Apache AXIS2 sending large DIME attachments - java

I am currently working on a webservice to send large pdf files to server from client using DIME. I am using apache axis2 implementation for webservice support. I have been to get the service to work but an issue arises when I attempt to send attachments that are larger than 1MB then I get an exception. My guess is I probably would have to chunksize my attachment before sending it but I have no idea for where i can control that and also I am thinking maybe it would be another. Below is the code for the client that is uploading the files
public class PdfDriver
* #param args
* #throws IOException
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public static void testAddGroup() throws IOException
PdfMail_ServiceLocator locator = new PdfMail_ServiceLocator();
PdfMail_PortType stub = locator.getPdfMailSOAP();
PdfMailSOAPStub server = null;
server = (PdfMailSOAPStub) stub;
//Test uploading pdf
FileDataSource ds = new FileDataSource("/test.zip");
DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(ds);
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
long x = cal.getTimeInMillis();
System.out.println("Server: Start receive# "+ "\n" + server.sendPdf("test.zip") + "\nServer: Finished receive ");
catch (ServiceException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
And this is the code I use to process the attachments on the server side
public java.lang.String sendPdf(java.lang.String pdfToSend) throws java.rmi.RemoteException
String result = "";
AttachmentPart[] attachments = null;
attachments = getAttachments();
catch (Exception e1)
result = "null attachments getAttachments exception";
if (attachments != null)
for (int i = 0; i < attachments.length; i++)
AttachmentPart attachment = attachments[i];
File file = new File(pdfToSend);
InputStream in = attachment.getDataHandler().getInputStream();
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
int len;
while ((len = in.read(buffer)) > 0)
out.write(buffer, 0, len);
result += "File saved on the server\nFile Size : " + (file.length() / 1048576) + "MB \nSend Type : " + this.receivedType;
catch (IOException e)
result += "exception IO";
catch (SOAPException e)
result += "SOAP exception";
return result;
private AttachmentPart[] getAttachments() throws Exception
MessageContext msgContext = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
Message message = msgContext.getRequestMessage();
Attachments attachmentsimpl = message.getAttachmentsImpl();
if (null == attachmentsimpl)
return new AttachmentPart[0];
int attachmenstCount = attachmentsimpl.getAttachmentCount();
this.receivedType = attachmentsimpl.getSendType();
AttachmentPart attachments[] = new AttachmentPart[attachmenstCount];
Iterator<AttachmentPart> iter = attachmentsimpl.getAttachments().iterator();
int count = 0;
while (iter.hasNext())
AttachmentPart part = iter.next();
attachments[count++] = part;
return attachments;
If anyone knows what the issue would be causing an AxisFault for files larger that 1MB I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Axis2 does not support DIME, see previous question:
Java client calling WSE 2.0 with DIME attachment

Knowing exactly what the exception is would help, but to just blindly guess, your Apache config is probably limiting upload (http post) size.


Problems downloading extensions using Tomcat

static void copyStream(final InputStream inputStream, final OutputStream outputStream, final Client client) throws IOException {
if (client.getReqType() == ReqType.STREAMING_PARTIAL || client.getRange() != null) {
copyPartialStream(inputStream, outputStream, client);
Site site = client.getSite();
Qos qos = new Qos(site);
String siteId = site.getSiteId();
byte[] buff = new byte[BUFF_SIZE]; // 1024*32
int readBytes = 0;
try (BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream, BUFF_SIZE)) {
try (BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(outputStream, BUFF_SIZE)) {
while ((readBytes = is.read(buff)) > -1) {
long startChunk = System.currentTimeMillis();
out.write(buff, 0, readBytes);
KHttp.increaseTrafficLog(siteId, readBytes);
long elapsedChunk = System.currentTimeMillis() - startChunk;
if (qos.pause(client)) {
long sleepMillis = qos.getSleepMillis(client, readBytes, elapsedChunk);
if (sleepMillis > 0) {
} catch (IOException e) {
I am looking at code that provides a link to receive a file using Tomcat. However, if the extension is attached, an error occurs. Not all extensions, but only when the mp3 extension is attached, it is downloaded normally, and when other extensions are attached, an error occurs. It works even if there is no extension at all. I think there is a problem with this code. I hope you can tell me if there is any code with errors. :(

JAX-RS upload file via WebService

I've implemented a REST webservice for uploading a file to my server:
public javax.ws.rs.core.Response uploadNewAdvJson(#FormDataParam("file") InputStream is) {
boolean res = true;
OutputStream out = null;
try {
File directory = new File("myFolder");
if (!directory.exists()) {
out = new FileOutputStream(new File("myFolder" + File.separator + "myFile.png"));
int read = 0;
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
while ((read = is.read(bytes)) != -1) {
out.write(bytes, 0, read);
} catch (IOException e) {
res = false;
if (out != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e1) {
// do nothing
return new Response();
(where Response is my JAXB response Object).
I'm testing this service with this client:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Client client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().register(MultiPartFeature.class).build();
final FileDataBodyPart filePart = new FileDataBodyPart("file", new File("pathToImage/imgToUpload.png");
FormDataMultiPart formDataMultiPart = new FormDataMultiPart();
final FormDataMultiPart multipart = (FormDataMultiPart) formDataMultiPart.field("foo", "bar").bodyPart(filePart);
final WebTarget target = client.target("http://localhost:8080/myServer/rest/uploadNewAdv");
final Response response = target.request().post(Entity.entity(multipart, multipart.getMediaType()));
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
But it doesn't work as i expect. In fact, a myFile.png is created and saved, but has different size than imageToUpload.png and i can't open it as an image (looks like a corrupted file).
What's wrong?

Java TCP Simple Webserver Problems with response codes (homework)

This is an assignment for a course we are having and i need some help.
I am having problems for example, trying to request a file that does not exist, it works that a 404 file not found page comes up, but when i look in the web tool for Safari i can see that the response code is 200, OK, which is definialty wrong, it should be the code that is the error.
But why i don't see, i send the error code header when a error occurs, but it´still doesn't work. Can somebody point me at the right direction or maybe just say what the problem is and i can fix it :D ?
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
public class WebServer {
private static int PORT = 8888;
private static String ROOT_DIR = "";
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (isCorrect(args) == true) {
boolean isRunning = true;
try {
/* Creates a new server socket */
ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket();
/* Binds the port to the server */
SocketAddress localBindPoint = new InetSocketAddress(PORT);
System.out.println("==============================================" +
"\n| HTTP Web Server |" +
"\n===================" +
"\n| Configuration: " +
"\n| Directory: " +
"\n| " + ROOT_DIR +
"\n| Port: " +
"\n| " + PORT +
"\n| Usage: <directory> <port>" +
"\n| ctrl-c to exit" +
/* The server is running */
while (isRunning) {
try {
/* Accept connection by client */
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
/* Each connected client gets a new thread */
new Thread(new RequestHandler(socket, ROOT_DIR)).start();
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Address already in use!" +
"\nClose running connection or choose other port");
} else
public static boolean isDirectory(String path){
File filePath = null;
filePath = new File(path);
/* False if file is not a directory */
if (!filePath.isDirectory())
return false;
catch (Exception e){
/* Seems to be a file path */
return true;
public static boolean isCorrect(String[] args){
if (args.length != 2){
return false;
ROOT_DIR = args[0].toString();
PORT = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
catch (NumberFormatException n){
if (!isDirectory(ROOT_DIR)){
return false;
return true;
public static void usageMsg(){
System.err.println("Invalid arguments"+
"\nUsage: java -jar Webserver.jar <directory> <port>");
import java.io.*;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* Web Server Request Handler.
* Created on 2015-02-16.
public class RequestHandler implements Runnable {
TODO ( ) Problem 1
TODO ( ) Problem 2
TODO ( ) Problem 3
TODO (X) Index page for first page.
TODO (X) Read and download images & other files
TODO ( ) Fix header responses
TODO ( ) Error responses
private String
OK = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK",
NOT_FOUND = "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found",
BAD_REQUEST = "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request",
FORBIDDEN = "HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden",
SERVER_ERROR = "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error";
private String ROOT_DIR;
private Socket client;
private PrintStream send;
private DataInputStream fromClient;
private DataOutputStream out;
RequestHandler(Socket client, String ROOT_DIR) {
this.client = client;
try {
send = new PrintStream(client.getOutputStream());
fromClient = new DataInputStream(client.getInputStream());
out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(client.getOutputStream()));
} catch (IOException e) {
/* Reads the HTTP request and responds */
public void run() {
String request = null;
String fileName = null;
StringTokenizer tok = null;
try {
/* Read HTTP request from client */
while ((request = fromClient.readLine()) != null) {
tok = new StringTokenizer(request);
/* Extracts the file path from the GET command */
if (tok.hasMoreElements() && tok.nextToken().equals("GET")
&& tok.hasMoreElements()) {
fileName = tok.nextToken();
} else
throw new FileNotFoundException();
/* */
if (fileName.endsWith("/"))
fileName += "index.html";
/* Illegal characters, prevent access to super directories */
if (fileName.indexOf("..") >= 0 || fileName.indexOf('|') >= 0
|| fileName.indexOf(':') >= 0 || fileName.indexOf('~') >= 0) {
error(FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden Access", fileName);
if (new File(fileName).isDirectory()) {
fileName = fileName.replace('\\', '/');
/* File name is ROOT_DIR + file name */
fileName = ROOT_DIR + fileName;
/* Create file */
File file = new File(fileName);
if (file.isDirectory()) {
fileName = fileName + "index.html";
/* File does not exist */
if (file.exists()){
/* Determines the MIME type of the file */
String mimeType = getMimeType(file);
/* Sends the file */
sendFile(file, mimeType, fileName);
error(NOT_FOUND, "404 File Not Found", fileName);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
catch (IOException e){
/* Sends the requested file to the client */
public void sendFile(File file, String fileType, String fileName) {
try {
// Buffer must not be to low, => fragments
int length = (int) file.length();
FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(fileName);
byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
/* Write until bytes is empty */
while ((length = fileIn.read(bytes)) != -1 ){
out.write(bytes, 0, length);
out.writeBytes("Server: Jakobs Web Server v1.0");
out.writeBytes("Content-Type: " + fileType + "\r\n");
out.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + length + "\r\n");
} catch (IOException e) {
/* Sends the header response to the client */
public void sendHeaderResponse(String code, String fileType){
try {
out.writeBytes("Server: Jakobs Web Server v1.0");
out.writeBytes("Content-Type: " + fileType + "\r\n");
catch (IOException e){
/* Sends error response to the client */
public void error(String code, String error, String fileName){
System.err.println(error +
"\nFile Requested: " + fileName);
/* Sends the error code header */
sendHeaderResponse(code, fileName);
/* Sends the error message and cause to client */
send.print("<html><head><title>" + error + "</title></head><body>");
send.print("<h1>" + error + "</h1>\r\n");
send.println("Location: /" + fileName + "/\r\n");
send.println("Exception Cause: " + error + "\r\n");
send.print("Start Page");
/* Finds out the MIME type of the requested file */
public String getMimeType(File f) {
String file = f.toString();
String type = "";
if (file.endsWith(".txt")) {
type = "text/txt";
} else if (file.endsWith(".html") || file.endsWith("htm")) {
type = "text/html";
} else if (file.endsWith(".jpg")) {
type = "image/jpg";
} else if (file.endsWith(".png")) {
type = "image/png";
} else if (file.endsWith(".jpeg")) {
type = "image/jpeg";
} else if (file.endsWith(".gif")) {
type = "image/gif";
} else if (file.endsWith(".pdf")) {
type = "application/pdf";
} else if (file.endsWith(".mp3")) {
type = "audio/mpeg";
} else if (file.endsWith(".class")){
type = "application/octet-stream";
} else if (file.endsWith(".mp4")){
type = "video/mp4";
return type;
Make sure that you write e.g. HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found to the client, not just the 400.
Actually no, your problem is that you don't end the response properly. The browser keeps receiving data and shows no response code received. Let me see how this can be fixed in your code.
Also, you use two wrapper streams around client.getOutputStream() to send data to the client (send and out). Not sure why you do this. This looks weird. You should use just one wrapper stream. And you never close out, probably that's your problem, that's why the browser thinks the response is not yet fully received. Try to use one stream and handle it properly.
OK, here is your code fixed.
import java.io.*;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* Web Server Request Handler.
* Created on 2015-02-16.
public class RequestHandler implements Runnable {
TODO ( ) Problem 1
TODO ( ) Problem 2
TODO ( ) Problem 3
TODO (X) Index page for first page.
TODO (X) Read and download images & other files
TODO ( ) Fix header responses
TODO ( ) Error responses
private String
OK = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK",
NOT_FOUND = "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found",
BAD_REQUEST = "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request",
FORBIDDEN = "HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden",
SERVER_ERROR = "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error";
private String ROOT_DIR;
private Socket client;
private PrintStream send;
private DataInputStream fromClient;
// private DataOutputStream out;
RequestHandler(Socket client, String ROOT_DIR) {
this.client = client;
try {
send = new PrintStream(client.getOutputStream());
fromClient = new DataInputStream(client.getInputStream());
// out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(client.getOutputStream()));
} catch (IOException e) {
/* Reads the HTTP request and responds */
public void run() {
String request = null;
String fileName = null;
StringTokenizer tok = null;
try {
/* Read HTTP request from client */
while ((request = fromClient.readLine()) != null) {
tok = new StringTokenizer(request);
/* Extracts the file path from the GET command */
if (tok.hasMoreElements() && tok.nextToken().equals("GET")
&& tok.hasMoreElements()) {
fileName = tok.nextToken();
} else
throw new FileNotFoundException();
/* */
if (fileName.endsWith("/"))
fileName += "index.html";
/* Illegal characters, prevent access to super directories */
if (fileName.indexOf("..") >= 0 || fileName.indexOf('|') >= 0
|| fileName.indexOf(':') >= 0 || fileName.indexOf('~') >= 0) {
error(FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden Access", fileName);
if (new File(fileName).isDirectory()) {
fileName = fileName.replace('\\', '/');
/* File name is ROOT_DIR + file name */
fileName = ROOT_DIR + fileName;
/* Create file */
File file = new File(fileName);
if (file.isDirectory()) {
fileName = fileName + "index.html";
/* File does not exist */
if (file.exists()){
/* Determines the MIME type of the file */
String mimeType = getMimeType(file);
/* Sends the file */
sendFile(file, mimeType, fileName);
error(NOT_FOUND, "404 File Not Found", fileName);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
catch (IOException e){
/* Sends the requested file to the client */
public void sendFile(File file, String fileType, String fileName) {
try {
// Buffer must not be to low, => fragments
int length = 0; // (int) file.length();
FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(fileName);
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
/* Write until bytes is empty */
while ((length = fileIn.read(bytes)) != -1 ){
bos.write(bytes, 0, length);
// send.write(bytes, 0, length);
// send.flush();
byte[] data1 = bos.toByteArray();
System.out.print(new String(data1));
send.print("Server: Jakobs Web Server v1.0");
send.print("Content-Type: " + fileType + "\r\n");
send.print("Content-Length: " + data1.length + "\r\n");
send.write(data1, 0, data1.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
/* Sends the header response to the client */
public void sendHeaderResponse(String code, String fileType){
try {
send.print("Server: Jakobs Web Server v1.0");
send.print("Content-Type: " + fileType + "\r\n");
catch (Exception e){
/* Sends error response to the client */
public void error(String code, String error, String fileName){
System.err.println(error +
"\nFile Requested: " + fileName);
/* Sends the error code header */
sendHeaderResponse(code, fileName);
// send.println("ERROR");
/* Sends the error message and cause to client */
send.print("<html><head><title>" + error + "</title></head><body>");
send.print("<h1>" + error + "</h1>\r\n");
send.println("Location: /" + fileName + "/\r\n");
send.println("Exception Cause: " + error + "\r\n");
send.print("Start Page");
/* Finds out the MIME type of the requested file */
public String getMimeType(File f) {
String file = f.toString();
String type = "";
if (file.endsWith(".txt")) {
type = "text/txt";
} else if (file.endsWith(".html") || file.endsWith("htm")) {
type = "text/html";
} else if (file.endsWith(".jpg")) {
type = "image/jpg";
} else if (file.endsWith(".png")) {
type = "image/png";
} else if (file.endsWith(".jpeg")) {
type = "image/jpeg";
} else if (file.endsWith(".gif")) {
type = "image/gif";
} else if (file.endsWith(".pdf")) {
type = "application/pdf";
} else if (file.endsWith(".mp3")) {
type = "audio/mpeg";
} else if (file.endsWith(".class")){
type = "application/octet-stream";
} else if (file.endsWith(".mp4")){
type = "video/mp4";
return type;

How to download JSON data in android

I am developing an android application in which first I am sending request to Web service and getting the response status in 0 or 1 format if I get the response as 1 then complete JSON file is loaded.
My question is I want to make an offline app for which I want to download the JSON data from one activity and read that data in different activity with listview displaying title of every downloaded JSON file. After clicking the listview item, JSON data is displayed. And some of the JSON data items contains URL of images I also want to download them and display them in another activity.
I also want to encrypt the downloaded JSON data. Please Help me.
For reference I have attached the JSON file format.
{"test_time":7200,"time_taken":"0","time_left":"7200","score":null,"easy_score":null,"medium_score":null,"hard_score":null,"status":"n","sections":[{"section_id":"196498","section_name":"Reasoning Aptitude","section_no":1,"total_questions":"40","total_minutes":"24","questions":[{"question_id":"61562","question":{"1":{"text":"In a certain code GRANT is written as UOBSH and PRIDE is written as FEJSQ. How is SOLD written in that code?","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}},"correct_ans":{"1":{"text":"EMPT","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}},"rightOption":[],"rightOptionID":"246408","rightOptionNo":"2","anwer_explaination":{"1":{"text":"","image":"http://abc.com/testengine/images/questions/bankpower/image1.Jpeg","imgHeight":304,"imgWidth":212},"2":{"text":" ","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}},"question_time_taken":"10","marked":"0","skipped":"0","answer_id":"1395795","option_choose":"246407","question_status":1,"options":[{"OptionId":"246406","OptionDesc":{"1":{"text":"EPMT","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}}},{"OptionId":"246407","OptionDesc":{"1":{"text":"TPME","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}}},{"OptionId":"246408","OptionDesc":{"1":{"text":"EMPT","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}}},{"OptionId":"246409","OptionDesc":{"1":{"text":"CKNR","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}}},{"OptionId":"246410","OptionDesc":{"1":{"text":"ETPM","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}}}]},{"question_id":"61563","question":{"1":{"text":"Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}},"correct_ans":{"1":{"text":"27","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}},"rightOption":[],"rightOptionID":"246414","rightOptionNo":"3","anwer_explaination":{"1":{"text":"Mouse is odd rest are use for storage.","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}},"question_time_taken":"0","marked":"0","skipped":"1","answer_id":"","option_choose":"","question_status":3,"options":[{"OptionId":"246411","OptionDesc":{"1":{"text":"19","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}}},{"OptionId":"246412","OptionDesc":{"1":{"text":"17","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}}},{"OptionId":"246413","OptionDesc":{"1":{"text":"13","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}}},{"OptionId":"246414","OptionDesc":{"1":{"text":"27","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}}},{"OptionId":"246415","OptionDesc":{"1":{"text":"37","image":"","imgHeight":"","imgWidth":""}}}]}
parse all the data using the parser detailed in that link
then Write all the data into a file using the method below , this way ur data is downloaded and saved as a file
public void appendData(String text)
File myFile = new File("sdcard/myfile.file");
if (!myFile.exists())
catch (IOException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
//BufferedWriter for performance, true to set append to file flag
BufferedWriter buf = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(myFile, true));
catch (IOException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
You need to do something like this:
private class PrepareMapTask extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, Boolean>
// Initialize with invalid value
private int mPrepareResult = -1;
private String mJsonString = null;
protected Boolean doInBackground(String... urls)
mJsonString = downloadFileFromInternet(urls[0]);
if(mJsonString == null /*|| mJsonString.isEmpty()*/)
return false;
JSONObject jObject = null;
try {
jObject = new JSONObject(mJsonString);
JSONArray jsonImageArray = jObject.getJSONArray("imageTarget");
JSONArray jsonUrlArray = jObject.getJSONArray("videoUrls");
JSONArray jsonVideoOrUrlArray = jObject.getJSONArray("videoOrUrl");
if (jsonImageArray == null || jsonUrlArray == null)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i<jsonImageArray.length(); i++){
mapTargetUrl.put(jsonImageArray.get(i).toString(), jsonUrlArray.get(i).toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
return false;
return true;
protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result)
private String downloadFileFromInternet(String url)
if(url == null /*|| url.isEmpty() == true*/)
new IllegalArgumentException("url is empty/null");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
InputStream inStream = null;
url = urlEncode(url);
URL link = new URL(url);
inStream = link.openStream();
int i;
int total = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[8 * 1024];
while((i=inStream.read(buffer)) != -1)
if(total >= (1024 * 1024))
return "";
total += i;
sb.append(new String(buffer,0,i));
}catch(Exception e )
return null;
}catch(OutOfMemoryError e)
return null;
return sb.toString();
private String urlEncode(String url)
if(url == null /*|| url.isEmpty() == true*/)
return null;
url = url.replace("[","");
url = url.replace("]","");
url = url.replaceAll(" ","%20");
return url;
Take the data structures as per your json and modify the code.
try {
DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httpPostRequest = new HttpPost(URL);
// Set HTTP parameters
/*StringEntity se;
se = new StringEntity(jsonObjSend.toString());*/
List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(jsonObjSend.length());
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("data", jsonObjSend.toString()));
// Log.i("jsonObjSend.toString()","jsonObjSend.toString()"+jsonObjSend.toString());
Log.i("HTTPPOST","URL: "+URL);
Log.i("HTTPPOST","Request: "+jsonObjSend.toString());
UrlEncodedFormEntity en=new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs);
httpPostRequest.getParams().setParameter("http.socket.timeout", new Integer(600000));
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
HttpResponse response = (HttpResponse) httpclient.execute(httpPostRequest);
Log.i(TAG, "HTTPResponse received in [" + (System.currentTimeMillis()-t) + "ms]");
Log.i(TAG, httpPostRequest.getRequestLine().getProtocolVersion().toString());
responses = convertEntityToString(response.getEntity(), "UTF-8");
Log.i("HTTPPOST","Responce: "+responses);
if (response.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
webresponse = 1;
} else {
webresponse = 0;
} catch (IOException e) {
h.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {

tomcat servlet sessions get merged

I'm developing a server that should receive ,multiple files instantaneously and be able to save them to the local hard drive. After the file received the server should send a response to the client and confirm that the file passed. When i'm trying to send multiple files instantaneously the result is that 1 client received the answer of the second and vice versa.
Does any one have a clue what is the problem with this server?
Here is my servlet code:
protected void doPost(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
try {
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e2) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
PrintWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = response.getWriter();
} catch (IOException e2) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
try {
// get access to file that is uploaded from client
Part p1 = request.getPart("File");
InputStream is = p1.getInputStream();
// read filename which is sent as a part
Part p2 = request.getPart("MetaData");
Scanner s = new Scanner(p2.getInputStream());
String stringJson = s.nextLine(); // read filename from stream
json = new JSONObject(stringJson);
fileName = new String(json.getString("FileName").getBytes("UTF-8"));
fileDirectory = BASE + request.getSession().getId();
File dir = new File(fileDirectory);
// get filename to use on the server
String outputfile = BASE + dir.getName() + "/" + fileName; // get path on the server
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream (outputfile);
// write bytes taken from uploaded file to target file
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int ch = is.read(buffer);
final Object lock = new Object();
while (ch != -1) {
synchronized (lock) {
ch = is.read(buffer);
catch(Exception ex) {
writer.println("Exception -->" + ex.getMessage());
finally {
try {
myRequest = request;
try {
printFile(request.getSession().getId(), writer);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
writer.println("Exception -->" + e.getMessage());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
writer.println("Exception -->" + e.getMessage());
Thanks in advance :)
