i am trying to write a voip client using h.323 in java and i was wondering if someone could point me as to which api is available in java and if there is any tutorial available for it.anything relevant would be really appreciated. thanx
You don't have many options for H.323 in Java. The best is probably OPAL. It includes a Java wrapper to use the C++ class libraries that allow you to implement a Java H.323 client.
IBM used to have a native Java H.323 stack, but I'm not sure if that is maintained anymore.
This is probably an ultra-novice question. Say, I sell a client/server product, e.g. a database. The server is written in whatever and to communicate with it your program has to link a native client library which I supply. I do not have an Erlang client library, but I have a Java one. Is there a feasible way to run a JVM inside an Erlang process and thus call from Erlang into a Java lib? Dumb idea?
i've implemented some web services with service stack (btw: i'm absolutely in love with servicestack!). The strongly typed clients for the .NET world are great! There is a new client coming which wants to access the services with java.
SS suggests to provide a native api. Is there a way to convert the POCO to POJO so Java clients have the same strongly typed experience as .NET? It sounds a little bit lazy but is there a way/format/whatever to automate or make this process less manual?
Another thing i'm thinking is to allow also SOAP. The REST/XML/JSON stuff works awesome in servicestack, but I've no experiences in hosting SOAP services with servicestack. As far as i know is that not everything from soap is implemented, but it's difficult to see where the "line" is or which features are not working.
as mentioned in the comment, the question(s) are not clear:
what is the easiest way to create the java clients for the SS services?
has anybody experiences (production) in using servicestack for SOAP?
The recommended way of calling ServiceStack Services from Java clients is to use the built-in Java Add ServiceStack Reference support.
ok, So i searched net for the possible implementation but all that I managed to find is Django projects implementation on Java platform through Jython. But I want to do the reverse, i.e. implement/integrate java project ( which in my case is SAIKU server ) on Django platform.
The question being, is it possible, and if yes, then kindly point me to the solution.
Thanking in advance =)
For your specific requirement, I would suggest using RESTFul API to access the Saiku Server.
However if you need to run Java Classes from Python.
Here are the options available for you:
JCC -- a C++ code generator for calling Java from C++/Python. It produces producing Python extensions which communicate via JNI with a Java virtual machine. As it implies, this would require compilations of every possible call. However this project is backbone of PyLucene project.
CodeMesh. C++ code generator for Java.
Py4J Python programs running in a Python interpreter to dynamically access Java objects in a Java Virtual Machine.
JPype allow python programs full access to java class libraries. It is done through interfacing at the native level in both Virtual Machines. However there are no recent development in this front.
In general, having an loosly coupled integration through REST or RCP would be easy to maintain than tightly coupled JNI based implementation.
There's no way to run Java within the Python runtime (which is what it sounds like you want). There are Java to Python "translators" available, but they're terrible. Honestly, if you need a Java server and Django to sit inside the same process for some reason, Jython is the way to go.
There are lots of options outside of that though, off the top of my head:
Implement Python bindings for your server (See PyLucene for an example)
Implement a socket server within your Java server that Python can talk to directly
I'm creating a P2P Java application in JXTA, for simple messaging between peers. I want to create a similar program on the iPhone, that will be able to talk with this java JXTA program. Is this possible to do? I know theres JXTA-C which would work on the iPhone, but I'm not sure if the JXTA-C will communicate properly with JXTA-Java.
Is there any way to run java on the iPhone if thats the case?
Any insight would be really helpful, thanks!
Current released JXTA-C will talk with Java stack.
The new JXTA-C under development with Peer View 3.0 protocol won't work with Java stack.
JXSE (the Java implementation of JXTA) release 2.6 & 2.7 comply with the JXTA 2.0 specifications. Hence, JXTA-C should be compatible with these.
I want to access Drill through a programming interface. The Apache Drill documentation just mentions about its JAVA and C++ libraries for the client to connect but doesn't provide any documentation or example for the same.
The closest thing which I was able to find on the forums/documentations was to connect through the drill-JDBC driver. But it defeats the purpose of what I want to do. Does anyone has any idea where I can find more about these APIs and if they are actually there?
They provide native C++ client.
Check querySubmitter example for more details.