JUnit Command Line Testing - java

This has been asked before, but was not clarified to the point where I get it. Similar to the one or two other threads I've seen on this subject, I'm working on a chat client with command line inputs for logging in/off, disconnecting, etc. and I am unsure how to simulate this in a JUnit test case. Other responses indicated that I should try changing the System.in to a separate InputStream but...then what?
tl;dr: I have a method in my actual code for parsing command line input, and need a JUnit way of testing that these were entered and appropriately processed.

EDIT: It seems I misunderstood the question. I usually use the term "command line input" to refer to command line arguments given to the process to start with, rather than interactive console input. However...
Handing your real code either a different InputStream or possibly even a Reader or Scanner would indeed help - anything to separate the "getting input" part from the console. You can then fake the input all in one go pretty easily, using a String as input in your test code, and then either converting it to bytes and wrapping those bytes in a ByteArrayInputStream or wrapping the string directly in StringReader.
The downside of this is that there's no easy way of making this "pause" after one command in order to check the results.
You may want to alter the design somewhat so that the part which reads the input is separated from the part which handles the input. The reading part could be a very simple loop, on the order of:
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
You could then potentially leave that part untested by unit tests, or write some relatively primitive tests - but you can then test handleInput extensively, as it's now separated from the input source.
Original answer
If you've extracted the parsing code from the code which really starts the application, it's easy: run that code, and check the results. This will be easiest if you have some sort of class encapsulating the options, of course. For example, your main method might look like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Options options = Options.parse(args);
// Use options here
Then you can just test Options.parse very easily.


'Inheriting' function parameters

I think this is kinda language-agnostic, but I'd like to know how this feature works in Java.
Let's suppose I have a function that reads a file using a Scanner:
void printFile(Scanner s) {
while (s.hasNextLine()) {
String line = s.nextLine();
So, if I have several ways to simulate a file, using this function would be
String content = "foo\nbar\n";
printFile(new Scanner(content));
File file = new File("my/file.txt");
printFile(new Scanner(file));
InputStream input = new URL("http://www.somewebsite.com/a.txt").openStream();
printFile(new Scanner(input));
My question is, if I have several ways to simulate this file, how do I make it easier to use this function without having to enter new Scanner() every time I call it?
Some observations:
This would be useful in two ways: ease of writing unit tests and simplifying the API for the user.
Overloading the function solves the problem, however if the original function has several overloads, this could make the code ugly and/or complicate writing code, where the developer would have to read the documentation, write a corresponding overload and repeat.

Taking input in Java

I have some confusion if someone can help. Tried searching the web for it but didn't get any satisfying answer.
Why don't we simply use System.in.somemethod() to take input in Java just like we do for output? Like System.out.println() is used so why not System.in as it is? Why is there a long process for Input?
The only methods that System.in, an InputStream, provides are the overloads of read. Sure, you could do something like:
byte[] bytes = new byte[5];
to read five bytes from the console. But this has the following disadvantages:
You need to handle the checked IOException. (not shown in the code snippet above)
Hard to work with bytes. (unless you want them specifically)
You usually just want to read the input until the end of a line. With this it's hard to know where the end of a line is.
So that's why people use Scanners to wrap the System.in stream into something more user-friendly.
Taking input from the command line will always be trickier than just outputting data. This is because there is no way to know that the input is semantically correct, structured correctly or even syntactically correct.
If you just want to read bytes from System.in then a lot of the uncertainty of the input disappears. In that case there is only two things to take into account: I/O errors and end-of-input - both of which are also present for System.out. The only other thing that may be tricky is that InputStream may not return all the bytes that are requested in a single call to read.
So reading data from System.in isn't hard; interpreting the data - which often comes down to parsing the data or validating the data - is the hard part. And that's why often the Scanner class is used to make sense of the input.
Just as you cannot use System.out.somemethod() instead of System.out.println() in the same way you cannot use System.in.somemethod() instead of System.in.read().

Reading ahead with BufferedReader (Java)

I'm writing a parser for files that look like this:
LOCUS SCU49845 5028 bp DNA PLN 21-JUN-1999
DEFINITION Saccharomyces cerevisiae TCP1-beta gene, partial cds, and Axl2p
(AXL2) and Rev7p (REV7) genes, complete cds.
VERSION U49845.1 GI:1293613
I want to get information preceded by certain tags (DEFINITION, VERSION etc.) but some descriptions cover multiple lines and I do need all of it. This is a problem when using BufferdReader to read my file.
I almost figured it out by using mark() and reset() but when executing my program I noticed that it only works for one tag and other tags are somehow skipped. This is the code I have so far:
Pattern pTag = Pattern.compile("^[A-Z]{2,}");//regex: 2 or more uppercase letters is a tag
Matcher mTagCurr = pTag.matcher(line);
if (mTagCurr.find()) {
String nextLine = reader.readLine();
Matcher mTagNext = pTag.matcher(nextLine);
if (mTagNext.find()){
Pattern pWhite = Pattern.compile("^\\s{6,}");
Matcher mWhite = pWhite.matcher(nextLine);
while (mWhite.find()) {
line = line.concat(nextLine);
This piece of code is supposed to find tags and concatenate descriptions that cover more than one line. Some answers I found here advised using Scanner. This is not an option for me. The files I work with can be very large (largest I encountered was >50GB) and by using BufferedReader I wish to put less of a strain on my system.
I suggest accumulating the information you get as your read it in a single pass parser. This will be simpler and faster in this case I suspect.
BTW, you want to cache your Patterns as creating them is quite expensive. You may find that you want ovoid using them entirely in some cases.
The code starts by finding a continuation line and calling reset() if it does not find it, but the code that reads additional lines does not seem to do that. Could it be reading the start of another section in the Genbank file and not putting it back? I don't see all the loop control code here, but what I do see appears to be correct.
If all else fails and you need something easy, there's always BioJava (see How to Read a Genbank File with Biojava3 and see if it helps). I have tried to use BioJava for my own projects, but it always falls a little short.
When I have written FASTA and FASTQ parsers, I read into a byte or char buffer and process it that way, but there is more buffer management code to write. That way, I don't have to worry about putting bytes back in a buffer. This can also avoid regex, which can be expensive in a time-critical application. Of course, this take more time to implement.
Tip: For fastest implementation if you are managing the buffer yourself, check out NIO (Java NIO Tutorial). I have seen give up a 10x speedup in some cases (writing data). The only drawback is that I have not found an easy way to read gzipped sequence data with NIO yet.

What is C++ equivalent of Java StdIn.isEmpty()

I am trying to learn something basing on Java resource, and I want to adapt it to C++.
Source of Java has:
while( !StdIn.isEmpty())
//Take input from standard input, and process it...
In C++ the closest solution I could come up with was
while( cin >> someString)
//process someString...
However, the problem is, that cin returns state of object. There is no way I can put wrong input into std::string. This could have worked for ints, but not for string. Any equivalent function, or workarounds?
Thanks in advance.
With C++ iostreams, and also with C's stdio, you cannot tell whether a file (such as std::cin/stdin) will be empty if you were to try reading from it. The only way to find out is to actually read from the file, and then check whether the attempt succeeded.
(Yes, you could use some form of peek, but that's nowhere near as idiomatic or practical.)
So a standard method in C++ might look like this, processing entire lines of input at a time:
for (std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line); )
// process "line"
The loop body will only execute if you succeeded at extracting one line from the input. Once the input runs out of data, the loop condition is no longer satisfied (i.e. the stream is no longer "good"), and the loop stops.
The same idea applies to C's fgets, as well as to unformatted std::istream::read() and fread, and to platform-specific functions like Posix's read(2): You always attempt to obtain input, then check whether you got any input, and only if you did do you proceed to consume the input.

Prefill a line with jline

Using either JLine (or JLine2), is it possible to issue a call to readline on a ConsoleReader and have, in addition to the standard prompt, the buffer be pre-filled with a string of my choosing?
I have tried to do, e.g.:
reader.readLine("Prompt> ");
This seems to indeed write into the buffer, but the line only displays the prompt. If I press enter, readLine returns "Default" as I would expect. If I clear the screen, the buffer is redrawn and shown correctly.
My understanding is that I should somehow call reader.redrawLine() right after the call to readLine. This last one however is blocking, which makes it hard (not impossible, but it certainly feels wrong to use a second thread for that).
I ran into exactly this use case today.
It's a bit of a hack, but I was able to preload text into the JLine buffer and then let the user edit it by doing this:
String preloadReadLine(ConsoleReader reader, String prompt, String preload)
throws IOException
reader.resetPromptLine(prompt, preload, 0);
return reader.readLine(prompt);
Yeah, the printing of \r is a hack, but it seems to make the thing work.
I'm using JLine-2.13.
I managed to do that using a thread (yes, it does feel wrong, but I found no other way).
I took inspiration from code found in JLine itself that also uses a thread for similar purposes.
In Scala:
val thr = new Thread() {
override def run() = {
// Another way is:
// reader.getCursorBuffer.write("Default") // writes into the buffer without displaying
// out.print("D*f*ult") // here you can choose to display something different
// reader.flush()
I think you want either resetPromptLine or putStream if you already have the prompt set.
Not to hijack your question but I can't figure out how to simply print a line replacing the prompt (ostensibly or visually pushing the prompt down with a message above it).
Update for JLine3:
This can be accomplished with one of the existing overloads of readLine:
readLine(String prompt, Character mask, String buffer)
For example, reader.readLine("> ", null, "abc") will yield > abc where abc is part of the buffer being edited.
