JDBC Connection URL For Embedded Derby in a Webapp - java

I have a derby database that is deployed along with my webapp to WEB-INF/classes/myDb
What should my jdbc.connection url be to connect so that I can write to the database?
I am trying
and it can not find the database. I need to be able to modify the database. If i put classpath:myDb, it finds it, but it is unfortunately read only per the derby docs.

i solved it by setting my jdbc connection url at runtime and using:
StringBuilder derbyUrl = new StringBuilder("jdbc:derby:");


JMeter Couldnt Connect to Phoenix using JDBC Connection

I'm setting up a JMeter Connection to Phoenix using its JDBC Connection Configuration but it wont connect due to some jars and connection problem. I have tried configuring all of the compatible jars and configure the connection but it won't work either.
I've added Phoenix Jar to Classpath in Test Plan Setting.
The JDBC connection setting are as below:
Database Url: jdbc:phoenix://ip:port:/hbase-unsecure/schema_name
Driver Class: org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver
After configuring the phoenix database all i want to do is to do some simple query like SELECT * FROM table_name
Using MySQL Connection was successful and it shows me the data inside the database. However using this Phoenix Configuration, it won't even connect to the database and I am getting various error such as
Cannot create JDBC driver of class 'org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver' for connect URL
Couldn't established connection
java.lang.NoClassDefFoungError: Could not initialize class org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver
I got it resolved. turns out the driver for phoenix (phoenix- is suitable for JMeter version 2.9.
And in order the phoenix driver to work in JMeter, use phoenix-, not phoenix-
and if you have service mapping enabled problem, extract your jar, find hbase-default file, and add another property for service mapping enabled = true.

NetBeans with Connector/J

Well I'm working on a GNU/Linux machine and I'm still learning how to connect to my database
I've got the Connector/J File downloaded and edited my CLASSPATH, here's the reusult of echoing the path
I also have my SQL File.. let's say: sqlfile.sql
Threw the documentation and while searching I found how I should connect to the Connector.. My question is: where should I put my SQL file?
Also, Here's a piece of code I found that is used to connect, is it right?
String userName = "root";
String password = "password";
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/somefile";
Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
conn = DriverManager.getConnection (url, userName, password);
System.out.println ("Database connection established");
To build an application that connects to a database, you will need:
A database engine (e.g. MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, etc)
A JDBC driver library (e.g. Connector/J for MySQL, jTDS for SQL Server, ojdbc for Oracle, etc)
Java application itself.
Your code is only creating connection. Even that, the url looks incorrect. The "somefile" should be replaced with the name of database schema you want to connect to.
To interact with database, creating connection is still far from done.
To read, insert, update, delete, etc records from/to database, you need to create statement object by passing your SQL query.
The SQL queries should not be put in a file, but written in your code instead.
Complete JDBC tutorial is here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jdbc/

App Engine Java Servlet does not connect to Cloud SQL

I have created a java web servlet using app engine, the servlet makes requests to a database. I have tested the servlet locally using a local database and it worked perfectly, i then proceeded to test the servlet locally but istead accessed the Cloud SQL database, this also worked perfectly.
My problem arises after i deploy the servlet. Once deployed all database requests return the following:
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not
received any packets from the server.
I checked within the cloud console, and my app was properly added to the cloud SQL Authorized App Engine Applications under the Access Control tab.
Has anyone had similar problems with deployed app engine servlets? Any solutions or advice out there? I would appreciate any and all help!!!
The above error was generated using the following code to access the db
Url = "jdbc:mysql://<ip-address-cloudsql>:3306/<dbname>";
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection (Url,"root",<password>);
the same error was acheived using this code, note that it is very similar to the code shown in the example here https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/cloud-sql/
Url = "jdbc:google:mysql://<appID:instanceID>/<dbname>?
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection (Url);
I followed the formatting tips show in this stackoverflow post when it came to setting the url using appid and instance id:
Using this code resulted in the following different error:
java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: YES)
I'm assuming it says localhost because my cloudsql database is set to follow the app engine servlet. Also, know that both of these methods worked fine when running the servlet locally and accessing the cloud sql database.
any thoughts? i don't know what else to try:[
When connecting to Cloud SQL from an authorized App Engine application, the password is not required (actually it will fail if you try to connect with password).
Change your connection string to jdbc:google:mysql://<appID:instanceID>/<dbname>?
user=root omitting the &password=<password> part
If you have Authorized App Engine Applications you app engine on the access control settings you do not need a password since it is local so just make you password= ""; However if you are using something remote for example phpmyadmin that is run from another host, your command line or a GCE VM that runs through a TCP , SSH or HTML you will need to have a password ="something"; where something is set by you in your access control.
To everyone from Google who are looking as to why you might be getting "com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure" on a connection.
Make sure your IP is allowed if you are calling from a test server.
I was testing at a friends house, and this unhelpful error kept showing up.
When connecting to Google Cloud Sql you should be careful:
-To close your opened connections
-To use Exponential backoff algorithm when trying to create new connection.
For more information see: https://cloud.google.com/sql/faq
If you're using application.properties in Spring Boot app, then just put the below line into application.properties:
spring.datasource.url: jdbc:mysql://google/<dbname>?cloudSqlInstance=<InstanceName>&socketFactory=com.google.cloud.sql.mysql.SocketFactory&user=****&password=****

GlassFish Server does not connect to SQL database (error w.r.t. SQL driver)

I am using a brand new developing pc and need to test a personal application that runs on a local GlassFish server 3.1.2 and should connect with a local SQL database called 'funkOneDB' (my IDE is NetBeans 7.2.1). But I can't get the GlassFish server to connect with the database, and the problem seems to be related to the (place of the) SQL driver in the GlassFish Server's directories (more problem specifics in a few lines).
I am fairly certain I correctly set up the related JDBC Resource and Connection Pool on the GlassFish Server (as I mimic a set-up already existing and working properly on another developing pc).
The Resource specifics are:
jndi name: jdbc/FunkResource
pool name: FunkPool
The (most important) Pool specifics are:
pool name: FunkPool
resource type: javax.sql.Datasource
datasource classname: com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource
additional properties correspond to the specifics in the XML GlassFish-resources of the application (username, password, url, etc.; no problems there)
I first placed the necessary SQL driver in the GlassFish Server's directories, i.e. the file mysql-connector-java-5.1.18-bin.jar at ..\GlassFish3\GlassFish\domains\domain1\lib\ext.
Yet, when I perform a ping test from the JDBC Pool 'FunkPool' at the GlassFish server, I get the following error:
Ping Connection Pool failed for FunkPool. WEB9031: WebappClassLoader unable to load resource [com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError], because it has not yet been started, or was already stopped Please check the server.log for more details.
In the server.log I only find the following extra logging exception and failure info:
(i) Exception while creating an unpooled [test] connection for pool [ FunkPool ], WEB9031: WebappClassLoader unable to load resource [com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError], because it has not yet been started, or was already stopped
(ii) RestResponse.getResponse() gives FAILURE. endpoint = 'http://localhost:4848/management/domain/resources/ping-connection-pool.json'; attrs = '{id=FunkPool}'
Note however, that when I ping the database funkOneDB from my IDE NetBeans via jdbc:mysql://localhost:33066/funkOneDB, it's succesful. As already mentioned, the credentials and other data I use for this IDE-based ping are the same data I use in the JDBC Connection Pool.
I searched for the problem also on stackoverflow for some. And I did find some people talking about it, like
Glassfisch MySQL ping ERROR (no answer by anybody), or
Struggling to create MySQL Connection Pool on Glassfish (tried that solution, i.e. putting the SQL driver one level up in ..\GlassFish3\GlassFish\domains\domain1\lib\, but this creates other errors, even after restarting the Glassfish server), or
GlassFish not loading connector
(even tried this solution, no succes).
Can somebody help me solve this problem? Many thanks in advance!
With kind regards,
Place the mysql driver in the lib folder of your project. Then do a clean-and-build. It's also helpful to have netbeans communicate directly with your database. This will allow you to view the database structure and the contents of your database right from your IDE. For help integrating MySQL with netbeans, look here: netbeans.org/kb/docs/ide/mysql.html
My friend, i had this same exception:
RestResponse.getResponse() gives FAILURE. endpoint = 'http://localhost:4848/management/domain/resources/ping-connection-pool.json'; attrs = '{id=FunkPool}'
The cause of my error was that, i put wrong credentials. Check your credentials in your client DB App (SQL Developer, for example).
I had the same problem with SQL server and Netbeans. To resolve it, i put the sqljdbc.jar in the java direcory "Java\jdk1.8.0_121\lib directory" and it works :)
I've just spebnt 10 hours on this bug.

How can I configure persistence.xml for SQL server

How can I configure persistence.xml file to connect to my SQL Server. Some information is connected as: Host, DatabaseName, UserName, Password, Port, ...
Setting up a connection pool to MySQL database using a configuration .xml file can be pretty troublesome to someone who has just started like you.
In my opinion, you should take a look at this short guide. You simply need to start Glassfish server, open the browser and surf to http://yourdomain.com:4848 to access the Admin panel. After that, just follow the instruction in that article and to create the JDBC Connection pool and JDBC Resource. At this point, you only need to open the persistence.xml file with your IDE (NetBeans, etc.) and set the Data Source property with name of your JDBC Resource and you're done.
One thing to note is that you must download the latest MySQL Connector/J and copy the file
into the folder
Otherwise, you will run into the expcetion Class name is wrong or classpath is not set for : com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource if you try to ping the database after creating the JDBC Connection pool.
First of all donwload jdbc driver for sqlserver and put that in glassfish lib directory and boot that.
Using Glassfish admin console:
define a jdbc connection pool and specify Host, DatabaseName,
UserName, Password, Port, ...
define a jdbc resource and select connection pool name that you have specified in step 1
then grab the name of jdbc resource and put it in your persistence.xml file : <jta-data-source>YOUR-JDBC-RESOURCE-NAME</jta-data-source>
and now you can connect to data base.
If you are using Netbeans, it has some nice wizards to produce connection pool and jdbc resource in glassfish.
Since you are using JEE6 this is another way using annotation:
import javax.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition;
#DataSourceDefinition(name = "java:app/env/myDatasource",
minPoolSize = 0,
initialPoolSize = 0,
className = "your.driver.class",
user = "admin",
password = "admin",
databaseName = "test"
public class DbConfiguration {
For more info take a look at here.
