Java error creating BufferedImage from ByteArrayInputStream - java

I'm trying to create a BufferedImage from a ByteArrayInputStream with:
byte[] imageData = getData(imageFile); // returns file as byte[]
InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageData);
String format = getFormatName(inputStream);
BufferedImage img =;
But img is always null. The input stream is valid (since I use it before to get the image format).
What could be making ImageIO return null? Do I need to use flush or close in any place?

Your call to getFormatName consumes the inputStream, so the stream pointer is at the end of the byte array. Any try to read from that stream will tell that it's at the end of the 'file'. You need to reset the stream (or create a new one) before you hand it over to the method:
String format = getFormatName(new ByteArrayInputStream(imageData));
BufferedImage img = ByteArrayInputStream(imageData));


Can't open image after decoding and writing to disk

I am uploading a jpg to a spring controller endpoint. The image is uploaded as Base64 image/jpg which comes in as a MultipartFile. I am decoding the inputstream using Base64Decoder which seems to decode it ok but when I turn it into an InputStream to write it out to disk I can see it's been modified (according to what I can see in the debugger). When I save the file and open it it says it's an unsupported file type.
I took the multipart inputstream and wrote it directly to disk and I see the base64 encoding in notepad.
Here's my controller and my code:
#PostMapping(value = "/saveBlueprintOrder")
public ResponseEntity<?> saveBlueprintOrder(#RequestParam MultipartFile blueprint,
#RequestParam(required = false) MultipartFile coversheet,
#RequestParam(required = false) MultipartFile logo,
#ModelAttribute BlueprintOrder blueprintOrder) {
if(coversheet != null) {
BASE64Decoder decoder1 = new BASE64Decoder();
byte[] imageBytes = decoder1.decodeBuffer(coversheet.getInputStream());
InputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes);
BufferedImage image =;
ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", new File("C:\\Users\\i58287\\Downloads\\coversheet.jpg"));
OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream("C:\\Users\\i58287\\Downloads\\coversheet-test.jpg");
I just need to be able to translate this image to an inputstream so I can check the image locally in addition I need to send it to another api as such. What am I missing that's causing this image to be un-openable? Thanks for any help!
PS: I've done a lot of combinations so this is showing a couple options I have tried, BufferedImage image = keeps returning a null image.
Ok so I don't know WHY this is what I had to do but I ended up saving my byte[] as a String and cut off the pre-pended
Then I decoded it into an InputStream. Anyone know why I had to do this?
Here's the code:
String imageBytes = new String(coversheet.getBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
String imageDataBytes = imageBytes.substring(imageBytes.indexOf(",") + 1);
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.getDecoder().decode(imageDataBytes.getBytes()));
BufferedImage image =;
ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", new File("C:\\Users\\i58287\\Downloads\\coversheet-test.jpg")); works on FileInputStream, not HttpInputStream

I need to get a BufferedImage from an InputStream.
Currently, I can do this by running:
BufferedImage bufferedImage =;
When inputStream is an instance of FileInputStream.
However, when inputStream is an instance of HttpInputStream, the BufferedImage is null.
How can I create a BufferedImage from an HttpInputStream?
Thanks for all help!
As you are trying to read an image from URL, you can use IOUtils to read the file in byte array and then pass ByteArrayInputStream to ImageIO, e.g.:
byte[] byteArray = IOUtils.toByteArray(new URL("<url>").openStream());
BufferedImage bufferedImage = ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray));
openStream returns an inputstream and hence, you should be able to create bufferedImage object.

Convert BufferedImage to aws...rekognition.model.Image

I'm playing around with the Amazon Rekognition. I found a really nice/easy library to take an image from my webcam which works like this:
BufferedImage bufImg = webcam.getImage();
I'm then trying to convert this BufferedImage to a , which is what must be submitted to the Rekognition library. This is what I'm doing:
byte[] imgBytes = ((DataBufferByte) bufImg.getData().getDataBuffer()).getData();
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(imgBytes);
return new Image().withBytes(byteBuffer);
However when I try and do some API call to Rekognition with the Image, I get an Exception: Invalid image encoding (Service: AmazonRekognition; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidImageFormatException; Request ID: X)
The docs state that the Java SDK will automatically base64 encode the bytes. In case, something weird was happening, I tried base64 encoding the bytes before converting:
imgBytes = Base64.getEncoder().encode(imgBytes);
However, the same Exception ensues.
Any ideas? :)
I tried encoding the image to a JPG (Rekognition supports PNG or JPG formats) and it solved the problem.
BufferedImage bufImg = webcam.getImage();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(bufImg, "jpg", baos);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray());
return new Image().withBytes(byteBuffer);

Byte[] to BufferedImage in java

I have a problem with showing a picture from the database, the database saves the picture in blob, when i pick up the data the blob passes to Byte[], so after that i do that to show the image, why didnt work?
Select_1 xp = new Select_1();
byte[] img=xp.Select_1(username);
InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(img);
BufferedImage image =;
BufferedImage resizedImage=resize(image,204,204);
ImageIcon icon=new ImageIcon(resizedImage);
Edit according to the comment:
Originally, the image was written using the following methods:
blob = (Blob) connect.createBlob();
ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon(ficheiro);
ObjectOutputStream oos;
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(blob.setBinaryStream(1));
psInsert.setBlob(4, blob);
You are not serialzing a BufferedImage, but an ImageIcon.
In order to create an image from the blob data, you have to do "the opposite" of what you have been doing to create the blob. In this case, you'll have to do something along the lines of
byte[] img=xp.Select_1(username);
InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(img);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(in);
ImageIcon imageIcon = (ImageIcon)ois.readObject();
Now, you have an ImageIcon, from which you can obtain the Image. For many cases, this image can be used directly. If you really need a BufferedImage, then you can do
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(204,204,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics g = bi.createGraphics();
g.drawImage(imageIcon.getImage(), 0, 0, 204, 204, null);
Then the buffered image will contain your image (already scaled to the desired target size of 204,204 in this case).
In any case, you should consider to not store the image as a serialized ImageIcon. Instead, you should write your image into a byte array as a PNG or JPG file, and store the resulting byte array as the blob in the database, as, for example, shown in Java: BufferedImage to byte array and back

Java Converting ByteArray into Image

I'm reading a file that has an array of bytes. I downloaded the Apache Commons IO library to use the FileUtils' method readFileToByteArray
File file = new File("/home/username/array.txt");
FileUtils fu = new FileUtils();
byte[] array = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(file);
I want to convert the array of bytes to an Image.
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(array);
Iterator<?> readers = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName("gif");
ImageReader reader = (ImageReader);
Object source = bis;
ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(source);
reader.setInput(iis, true);
ImageReadParam param = reader.getDefaultReadParam();
Image image =, param); // this line is the problem
When the code goes to the referred line, it throws an Exception saying
javax.imageio.IIOException: Unexpected block type 128!
I don't know what this exception means, therefore, I don't know how to fix it.
Any further information that could be helpful just need to be requested.
I've tried your code on this file and it works fine.
What's the format of your array.txt? readFileToByteArray() expects a binary format, and your image reader will further expect it to be a GIF file.
Once you have byte[] you can use ImageIO to write it to BufferedImage.
BufferedImage bufferedImage = ByteArrayInputStream(array));
ImageIO.write(bImageFromConvert, "gif", new File("c:/test.gif"));
That code means the reader couldn't decipher the metadata on the image file. Make sure the right file is getting read and it's well formed. Or it may be expecting a different file type.
without byte[] i feel this will be good for multipart file transfer,for this we need apache common jar files
final FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream("D:\\Dir\\"+ request.getParameter("imageName") + ".jpg");
IOUtils.copy(request.getPart("file").getInputStream(), output);
