Hibernate gets null for entity instance variables? - java

I'm trying to implement a feature requires the form to load data for the logged in user.So I wrote a query to get these data for this user ID,Here is a code snippet from the school entity class:
public class ShSchool implements java.io.Serializable {
private long schoolId;
private GsDistrict gsDistrict;
I tried to get the data using the following query:
session.createQuery("from ShSchool where schoolId="+schoolId).list();
The problem is that I got values for primitive instance variables and got null for any other data types such as GsDistrict, So what is wrong and how could I got these objects values?

Possible causes:
The gsDistrict is indeed null for that particular user, check the DB to make sure it's not.
The Hibernate mappings are incorrect.
The gsDistrict is lazy loaded and you're accessing it outside the Hibernate session. In this case, however, I'd expect an exception to be thrown.
Please include the Hibernate mappings, the problem may be there.


Spring Boot cannot successfully POST data to db (ORA-00942)

I'm new to Spring Boot. I've stucked in the problem of creating new data (POST) for a whole day.
The error shows that I did not connect successfully to the db (ORA-00942).
Due to some privacy issues, I cannot copy-paste my work through my device. Therefore, I'm going to try my best to describe my logic and type out part of my codes. Any ideas would be a huge help! Thanks a million!
I have five packages here, which are basically classified by
(1.)SpringBootApplication package, (2.)Repository package(3.)Service package (4.)Controller
package (5.)Entity package
Basically, I do not edit in (1.)SpringBootApplication package, it's
kept originally as default.
In my (5.)Entity package, I have written an Entity class that matches
my db. Let's say the class name of this Entity is called TitleOfMyDb. Here, Ive written the correspond #id properly, and I also write the setters and getters correctly.
In the (3.)Service package, there is an Interface and a class. The class
is basically the implementation of the interface. Now, this is the trimmed
implementation of the service class.
private ExRepository exRepository;
public TitleOfMyDb createExampleMethod(String a, String b){
TitleOfMyDb titleOfMyDb = new TitleOfMyDb();
titleOfMyDb .setA(a);
titleOfMyDb .setB(b);
return exRepository.save(titleOfMyDb) //save method is originated from Repository instinctively.
In my (4.)Controller package, i have a class which is ExController:
private ExService exService;
public TitleOfMyDb createSomething
(#RequestParam(value="aa") String a, #RequestParam(value="bb") String b){
TitleOfMyDb object = exService.createExampleMethod(a, b)
return object;
In my (2.)Repository package, I do not add more codes there, it's kept originally as well. because it already has the instinctive method that allows me to save() my entity with the repository.
Afterwards, when I try to run my spring boot, it shows error of ORA-00942. Also, when I type http://localhost:8080/test through my browser, I can only see nothing but error. The error message was quite complex, sorry that I really cannot copy-paste it through my device. Basically, it does not connect to my db properly.
Any help or guide on my logic and thinking process is really appreciated. Thank you!!!
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
"You tried to execute a SQL statement that references a table or view that either does not exist, that you do not have access to, or that belongs to another schema and you didn't reference the table by the schema name."
I'd see if the database table is correct and double check the SQL query.
Ref: https://www.techonthenet.com/oracle/errors/ora00942.php
Error mean you don't have permision or your table incorrect. Please check entity. Make sure table : TitleOfMyDb exist in database. If you don't specific table with anotation #table hibernate automatic pick your name entity TitleOfMyDb

Hibernate throws error (Detached entity) while trying to retrieve data

While trying to update entity I'm first retrieving it from the database, then I'm mapping the TO from frontend on it using Orika Mapper.
Then I'm trying to retrieve some data not related to this entity using 'JpaRepository' and findAllByOrderByCode method. And while this operation I'm getting a strange error saying that: "An unexpected exception occurred: detached entity passed to persist:".
And this error refers not to the basic field from the entity but to the object from the collection from this entity.
I have entity A which have bidirectional mapping One to Many to the entity B:
class A {
List<B> b;
then I want to update whole A with an object from frontend which I mapped using Orika Mapper.
And while trying to get some data I have an error.
I found that Orika by default makes a deep copy for collections so entityA = customsClearanceOrderRepository.findById(requestTo.getId());
entityA which has List of entitiesB and which are tracked and included in persistence context is replaced with a deep copy of them so they have another address and it means their aren't any longer tracked by Hibernate.
So I tried to map those collections by myself, to just update the fields and not create a new object and then the problem has gone.
Everything would be fine but when I removed this line List<SthTo> all = someRefersToDb.findAllByOrderByCode(); // error appears here
then the problem also doesn't exist, even that I'm again using orika which makes this deep copy. And I understand that it works fine because of 'saveAndFlush' in fact while updating makes EntityManager.merge(entity) and the problem with another address for entities is not a problem for that (cause it copies not tracked object into persistence context).
entityA = entityARepository.findById(requestTo.getId());
entityAMapper.map(requestTo, entityA);
List<SthTo> all = someRefersToDb.findAllByOrderByCode(); // error appears here
EntityA entityASaved = entityARepository.saveAndFlush(entityA);
So I want to know what's going on here: someRefersToDb.findAllByOrderByCode();
Is there some kind of checking the state of the entityA?
Everything is by default, I mean there is no magical #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) or sth like this.
I know why!
Hibernate while running someRefersToDb.findAllByOrderByCode();
in fact, call also session.flush() which is used to synchronize session data with the database. And since Orika changed the addresses of entities their aren't any longer a part of the persistence context and the synchronization fails.

Hibernate Update Exception: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session [duplicate]

I have two user Objects and while I try to save the object using
I am getting the following error:
Caused by: org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session:
I am creating the session using
BaseHibernateDAO dao = new BaseHibernateDAO();
rtsession = dao.getSession(userData.getRegion(),
rttrans = rtsession.beginTransaction();
rtsession.close(); // in finally block
I also tried doing the session.clear() before saving, still no luck.
This is for the first I am getting the session object when a user request comes, so I am getting why is saying that object is present in session.
Any suggestions?
I have had this error many times and it can be quite hard to track down...
Basically, what hibernate is saying is that you have two objects which have the same identifier (same primary key) but they are not the same object.
I would suggest you break down your code, i.e. comment out bits until the error goes away and then put the code back until it comes back and you should find the error.
It most often happens via cascading saves where there is a cascade save between object A and B, but object B has already been associated with the session but is not on the same instance of B as the one on A.
What primary key generator are you using?
The reason I ask is this error is related to how you're telling hibernate to ascertain the persistent state of an object (i.e. whether an object is persistent or not). The error could be happening because hibernate is trying to persist an object that is already persistent. In fact, if you use save hibernate will try and persist that object, and maybe there is already an object with that same primary key associated with the session.
Assuming you have a hibernate class object for a table with 10 rows based on a primary key combination (column 1 and column 2). Now, you have removed 5 rows from the table at some point of time. Now, if you try to add the same 10 rows again, while hibernate tries to persist the objects in database, 5 rows which were already removed will be added without errors. Now the remaining 5 rows which are already existing, will throw this exception.
So the easy approach would be checking if you have updated/removed any value in a table which is part of something and later are you trying to insert the same objects again
This is only one point where hibernate makes more problems than it solves.
In my case there are many objects with the same identifier 0, because they are new and don't have one. The db generates them. Somewhere I have read that 0 signals Id not set. The intuitive way to persist them is iterating over them and saying hibernate to save the objects. But You can't do that - "Of course You should know that hibernate works this and that way, therefore You have to.."
So now I can try to change Ids to Long instead of long and look if it then works.
In the end it's easier to do it with a simple mapper by your own, because hibernate is just an additional intransparent burden.
Another example: Trying to read parameters from one database and persist them in another forces you to do nearly all work manually. But if you have to do it anyway, using hibernate is just additional work.
USe session.evict(object); The function of evict() method is used to remove instance from the session cache. So for first time saving the object ,save object by calling session.save(object) method before evicting the object from the cache. In the same way update object by calling session.saveOrUpdate(object) or session.update(object) before calling evict().
This can happen when you have used same session object for read & write. How?
Say you have created one session.
You read a record from employee table with primary key Emp_id=101
Now You have modified the record in Java.
And you are going to save the Employee record in database.
we have not closed session anywhere here.
As the object that was read also persist in the session. It conflicts with the object that we wish to write. Hence this error comes.
As somebody already pointed above i ran into this problem when i had cascade=all on both ends of a one-to-many relationship, so let's assume A --> B (one-to-many from A and many-to-one from B) and was updating instance of B in A and then calling saveOrUpdate(A) , it was resulting in a circular save request i.e save of A triggers save of B that triggers save of A... and in the third instance as the entity( of A) was tried to be added to the sessionPersistenceContext the duplicateObject exception was thrown. I could solve it by removing cascade from one end.
You can use session.merge(obj), if you are doing save with different sessions with same identifier persistent object.
It worked, I had same issue before.
I ran into this problem by:
Deleting an object (using HQL)
Immediately storing a new object with the same id
I resolved it by flushing the results after the delete, and clearing the cache before saving the new object
String delQuery = "DELETE FROM OasisNode";
session.createQuery( delQuery ).executeUpdate();
This problem occurs when we update the same object of session, which we have used to fetch the object from database.
You can use merge method of hibernate instead of update method.
e.g. First use session.get() and then you can use session.merge (object). This method will not create any problem. We can also use merge() method to update object in database.
I also ran into this problem and had a hard time to find the error.
The problem I had was the following:
The object has been read by a Dao with a different hibernate session.
To avoid this exception, simply re-read the object with the dao that is going to save/update this object later on.
class A{
someDaoA.read(myBadAssObject); //Different Session than in class B
class B{
someDaoB.read(myBadAssObjectAgain); //Different Session than in class A
myBadAssObjectAgain.fooValue = 'bar';
Hope that save some people a lot of time!
Get the object inside the session, here an example:
MyObject ob = null;
ob = (MyObject) session.get(MyObject.class, id);
By default is using the identity strategy but I fixed it by adding
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
Are your Id mappings correct? If the database is responsible for creating the Id through an identifier, you need to map your userobject to that ..
Check if you forgot to put #GenerateValue for #Id column.
I had same problem with many to many relationship between Movie and Genre. The program threw
Hibernate Error: org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session
I found out later that I just have to make sure you have #GenerateValue to the GenreId get method.
I encountered this problem with deleting an object, neither evict nor clear helped.
* Deletes the given entity, even if hibernate has an old reference to it.
* If the entity has already disappeared due to a db cascade then noop.
public void delete(final Object entity) {
Object merged = null;
try {
merged = getSession().merge(entity);
catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
// disappeared already due to cascade
before the position where repetitive objects begin , you should close the session
and then you should start a new session
session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
so in this way in one session there is not more than one entities that have the same identifier.
I had a similar problem. In my case I had forgotten to set the increment_by value in the database to be the same like the one used by the cache_size and allocationSize. (The arrows point to the mentioned attributes)
CREATED 26.07.16
LAST_DDL_TIME 26.07.16
MAX_VALUE 9999999999999999999999999999
#SequenceGenerator(name = "mySG", schema = "my",
sequenceName = "my_id_seq", allocationSize = 20 <-)
Late to the party, but may help for coming users -
I got this issue when i select a record using getsession() and again update another record with same identifier using same session causes the issue. Added code below.
Customer existingCustomer=getSession().get(Customer.class,1);
Customer customerFromUi;// This customer details comiong from UI with identifer 1
getSession().update(customerFromUi);// Here the issue comes
This should never be done . Solution is either evict session before update or change business logic.
just check the id whether it takes null or 0 like
if(offersubformtwo.getId()!=null && offersubformtwo.getId()!=0)
in add or update where the content are set from form to Pojo
I'm new to NHibernate, and my problem was that I used a different session to query my object than I did to save it. So the saving session didn't know about the object.
It seems obvious, but from reading the previous answers I was looking everywhere for 2 objects, not 2 sessions.
#GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY), adding this annotation to the primary key property in your entity bean should solve this issue.
I resolved this problem .
Actually this is happening because we forgot implementation of Generator Type of PK property in the bean class. So make it any type like as
private int id;
when we persist the objects of bean ,every object acquired same ID ,so first object is saved ,when another object to be persist then HIB FW through this type of Exception: org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session.
The problem happens because in same hibernate session you are trying to save two objects with same identifier.There are two solutions:-
This is happening because you have not configured your mapping.xml file correctly for id fields as below:-
<id name="id">
<column name="id" sql-type="bigint" not-null="true"/>
<generator class="hibernateGeneratorClass"</generator>
Overload the getsession method to accept a Parameter like isSessionClear,
and clear the session before returning the current session like below
public static Session getSession(boolean isSessionClear) {
if (session.isOpen() && isSessionClear) {
return session;
} else if (session.isOpen()) {
return session;
} else {
return sessionFactory.openSession();
This will cause existing session objects to be cleared and even if hibernate doesn't generate a unique identifier ,assuming you have configured your database properly for a primary key using something like Auto_Increment,it should work for you.
Otherwise than what wbdarby said, it even can happen when an object is fetched by giving the identifier of the object to a HQL. In the case of trying to modify the object fields and save it back into DB(modification could be insert, delete or update) over the same session, this error will appear. Try clearing the hibernate session before saving your modified object or create a brand new session.
Hope i helped ;-)
I have the same error I was replacing my Set with a new one get from Jackson.
To solve this I keep the existing set, I remove from the old set the element unknown into the new list with retainAll.
Then I add the new ones with addAll.
No need to have the Session and manipulate it.
Try this. The below worked for me!
In the hbm.xml file
We need to set the dynamic-update attribute of class tag to true:
<class dynamic-update="true">
Set the class attribute of the generator tag under unique column to identity:
<generator class="identity">
Note: Set the unique column to identity rather than assigned.
I just had the same problem .I solve it by adding this line:
Another thing that worked for me was to make the instance variable Long in place of long
I had my primary key variable long id;
changing it to Long id; worked
All the best
You always can do a session flush.
Flush will synchronize the state of all your objects in session (please, someone correct me if i'm wrong), and maybe it would solve your problem in some cases.
Implementing your own equals and hashcode may help you too.
You can check your Cascade Settings. The Cascade settings on your models could be causing this. I removed Cascade Settings (Essentially not allowing Cascade Inserts/Updates) and this solved my problem
I found this error as well. What worked for me is to make sure that the primary key (that is auto-generated) is not a PDT (i.e. long, int, ect.), but an object (i.e. Long, Integer, etc.)
When you create your object to save it, make sure you pass null and not 0.

JDO Query Parsing for field names starting with "new"

I have a persistent class NewsClass with persistent field newsSource.
class NewsClass {
// Persistent
String newsSource;
// Other persistent fields
Now to query this entity
Query q = pm.newQuery(NewsClass.class);
List<NewsClass> result = (List<NewsClass>) q.execute();
It turns out that JDO doesn't look for the newsSource field but rather tries an instantiation like new sSource(). I also tried things like q.setFileter("\"newsSource\"=='http://reandomurl'"); as a workaround but didn't work either.
There's about 1GB of data already (on the AppEngine datastore which uses a soft schema) so renaming the field doesn't really look like a good idea.
Please how do I make this query work?
Here's what I got in my logger.
CreatorExpression defined with class of sSourceId yet this class is not found

Persistence Error Message: An instance of a null PK has been incorrectly provided for the find operation

I am trying to use Netbeans 7.01 to follow a tutorial on JSF 2.0 and JPA. I am using oracle XE and JDBC_6. I used JSF pages from entities wizard to generate my JSF pages. Everything works fine as I can retrive data from the database and display them. However when I attempt to create or update a record in the database, I get this error:
An instance of a null PK has been incorrectly provided for the find operation
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
This basically means that you did the following:
Entity entity = em.find(Entity.class, null);
Note that the PK is null here. To fix your problem, just make sure that it's not null.
This may be because you are running a find operation on an entity that has not been persisted yet. In which situation, the #ID field (if it is autogenerated), will not have a value, ie. it will be null. You are then trying to find the entity, and as #BalusC points out, you are sending a null value into your find method.
It means that when you are trying to persist an entity you are sending the PK of the entity as null.
So you have three options:
Define manually the PK for the Entity.
If your database uses a type like Serial (Informix, MS SQLSERVER, etc) then the value will by autoincremented by the RDMS you can use IDENTITY strategy, so now you can pass null value for your entity's pk.
public class Inventory implements Serializable {
private long id;
If your database uses a sequences for generate pks (Oracle, Postgresql, etc) then the value be provided by a sequence so you can use:
public class Inventory implements Serializable {
#SequenceGenerator(name="InvSeq",sequenceName="INV_SEQ", allocationSize=5)
private long id;
For more information you can see: http://wiki.eclipse.org/EclipseLink/Examples/JPA/PrimaryKey
