I'm trying to make a Facebook Chat on Android with the Smack library. I've read the Chat API from Facebook, but I cannot understand how I have to authenticate with Facebook using this library.
Can anyone point me how to accomplish this?
Update: According to the no.good.at.coding answer, I have this code adapted to the Asmack library. All works fine except I receive as response to the login: not-authorized. Here is the code I use:
public class SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism extends SASLMechanism
private static final String NAME = "X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM";
private String apiKey = "";
private String applicationSecret = "";
private String sessionKey = "";
* Constructor.
public SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism(SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication)
protected void authenticate() throws IOException, XMPPException
getSASLAuthentication().send(new AuthMechanism(NAME, ""));
public void authenticate(String apiKeyAndSessionKey, String host,
String applicationSecret) throws IOException, XMPPException
if (apiKeyAndSessionKey == null || applicationSecret == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameters");
String[] keyArray = apiKeyAndSessionKey.split("\\|", 2);
if (keyArray.length < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"API key or session key is not present");
this.apiKey = keyArray[0];
Log.d("API_KEY", apiKey);
this.applicationSecret = applicationSecret;
Log.d("SECRET_KEY", applicationSecret);
this.sessionKey = keyArray[1];
Log.d("SESSION_KEY", sessionKey);
this.authenticationId = sessionKey;
this.password = applicationSecret;
this.hostname = host;
String[] mechanisms = { "DIGEST-MD5" };
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
this.sc =
Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, null, "xmpp", host, props,
protected String getName()
return NAME;
public void challengeReceived(String challenge) throws IOException
byte[] response = null;
if (challenge != null)
String decodedChallenge = new String(Base64.decode(challenge));
Log.d("DECODED", decodedChallenge);
Map<String, String> parameters = getQueryMap(decodedChallenge);
String version = "1.0";
String nonce = parameters.get("nonce");
String method = parameters.get("method");
long callId = new GregorianCalendar().getTimeInMillis() / 1000L;
String sig =
"api_key=" + apiKey + "call_id=" + callId + "method="
+ method + "nonce=" + nonce + "session_key="
+ sessionKey + "v=" + version + applicationSecret;
sig = md5(sig);
sig = sig.toUpperCase();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
String composedResponse =
"api_key=" + URLEncoder.encode(apiKey, "utf-8")
+ "&call_id=" + callId + "&method="
+ URLEncoder.encode(method, "utf-8") + "&nonce="
+ URLEncoder.encode(nonce, "utf-8")
+ "&session_key="
+ URLEncoder.encode(sessionKey, "utf-8") + "&v="
+ URLEncoder.encode(version, "utf-8") + "&sig="
+ URLEncoder.encode(sig, "utf-8");
Log.d("COMPOSED", composedResponse);
response = composedResponse.getBytes("utf-8");
String authenticationText = "";
if (response != null)
authenticationText =
Base64.encodeBytes(response, Base64.DONT_BREAK_LINES);
// Send the authentication to the server
getSASLAuthentication().send(new Response(authenticationText));
private Map<String, String> getQueryMap(String query)
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
String[] params = query.split("\\&");
for (String param : params)
String[] fields = param.split("=", 2);
map.put(fields[0], (fields.length > 1 ? fields[1] : null));
return map;
private String md5(String text) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
md.update(text.getBytes("utf-8"), 0, text.length());
return convertToHex(md.digest());
private String convertToHex(byte[] data)
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
int len = data.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
int halfByte = (data[i] >>> 4) & 0xF;
int twoHalfs = 0;
if (0 <= halfByte && halfByte <= 9)
buf.append((char) ('0' + halfByte));
buf.append((char) ('a' + halfByte - 10));
halfByte = data[i] & 0xF;
} while (twoHalfs++ < 1);
return buf.toString();
And this, is the communication with the server with the sent and received messages:
PM SENT (1132418216): <stream:stream to="chat.facebook.com" xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" version="1.0">
PM RCV (1132418216): <?xml version="1.0"?><stream:stream id="C62D0F43" from="chat.facebook.com" xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" version="1.0" xml:lang="en"><stream:features><mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><mechanism>X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM</mechanism><mechanism>DIGEST-MD5</mechanism></mechanisms></stream:features>
PM SENT (1132418216): <auth mechanism="X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"></auth>
PM RCV (1132418216): <challenge xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">dmVyc2lvbj0xJm1ldGhvZD1hdXRoLnhtcHBfbG9naW4mbm9uY2U9NzFGNkQ3Rjc5QkIyREJCQ0YxQTkwMzA0QTg3OTlBMzM=</challenge>
PM SENT (1132418216): <response xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">YXBpX2tleT0zMWYzYjg1ZjBjODYwNjQ3NThiZTZhOTQyNjVjZmNjMCZjYWxsX2lkPTEzMDA0NTYxMzUmbWV0aG9kPWF1dGgueG1wcF9sb2dpbiZub25jZT03MUY2RDdGNzlCQjJEQkJDRjFBOTAzMDRBODc5OUEzMyZzZXNzaW9uX2tleT0yNjUzMTg4ODNkYWJhOGRlOTRiYTk4ZDYtMTAwMDAwNTAyNjc2Nzc4JnY9MS4wJnNpZz04RkRDRjRGRTgzMENGOEQ3QjgwNjdERUQyOEE2RERFQw==</response>
PM RCV (1132418216): <failure xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><not-authorized/></failure>
As read in the developers Facebook forum, it is needed to disable the "Disable Deprecated Auth Methods" setting from the Facebook settings page of your app. But, even doing that, I can't login. And the session key is the second part of the OAuth token in the form AAA|BBB|CCC, I mean, BBB.
Finally, thanks to the no.good.at.coding code and the suggestion of harism, I've been able to connect to the Facebook chat. This code is the Mechanism for the Asmack library (the Smack port for Android). For the Smack library is necessary to use the no.good.at.coding mechanism.
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.harmony.javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;
import org.apache.harmony.javax.security.sasl.Sasl;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.SASLAuthentication;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.sasl.SASLMechanism;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.Base64;
public class SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism extends SASLMechanism
private static final String NAME = "X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM";
private String apiKey = "";
private String applicationSecret = "";
private String sessionKey = "";
* Constructor.
public SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism(SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication)
protected void authenticate() throws IOException, XMPPException
getSASLAuthentication().send(new AuthMechanism(NAME, ""));
public void authenticate(String apiKeyAndSessionKey, String host,
String applicationSecret) throws IOException, XMPPException
if (apiKeyAndSessionKey == null || applicationSecret == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameters");
String[] keyArray = apiKeyAndSessionKey.split("\\|", 2);
if (keyArray.length < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"API key or session key is not present");
this.apiKey = keyArray[0];
this.applicationSecret = applicationSecret;
this.sessionKey = keyArray[1];
this.authenticationId = sessionKey;
this.password = applicationSecret;
this.hostname = host;
String[] mechanisms = { "DIGEST-MD5" };
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
this.sc =
Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, null, "xmpp", host, props,
public void authenticate(String username, String host, CallbackHandler cbh)
throws IOException, XMPPException
String[] mechanisms = { "DIGEST-MD5" };
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
this.sc =
Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, null, "xmpp", host, props,
protected String getName()
return NAME;
public void challengeReceived(String challenge) throws IOException
byte[] response = null;
if (challenge != null)
String decodedChallenge = new String(Base64.decode(challenge));
Map<String, String> parameters = getQueryMap(decodedChallenge);
String version = "1.0";
String nonce = parameters.get("nonce");
String method = parameters.get("method");
long callId = new GregorianCalendar().getTimeInMillis();
String sig =
"api_key=" + apiKey + "call_id=" + callId + "method="
+ method + "nonce=" + nonce + "session_key="
+ sessionKey + "v=" + version + applicationSecret;
sig = md5(sig);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
String composedResponse =
"api_key=" + URLEncoder.encode(apiKey, "utf-8")
+ "&call_id=" + callId + "&method="
+ URLEncoder.encode(method, "utf-8") + "&nonce="
+ URLEncoder.encode(nonce, "utf-8")
+ "&session_key="
+ URLEncoder.encode(sessionKey, "utf-8") + "&v="
+ URLEncoder.encode(version, "utf-8") + "&sig="
+ URLEncoder.encode(sig, "utf-8");
response = composedResponse.getBytes("utf-8");
String authenticationText = "";
if (response != null)
authenticationText =
Base64.encodeBytes(response, Base64.DONT_BREAK_LINES);
// Send the authentication to the server
getSASLAuthentication().send(new Response(authenticationText));
private Map<String, String> getQueryMap(String query)
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
String[] params = query.split("\\&");
for (String param : params)
String[] fields = param.split("=", 2);
map.put(fields[0], (fields.length > 1 ? fields[1] : null));
return map;
private String md5(String text) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
md.update(text.getBytes("utf-8"), 0, text.length());
return convertToHex(md.digest());
private String convertToHex(byte[] data)
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
int len = data.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
int halfByte = (data[i] >>> 4) & 0xF;
int twoHalfs = 0;
if (0 <= halfByte && halfByte <= 9)
buf.append((char) ('0' + halfByte));
buf.append((char) ('a' + halfByte - 10));
halfByte = data[i] & 0xF;
} while (twoHalfs++ < 1);
return buf.toString();
To use it:
ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration("chat.facebook.com", 5222);
XMPPConnection xmpp = new XMPPConnection(config);
SASLAuthentication.registerSASLMechanism("X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM", SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism.class);
SASLAuthentication.supportSASLMechanism("X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM", 0);
xmpp.login(apiKey + "|" + sessionKey, sessionSecret, "Application");
} catch (XMPPException e)
apiKey is the API key given in the application settings page in Facebook. sessionKey is the second part of the access token. If the token is in this form, AAA|BBB|CCC, the BBB is the session key. sessionSecret is obtained using the old REST API with the method auth.promoteSession. To use it, it's needed to make a Http get to this url:
Despite of the Facebook Chat documentation says that it's needed to use your application secret key, only when I used the key that returned that REST method I was able to make it works. To make that method works, you have to disable the Disable Deprecated Auth Methods option in the Advance tab in your application settings.
I'd used this about 6 months ago with Smack (not asmack) so I'm not sure how it'll hold up now but here goes, hope it helps!
I found an implementation of Facebook's X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM authentication mechanism on the Ignite Realtime Smack forum where someone got it from the fbgc project. You'll find the a ZIP with the SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism.java source in the answer I linked to. You can use it as follows:
public void login() throws XMPPException
SASLAuthentication.supportSASLMechanism(SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism.NAME, 0);
ConnectionConfiguration connConfig = new ConnectionConfiguration(host, port);
XMPPConnection connection = new XMPPConnection(connConfig);
log.info("XMPP client connected");
connection.login(Utils.FB_APP_ID + "|" + this.user.sessionId, Utils.FB_APP_SECRET, "app_name");
log.info("XMPP client logged in");
I was doing this on the server without an SDK. I don't remember the details (and the Facebook documentation isn't very good) but from what I can tell from my code, after getting the user to authorize the app, I get a callback request from Facebook with a code parameter. I open a URLConnection to https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=<app_id>&redirect_uri=http://myserver/context/path/&client_secret=<app_secret>&code=<code>. The response should be the access token where the session id is the part after the | - something of the form XXX|<sessionId>.
Here's code I've been using successfully for authentication. Maybe this helps even though this is not related to Smack in any way. You can get sessionKey from access token received from FB, and for getting sessionSecret I've been using oldish REST API;
private final void processChallenge(XmlPullParser parser, Writer writer,
String sessionKey, String sessionSecret) throws IOException,
NoSuchAlgorithmException, XmlPullParserException {
parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "challenge");
String challenge = new String(Base64.decode(parser.nextText(),
String params[] = challenge.split("&");
HashMap<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) {
String p[] = params[i].split("=");
p[0] = URLDecoder.decode(p[0]);
p[1] = URLDecoder.decode(p[1]);
paramMap.put(p[0], p[1]);
String api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY";
String call_id = "" + System.currentTimeMillis();
String method = paramMap.get("method");
String nonce = paramMap.get("nonce");
String v = "1.0";
StringBuffer sigBuffer = new StringBuffer();
sigBuffer.append("api_key=" + api_key);
sigBuffer.append("call_id=" + call_id);
sigBuffer.append("method=" + method);
sigBuffer.append("nonce=" + nonce);
sigBuffer.append("session_key=" + sessionKey);
sigBuffer.append("v=" + v);
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] digest = md.digest();
StringBuffer sig = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < digest.length; ++i) {
sig.append(Integer.toHexString(0xFF & digest[i]));
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
response.append("api_key=" + URLEncoder.encode(api_key));
response.append("&call_id=" + URLEncoder.encode(call_id));
response.append("&method=" + URLEncoder.encode(method));
response.append("&nonce=" + URLEncoder.encode(nonce));
response.append("&session_key=" + URLEncoder.encode(sessionKey));
response.append("&v=" + URLEncoder.encode(v));
response.append("&sig=" + URLEncoder.encode(sig.toString()));
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
out.append("<response xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>");
I'm sorry to make new answer but I had to include the new code #YShinkarev sorry for being late
By modifying #Adrian answer to make challengeReceived we can use APIKey and accessToken all I modified was the composedResponse
public void challengeReceived(String challenge) throws IOException {
byte[] response = null;
if (challenge != null) {
String decodedChallenge = new String(Base64.decode(challenge));
Map<String, String> parameters = getQueryMap(decodedChallenge);
String version = "1.0";
String nonce = parameters.get("nonce");
String method = parameters.get("method");
long callId = new GregorianCalendar().getTimeInMillis();
String composedResponse = "api_key="
+ URLEncoder.encode(apiKey, "utf-8") + "&call_id=" + callId
+ "&method=" + URLEncoder.encode(method, "utf-8")
+ "&nonce=" + URLEncoder.encode(nonce, "utf-8")
+ "&access_token="
+ URLEncoder.encode(access_token, "utf-8") + "&v="
+ URLEncoder.encode(version, "utf-8");
response = composedResponse.getBytes("utf-8");
String authenticationText = "";
if (response != null) {
authenticationText = Base64.encodeBytes(response,
// Send the authentication to the server
getSASLAuthentication().send(new Response(authenticationText));
What do you want to do?
If you just want to login on FB chat, you connect to FB just like any other XMPP server.
I would look at and use "Authenticating with Username/Password" from Chat API, wich is supported by Smack. Unless I would like to write an FaceBook-application. Then I would try to login in with "Authenticating with Facebook Platform".
So, just use Smack to connect to FB chat as you would do with your ordinary Jabber client.
For the username, use your Facebook username. (see http://www.facebook.com/username/ )
For the domain, use: chat.facebook.com
For the password, use your Facebook password
Turn off SSL and TSL
Set connect port to: 5222 (which is the default for XMPP)
Set connect server to chat.facebook.com
I am attempting to authenticate via Oauth2 to an API however, I had trouble creating the request because of a private key. I was provided a sample code by the vendor which is Java and I converted it over to C# but I can't seem to get the private key into the JWT request.
Side note, the client, secret and URL's have been masked for this example.
Working Java code
public class Test {
private static final String RSSO_URL = "https://test-dev.onbmc.com/rsso";
private static final String CLIENT_ID = "36fa1bd2-6f92-408e-b7e4-dd4df7a9cfaz";
private static final String CLIENT_SECRET = "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";
private static final String PRIVATE_KEY = "MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQDhY8LmtZ7fZOAX\n" +
"gw7SKyHzZ6Q0H0ss+3cJ7NEkEofUN2IfycE5u6eQb396uN16bzZaQcwnK9He3xwk\n" +
"3H4wWLzOUlhfuo87bJ34VdNBa1hfAk4iyk1ZgyufGy6MKgwycXhIl9wibX/f1fmF\n" +
"khHnkXVyYY5hSewceCT51bMzcv+psGf7KkN8jh/bRb+/GGfxVy13GKfFTzwY1Y7G\n" +
"SH7J00EaUQsEVCbkV3HK185v6t1fb2faao2imgj/Xqzc/DBbConBoF8/89SJSuf9\n" +
"1RVGdctNwqerMOUoDJ2ynHNqhbO3POq6O1XMi0c75q4xdtrNWLa8A5ONPUXDgIo/\n" +
"Ddwj1tTNAgMBAAECggEACG83yXNtfRWkzyxv3wyPKjEsM2kiYo4Mf9oVX4C0BYyH\n" +
"BwKBURxFIoIRprGJVD4aLhl9PtAEfA8kWfrIXB3N/viU5wwvtP0VEkh/7dhLB88p\n" +
"xmKEr39ZoAwf203tg+u8IRdRvRYU7Xbv7gAv3FcUqpGdBuYByHT0iUbmfFvm1l46\n" +
"HD2ypQFKr3a536w2sFR6XKK6G+Al69lyg0Hg4jXmmDMo+xoxqrJeYxT11G6iBWmy\n" +
"UXKDdOVx4BarT+dcnCUP0yahmQz08XObNDNphWG/aOFF6cMyU4hNkK9q0AC6sAzQ\n" +
"89dTVTPErjEJcJZ16mtI9nv5u4VKfbL1mU+ivb4pQQKBgQD+FdFx+BKojVYilT1i\n" +
"WMbXabRtm03NezgzSgIDKTxiewoQAy+n+InGPy2pz18/1DP8kasnsU8VZvRM7dXV\n" +
"lJTXrqOM/lMN8vMt7/fpz0PYEDP6Qz7CLxA0xEcW2qFR4RAQzq3xXIH/7M4VUZzD\n" +
"qzznD8aJaG5fsSExt7aITU984QKBgQDjFpVsxDxF3YZBhonuNaSrvTdDwbMqdCLT\n" +
"ZoXUL+4aKY78cD2FCfdqJ5O1uyrAqgCgjouiVnNRzDy3qSSGxaiwpI3+FA8cCNiS\n" +
"W0CE/urjDDeXU0Q5jDSBdljBF23wf9mNmXpgXSHfgQVTIiVMVD5tNhU/ORu5PXzo\n" +
"SdW67DLJbQKBgDYYbRQnrclG9hy8y2nh3svEDI70bq4d2tRIoG8N23ZYHcdU9lN7\n" +
"vdGAZ/dsWCodwse2N8tmm6DB36d1R36GeL4Gx3lgOEyS+iVAnvafkyEwKfDRWk47\n" +
"eObTFxONjqUBFsuNRUlK2b6kKygszQR3s6q6GBnvKviinJ+aLnmMhCzhAoGBAKLC\n" +
"gP6f87/kcmFsiFePYyMkTwPlRQDclEloZesbH1DpEG6mE7HS3t3a1+ec6puEPUbW\n" +
"ZAZKaATsmWgZdvCRosJYbtz4i4vQW0kq1id8feWV1BJJv9BvSQKxTBO5Mzb4q3jt\n" +
"0+RVW/3Rf3uCMbFvf/7OkJPr3o76HxhuMx3yRMRRAoGAZiFbVjd3EKUdyE0O3QSh\n" +
"46KzTdT0ENhBlN2dpCdJjHJm3Lcxa7uY4sxa8NqYUW0NO2qRSd42IKfGX3qqi7wf\n" +
"+rUFFixCzQOoucR/ekTw+542Nbc0QejAQ0SUDwgHWX8L8Yi+W3UsBL2YLLIw5ged\n" +
public static JsonPath getOAuthToken() throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
return with().log().all()
.formParam("grant_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer")
.formParam("assertion", getClientJwt())
.formParam("client_assertion_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer")
.formParam("redirect_uri", "https://test-dev-restapi.us.onbmc.com/api/jwt/login")
.formParam("audience", "test-dev-restapi.us.onbmc.com")
.formParam("client_id", CLIENT_ID)
.formParam("client_secret", CLIENT_SECRET)
.post(RSSO_URL + "/oauth2/token")
static String getClientJwt() throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1);
return Jwts.builder()
static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(String privateKeyStr) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpecPKCS8 = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode(privateKeyStr));
return kf.generatePrivate(keySpecPKCS8);
public void getOauthAccessTokenUsingJwtGrantType() throws Exception {
System.out.println("Trying to get OAuth Access and Refresh tokens");
JsonPath response = getOAuthToken();
System.out.println("Access Token = " + response.getString("access_token"));
System.out.println("Refresh Token = " + response.getString("refresh_token"));
System.out.println("Expires in = " + response.getString("expires_in"));
System.out.println("OAuth2 Token was successfully obtained.");
public static void main(String str[]) throws Exception {
JsonPath response = getOAuthToken();
Converted Java code to C#
using java.security;
using java.security.spec;
using JWT;
using JWT.Algorithms;
using JWT.Builder;
using JWT.Serializers;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using RestSharp;
using RestSharp.Authenticators;
using System;
using System.Buffers.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace TestApp
class Program
private static string RSSO_URL = "https://test-dev.onbmc.com/rsso";
`enter code here`private static string CLIENT_ID = "36fa1bd2-6f92-408e-b7e4-dd4df7a9cfaz";
private static string CLIENT_SECRET = "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";
private static string PRIVATE_KEY = "MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQDhY8LmtZ7fZOAX\n" +
"gw7SKyHzZ6Q0H0ss+3cJ7NEkEofUN2IfycE5u6eQb396uN16bzZaQcwnK9He3xwk\n" +
"3H4wWLzOUlhfuo87bJ34VdNBa1hfAk4iyk1ZgyufGy6MKgwycXhIl9wibX/f1fmF\n" +
"khHnkXVyYY5hSewceCT51bMzcv+psGf7KkN8jh/bRb+/GGfxVy13GKfFTzwY1Y7G\n" +
"SH7J00EaUQsEVCbkV3HK185v6t1fb2faao2imgj/Xqzc/DBbConBoF8/89SJSuf9\n" +
"1RVGdctNwqerMOUoDJ2ynHNqhbO3POq6O1XMi0c75q4xdtrNWLa8A5ONPUXDgIo/\n" +
"Ddwj1tTNAgMBAAECggEACG83yXNtfRWkzyxv3wyPKjEsM2kiYo4Mf9oVX4C0BYyH\n" +
"BwKBURxFIoIRprGJVD4aLhl9PtAEfA8kWfrIXB3N/viU5wwvtP0VEkh/7dhLB88p\n" +
"xmKEr39ZoAwf203tg+u8IRdRvRYU7Xbv7gAv3FcUqpGdBuYByHT0iUbmfFvm1l46\n" +
"HD2ypQFKr3a536w2sFR6XKK6G+Al69lyg0Hg4jXmmDMo+xoxqrJeYxT11G6iBWmy\n" +
"UXKDdOVx4BarT+dcnCUP0yahmQz08XObNDNphWG/aOFF6cMyU4hNkK9q0AC6sAzQ\n" +
"89dTVTPErjEJcJZ16mtI9nv5u4VKfbL1mU+ivb4pQQKBgQD+FdFx+BKojVYilT1i\n" +
"WMbXabRtm03NezgzSgIDKTxiewoQAy+n+InGPy2pz18/1DP8kasnsU8VZvRM7dXV\n" +
"lJTXrqOM/lMN8vMt7/fpz0PYEDP6Qz7CLxA0xEcW2qFR4RAQzq3xXIH/7M4VUZzD\n" +
"qzznD8aJaG5fsSExt7aITU984QKBgQDjFpVsxDxF3YZBhonuNaSrvTdDwbMqdCLT\n" +
"ZoXUL+4aKY78cD2FCfdqJ5O1uyrAqgCgjouiVnNRzDy3qSSGxaiwpI3+FA8cCNiS\n" +
"W0CE/urjDDeXU0Q5jDSBdljBF23wf9mNmXpgXSHfgQVTIiVMVD5tNhU/ORu5PXzo\n" +
"SdW67DLJbQKBgDYYbRQnrclG9hy8y2nh3svEDI70bq4d2tRIoG8N23ZYHcdU9lN7\n" +
"vdGAZ/dsWCodwse2N8tmm6DB36d1R36GeL4Gx3lgOEyS+iVAnvafkyEwKfDRWk47\n" +
"eObTFxONjqUBFsuNRUlK2b6kKygszQR3s6q6GBnvKviinJ+aLnmMhCzhAoGBAKLC\n" +
"gP6f87/kcmFsiFePYyMkTwPlRQDclEloZesbH1DpEG6mE7HS3t3a1+ec6puEPUbW\n" +
"ZAZKaATsmWgZdvCRosJYbtz4i4vQW0kq1id8feWV1BJJv9BvSQKxTBO5Mzb4q3jt\n" +
"0+RVW/3Rf3uCMbFvf/7OkJPr3o76HxhuMx3yRMRRAoGAZiFbVjd3EKUdyE0O3QSh\n" +
"46KzTdT0ENhBlN2dpCdJjHJm3Lcxa7uY4sxa8NqYUW0NO2qRSd42IKfGX3qqi7wf\n" +
"+rUFFixCzQOoucR/ekTw+542Nbc0QejAQ0SUDwgHWX8L8Yi+W3UsBL2YLLIw5ged\n" +
static void Main(string[] args)
//create RestSharp client and POST request object
var client = new RestClient(RSSO_URL + "/oauth2/token");
var request = new RestRequest();
request.Method = Method.Post;
client.Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
request.AddParameter("grant_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer");
request.AddParameter("client_assertion_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer");
request.AddParameter("redirect_uri", "https://test-dev-restapi.us.onbmc.com/api/jwt/login");
request.AddParameter("audience", "test-dev-restapi.us.onbmc.com");
request.AddParameter("client_id", CLIENT_ID);
request.AddParameter("client_secret", CLIENT_SECRET);
request.AddParameter("assertion", Program.getClientJwt());
RestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
//return an AccessToken
var poo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response.Content);
catch(Exception ex)
public static string getClientJwt() {
DateTime exp = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1);
var key = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(PRIVATE_KEY));
var signIn = new SigningCredentials(key, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256Signature);
var token = new JwtSecurityToken(CLIENT_ID, "miamidade-dev-restapi.us.onbmc.com", null, null, DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1), signIn);
return new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(token);
public static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(String privateKeyStr)
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
byte[] decodedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(privateKeyStr);
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpecPKCS8 = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(decodedBytes);
return kf.generatePrivate(keySpecPKCS8);
When I send the request, I get the error
{"error_description":"Not valid request, JWT is rejected","error":"invalid_grant"}
I am unable to do this in my android app using java language. I am using the retrofit library for this but the problem is the signature. unable to generate proper signature which gives me an error. It is working in POSTMAN and getting proper responses. Help me to convert this in JAVA.
Documentation of API - https://docs.wazirx.com/#fund-details-user_data
var navigator = {}; //fake a navigator object for the lib
var window = {}; //fake a window object for the lib
const privateKey = pm.environment.get("rsa_private_key");
const secretKey = pm.environment.get("secret_key");
// Set Current Time
var time = new Date().getTime()
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("current_time", time)
query_a = pm.request.url.query.toObject(true)
// Generate Request Payload
let query_string_array = []
Object.keys(query_a).forEach(function(key) {
if (key == 'signature') { return }
if (key == 'timestamp') {
query_string_array.push(key + "=" + time)
else if (typeof query_a[key] == "string") {
query_string_array.push(key + "=" + query_a[key])
} else {
query_string_array.push(key + "=" + value)
const payload = query_string_array.join("&")
console.log("Request Payload = ", payload)
if(secretKey) {
const signature = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(payload, secretKey) + ''
pm.environment.set("signature", signature)
console.log("Signature = "+signature);
} else {
// Download RSA Library
pm.sendRequest(pm.environment.get("rsa_library_js"), function (err, res) {
if (err){
console.log("Error: " + err);
else {
// Compile & Run RSA Library
// Sign Payload
var signatureLib = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({"alg": "SHA256withRSA"});
var signatureHash = hex2b64(signatureLib.sign());
console.log("Signature = ", signatureHash)
// Assign Values
pm.environment.set("signature", encodeURIComponent(signatureHash, "UTF-8"))
Java Code:
public class Request {
String baseUrl;
String apiKey="1***uR7";
String apiSecret="b1**qVmh";
Signature sign = new Signature();
public Request(String baseUrl, String apiKey, String apiSecret) {
this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
this.apiKey = apiKey;
this.apiSecret = apiSecret;
private void printResponse(HttpURLConnection con) throws IOException {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
private void printError(HttpURLConnection con) throws IOException {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
private String getTimeStamp() {
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
return "timestamp=" + timestamp;
//concatenate query parameters
private String joinQueryParameters(HashMap<String,String> parameters) {
String urlPath = "";
boolean isFirst = true;
for (Map.Entry mapElement : parameters.entrySet()) {
if (isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
urlPath += mapElement.getKey() + "=" + mapElement.getValue();
} else {
urlPath += "&" + mapElement.getKey() + "=" + mapElement.getValue();
return urlPath;
private void send(URL obj, String httpMethod) throws Exception {
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
if (httpMethod != null) {
//add API_KEY to header content
con.setRequestProperty("X-API-KEY", apiKey);
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { // success
} else {
public void sendPublicRequest(HashMap<String,String> parameters, String urlPath) throws Exception {
String queryPath = joinQueryParameters(parameters);
URL obj = new URL(baseUrl + urlPath + "?" + queryPath);
System.out.println("url:" + obj.toString());
send(obj, null);
public void sendSignedRequest(HashMap<String,String> parameters, String urlPath, String httpMethod) throws Exception {
String queryPath = "";
String signature = "";
if (!parameters.isEmpty()) {
queryPath += joinQueryParameters(parameters) + "&" + getTimeStamp();
} else {
queryPath += getTimeStamp();
try {
signature = sign.getSignature(queryPath, apiSecret);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Please Ensure Your Secret Key Is Set Up Correctly! " + e);
queryPath += "&signature=" + signature;
URL obj = new URL(baseUrl + urlPath + "?" + queryPath);
System.out.println("url:" + obj.toString());
send(obj, httpMethod);
public class Spot {
private static final String API_KEY = System.getenv("1***57");
private static final String API_SECRET = System.getenv("b****n8");
HashMap<String,String> parameters = new HashMap<String,String>();
Request httpRequest;
public Spot() {
String baseUrl = "https://api.wazirx.com";
httpRequest = new Request(baseUrl, API_KEY, API_SECRET);
public void account() throws Exception {
httpRequest.sendSignedRequest(parameters, "/sapi/v1/funds", "GET");
public class Signature {
final String HMAC_SHA256 = "HmacSHA256";
//convert byte array to hex string
private String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
final char[] hexArray = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray();
char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2];
for (int j = 0, v; j < bytes.length; j++) {
v = bytes[j] & 0xFF;
hexChars[j * 2] = hexArray[v >>> 4];
hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = hexArray[v & 0x0F];
return new String(hexChars);
public String getSignature(String data, String key) {
byte[] hmacSha256 = null;
try {
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), HMAC_SHA256);
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_SHA256);
hmacSha256 = mac.doFinal(data.getBytes());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to calculate hmac-sha256", e);
return bytesToHex(hmacSha256);
I've a web app which is deployed in tomcat and from this web app, i have to consume a SOAP service which is deployed in Websphere. To access this service, i need to pass LTPA token. I'm very new to websphere, don't know how can i get LTPA token in my web app ? I can't modify the implementation of the app which is deployed in web sphere.
I could acheive this by using HttpBasicAuthentication. Here is the code snippet -
public class TokenHelper {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TokenHelper.class);
private static final int HTTP_TIMEOUT_MILISEC = 100000;
private static String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private String hostName;
private int port;
private String contextPath;
private boolean isBasicAuthentication;
private String basicAuthenticationUserName;
private String basicAuthenticationPassword;
public Map<String, String> getLtpaToken() throws Exception {
Cookie[] cookies = null;
Protocol protocol = null;
Map<String, String> cookiesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
GetMethod method = new GetMethod();
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
protocol = new Protocol("http", new DefaultProtocolSocketFactory(), getPort());
if (isBasicAuthentication) {
Credentials defaultcreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(getBasicAuthenticationUserName(), getBasicAuthenticationPassword());
client.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope(getHostName(), getPort(), AuthScope.ANY_REALM), defaultcreds);
// Execute request
try {
client.getHostConfiguration().setHost(getHostName(), getPort(), protocol);
method = new GetMethod(getContextPath());
logger.info(methodName, "URL to get:" + getContextPath());
// Execute the GET method
int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);
if (statusCode != -1) {
cookies = client.getState().getCookies();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int j = 0; j < cookies.length; j++) {
cookiesMap.put(cookies[j].getName(), cookies[j].getValue());
sb.append("CookieName=" + cookies[j].getName() + lineSeparator);
sb.append("Value=" + cookies[j].getValue() + lineSeparator);
sb.append("Domain=" + cookies[j].getDomain() + lineSeparator);
sb.append("Status Text>>>" + HttpStatus.getStatusText(statusCode));
logger.debug("Cookies are: {}" + sb.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while getting LTPA token using HttpBasicAuthentication for URL {}" +e);
throw new RuntimeException("Error while getting LTPA token using HttpBasicAuthentication for URL:" + contextPath, e);
} finally {
// Release current connection to the connection pool once you
// are done
return cookiesMap;
I'm using the sandbox "Notification Serial Number" node. I'm acknowledging fine and getting the serial-number. When I go to get the message as described in "Requesting Notifications", I get a response body of two letters: OK .. Instead I need the the notification message.
Here is my code:
public static enum Account {
sandbox, production;
String merchantId, merchantKey, url;
static {
sandbox.merchantId = "9999999999999999";
sandbox.merchantKey = "Ran0mUPPERlowerCaArAcTeRs";
sandbox.url = "https://sandbox.google.com/checkout/";
production.merchantId = "...";
production.merchantKey = "...";
production.url = "https://checkout.google.com/";
// https://developers.google.com/checkout/developer/Google_Checkout_HTML_API_Notification_API
//notification api entry-point
public static void sandbox() throws IOException, GoogleCheckoutException,
ParseException {
String sn = request.params.get("serial-number");
if (sn == null)
error();//playframework sends an error response code
//GoogleCheckoutApi.Account.sandbox is an enum with my information
//try to process first (or exception), then confirm below
processNotification(GoogleCheckoutApi.Account.sandbox, sn);
// confirm request
// https://developers.google.com/checkout/developer/Google_Checkout_HTML_API_Notification_API#responding_to_notifications
String s = "<notification-acknowledgment xmlns=\"http://checkout.google.com/schema/2\" serial-number=\""
+ sn + "\" />";
static final String URL_REPORTS_FORM = "api/checkout/v2/reportsForm/Merchant/";
public static void processNotification(Account account, final String sn)
throws IOException, GoogleCheckoutException, ParseException {
System.out.println(new Date() + "\tGoogle Notification IN\t" + sn);
Map<String, String> parms = new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("_type", "notification-history-request");
put("serial-number", sn);
HttpURLConnection c = requestPost(account.url + URL_REPORTS_FORM
+ account.merchantId, authProperties(account), parms, null);
try {
if (c.getResponseCode() != 200)
throw new GoogleCheckoutException("Error Response Code "
+ c.getResponseCode() + " from google API\n"
+ c.getResponseMessage());
handleResponse(account, c.getResponseMessage());
} finally {
private static void handleResponse(Account account, String responseMessage)
throws IOException, ParseException {
if (responseMessage.equals("OK")) {
System.out.println(new Date() + "\tGoogle Notification IN\tOK");
//...other code to log and save the message...
//...requestPost seems to work fine. I know I'm authenticating correctly.
public static HttpURLConnection requestPost(String requestURL,
Map<String, String> properties, Map<String, String> params,
String content) throws IOException {
// derived from
// http://www.codejava.net/java-se/networking/an-http-utility-class-to-send-getpost-request
URL url = new URL(requestURL);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
if (properties != null)
for (String key : properties.keySet()) {
String value = properties.get(key);
connection.setRequestProperty(key, value);
if (params != null && params.size() > 0) {
StringBuffer requestParams = new StringBuffer();
for (String key : params.keySet()) {
String value = params.get(key);
requestParams.append(URLEncoder.encode(key, "UTF-8"));
if (value != null)
URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"));
// remove &
requestParams.setLength(requestParams.length() - 1);//
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", String
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(connection
} else if (content != null) {
// sends POST data
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", String
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(connection
return connection;
static final BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
private static Map<String, String> authProperties(final Account account) {
return new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("Content-Type", "application/xml; charset=UTF-8");
put("Accept", "application/xml; charset=UTF-8");
"Basic "
+ encoder
.encode((account.merchantId + ":" + account.merchantKey)
This code outputs:
Wed Mar 20 17:57:39 UTC 2013 Google Notification IN 748115991100000-00005-6
Wed Mar 20 17:57:39 UTC 2013 Google Notification IN OK
Instead of "OK" I was expecting to see the entire message.
I have tried all the things to connect Facebook with XMPP but i have faced only
one error all the time which is :
SASL authentication failed using mechanism DIGEST-MD5 I am implementing following method to perform this task :
public class MySASLDigestMD5Mechanism extends SASLMechanism {
public MySASLDigestMD5Mechanism(SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication) {
protected void authenticate() throws IOException, XMPPException {
String[] mechanisms = { getName() };
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
sc = Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, null, "xmpp", hostname, props, this);
public void authenticate(String username, String host, String password) throws IOException, XMPPException {
this.authenticationId = username;
this.password = password;
this.hostname = host;
String[] mechanisms = { getName() };
Map<String,String> props = new HashMap<String,String>();
sc = Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, null, "xmpp", host, props, this);
public void authenticate(String username, String host, CallbackHandler cbh) throws IOException, XMPPException {
String[] mechanisms = { getName() };
Map<String,String> props = new HashMap<String,String>();
sc = Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, null, "xmpp", host, props, (org.apache.harmony.javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler) cbh);
protected String getName() {
return "DIGEST-MD5";
/*public void challengeReceived1(String challenge) throws IOException {
// Build the challenge response stanza encoding the response text
StringBuilder stanza = new StringBuilder();
byte response[];
if (challenge != null) {
response = sc.evaluateChallenge(Base64.decode(challenge));
} else {
response = sc.evaluateChallenge(null);
String authenticationText="";
if (response != null) { // fix from 3.1.1
authenticationText = Base64.encodeBytes(response, Base64.DONT_BREAK_LINES);
if (authenticationText.equals("")) {
authenticationText = "=";
stanza.append("<response xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl\">");
// Send the authentication to the server
public void challengeReceived(String challenge)
throws IOException {
byte response[];
if (challenge != null) {
response = sc.evaluateChallenge(Base64.decode(challenge));
} else {
response = sc.evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]);
Packet responseStanza;
if (response == null) {
responseStanza = new Response();
} else {
responseStanza = new Response(Base64.encodeBytes(response, Base64.DONT_BREAK_LINES));
And Connection Function is :
SASLAuthentication.registerSASLMechanism("DIGEST-MD5",MySASLDigestMD5Mechanism. class);
ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration("chat.facebook.com",5222);
config.setRosterLoadedAtLogin (true);
connection = new XMPPConnection(config);
Log.d("Connect...", "Afetr Connect");
connection.login("username#chat.facebook.com", "password");
Log.d("done","XMPP client logged in");
catch(XMPPException ex)
Log.d("not done","in catchhhhhhhhh");
System.out.println(ex.getMessage ());
but "After connect" it gone to the ctach and give me error like :
SASL authentication failed using mechanism DIGEST-MD5
I searched all blog and find same thing but i dont know what am i doing wrong here..
If is there any other way or solution to connect Facebook XMPP then please Help me
Finally, thanks to the no.good.at.coding code and the suggestion of harism, I've been able to connect to the Facebook chat. This code is the Mechanism for the Asmack library (the Smack port for Android). For the Smack library is necessary to use the no.good.at.coding mechanism.
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.harmony.javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;
import org.apache.harmony.javax.security.sasl.Sasl;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.SASLAuthentication;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.sasl.SASLMechanism;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.Base64;
public class SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism extends SASLMechanism
private static final String NAME = "X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM";
private String apiKey = "";
private String applicationSecret = "";
private String sessionKey = "";
/** * Constructor. */
public SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism(SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication)
protected void authenticate() throws IOException, XMPPException
getSASLAuthentication().send(new AuthMechanism(NAME, ""));
public void authenticate(String apiKeyAndSessionKey, String host, String applicationSecret) throws IOException, XMPPException
if (apiKeyAndSessionKey == null || applicationSecret == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameters");
String[] keyArray = apiKeyAndSessionKey.split("\\|", 2);
if (keyArray.length < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "API key or session key is not present"); }
this.apiKey = keyArray[0];
this.applicationSecret = applicationSecret;
this.sessionKey = keyArray[1];
this.authenticationId = sessionKey;
this.password = applicationSecret;
this.hostname = host;
String[] mechanisms = { "DIGEST-MD5" };
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
this.sc = Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, null, "xmpp", host, props,this);
public void authenticate(String username, String host, CallbackHandler cbh)throws IOException, XMPPException
String[] mechanisms = { "DIGEST-MD5" };
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
this.sc = Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, null, "xmpp", host, props,cbh);
} #Override protected String getName()
return NAME;
public void challengeReceived(String challenge) throws IOException
byte[] response = null;
if (challenge != null)
String decodedChallenge = new String(Base64.decode(challenge));
Map<String, String> parameters = getQueryMap(decodedChallenge);
String version = "1.0";
String nonce = parameters.get("nonce");
String method = parameters.get("method");
long callId = new GregorianCalendar().getTimeInMillis();
String sig = "api_key=" + apiKey + "call_id=" + callId + "method=" + method + "nonce=" + nonce + "session_key=" + sessionKey + "v=" + version + applicationSecret;
sig = md5(sig);
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
String composedResponse = "api_key=" + URLEncoder.encode(apiKey, "utf-8") + "&call_id=" + callId + "&method="+ URLEncoder.encode(method, "utf-8") + "&nonce="+ URLEncoder.encode(nonce, "utf-8")+ "&session_key="+ URLEncoder.encode(sessionKey, "utf-8") + "&v="+ URLEncoder.encode(version, "utf-8") + "&sig="+ URLEncoder.encode(sig, "utf-8");response = composedResponse.getBytes("utf-8");
String authenticationText = "";
if (response != null)
authenticationText = Base64.encodeBytes(response, Base64.DONT_BREAK_LINES);
// Send the authentication to the server
getSASLAuthentication().send(new Response(authenticationText));
private Map<String, String> getQueryMap(String query)
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
String[] params = query.split("\\&");
for (String param : params)
String[] fields = param.split("=", 2);
map.put(fields[0], (fields.length > 1 ? fields[1] : null));
return map;
private String md5(String text) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,UnsupportedEncodingException
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
md.update(text.getBytes("utf-8"), 0, text.length());
return convertToHex(md.digest());
private String convertToHex(byte[] data)
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
int len = data.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
int halfByte = (data[i] >>> 4) & 0xF;
int twoHalfs = 0;
if (0 <= halfByte && halfByte <= 9)
buf.append((char) ('0' + halfByte));
buf.append((char) ('a' + halfByte - 10));
halfByte = data[i] & 0xF;
while (twoHalfs++ < 1);
return buf.toString();
To use it:
ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration("chat.facebook.com", 5222);
XMPPConnection xmpp = new XMPPConnection(config);
SASLAuthentication.registerSASLMechanism("X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM", SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism.class);
SASLAuthentication.supportSASLMechanism("X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM", 0);
xmpp.login(apiKey + "|" + sessionKey, sessionSecret, "Application");
catch (XMPPException e)
apiKey is the API key given in the application settings page in Facebook. sessionKey is the second part of the access token. If the token is in this form, AAA|BBB|CCC, the BBB is the session key. sessionSecret is obtained using the old REST API with the method auth.promoteSession. To use it, it's needed to make a Http get to this url:
Despite of the Facebook Chat documentation says that it's needed to use your application secret key, only when I used the key that returned that REST method I was able to make it works. To make that method works, you have to disable the Disable Deprecated Auth Methods option in the Advance tab in your application settings.
I solved this problem. I find solution that http://community.igniterealtime.org/thread/41080
Jerry Magill wrote this...
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;
import javax.security.sasl.Sasl;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.SASLAuthentication;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.sasl.SASLMechanism;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Packet;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.Base64;
public class MySASLDigestMD5Mechanism extends SASLMechanism
public MySASLDigestMD5Mechanism(SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication)
protected void authenticate()
throws IOException, XMPPException
String mechanisms[] = {
java.util.Map props = new HashMap();
sc = Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, null, "xmpp", hostname, props, this);
public void authenticate(String username, String host, String password)
throws IOException, XMPPException
authenticationId = username;
this.password = password;
hostname = host;
String mechanisms[] = {
java.util.Map props = new HashMap();
sc = Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, null, "xmpp", host, props, this);
public void authenticate(String username, String host, CallbackHandler cbh)
throws IOException, XMPPException
String mechanisms[] = {
java.util.Map props = new HashMap();
sc = Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, null, "xmpp", host, props, cbh);
protected String getName()
return "DIGEST-MD5";
public void challengeReceived(String challenge)
throws IOException
//StringBuilder stanza = new StringBuilder();
byte response[];
if(challenge != null)
response = sc.evaluateChallenge(Base64.decode(challenge));
//response = sc.evaluateChallenge(null);
response = sc.evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]);
//String authenticationText = "";
Packet responseStanza;
//if(response != null)
//authenticationText = Base64.encodeBytes(response, 8);
//authenticationText = "=";
if (response == null){
responseStanza = new Response();
} else {
responseStanza = new Response(Base64.encodeBytes(response,Base64.DONT_BREAK_LINES));
//stanza.append("<response xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl\">");
It is then called thus from the JabberSmackAPI:
public void login(String userName, String password) throws XMPPException
SASLAuthentication.registerSASLMechanism("DIGEST-MD5",MySASLDigestMD5Mechanism. class);
ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration("chat.facebook.com",5222);
config.setRosterLoadedAtLogin (true);
connection = new XMPPConnection(config);
connection.login(userName, password);