I have a puzzle game where pieces are dragged around the screen but can not overlap. If they attempt to overlap, their position is changed back to where they were not overlapping and the UI is redrawn with invalidate(). This is working well except when the activity is destroyed and rebuilt like when closing the app and restarting it or when the orientation is changed.
What seems to happen is that the position variables that I use for collisions (x,y,right,bottom, etc.) are not reset to how they were initialized in the constructor. Pieces collide with invisible objects, snap to seemingly random positions, or move erratically.
The only ways to fix it are to manually kill the app (like with a task killer) or re-install it. Then it will work fine until the game activity is created a second time. What am I doing wrong? Any ideas? Here's how the piece are added in the onCreate() inside my GameView class:
Pieces redtiki = new Pieces(this,0,0,R.drawable.tikired);
And this is a portion of my Pieces class:
public class Pieces extends View{
private int x;
private int y;
private int width;
private int height;
private int right;
private int bottom;
private int initialX;
private int initialY;
private Bitmap sizedBitmap;
private Bitmap sourceBitmap;
private int boardSize = 6;
public static ArrayList<Pieces> aPieces = new ArrayList<Pieces>();
//private final Paint mPaint = new Paint();
public Pieces(Context context, int x, int y, int img){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
sourceBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), img);
private void sizePiece(){
int scaledWidth;
int scaledHeight;
int h = sourceBitmap.getHeight();
int w = sourceBitmap.getWidth();
if (h>w){
scaledWidth = 1;
}else if (w>h){
scaledWidth = w/h;
scaledWidth = 0;
if (h>w){
scaledHeight = h/w;
}else if (w>h){
scaledHeight = 1;
scaledHeight = 0;
int dstWidth = (((((View) getParent()).getWidth())*scaledWidth)/boardSize)-1;//TODO make sure that -1 is necessary for
int dstHeight = (((((View) getParent()).getHeight())*scaledHeight)/boardSize)-1;//fitting all pieces on the board
sizedBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(sourceBitmap, dstWidth, dstHeight, true);
width = sizedBitmap.getWidth();
height = sizedBitmap.getHeight();
right = x+width;
bottom = y+height;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawBitmap(sizedBitmap, x, y, null);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event){
float eventX = event.getX();
float eventY = event.getY();
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
//check if touch is on piece
if (eventX > x && eventX < (x+width) && eventY > y && eventY < (y+height)){
return false;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
//determine if piece should move horizontally or vertically
for (Pieces piece : aPieces) {
//if object equals itself in array, skip to next object
//check if there the possibility for a horizontal collision
//check for and handle collisions while moving left
x = (int)(eventX-(width/2)); //move normally
/*for(Pieces piece2 : aPieces){
x = (int)(eventX-(width/2));
x = piece2.x-width-1;
x = piece.right+1;
//check for and handle collisions while moving right
x = (int)(eventX-(width/2));
x = piece.x-width-1;
x = (int)(eventX-(width/2));
for (Pieces piece : aPieces) {
//if object equals itself in array, skip to next object
//check if there the possibility for a vertical collision
//check for and handle collisions while moving up
y = (int)(eventY-(height/2)); //move normally
y = piece.bottom+1;
//check for and handle collisions while moving down
y = (int)(eventY-(height/2));
y = piece.y-height-1;
y = (int)(eventY-(height/2));
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
// end move
// parse puzzle
return true;
In your Activity class, implement the methods OnPause(), OnResume().
Use log statements within the above mentioned methods to see whether the positions/coordinates are changed during the closing/opening of the app.
You can save the state of the various components when "OnPause()" is called. When "OnResume()" is invoked (i.e application comes to the foreground) read the saved state and draw the View with the coordinates you read recently.
Please not that "OnCreate()" will only be called once when the Activity is being created. Switching orientations will not invoked "OnCreate()"
You will find a flowchart explaining the Android API documentation.
I just realized what was wrong. Each time that I create a new Pieces object, it is added to my ArrayList, aPieces. So every time that the orientation changed, or I loaded a new level, it would load all my new pieces and display them, but my old pieces were still in the ArrayList and, therefore, still being checked for collisions. to solve this, before I load each new level (and all the pieces that make up the level), I clear the list with Pieces.aPieces.clear();. Now, it works perfectly.
There are balls in my app that just fly through display. They draws as I want. But now I want to draw the trail behind them.
All I could make is just drawing by canvas.drawPath something like following picture:
But it is not what I want. It should have pointed tail and gradient color like this:
I have no idea how to make it. Tried BitmapShader - couldn't make something right. Help, please.
First of all, there is Point class for position on display:
class Point {
float x, y;
And trail is stored as queue of Point:
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Point> trail;
It doesn't matter how it fills, just know it has size limit:
if(trail.size() > TRAIL_MAX_COUNT) {
And drawing happened in DrawTrail method:
private void DrawTrail(Canvas canvas) {
boolean isFirst = true;
for(Point p : trail) {
if(isFirst) {
trailPath.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
isFirst = false;
} else {
trailPath.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
canvas.drawPath(trailPath, trailPaint);
By the way, trailPaint is just really fat paint :)
trailPaint = new Paint();
trailPaint.setStrokeWidth(radius * 2);
I see you want to see a gradient on the ball path, you could use something like this
int x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 40;
Shader shader = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 40, Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK, TileMode.CLAMP);
trailPaint = new Paint();
This is what you should change your trailPaint to and see if it works.
provided from here.
I found solution. But still think it is not the best one.
First of all there are my class fields used for that task.
static final int TRAIL_MAX_COUNT = 50; //maximum trail array size
static final int TRAIL_DRAW_POINT = 30; //number of points to split the trail for draw
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Point> trail;
private Paint[] trailPaints;
private float[][] trailPoss, trailTans;
private Path trailPath;
Additionally to trailPath object I used PathMeasure object to split path to multiple equal parts.
After filling trail array object added call of trail calculating function.
lastTrailAdd = now;
if (trail.size() > TRAIL_MAX_COUNT) {
Then my FillTrail function.
private void FillTrail() {
boolean isFirst = true;
for(Point p : trail) {
if(isFirst) {
trailPath.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
trailPoss[0][0] = p.x;
trailPoss[0][1] = p.y;
isFirst = false;
} else {
trailPath.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
PathMeasure path = new PathMeasure(trailPath, false);
float step = path.getLength() / TRAIL_DRAW_POINT;
for(int i=0; i<TRAIL_DRAW_POINT; i++) {
path.getPosTan(step * i, trailPoss[i], trailTans[i]);
It separated from drawing thread. Next code is drawing function.
private void DrawTrail(Canvas canvas) {
if(trail.size() > 1) {
float prevWidthHalfX = 0f, prevWidthHalfY = 0f, prevX = 0f, prevY = 0f;
Path trailStepRect = new Path();
boolean isFirst = true;
for (int i = 0; i < TRAIL_DRAW_POINT; i++) {
float currWidthHalf = (float) (radius) * i / TRAIL_DRAW_POINT / 2f,
currWidthHalfX = currWidthHalf * trailTans[i][1],
currWidthHalfY = currWidthHalf * trailTans[i][0],
currX = trailPoss[i][0], currY = trailPoss[i][1];
if (!isFirst) {
trailStepRect.moveTo(prevX - prevWidthHalfX, prevY + prevWidthHalfY);
trailStepRect.lineTo(prevX + prevWidthHalfX, prevY - prevWidthHalfY);
trailStepRect.lineTo(currX + currWidthHalfX, currY - currWidthHalfY);
trailStepRect.lineTo(currX - currWidthHalfX, currY + currWidthHalfY);
canvas.drawPath(trailStepRect, trailPaints[i]);
} else {
isFirst = false;
prevX = currX;
prevY = currY;
prevWidthHalfX = currWidthHalfX;
prevWidthHalfY = currWidthHalfY;
Main point of this is drawing trail by parts with different paints. Closer to ball - wider the trail. I think I will optimise it, but it is allready work.
If you want to watch how it looks just install my app from google play.
I am trying to develop a simple game wherein I need to throw a bullet .
I would like the ball follows the touch, or swipe direction.
However, I have a small problem that I have not had success in solving.
I take coordinates on the ACTION_DOWN of MotionEvent, and the coordinates on the ACTION_UP of MotionEvent, then calculate the straight line equation in order to move the ball according to this straight line.
The problem is that when I swipe in a direction close to "up" or "forward" or "in front of", the ball moves at lightning speed while in the other direction of more skewed (right or left) or diagonal, the ball moves at a normal speed.
Where is the flaw in my calculation?
Help me please, I am not far from the result but need to you for solve this problem!
The onTouch method:
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
switch(event.getAction()) {
ya = event.getY();
xa = event.getX();
xb = event.getX();
yb = event.getY();
return true;
This is my moveDirection method:
public void moveDirection(float xa, float ya, float xb, float yb) {
if(!move) {
else {
float m, b;
float dx = xb-xa;
m = (yb - ya) / (xb - xa);
b = ya - (m * xa);
if(dx > 0) {
this.x += speedX;
else {
this.x += -speedX;
this.y = (m * this.x + b);
Thank you in advance!
I see you are not capturing all the events so, maybe the code from the Android Documentation with de VelocityTracker api may help, in this example when you pull down your finger, a new tracker is created and when you move (in any direction) you capture the velocity of the event, i think you can move the ball according with the velocity and direction of touch.
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "Velocity";
private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker = null;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
int index = event.getActionIndex();
int action = event.getActionMasked();
int pointerId = event.getPointerId(index);
switch(action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
if(mVelocityTracker == null) {
// Retrieve a new VelocityTracker object to watch the velocity of a motion.
mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();
else {
// Reset the velocity tracker back to its initial state.
// Add a user's movement to the tracker.
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
// When you want to determine the velocity, call
// computeCurrentVelocity(). Then call getXVelocity()
// and getYVelocity() to retrieve the velocity for each pointer ID.
// Log velocity of pixels per second
// Best practice to use VelocityTrackerCompat where possible.
Log.d("", "X velocity: " +
Log.d("", "Y velocity: " +
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
// Return a VelocityTracker object back to be re-used by others.
return true;
Link for doc.
I'm working on a Mario game and am in need of assistance and suggestions on how to go about creating hit detection for a tilemap.
Currently, the player has the ability to walk/jump through the blocks.
I added in a fixed detection to the ground for now which I am hoping to replace with regular hit detection.
I understand that there are four sides to each block and the player. Only some blocks need hit detection and some things you might need to know is that the player stays at 300px(middle of screen) 98% of the time.
The only thing that moves is the map
The map is rendered from a .txt file and is rendered like so:
for(int y=0;y<map.length;y++) {
for(int x=0;x<map[y].length;x++) {
int index = map[y][x];
int yOffset = 0;
if(index>(tileSheet.getWidth() / Engine.TILE_WIDTH) -1) {
index = index - (tileSheet.getWidth() / Engine.TILE_WIDTH);
((x * Engine.TILE_WIDTH)*scale)+position,
((y * Engine.TILE_HEIGHT)*scale),
(((x * Engine.TILE_WIDTH) + Engine.TILE_WIDTH )*scale)+position,
(((y * Engine.TILE_HEIGHT) + Engine.TILE_HEIGHT)*scale),
index * Engine.TILE_WIDTH,
yOffset * Engine.TILE_HEIGHT,
(index * Engine.TILE_WIDTH) + Engine.TILE_WIDTH,
(yOffset * Engine.TILE_HEIGHT) + Engine.TILE_HEIGHT,
//This code is actually longer(included file later on)
Colour hit detection is too slow and inconsistent for multi coloured tiles
Since the map is moving I suppose I need to move the hit detection boxes with it. As for selecting the boxes that it should detect might be difficult. Maybe it would be a better idea to make the code NOT hit detect certain tiles.
My attempts have ended in obfuscation of code. Can anyone suggest the easiest way to implement the hit detection? (keep in mind I have jumping).
The important codes are listed below:
Board.java(The panel where everything is drawn)
package EvilMario; //Include this class in the EvilMario game package
import java.awt.*; //Imported to allow use of Image
import java.awt.event.*; //Imported to allow use of ActionListener
import javax.swing.*; //Import swing
public class Board extends JPanel implements ActionListener { //Class Board
private TileLayer l; //Instance of TileLayer class
private Menu m; //Instance of menu class
private Player p; //Instance of player class
Timer time; //A timer
public static enum STATE {MENU,GAME}; //The game states
public static STATE State = STATE.MENU; //Set the first state to menu
public Board() {
l = TileLayer.FromFile("D:/ICS3U1/EvilMario/map.txt"); //Tile map data from .txt file
this.addMouseListener(new MouseInput()); //Listen for mouse input
this.addKeyListener(new AL()); //Listen for key input
p = new Player(); //Start running Player class
m = new Menu(); //Start running Menu class
setFocusable(true); //Allows movement
time = new Timer(20,this); //Timer set to update "this" class every 20 milliseconds(Approximately 50fps)
time.start(); //Actually start the timer
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
p.move(); //Call the move method from the player class
repaint(); //Repaint
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { //Graphics method
super.paintComponent(g); //Super hero?
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; //Cast 2D graphics
if(State==STATE.GAME) {
if(p.distanceTraveled<300)l.DrawLayer(g,0);else l.DrawLayer(g, -(p.distanceTraveled-300)); //Draw the tile map
g2d.drawImage(p.getImage(), p.getX(), p.getY(), 48, 48, null); //Draw the player
if(p.distanceTraveled==3488) System.out.println("You have won the game!"); //Draw the end game screen
} else {
m.render(g); //Render the menu
private class AL extends KeyAdapter { //Action Listener extends key adapter
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { //On key press
p.keyPressed(e); //Send whatever key was pressed TO the keyPressed method in the player class
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { //On key release
p.keyReleased(e); //Send whatever key was released TO the keyReleased method in the player class
Player.java(player logic)
package EvilMario; //Include this class in the EvilMario game package
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
public class Player {
int x, dx, y, distanceTraveled; //x coordinate,change in x coordinate,y coordinate,1st rep bg,2nd rep bg,dist traveled
Image player; //The player variable
ImageIcon walk_L_anim = new ImageIcon("D:/ICS3U1/EvilMario/images/animatedMario/walk_L_anim.gif");
ImageIcon walk_L_idle = new ImageIcon("D:/ICS3U1/EvilMario/images/animatedMario/walk_L_idle.png");
ImageIcon walk_R_anim = new ImageIcon("D:/ICS3U1/EvilMario/images/animatedMario/walk_R_anim.gif");
ImageIcon walk_R_idle = new ImageIcon("D:/ICS3U1/EvilMario/images/animatedMario/walk_R_idle.png");
ImageIcon jump_L_anim = new ImageIcon("D:/ICS3U1/EvilMario/images/animatedMario/jump_L_anim.gif");
ImageIcon jump_L_idle = new ImageIcon("D:/ICS3U1/EvilMario/images/animatedMario/jump_L_idle.png");
ImageIcon jump_R_anim = new ImageIcon("D:/ICS3U1/EvilMario/images/animatedMario/jump_R_anim.gif");
ImageIcon jump_R_idle = new ImageIcon("D:/ICS3U1/EvilMario/images/animatedMario/jump_R_idle.png");
boolean holdingLeft = false;
boolean holdingRight = false;
static boolean jumping = false;
static boolean falling = false;
static int jumpingTime = 350;
public Player() {
player = walk_R_idle.getImage(); //Give the player the image
x = 75; //The original x position of the player
y = 277; //The original y position of the player
distanceTraveled = 75; //Original distance traveled
public void move() {
if(x>=0 && x<=300) { //If the player is within the moving area
x = x+dx; //The x position is updated to become itself+the amount you moved
if(x<0) //If the player has reached he very left side of the screen(0px)
x=0; //Move him up a pixel so he can move again
if(x>300) //If the player has reached the center of the screen(300px)
x=300; //Move him down a pixel so he can move again
distanceTraveled=distanceTraveled+dx; //Calculate distanceTraveled
if(distanceTraveled<0) //Make sure distanceTraveled isn't a negative
distanceTraveled=0; //Make sure distanceTraveled isn't a negative
if(distanceTraveled>=300) //Keep player at center position once past 300 mario meters
x=300; //Keep player at center position once past 300 mario meters
if(holdingLeft && !holdingRight) {
if(distanceTraveled<300)dx=-5; else dx=-4;
if(jumping && !falling) {
player = jump_L_anim.getImage();
} else {
player = walk_L_anim.getImage();
} else if(holdingRight && !holdingLeft) {
if(distanceTraveled<300)dx=5; else dx=4;
if(jumping && !falling) {
player = jump_R_anim.getImage();
} else {
player = walk_R_anim.getImage();
} else if(!holdingRight && !holdingLeft) {
dx = 0;
if(jumping && !falling) {
player = jump_R_anim.getImage();
} else {
if(y==277) {
falling = false;
System.out.println("LEFT: "+holdingLeft+" JUMP: "+jumping+" RIGHT: "+holdingRight+" FALLING: "+falling+" Y: "+y);
public int getX() { return x; } //This method will return the x. Is used by other classes
public int getY() { return y; } //This method will return the y. Is used by other classes
public Image getImage() { return player; } //This method will return the player. Is used by other classes
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { //Called from the board class, the argument is whatever key was pressed
int key = e.getKeyCode(); //The key originally sent from the board class
if(key == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT && !holdingLeft)
holdingLeft = true;
if(key == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT && !holdingRight)
holdingRight = true;
if(key == KeyEvent.VK_UP && !jumping && !falling)
new Thread(new JumpThread(this)).start();
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { //Called from the board class, the argument is whatever key was released
int key = e.getKeyCode(); //The key originally sent from the board class
if(key == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) { //If the left or right key was released
dx = 0; //Stop moving
holdingLeft = false;
player = walk_L_idle.getImage();
if(key == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
dx = 0;
holdingRight = false;
player = walk_R_idle.getImage();
TileLayer.java (Rendering of the tile layer)(Probably most important part relating to the question)
package EvilMario; //Include this class in the EvilMario game package
import java.awt.Graphics; //
public class TileLayer {
private int[][] map; //2D array
private BufferedImage tileSheet; //The tile sheet
public TileLayer(int[][] existingMap) { //
map = new int[existingMap.length][existingMap[0].length]; //map initialized
for(int y=0;y<map.length;y++) { //Loop through all boxes
for(int x=0;x<map[y].length;y++) { //Loop through all boxes
map[y][x] = existingMap[y][x]; //Update the map
tileSheet = LoadTileSheet("D:/ICS3U1/EvilMario/images/tilemap.gif"); //Load the tilesheet
public TileLayer(int width, int height) {
map = new int[height][width];
public static TileLayer FromFile(String fileName) {
TileLayer layer = null;
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> tempLayout = new ArrayList<>();
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName))) {
String currentLine;
while((currentLine = br.readLine()) !=null) {
ArrayList<Integer> row = new ArrayList<>();
String[] values = currentLine.trim().split(" ");
for(String string: values) {
if(!string.isEmpty()) {
int id = Integer.parseInt(string);
} catch(IOException e) {
int width = tempLayout.get(0).size();
int height = tempLayout.size();
layer = new TileLayer(width,height);
for(int y=0;y<height;y++) {
for(int x=0;x<width;x++) {
layer.map[y][x] = tempLayout.get(y).get(x);
layer.tileSheet = layer.LoadTileSheet("D:/ICS3U1/EvilMario/images/tilemap.gif");
return layer;
public BufferedImage LoadTileSheet(String fileName) {
BufferedImage img = null;
try {
img = ImageIO.read(new File(fileName));
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Could not load image");
return img;
int scale = 2;
public void DrawLayer(Graphics g, int position) {
for(int y=0;y<map.length;y++) {
for(int x=0;x<map[y].length;x++) {
int index = map[y][x];
int yOffset = 0;
if(index>(tileSheet.getWidth() / Engine.TILE_WIDTH) -1) {
index = index - (tileSheet.getWidth() / Engine.TILE_WIDTH);
((x * Engine.TILE_WIDTH)*scale)+position,
((y * Engine.TILE_HEIGHT)*scale),
(((x * Engine.TILE_WIDTH) + Engine.TILE_WIDTH )*scale)+position,
(((y * Engine.TILE_HEIGHT) + Engine.TILE_HEIGHT)*scale),
index * Engine.TILE_WIDTH,
yOffset * Engine.TILE_HEIGHT,
(index * Engine.TILE_WIDTH) + Engine.TILE_WIDTH,
(yOffset * Engine.TILE_HEIGHT) + Engine.TILE_HEIGHT,
Engine.java (Not as important)(Simple variables for tile sizes)
package EvilMario;
public class Engine {
public static final int TILE_WIDTH = 16;
public static final int TILE_HEIGHT = 16;
If you need other pieces of code, just ask for them. I am not asking you to give me a specific answer to the question but simply a method that would work with my following code.
A specific answer would be nice though :)
I also believe the answer to this question will be useful to others because this method was explained in a popular java 2d game tutorial video(They never showed hit detection).
Methods I tried:
Creating a new java file called HitDetectionLayer with the exact code in TileLayer.java that stored positions in arrays. It failed :(
Ok, I'm not entirely sure what you are doing, if you throw up some images it would be more clear.
At any rate, 'hit detection' aka collision detection is a very complex topic, but it depends on what you want to do. If you want everything to be boxes or circles, then it is quite easy. If however you want things to rotate or you want collision for complex shapes it becomes extreme difficult.
Most games use circles or spheres for collision. You put the majority of your graphics (it may not fit perfectly either leaving part of your images in or out of the circle but that's life). Now lets say you have your mario sprite and one of those turtles. Well, you have circles around them both and once the circles touch you trigger your event.
The math for this is very easy because circles are by definition a perimeter around a constant length. Look at this:
You probably already know this, and it may seem obvious, but if you think about it this is what a circle really is: a consistent length in every fathomable direction. The directions are measured in degrees and from there you move on to trigonometry but you don't need that. What you need is coordinance aka vectors. So look at this:
All you need to determine circle collision is the distance between the circles. No matter what angle the circles collide from it does not matter because the distances from the circle's centre are consistent all the way around. Even if the circles are different sizes, it doesn't matter, just account for the radii difference.
Too compute all of this, you would write a method like this:
public boolean testDistanceBetween( float radius1, float radius2,
float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2 ){
double distanceBetween = Math.sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2));
if(distanceBetween < (radius1+radius2) ){
return true;
return false;
The moral of the story is that circles are just good that way. If you want to do rectangle collision you take the bottom-left and top right point and you test if other rectangles are in between those points. This should be pretty straight forward, each point is a vector, each rectangle has 4 points. If any of the 4 points of one rectangle are between points on the other rectangle, there is collision.
You can use this system to handle ground and walls also. For example, if ground is at Y=300, then if your sprite's y coordinance are == 300, you suspend your gravity.
The main thing I wanted to explain is that if you intend to have rotating rectangles or polygons and you want to detect collision on them... good luck. It can be done yes, but you should understand you are implementing complex physics, especially when/if you implement gravity.
So my answer is cautionary: there is NO easy way to detect collision of rotating rectangles or polygons. Circles and static rectangles are the limits. If you really want to do rotating rectangles/polygons get a physics engine. Box2d is pretty good and has a Java version Jbox2d.
I'm new to Android programming and now I'm trying to make a simple Sea Battle game for one person. Ships are places, player hits the field and see whether the shot hit or not.
Basically, the field looks like this:
The code is:
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (getWidth() > getHeight()) {
rebro = getHeight();
} else {
rebro = getWidth(); // the smaller size of screen is "rebro"
rebro_piece = rebro / 10; // divide the screen by 10 (to get 10x10 field)
Paint background = new Paint();
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, rebro, rebro, background); // draw background
Paint divider = new Paint();
// drawing divider lines
for (int i=0; i<11; i++) {
canvas.drawLine(0, i*rebro_piece, rebro, i*rebro_piece, divider); // horizontal
canvas.drawLine(i*rebro_piece, 0, i*rebro_piece, rebro, divider); // vertical
canvas.drawLine(rebro-1, 0, rebro-1, rebro, divider);
That's how I make the "field."
In another class I have a method that collects numbers x and y of a 10×10 array that represents where the ships are placed. For debugging, I need to draw them on my field. Ship coordinates are retrieved in a cycle.
So I wrote a drawShip(int x, int y) method.
On Stack Overflow I've founded a question about "Why I can't paint outside onDraw()?" and I've changed my method to this:
public void drawShip(int x, int y) {
myX = x; //global
myY = y; //global
needToPaintShip = true; //boolean
invalidate(); // refreshing?
needToPaintShip = false;
Here needToPaintShip decides whether the redrawing of canvas is needed or not.
Also I've edited the onDraw(Canvas canvas) method:
if(needToPaintShip == true) {
Paint ship = new Paint();
Log.d(TAG, "onDraw(): rebro_piece = " + rebro_piece + " , myX = "+ myX + " , myY = " + myY); // I only get the last coordinates!
Rect r = new Rect(myX*(rebro_piece),myY*rebro_piece, myX*(rebro_piece+1), myY*(rebro_piece+1));
canvas.drawRect(r, ship);
but the result is awful:
Guys, I'm desperate. How can I fix this and make "ships" be drawn on the field?
Why do you set needToPaintShip = false; after calling invalidate()? Don't you need to draw the ship again in subsequent frames?
Also, it seems like this item:
Rect r = new Rect(myX*(rebro_piece),myY*rebro_piece, myX*(rebro_piece+1), myY*(rebro_piece+1));
should probably be:
Rect r = new Rect(myX*(rebro_piece),myY*rebro_piece, (myX+1)*rebro_piece, (myY+1)*rebro_piece));
As for why the ship always appears in the bottom right corner, that depends on what you pass to drawShip(x,y), which isn't shown. Is it possible that you are passing pixel coordinates instead of something in the range [0-10)?
ive been trying to change the color of specific rects in an array of rects when i touch the screen but it doesnt seem to be working, heres my code:
public Paint blue = new Paint();
RandomColorGen rc;
ArrayList<Integer> colors = RandomColorGen.ColorList(5);
Random rand = new Random();
int columns = 50;
int rows = 50;
Rect square[][] = new Rect[rows][columns];
public boolean isTouched;
public Canvas canvas;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
this.canvas = canvas;
for (int x = 0; x < rows; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < columns; y++) {
square[x][y] = new Rect();
square[x][y].set(0, 0, (canvas.getWidth() - 10) / rows,
((canvas.getHeight() - 100) / columns));
square[x][y].offsetTo(x * ((canvas.getWidth() - 10) / rows), y
* ((canvas.getHeight() - 100) / columns));
canvas.drawRect(square[x][y], blue);
canvas.drawRect(square[1][1], blue);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
isTouched = true;
return true;
the colors.get() thingy is an arraylist of colors. am i taking the wrong approach?
How you are calling the paint function after the onTouch action performed...
OnTouch action is the first action so how do you call Paint() function??
I just tested your code, it works but there are couple of notes worth mentioning:
Allocating objects during drawing is a very bad behavior ( specially when allocating 50*50 ) ! consider moving the allocation code to the constructor and change position of the rectangles at the onDraw() method if you want to achieve the same behavior you have now.
Your usage for onTouchEvent() is not complete, you need to have the isTouched true as long as the user didn't raise his hand, which can be done as the following :
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
isTouched = true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
isTouched = false;
return true;
Also request a layout every time you receive a TouchEvent by using invalidate()