Java garbage collection - java

Java automatically calls garbage collector, then why we need manual calls for garbage collection? When should use System.gc()

Java automatically calls garbage collector, then why we need manual calls for garbage collection?
We don't need them. Indeed, in most circumstances calling System.gc() is harmful for application performance. See my answer to "Why is it a bad practice to call system gc" for a detailed explanation.
When should use System.gc()
If the application knows it is going into a phase where it has nothing else to do AND the user is unlikely to notice a garbage collection, then maybe it is OK call to System.gc() in an effort to stop the user experiencing GC pauses in the future.
The downsides include:
Calling System.gc() typically triggers a full GC which takes significantly longer than a GC of the 'new space'.
The user may actually care / notice. For example, if you call System.gc() between "levels" in a game, you make loading the next level take longer.
By forcing the GC, you are causing the JVM to use extra CPU cycles, etc which may potentially interfere with other things that the user is doing on his machine.
(There can also be legitimate reasons to call System.gc() in unit tests, and during system debugging.)

There isn't a need to call for garbage collection explicitly and calling System.gc() is only a suggestion, the JVM can ignore your suggestion.
The only practical uses I can think of is
During debugging, forcing a collection can expose a memory leak
If the program goes through predictable cycles of intense computation followed by no computation (like a turn based game), during the no-computation period the CPU could be utilized for a suggested garbage collection to prevent jitter during the intense computation portions.

System.gc() is only a suggestion. But it does make sense in some situations.
Suppose you have class MyClass, and you're wondering how much memory does one instance take. What you can do is this (roughly speaking):
MyClass [] objects= new MyClass[100000];
long memoryNow = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i ++) {
objects[i] = new MyClass();
long memoryLater = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
int objectSize = (int)((memoryLater - memoryNow) / 100000);
There are other similar cases I've found System.gc() to be useful.

One aspect not yet mentioned is that some types of objects may ask entities outside themselves to do things on their behalf (e.g. give them exclusive access to a non-fungible resource like a file), to the detriment of other entities. When a garbage-collection is performed, the system will not only free up memory that was formerly occupied by unreachable objects, but it will also call finalize on objects that it notices have been abandoned, thus allowing such objects to notify outside entities that their services are no longer required. It is entirely possible for a program to reach a state where there's plenty of memory, but a necessary resource is unavailable because an object has been granted exclusive access and has since been abandoned without releasing it. Forcing the garbage-collector to run in such a situation may sometimes free up the necessary resource.

The garbage collector is always called by the JVM when there is not enough memory to allocate new objects into the heap. While calling the garbage collector, it follows the Stop the World norms and for this it calls the System.gc() method.
Also remember that the JVM also runs parallel gc threads to remove unused objects from memory . So everything and every minute JVM maintains heap memory and always tries to not overload it. So there is no any requirement to explicitly call System.gc() or Runtime.gc() method.
If you want more detail about this you can get here for the relevant information.

Garbage collection process is not under the user's control.So it makes no sense to call System.gc(); explicitly. It entirely depends on the JVM.
Few days back, I had asked exactly the same question : [Here].
In fact, many questions related to calling System.gc(); explicitly have been already asked and answered here. Calling System.gc(); explicitly is always considered as poor programming skill, although it won't do any harm.
Here are the few links that I you should go through it. It will definitely clarify your doubt.
Calling System.gc(); explicitly
Bad practise - Calling System.gc();
System.gc(); in java
PS : Btw, you should seriously take
the extra effort to go through
similar StackOverflow questions before posting about your doubts.

There is no need to call System.gc() or Runtime.getRuntime().gc(). The JVM internally controls garbage collection if it finds that it is running out of memory.


Is it possible/necessary to change the garbage-collection intervals in Java

I know that the garbage-collection is used to get rid of the orphaned objects (the ones that loses their references) but is it possible to set custom intervals for garbage-collecting in Java?
It is not advisable for an application to tell the GC to run. It is better to leave it to the JVM to make the decision.
Because the JVM knows best. The JVM has access to information that allows it to run the JVM at the best time, to optimize either for high throughput or low pause times. It can monitor the size of the various heap "spaces", and estimate the best time to initiate a collection, and what kind of collection to initiate. The decision making is complicated.
By contrast, if an application calls System.gc() on a fixed time interval, it may run when it doesn't need to, using CPU cycles unnecessarily. Indeed, if you run the GC when there is no garbage, it spend a lot of time scanning all of the live objects ... and then not achieve anything.
The other thing to note that if System.gc() is not ignored, a common behavior is to run a full garbage collection. Depending on your JVM's GC options, this may cause all application threads to be frozen. If the heap is large, the "GC pauses" for full collections can be significant.
Another answer suggests using the sun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval property. This is designed to deal with the collection of remote references in an RMI application. It may work in other contexts, but it is inadvisable for the reasons stated above.
Using Runtime.getRuntime().gc() or System.gc() you can suggest JVM for garbage collection but you cannot set intervals or call it in any way
public static void gc​()
Calling the gc method suggests that the Java Virtual Machine expend effort toward recycling unused objects in order to make the memory they currently occupy available for quick reuse. When control returns from the method call, the Java Virtual Machine has made a best effort to reclaim space from all discarded objects.
The whole point of a garbage collection is, that the developer does not need to worry about the memory management whatsoever (as always there might be exceptions, but these are rare)
As pointed out you can only suggest the JVM to trigger the GC from your java code.
If you have problems with your GC interval, maybe you can instead set some parameters to your JVM?
Maybe you can use the parameter:
gcInterval(ms) = max interval between GC
But I have never used it myself, so no experience on this one.

Garbage collector don't run when object is referenced.Which object?

As there are so many objects being created for a particular class some of which could be referenced and some can be anonymously lying in the heap and hence elgible for garbage collection . So is the presence of even one non referenced object in the heap is enough for garbage collector to run or is there any other criteria to assure the garbage collector is executed.
we don't know when GC get executed, it depend on lots of things e.g. Type of GC. Also you can recommend to VM to launch GC by doing System.gc(). But again it is just a recommendation
GC on an object is, for typical reference implementations of the JVM, completely non-deterministic. There is no way to guarantee when, or even if, the GC will be run, never mind if it will result in a particular object reference being released (and its corresponding finalizer called.) This is regardless of the state of this particular object.
As pointed out in comments, System.gc() is merely a hint or request. In a great many cases it will result in a full GC. But consider gathering a heap dump usually results in 2-3 calls to System.gc() before the dump is generated, mostly as a way to improve the chances it actually happens.
There are experimental VMs that offer various implementations of real-time guarantees where some of this is not true.

Java - Why forced garbage collection doesn't release memory

I am generating a large data structure and write it to hard disk. Afterwards I want to get rid of the object, to reduce the memory consumption. My problem is that after I had forced a garbage collection the amount of used memory is at least as high as it was before garbage collection. I have added a minimal working example what I am doing.
DataStructure data = new DateStructure();
WeakReference<Object> ref = new WeakReference<Object>(data);
data = null;
while (ref.get() != null) {
The code should force a garbage collection on the data object as it is recommended in thread:
Forcing Garbage Collection in Java?
I know this garbage collection does guarantee the deletion of the data object, but in the past I was more successful by using the garbage collection as described at the link as using simply System.gc().
Maybe someone has an answer whats the best way to get rid of large objects.
It seems that this is premature optimization (or rather an illusion of it). System.gc(); is not guaranteed to force a garbage collection. What you are doing here is busy waiting for some non-guaranteed gc to happen. But if the heap does not get filled up the JVM might not start a garbage collection at all.
I think that you should start thinking about this problem when you stress test your application and you can identify this part as a bottleneck.
So in a nutshell you can't really force a gc and this is intentional. The JVM will know when and how to free up space. I think that if you clear your references and call System.gc(); you can move on without caring about whether it gets cleaned up or not. You may read the Official documentation about how to fine-tune the garbage collector. You should rather be using some GC tuning according to the documentation than asking java to GC from your code.
Just a sidenote: the JVM will expand some of the heap's generations if the need arises. As far as I know there is a configuration option where you can set some percentage when the JVM will contract a generation. Use MinHeapFreeRatio/MaxHeapFreeRatio if you don't want Java to reserve memory which it does not need.
This idiom is broken for a whole range of reasons, here are some:
System.gc() doesn't force anything; it is just a hint to the garbage collector;
there is no guarantee when a weak reference will be cleared. The spec says "Suppose that the garbage collector determines at a certain point in time that an object is weakly reachable". When that happens, it is up to the implementation;
even after the weak reference is cleared, there is no telling when its referent's memory will actually be reclaimed. The only thing you know at that point is that the object has transitioned from "weakly reachable" to "finalizable". It may even be resurrected from the finalizer.
From my experience, just doing System.gc a fixed number of times, for example three, with delays between them (your GC could be ConcurrentMarkSweep) in the range of half-second to second, gives much stabler results than these supposedly "smart" approaches.
A final note: never use System.gc in production code. It is almost impossible to make it bring any value to your project. I use it only for microbenchmarking.
In the comments you provide a key piece of information which is not in your question: you are interested in reducing the total heap size (Runtime#totalMemory) after you are done with your object, and not just the heap occupancy (Runtime#totalMemory-Runtime#freeMemory). This is completely outside of programmatic control and on certain JVM implementations it never happens: once the heap has increased, the memory is never released back to the operating system.

Garbage Collection in android (Done manually)

I have a strange doubts. I know garbage collector has its own limitation. and if allocation is
bad then it can cause a problem for application to respond in unusual way.
So my question is that is it good programming habit to call forcefully garbage collector (System.gc()) at the end of each activity?
Every one is saying that calling system.gc() not beneficial at all.Then i am wondering why its present here.DVM will decide when to run garbage collector.Then what is need of that method?
Update 2
Thanks community to help me out. But honestly i got knowledge about Garbage collection real Beauvoir from this link Java Performance Optimization
it isn't good programming habit to call forcefully garbage collector (System.gc()) at the end of each activity
Because it is useless,only DVM decide when it should be call although you called it...
System.gc(), which the VM sometimes ignores at whim, is mostly useful in two cases:
you're gobbling up memory like there's no tomorrow (usually with bitmaps).
you suspect a memory leak (such as accidentally holding onto an old Context), and want to put the VM memory in a quiescent state to see if the memory usage is creeping up, for debugging.
Under nominal circumstances, one should not use it.
I really think it depends on your situation.
Because the heap is generational, the GC may not get rid of certain large objects or bitmaps on its first pass, and its heuristics may not indicate that additional garbage collection is necessary, but there are definitely scenarios where the heuristic could be wrong, and we as the developers have knowledge of a pattern, or can predict usage that the GC cannot, and therefore calling system.gc() will benefit us.
I have seen this before in specific scenarios such as dealing with map tiling or other graphic intensive behaviors, where the native GC in Android (even on 3.0+ devices), doesn't get it right, resulting in Out of Memory errors. However, by adding a few GC calls, the Out of Memory errors are prevented, and the system continues to process albeit at a slower rate (due to garbage collection). In graphic intensive operations, this usually is that state desired (a little lag) over the application crashing because it cannot load additional resources into memory.
My only explanation for why this happens in certain scenarios appears to be timing. If user operations are slow, then the native Android GC seems to do great. However, if your user is scrolling fast, or zooming quickly, this is where I have seen the Android GC lag behind, and a few well thought out System.gc() have resulted in my applications not crashing.
calling System.gc(), doesn't do any harm. but you cant be sure that it will be of some use. because you ask the DVM to do garbage collection, but can't command it... Its dependent totally on DVM. It calls when memory is running out or may be at any time..
I tried putting System.gc() on the line before the lines where I created my bitmap in my Android app. The garbage collector freed up several megabytes in some cases and put and end to my OutOfMemoryError conditions. It did not interfere with the normal garbage collection one bit but it did make my app run faster.
No; if the system needs memory, it will call GC on its own.
Any memory used by an instance, that isn't referenced anywhere else, will become eligible for GC when the instance goes away.
Memory used by the instance itself, if no longer referenced, is also eligible for GC. You can do a code review or profiling to see if you're holding on to memory unnecessarily, but that's a different issue.
Calling GC manually is a bad coding habit...
The Developer docs on RAM usage state:
An explicit GC, such as when you call gc() (which you should avoid calling and instead trust the GC to run when needed).
I've highlighted the most important and relevant part here in bold.
It is possible to ask the Android JVM to run the garbage collector by calling System.gc(). As the documentation states:
Calling the gc() method suggests that the Java Virtual Machine expend effort toward recycling unused objects in order to make the memory they currently occupy available for quick reuse. When control returns from the method call, the Java Virtual Machine has made a best effort to reclaim space from all discarded objects.
Emphasis added!
Some care is needed in interpreting "best effort" in the final sentence:
The "best effort" might be to ignore the "suggestion" entirely. Some JVMs have a configuration option to totally ignore System.gc() calls.
The "best effort" may or may not amount to a full garbage collection. That is an implementation detail.
But the bottom line is that you cannot force the GC to run.
Calling System.gc() is generally a bad idea. It makes your application inefficient, and it may introduce unwanted and unnecessary GC pauses.
The inefficiency issue comes down to the way that modern garbage collectors behave. A garbage collector's work has two parts1:
Finding the objects that are reachable.
Dealing with the objects that are not reachable.
The first part involves traversing reference chains and and marking the graph of objects starting at the GC roots. This work is proportional to the number of reachable objects.
The second part can be handled in a couple of ways, but it will typically be proportional to the size of the reachable objects.
Thus the overall cost of a GC run (in CPU time) depends mostly in the amount of non-garbage. But the benefit of the work performed is the amount of space that you managed to reclaim.
To maximize efficiency, you need to run the GC when the benefit of running the GC is at its highest; i.e. when the heap is close to full. But the problem is that if you call System.gc() you may be requesting a garbage collection when there is lots of free space.
Every one is saying that calling system.gc() not beneficial at all. Then I am wondering why its present here. DVM will decide when to run garbage collector. Then what is need of that method?
It is there for largely historical reasons. The method was present in the System class in Java 1.0. Removing it now would break a lot of legacy code. As for why gc() was included in the first place, the decision was made a long, long time ago, and we were not "in the room" when it was made. My guess is that the decision makers (in ~1995):
were a bit too optimistic about how GC technology would develop,
didn't anticipate that naive programmers would try to use gc() calls to solve memory leaks and other bugs, and / or
were simply too rushed to think too hard about it.
There are also a couple of scenarios where calling System.gc() is beneficial. One such scenario is when your application is about to start a "phase" where unscheduled GC pauses are going to give a particularly bad user experience. By running System.gc() you can take the "performance hit" at a point in time where it matters less; e.g. during a user initiated pause or while switching levels in a game.
But I don't think the above scenario corresponds to your "at the end of every activity".
The final thing to note is that calling System.gc() manually does not prevent normal OOMEs. A normal OOME is typically thrown then the JVM decides there is not enough free heap space to continue. This decision is made immediately after running a (full) GC. Running System.gc() manually won't make any difference to the decision making.
Furthermore, calling System.gc() will not cure normal2 memory leaks. If your application has a memory leak, you actually have a situation where a bunch of objects are reachable when they shouldn't be. But since they are reachable, the GC won't delete them.
The cure for OOMEs is one or more of the following:
Find the memory leaks and fix them. There are tools to help you do this.
Modify the application to use memory more efficiently; e.g. don't keep so much data in memory, or represent it in a more compact form.
Increase the application's heap size.
1 - This is a simplification, but the full story is way to complicated for this posting. I recommend you buy an read an up-to-date book on Garbage Collection of you want (or need) a deeper understanding.
2 - There are cases involving non-heap memory where manually running the GC might help as a band-aid for certain kinds of OOME. But a better solution is to find a better way to reduce non-heap memory usage and/or free up non-heap resources in a more timely fashion.

Why we are calling System.gc() method to garbage collection of unused object

Why we are calling System.gc() method to garbage collection of unused object, if garbage collection is automatically done in Java by daemon thread in background process with regular interval?
For testing purposes it can be useful to know when a GC has been performed. However this is rare and calling System.gc() when it isn't needed is such a common mistake that you can turn it off with -XX:+DisableExplicitGC.
We're not, because we're generally not smarter than the GC. Technically, calling it doesn't guarantee it'll run, although in many implementations it does.
Also, it's not necessarily done at regular imtervals, but based on an as-needed basis. Different implementations will start GC based on different criteria.
System.gc() just gives the garbage collector a hint that this might be a good time for garbage collection, e.g. because a lot of objects aren't used anymore and processing has finished.
It doesn't force the garbage collector to do anything - it just gives a hint.
Only use this once you need to optimze your application (after profiling).
I don't think I have ever seen it in production code so far.
While it shouldn't be necessary, I had code that thrashed much, much less when I did an explicit System.gc after a very large Map was emptied, just to be refilled again, in a loop. I think without a hint the collector tried minor gcs until it was clear that wouldn't do. Yes, I put it in production. I also put in a comment, just so my colleagues would test rather than blindly remove.
