I am trying to implement an iterator that will iterate through the HashMap and its duplicates. For example string.put("a", 1);
string.put("a", 2);
string.put("b", 3);
string.put("b", 4);
However with my iterator I only iterate twice, once for where the value is "a" and the other for "b". I'd like to make an iterator that will iterate 4 times throughout the whole Map.
EDIT: I kind of left out a lot of detail because I just wanted to see if this iterator was possible, but the code I'm writing is actually an abstraction of a map. For example, I have an add function which takes in parameter T. So for adding a string it would look like add("Hello"). By adding this string, it's key is "String" and its value is 1. If I call add("Hello") again it will bump up the value to 2. If I add it again, it will bump up its value to 3 and so on. I want to create an iterator that will iterate through all the stuff I have added.
Unfortunately, Java's Map interface doesn't allow for duplicate keys:
An object that maps keys to values. A
map cannot contain duplicate keys;
each key can map to at most one value.
Thus, when you try to put a key that already exists in the map, the new value replaces the old value; the reason your iterator iterates 2 times is because there are only 2 items.
If you want to keep duplicate keys (like "a" pointing to both 1 and 2), either you can have a Map of a List or Set, like
Map<String, List<Integer>> myMap;
Where the list or set that a key maps to contains all values, like myMap.get("a") would return a list that would look like [1,2].
Or use something like a MultiMap from either Google or Apache
For your problem, I believe you are saying that you want a special Map where:
The value for each key to be how many times the key was entered.
When you iterate over the map, you iterate over all the keys you added, for each time they were added.
You may want to look at how they implemented iterator() for HashMap, specifically looking at the internal private class HashIterator.
next() and hasNext() could maybe keep returning the key for as many times as specified by the value (i.e. if "Hello" maps to 2, your custom iterator() will return with next() "Hello" two times before moving onto the next key).
Map may not be an appropriate structure to use for what you're trying to do, but I wish you luck!
You can try using a Multimap from the guava library. java.util.HashMap allows to associate only one value with one key.
You can access an Iterator for your HashMap like this :
If you want to loop on all your objects, this is a faster way :
for(Object o : myHashMap.entrySet()) {
// do something with o
The problem in your case seems to come from the fact that a HashMap in java can't have identical keys, so your code add only two objects to the HashMap.
I have a list of HashMap objects in Java.
I would like to conditionally add more HashMap objects to this list if the list does not already contain a HashMap having the same key value pair as in the new HashMap.
Here is an example HashMap list. Note that in reality, there are more keys. Here, I am just including "contact_id" for simplicity.
[{contact_id=16247115}, {contact_id=16247116}, {contact_id=16247117}, {contact_id=16247118}, {contact_id=16247119}]
Adding {contact_id=16247117} to this list should not be allowed.
Adding {contact_id = 74857983}, should be allowed.
Ideally, I would like to be able to conditionally add several HashMaps into this list in one line of code. If I were not to perform the conditional check, I could just use the syntax listname.addAll(batchOfHashMaps). I'd like to do something similar, but precluding redundant HashMaps in the list.
What is the most efficient way to achieve this conditional insert in Java?
I reckon there must be a more efficient solution than evaluating each element in the list inside a for-loop.
If you are only wanting to look at one key-value pair of the maps as an identifier, then you could use a Map instead of a List to hold everything. For example,
Map<String, Map<String, String> mapOfMaps;
Then you could add one like:
mapOfMaps.putIfAbsent(mapToAdd.get("contact_id"), mapToAdd);
you could add multiple like:
batchOfHashMaps.forEach(m -> mapOfMaps.putIfAbsent(m.get("contact_id"), m));
To get a collection of your maps simply call values()
With an ArrayList I would do something like
myList.set(myList.indexOf(oldItemNumber), newItemNumber);
Is there an easy way to achieve this for LinkedHashSet?
Just use the put() method. It will update that specific entry.
From the documentation of LinkedHashMap:
Hash table and linked list implementation of the Map interface, with
predictable iteration order. This implementation differs from HashMap
in that it maintains a doubly-linked list running through all of its
entries. This linked list defines the iteration ordering, which is
normally the order in which keys were inserted into the map
(insertion-order). Note that insertion order is not affected if a key
is re-inserted into the map. (A key k is reinserted into a map m if
m.put(k, v) is invoked when m.containsKey(k) would return true
immediately prior to the invocation.)
So you can simply put() the new value in and it will keep it's current location in the ordering. If you want to add it to the end then remove the old value and then add the new one.
The question is meaningless for a Set. A new object added to the Set either equals an existing one (in which case nothing happens) or it doesn't (in which case it is added at the end).
There is no way to insert objects at specific locations without removing and re-adding everything.
You may want to look at TreeSet which allows you to keep an ordered set that will remain ordered by the provided comparator as you add and remove objects.
I solved this problem where a LinkedHashSet member object has a hash code which computes a value on only part of the object (ex its Name field). Yes this is unconventional but I also had a matching equals() method. Two different objects can have the same hash code and appear equal but internally they have some different values.
An example would be a database record which has key which has to be unique. You need to replace the record with a new set of values, so you find and replace the record with the matching key with new values.
// Rebuild Linked Hash Set in original order with new element.
ArrayList<Item> newSet = new ArrayList<>(oldSet);
newSet.add(newSet.indexOf(oldItem), newItem);
The arrayList will have the old values in the same order and the new item will get added in front of the old. No need to remove the duplicate. When added to the old HashSet (LinkedHashSet) it only keeps the first occurrence of any duplicate hash codes.
use map.put(key ,value) if you will use same key it will replace previous value
I have a multiset in guava and I would like to retrieve the number of instances of a given element without iterating over this multiset (I don't want to iterate because I assume that iterating takes quite some time, as it looks through all the collection).
To do that, I was thinking first to use the entryset() method of multiset, to obtain a set with single instances and their corresponding count. Then, transform this set into a hashmap (where keys are the elements of my set, and values are their instance count). Because then I can use the methods of hashmap to directly retrieve a value from its key - done! But this makes sense only if I can transform the set into the hashmap in a quick way (without iterating trhough all elements): is it possible?
(as I said I expect this question to be flawed on multiple counts, I'd be happy if you could shed light on the conceptual mistakes I probably make here. Thx!)
Simply invoke count(element) on your multiset -- voila!
You may know in Guava Multiset is an interface, not a class.
If you just want to know the repeated number of an element, call Multiset.count(Object element).
Please forget my following statement:
Then if you are using a popular implementation HashMultiset, there is already a HashMap<E, AtomicInteger> working under the scene.
That is, when the HashMultiset iterates, also a HashMap iterates. No need to transform into another HashMap.
OK so this is a BIT different. I have a new HashMap
private Map<String, Player> players = new HashMap<String, Player>();
How do I remove last known item from that? Maybe somethign like this?
hey = Player.get(players.size() - 1);
The problem is, a HashMap is not sorted like a list. The internal order depends on the hashCode() value of the key (e.g. String). You can use a LinkedHashMap which preserves the insert order. To remove the last entry on this you can use an iterator in combination with a counter which compares to the size and remove the last entry.
It's so easy. Try this:
Map<String, Player> players = new LinkedHashMap<String, Players>();
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(players.keySet());
I'm a little bit confused. First of all, you're saying that you've got a new ArrayList and you're illustrating this with a line that creates a new HashMap. Secondly, does the Player class really have static methods like get(int) and remove(Object)?
HashMap doesn't have a particular order, ArrayList (as any other List) does.
Removing from an ArrayList
If you've got a list of players, then you can do the following:
private List<Player> players = new ArrayList<Player>();
// Populate the list of players
players.remove(players.size() - 1);
Here, I've used the remove(int) method of List, which allows to remove an item at an arbitrary index.
Removing from a HashMap
If you've got a map of players, there's no such thing as "the last item". Sure, you can iterate over the map and one of the items will pop out last, but that doesn't mean anything. Therefore, first you have to find out what you want to remove. Then you can do the following:
private Map<String, Player> players = new HashMap<String, Player>();
// Populate the map of players
// Find the key of the player to remove
Here, I've used the remove(Object) method of Map. Note that in order to remove some key-value pair, you have to show the key, not the value.
There's no "first" and "last" in a HashMap. It's unordered. Everything is accessible by its key, not by index.
You cannot delete from HashMap like that. You need to use LinkedHashMap.
Simple, just do something of this effect.
1) Get a keyset iterator;
2) Create a Key somelastKey = null
3) Iterate through the iterator and assigning somelastKey until iterator finishes.
4) finally, do players.remove(somelastKey);
Bear in mind that HashMap is unordered, it depends on Object's hashCode to determine insertion order.
Instead of using HashMap, try using LinkedHashMap which keeps a predictable iteration order.
Hope this helps....
You'll probably have to extend HashMap, override put so that it caches the key, and then create a new method that just removes the key that was cached.
Unfortunately, this will only let you remove the most recently added. If you need to remove the most recently added multiple times (without inserting in-between the removes), you're out of luck.
In that case, I'd probably do the same overrides, just write the keys to a List. So you'd have both a list and a Map.
When adding:
String key; Player value;
lastKey = key;
map.put(key, value);
Player lastAdded = map.remove(lastKey);
Other than that there's really no way without using a LinkedHashMap or in some way creating your own wrapper map or extending HashMap.
You shouldn't be using a raw hashmap anywhere because things like this happen.
Get in the habit of wrapping your collections in business logic classes.
See, in your case right now you need to associate these two related variables--your hashmap and a "Last entered" item so you can remove it.
If you need to remove the last item from some other class, you need to pass both items.
Any time you find yourself passing 2 or more items together into more than one API, you are probably missing a class.
Create a new class that contains the hashmap and a "lastAdded" variable. Have put and remove methods that are just forwarded to the hashmap, but the put method would also set the lastAdded variable.
Also be sure to add a removeLast() method.
NEVER allow access to your hashmap outside this class, it needs to be completely private (this is what I mean by wrapped). In this way you can ensure it doesn't get out of sync with the lastAdded variable (also completely private).
Just to reiterate getters and setters for these variables would be a terrible idea (as they are with nearly all actual OO code).
You will quickly find a bunch of other methods that NEED to be in this class in order to access data inside your hashmap--methods that never felt right in their current location. You will probably also notice that those methods always have an additional parameter or two passed in--those parameters should probably be members of your new class.
Once you get in the habit of doing actual OO design (via refactoring in this case), you'll find your code MUCH more manageable. To illustrate this point, if you find later that you need multiple levels of "delete last", it will be TRIVIAL to add to your class because it will be extremely clear exactly what methods can modify your hashtable and where your new "stack" of lastItems should be located--in fact it's probably a 2 line code change.
If you do not make this wrapper class, various locations will each have code to set "lastAdded" when they add code to the hashtable. Each of those locations will have to be modified, some may be in other classes requiring you to pass your new stack around with the hashtable. It will be easier to get them out of synch if you forget to change one location.
What is the best way to do the following(make sure that items from List are following the same order as those in ListTwo):
Now the result should look like this
Step by step :
For each item in List :
compare first part of the item to item in ListTwo
if they are equal add it to ListThree
if item exist in List but not in ListTwo dont do anything yet save it
continue from step 1
you are at the end of the List add the item(s) you skipped before in step
I know this much(actually I don't, I think I know), there are better ways to do this I'm sure
Why did I get downvote, did I miss something ?
It may be easier if you reverse the roles (store the keys in the ArrayList, in order) and the key-value mappings in a SortedMap, such as TreeMap, or ConcurrentSkipListMap. The comparator for the sorted map can use List.indexOf as the basis for element comparison.
With this arrangement, the map defines the key/value mapping, which is natural for the map, and the list maintains the desired order, which is quite natural for a List.
Alternatively, use a regular Map, and not a sorted map, and use iteration over the list, and fetching values from the map. E.g.
ArrayList keysList;
Map keyValues;
for(String key: keysList) {
String value = keyValues.get(key);
EDIT: Commons collections has SetUniqueList - a list that ensures uniqueness like a Set. It also has has various types of OrderedMap, in particular a ListOrderedMap that maintains the key/value mappings in the order of a list. For generics support, see commons collections with generics.
Use LinkedHashMap
You can call something like
and later call
which will return value1
also a hash map does not accept duplicate key, so if you call
after this the original value is replaced.
you can use
to check whether one already exists as a key
If you are only comparing the keys of element then you can store them in LinkedHashSet and use the contains method of linkedHashset to check whether the element exists in constant time O(1).
LinkeHashMap also serves the purpose, however it requires extra space to store the value and this is not required we are only interested in keys.
Refer : http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/LinkedHashSet.html