I am wondering there is any tool can generate the javadoc's comment from the method declarations etc?
As #Bart commented, popular IDEs can generate the Javadoc skeleton from your method declaration. However, the content you have to fill in yourself. And you would better - in fact, it is better to have no Javadoc than to have loads of autogenerated Javadoc containing no useful (or even worse, obsolete) information. So please be careful when (ab)using your IDE to autogenerate Javadoc...
JAutodoc is an Eclipse plugin that has this functionality.
I believe that Eclipse and NetBeans both have facilities to do this. They just generate the outline, of course, no actual description of anything.
As it is mentioned in
Annotation to disable JavaDocs I was not able to disable generation of Javadocs by JAXB when generating Java classes from XSD.
I clearly do not need documentation for hundreds of getters/setters. Is there a way to automate deletion of javadocs instead of manually selecting and deleting them?
The solution that works so far is to use replace functionality with regex search enabled and to use the following regex for selection \/\*\s*[\s\S]*?\*\/$, then replace found javadoc entries with an empty string.
Someone should develop a plugin that loads and unloads the javadoc...on demand...so those that are puritanical and want absolutely no javadoc (setters and getters for sure dont make sense for javadoc) can remove them with one click.
I'm writing documentation for my java file. In that documentation, I want to add some html links at the end of each generated file. For that, what I have to use while writing java documentation?
If you are using Eclipse as IDE, you can use the plugin JAutodoc:
To add a default text at the beggining of each text file.
According to the javadoc manual (can't find a newer version right now), you should use -footer when you generate your java API documentation from the CLI, for instance:
javadoc -footer "<b>Copyright 2015 Lakshmi Prasanna</b><br>" com.mypackage
Here's a similar example, but that uses -header instead.
Now, if you use a good IDE, at the very least it should allow you to type that somewhere in the project settings. Back in the day Eclipse wasn't very flexible, so I had to make an Ant script (yuck).
One limitation with this approach is that the CLI -options depend on the tool. This works with the standard javadoc command but might not work with another vendor's doclet. However I'm not sure there's a universal way to achieve what the OP asked.
Anyway, it seems to be: NOT -footer but -bottom.
I want to order my application for documention. this any tool that in java that support in this?
I know and use java doc. I want to "draw" my application. to see all the connections and "tree" of classes between them. Do anybody know if this option is exsists in any Ide or platform?
You can use eclipse(or any other IDE) to Java doc your methods and classes, and when you want to document it si,ply go to Project - Genereate javadoc
Do you probably mean javadoc? In this case add special comments to your classes and methods that start with /** instead of regular /* and then use command line utility javadoc or higher level tools provided by ant, maven or other build tools.
I have a limited selection of original source code overlayed onto decompiled code in a sources jar.
This is great as it gives me easy ability to drill down into the code when debugging however it seems to have a side effect of disabling the javadoc from the associated javadoc.jar from working in eclipse despite me having a separate javadoc.jar file with the javadoc in it.
I assume this happening because eclipse is finding the 'source code' and assumes that all the javadoc is in the source and therefore there is no need to check the javadoc.jar file.
I'd like to be able to tell eclipse (preferably using maven) to not use the sources.jar for javadoc and only use the javadoc.jar. I would still like to use the sources.jar for source code.
I have assumed that eclipse is preferring to display javadoc from sources and may be wrong so please correct me if that is the case.
Also, I may just be doing something simple the wrong way so please let me know if that is the case.
I am hunting for the same thing. I have some source jars I created with jad (and since they are decompiled, they have no JavaDoc in them) and attached as source attachments. I also have the JavaDoc attached. It seems like it is a limitation of Eclipse. It will scrape the JavaDoc from the sources and display it (even if its empty) rather than looking to the JavaDoc. I wish it would notice that the JavaDoc was missing from the source and try the JavaDoc location instead. If I don't find a solution, I'm going to post the question and/or feature request over at the Eclipse site.
One workaround might be to integrate into the java decompiler (like jad) the ability to examine both the source an the javadoc, and put the javadoc back into the source. It would also then have parameter names for methods available too so it could put those back in. Lots of people have suggested this, but I cannot find anyone who has done it.
A couple of caveats. First, jad hasn't been maintained in a long time. The JD-Core/JD-Eclips website has vanished. And I have not found a better Java decompiler than jad. What happened to all the great Java decompiling gurus and solutions? Second, it might be tricky with the "align for debugging" feature to make sure the JavaDoc comments don't take up more room than is available.
I am working on an incremental builder for Java code in Eclipse. Eclipse provides a ResourceDelta that tells me which resources have changed since the last build. However, I would like to have more detailed information, e.g. what methods or what field definitions changed. There seems to be functionality similar to what I want in the "compare with -> each other" view. However, this code is quite disconnected from the build engine and seems incompatible with ResourceDeltas. What would be a good way to figure out what I want? The best solution I can see is to compare two ASTs, but I also could not find any built-in support for that.
JavaCore does supply this information via the IElementChangedListener and IJavaElementDelta interfaces. Here's a quick code sample to get you started:
JavaCore.addElementChangedListener(new MyJavaElementChangeReporter(), ElementChangedEvent.POST_RECONCILE);
More details available in Manipulating Java code from the JDT Plug-in Developer Guide.