)proc.getObject(1);
Unfortunately, using the parameter names is not a feature supported by the implementation of the JDBC 4 driver for the PostgreSQL database. See the code of this JDBC 4 implementation in GrepCode.
However, you can still continue to use an integer (variable or literal) to indicate the position of the parameter.
It's 2020 here and the standard open source JDBC driver for Postgres still doesn't support named parameter notation for CallableStatement.
Interestingly, EnterpriseDB driver does support it (with that said - I tried to use EDB JDBC driver - it indeed supports named parameters but it does so many things differently, if at all, that we ruled out this option entirly, for those other reasons)
A solution which worked for us - is to use this "hack" (pseudo-code, YMMV):
String sql = "SELECT * FROM PROC(IN_PARAM1 => ?, IN_PARAM2 => ?, IN_PARAM => ?)";
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setObject("IN_PARAM1", 1);
ps.setObject("IN_PARAM2", "hello");
ps.setObject("IN_PARAM3", true);
ResultSet result = (ResultSet)ps.getObject(1);
The killer feature of this notation - is the ability to call SPs with optional params (it could be achieved by having optional ordinal params, but if you have more than a few of them - it becomes a nightmare, as one needs to pass so many nulls, that it's too easy to miscount, and those are very hard to spot)
There are also additional benefits, like ability to return multiple ResultSets (refcursors), ability to use maps as params, etc.
P.S.: we also use the same trick for Node.js with node-postgres - works well for years.
I have to improve some code where an Oracle stored procedure is called from a Java program. Currently the code is really really slow: up to about 8 seconds on my development machine. On the same machine, if I directly call an SQL query that does about the same treatment and returns the same data, it takes under 100 ms...
The code creates a CallableStatement, registers one of the output parameters to be an Oracle cursor, and then retrieves the cursor using the getObject method of the statement and parse it to ResultSet:
cstmt = conn.prepareCall("{ call PKG_ESPECEW.P_ListEspece( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) }");
cstmt.registerOutParameter(4, oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes.CURSOR);
rs = (ResultSet)cstmt.getObject(4);
rs.setFetchSize(1000); //supposed to help ?
options = new HashMap<String, String>(1000); //added that to measure exactly the length of the first call
while( {
I put some timestamps in the code to know which part is taking so long. The result: The first call to is taking up to various seconds. The result sets are average, from 10 to a couple thousands rows. As I said before, handling similar result sets coming from a regular PreparedStatement takes 10-100 ms depending the size.
Is anything wrong with the code? How do I improve it? I'll do direct SQL where critical if I haven't any other solution, but I'd prefer a solution that allows me to not rewrite all the procedures!
Here is the definition of the stored procedure:
PROCEDURE P_ListEspece(P_CLT_ID IN ESPECE.ESP_CLT_ID%TYPE, -- Langue de l'utilisateur
P_Filter IN VARCHAR2, -- Filtre de la requĂȘte
P_Cursor OUT L_CURSOR_TYPE, -- Curseur
P_RecordCount OUT NUMBER, -- Nombre d'enregistrement retourne
P_ReturnStatus OUT NUMBER); -- Code d'erreur
"I thought the procedure was executed, then it's result stored in oracle server's memory, and finally transmitted back to the client (the java app) through the cursor and result set and JDBC"
That's incorrect.
What oracle returns as a cursor is basically a pointer to a query (all ready with any bind variables). It has not materialized the result set in memory. It could be a massive result set of millions/billions of rows.
So it could well be a slow query that takes a long time to deliver results.
Apparently the stored procedure is doing some data conversion/massaging forth and back (e.g. int <--> varchar). This is known to take a lot of time in case of large tables. Ensure that you've declared the right datatypes in the SP arguments and are setting the right datatypes in CallableStatement.
How long does it take to execute the procedure outside of Java? Check with a script like this in SQL*Plus:
var ref refcursor
var cnt number
var status number
exec p_listespece (xx, yy, zz, :ref, :cnt, :status);--replace with actual values
print :ref
If it takes more than 10-100 ms, your problem may come from the stored procedure.
I had the same problem, we solved (me and the oracle dedicated guy) by changing the returned parameter from a cursor to a varchar, that was the plain query the stored was executing internally.
this was an huge implementation, I don't know if this is applicable for your scenario.
here's the snippet :
String sql = "call MyStored(?,?,?,?)";
CallableStatement st = Conn.prepareCall(sql);
st.setInt(1, 10);
st.setInt(2, 20);
st.setInt(3, 30);
st.registerOutParameter(4, OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
String query = (String) st.getObject(4);
Statement stmt = Conn.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
//work with resultset
stmt = null;
According to google and some other sources (e.g.,, if I want to call a stored-function that returns a ref cursor, I need to write something like this in order to access the ResultSet:
String query = "begin ? := sp_get_stocks(?); end;";
CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall(query);
// register the type of the out param - an Oracle specific type
stmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
// set the in param
stmt.setFloat(2, price);
// execute and retrieve the result set
ResultSet rs = (ResultSet)stmt.getObject(1);
Is there anyway to do it without introducing the compile-time dependency on Oracle. Is there a generic alternative to OracleTypes.CURSOR?
Constant OracleTypes.CURSOR is -10. Quite ugly solution but you can just write -10 there or create your own constant which value is -10.
Have you tried java.sql.Types.OTHER? It might work. API says, it's for database specific types.