JAX-WS Client for perl webservice - java

I am planning to work on creating a perl webservice[using XML::Compile::SOAP] and want to know if I could create a java client for it using JAX-WS 2.1
[EDIT]: Is there no other way to consume a wsdl without doing the wsdl to java conversion??

If its a standard SOAP that you can get a standard WSDL from, then using wsimport included with JDK 1.6 should do it for you.

I suggest you start by defining the service with a WSDL. You can then build both the perl server and Java client against that WSDL. In Eclipse, build both in Java is fairly easy. A straight forward tutorial on building the client is here. Server tutorial is here.


Framework or tools for build wsdl with java

Is there any excellent tool in JAVA to deal with webservice or wsdl?
Yes. There is a standardized API (JAX-WS) that is even integrated into the Java standard API (the javax.xml.ws packages) since Java 6, and multiple implementations thereof, such as Axis and CXF.
Read about wsimport utility, which generates client-support code from the WSDL document (or URL pointing at service endpoint).
If you are using Eclipse try Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project, it's good at my point of view and sufficient for me.
For IntelliJIDEA Web Services link
If you're a Spring user, I'd recommend the Spring web service module. It makes using WSDL, creating web services, and implementing clients easy.

Reading Web service, I have a WSDL

I am normally used to using JSON/REST. I have been given access to a web service with WSDL file that I need to use to read data. I have no idea where to start
What is the quickest easiest way to get JAVA code up and running that can query this web "service"?
You can use libraries like Apache AXIS or Apache CXF, which include a WSDL2Java program you can run to parse the WSDL definition file and generate classes that let you invoke the web service.
Pick your framework (popular ones include Axis2, Spring-WS, Jax-WS). 2. Use the tool that comes with your framework to create Java proxies (for example, for Axis2, you'll use wsdl2java). 3. Write code that uses the generated proxies to actually call your web service.
I recommend Sun's JAX-WS (now built-in to Java 6). Google it (I can only post one link, below).
Some links...
Main site:
JAX-WS is under the Glassfish Metro project, but you don't need Glassfish to use it (we don't). However this is a good resource:
For starting with WSDL, see specifically:

Can't generate valid web. referense

I set up Open-xchage(wrote on Java) on openSUSE and installed SOAP extension on it. Then i tried to generate web referense in vs2008, but it doesn't work. Can I generate WebReferense of Java-based service and use it in .net/c# ? Any ideas.
This should be posible with no problems
try -> How To: Call a Java EE Web Service from a .Net Client

Java web service client:

I'm developing a web service client that needs to execute operation exposed on tomcat with axis2. The client has all the wsdl files that are needed. I can't import them statically with netbeans or eclipse because the client needs to discover the wsdl at runtime (this has been already done) and then execute them in an fixed order...
What should I do? My program is able to get those wsdl files but I don't know what to do with them... What should I use: jax-ws? jax-rpc?? Can you give me a link to a guide or something else??
Thank you in advance
Depending on your stack you can write webservice clients using a variety of tools/framework/libraries. Such as Spring-WS, Apache CXF or JAX-WS RI. Take a look at some and you'll get a feeling how to consume webservices.
What client platform/implementation and webservice rumtime do you intend to use on the client? For example if it is JAVA, you can use the RAD tooling from IBM or wsdl2java AXIS ant task to generate the java stubs. If it is MS platform, you can use Visual Studio tooling from MS to generate csharp stubs from the WSDL. Then you populate the objects to create the SOAP xml message format that your webservice provider expects.
You might look into Dynamic Clients with Apache CXF, looks like it can do exactly what you're looking for.

Consuming web services with jboss

Can someone point me a good step-by-step tutorial to consuming an already running web service in java?
PS: I tried creating the classes with wsconsume, but it cries with
[ERROR] rpc/encoded wsdls are not supported in JAXWS 2.0. (my web service is rpc/encoded)
If I can consume web services entirely by hand (using no wizards), and understand how is it working, then I'll be happy.
Update: I have found out that rpc web services are not consumed using jbossws, but jboss-jaxrpc, which implements the JAX-RPC specification. I've found a guide for JAX-RPC here, but I'm still looking for other guides that could help.
Apache CXF is the easiest way to get webservices running. Specifically look at the Simple Frontend. The simple front end uses reflection to convert the method/data types to a webservice. It doesn't get much easier than that.
CXF is pretty stable, but does not include all the WS specifications (WS-Eventing for example).
How about the JBossWS website? The details on the client side wsconsume tool are probally what you will look at first.
If you have the WSDL and XSD files, you can use the Axis web-services library to create Java classes that will interact with the services they describe. From the stand-point of this library, you are creating a client application.
You can also consume web services with Spring WS.
