How is it possible?
We are executing EJBQL on Toplink(DB is Oracle) and query.getResultList is empty.
When i switched log level to FINE and received Sql query, that TopLink generates, i tried to execute this query on database and (miracle!) i got a non-empty result!
What could be the reason and how is it treated?
Thanks in advance!
P.S. No exceptions.
Query log:
bind => [4537, R, R, realty_status]|#]
This query returns 100k rows, but toplink believes that it is not...
With log level to FINE can you verify that you are connecting to the same database? How simple is your testcase; can you verify that it is this exact JPQL that is being translated to that SQL?
VPD ( Policies?
Is something of this flavor defined on the schema? These features transparently add dynamic where clauses to the statement that is executed in the database session, so the query results depend on the state of the session in this case.
When reformatting the query the following conditions seemed strange:
AND t2.ID (+) = t1.STATUS_ID
The (+) indicates an outer join of t2 (DEFAULTABLE_DICTIONARY), but this table seems to be non-optional since it has to have a non-null DICT_TYPE for the second condition.
On closer looking, the bind parameters also seem to be off, the fields are in order
With the given parameters (4537, R, R, realty_status), the first DICT_TYPE would be 'R' while the second is the string "realty_status" which seems inconsistent.
Transactions? Oracle never gives you a "dirty read" which database speak for access to uncommitted data. If you send data on one connection you cannot access it on any other connection until it is committed. If you try the query later by hand, the data has been committed and you get the expected result.
This situation can arise if you are updating the data in more than one connection, and the data manipulation is not set to "auto commit". JPA defaults to auto-commit, but flushing at transaction boundaries can give you a cleaner design.
I can't tell exactly, but I am a little surprised that the string parameters are not quoted. Is it possible that interactively there are some automatic conversions, but over this connection instead of the string 'R' it was converted to the INT ascii for R?
I found the reason!
The reason is Oracle! I've tried the same code on Postgres and its worked!
I dont know why, but in some magic cases oracle ignores query parameters and query returns empty result.
I'm having a strange situation on a Stored Procedure on my MSSQL Server when executed via a jdbc driver. I have tried jtds and microsoft jdbc with the same results.
I have other SPs that work perfectly but on this one, there is a strange situation.
Here is the content of the SP:
select b.columnA, count(b.columnA) as Rejects
into #TempTable
from tableA a inner join tableB b on a.columnA = b.columnA
where b.columnB is null
and a.columnC = 1
group by b.columnA
having count(b.columnA) > 2;
declare #count int
set #count = 99 --(select count(columnA) as Count from #TempTable)
select #count as Total, a.columnD
from (
select count(a.columnA) as columnD
from #TempTable a inner join tableA b on a.columnA = b.columnA
where a.Rejects = 3
and registerDate>=dateadd(hour, -1, getdate()) ) a
The problem here is on the set #count.
If I use a forced value, such as 99, it works correctly. If, instead of using the forced value I use the commented select with the count from the temp table, it works great on MSMSM but, if executed via JDBC (I used two different clients with both jtds and microsoft jdbc driver) the final "Total" value is wrong.
On some executions, the value even changes.
The execution method is the same both on MSMSM and JDBC clients: exec SP_Name;
What might be the problem?
Thanks in advance!
I've followed some suggestions and made a
SELECT * FROM #TempTable
To check the results. And, although the lines I got on the result set have the correct data, I don't have all the lines. Each time I run this SP I get different lines. This is why the results from the original SP are always a wrong number (lower than the supposed result) and sometimes vary.
Doing the same test on MSMSM, the result is always the same, with the same correct number of lines on the result set of the Temp Table.
I'm confusing with implementation of CRUD methods for DAODatabase (for Oracle 11 xe).
The problem is that the "U"-method (update) in case of storing in generally to a Map collection inserts a new element or renews it (key-value data like ID:AbstractBusinessObject) in a Map collection. And you don't care about it, when you write something like myHashMap.add(element). This method (update) is widely used in project's business logic.
Obviously, in case of using Oracle I must care about both inserting and renewing of existing elements. But I'm stucked to choose the way how to implement it:
There is no intrinsic function for so-called UPSERT in Oracle (at least in xe11g r2 version). However, I can emulate necessary function by SQL-query like this:
INSERT INTO mytable (id1, t1)
UPDATE mytable SET t1 = 'x1' WHERE id1 = 11;
By using this kind of query (first - insert, second - update) I presume that the data mostly will be inserted not updated (at least it will be rather rare). (May it be not optimal for concurrency?).
Ok, it is possible. But at this point I'm confusing to decide:
-- should I write an SQL function (with approriate arguments of course) for this and call it via Java
-- or should I simply handle a serie of queries for preparedStatements and do them via .executeUpdate/.executeQuery? Should I handle the whole UPSERT SQL code for one preparedStatment or split it into several SQL-queries and prepared statements inside one method's body? (I'm using Tomcat's pool of connections and I pass a connection instance via static method getConnection() to each method implementation in DAODatabase) ?
Is there another possibility to solve the UPSERT quest?
The equivalent to your UPSERT statement would seem to be to use MERGE:
MERGE INTO mytable d
USING ( SELECT 11 AS id, 'x1' AS t1 FROM DUAL ) s
ON ( = )
INSERT (, d.t1 ) VALUES (, s.t1 )
UPDATE SET d.t1 = s.t1;
You could also use (or wrap in a procedure):
p_id MYTABLE.ID%TYPE := 11;
p_t1 MYTABLE.T1%TYPE := 'x1';
UPDATE mytable
SET t1 = p_t1
WHERE id = p_id;
INSERT INTO mytable ( id, t1 ) VALUES ( p_id, p_t1 );
However, when you are handling a CRUD request - if you are doing a Create action then it should be represented by an INSERT (and if something already exists then you ought to throw the equivalent of the HTTP status code 400 Bad Request or 409 Conflict, as appropriate) and if you are doing an Update action it should be represented by an UPDATE (and if nothing is there to update then return the equivalent error to 404 Not Found.
So, while MERGE fits your description I don't think it is representative of a RESTful action as you ought to be separating the actions to their appropriate end-points rather than combining then into a joint action.
I'm using hibernate as an ORMapper. I want to execute an actually rather simple hql query:
FROM Foo a
WHERE a.status = :A0status
ORDER BY a.bookingTypeCode ASC,
a.priority ASC
This hql query is then converted into a sql query which looks something like this:
select a.*
from Foo a
where a.status='A'
order by a.bookingtypecode ASC,
a.priority ASC
When I execute the sql on the oracle database using the Oracle SQL Developer I get 17 rows returned. However, when I execute the hql query (using the list method of a Query I get a list of 17 elements that are all null. Although the number of elements is correct, not a single one of the elements is actually loaded.
This is the way I create and execute my query:
// the hql query is stored in the hqlQuery variable;
// the parameter are stored in a Map<String, Object> called params
Query hQuery = hibSession.createQuery(hqlQuery);
for (Entry<String, Object> param : params.entrySet()) {
String key = param.getKey();
Object value = param.getValue();
hQuery.setParameter(key, value);
List<?> result = hQuery.list();
Does anyone know what might be the problem here?
Update 1
I've recently upgrade from hibernate 3.2 to 4.3.5. Before the upgrade everything worked fine. After the upgrade I get this error.
I've set the Log level of hibernate to TRACE and found the problem. It was actually a mapping/logic/database error. The primary key consisted of two columns (according to the entity class) and one of these columns was nullable. However a primary key can never be nullable. Therefore hibernate always returned null.
If you have not set a custom (and buggy) ResultTransformer, my second best guess is that your debugger is lying to you. Does you code actually receives a list of null?
Also make sure to test with the code you are showing is. Too many times, people simplify things and the devil is in the details.
This error is happening to me. MySQL query browser works, but in hibernate of 7 columns and only one column always came with all null fields. I checked all the ids and they were not null. The error was in the construction of SQL Native. I had to change the way of writing it. Ai worked.
SELECT c.idContratoEmprestimo as idContratoEmprestimo,
c.dtOperacao as dataOperacao,
p.cpf as cpf,
p.nome as nome,
(Select count(p2.idParcelaEmprestimo) from EMP_PARCELA p2 where p2.valorPago > 0 and p2.dtPagamento is not null
and p2.idContratoEmprestimo = c.idContratoEmprestimo and p2.mesCompetencia <= '2014-08-01') as parcelasPagas, c.numeroParcelas as numeroParcelas,
pe.valorPago as valorParcela
FROM EMP_CONTRATO c inner join TB_PARTICIPANTE_DADOS_PLANO AS pp on pp.idParticipantePlano = c.idParticipantePlano
inner join TB_PARTICIPANTE as p on = pp.idParticipante
inner join EMP_PARCELA as pe on pe.idContratoEmprestimo = c.idContratoEmprestimo
where c.dtInicioContrato <= '2014-08-01' and pi.INSTITUIDOR_ID = 1
and c.avaliado is true
and pe.mesCompetencia = '2014-08-01'
and c.deferido is true
and c.dtQuitacao is null
and c.dtExclusao is null
and pe.valorPago is not null
group by c.idContratoEmprestimo
order by p.nome
Is there any way I can check, how is the query being framed or what values are being passed ? I want to check for this query :
String hql = "from Scheduled where stime <= current_time()"; // QUERY
List list = session.createQuery(hql).list();
I want to know what value of current_time() is being sent ?
current_time() is not replaced with a specific time in hibernate - it is passed as part of the SQL to the database and is evaluated there. Therefore, current_time() will be whatever the current time is on the database server at the time the statement is executed.
You can enable Hibernate logging and these two params should be of help to you:
org.hibernate.SQL - Log all SQL DML statements as they are
org.hibernate.type - Log all JDBC parameters
If your underlying database is SQL Server, then another option is SQL Profiler.
Here are entries from which works for me to print hibernate queries and parameters., stdout,stdout
Having strange performance issue using Hibernate 3.3.2GA behind JPA (and the rest of the Hibernate packages included in JBoss 5.)
I'm using Native Query, and assembling SQL into a prepared statement.
EntityManager em = getEntityManager(MY_DS);
final Query query = em.createNativeQuery(fullSql, entity.getClass());
The SQL has a lot of joins, but is actually very basic, with a single parameter. Like:
SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM entity left join entity2 on... left join entity3 on
WHERE stringId like ?
and the query runs in under a second on MSSQL Studio.
If I add
query.setParameter(0, "ABC123%");
The query will pause for 9 seconds
2012-01-20 14:36:21 - TRACE: - AbstractBatcher.getPreparedStatement:(484) | preparing statement
2012-01-20 14:36:21 - TRACE: - StringType.nullSafeSet:(133) | binding 'ABC123%' to parameter: 1
2012-01-20 14:36:30 - DEBUG: - AbstractBatcher.logOpenResults:(382) | about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
However, if I just replace the "?" with the value (making it not a Prepared Statement, but just a straight SQL query.
fullSql = fullSql.replace("?", "'ABC123%'");
the query will complete in less that a second.
I would really prefer to us a Prepared Statement (the input for the parameters is being extracted from user data) to prevent injection attacks.
Tracing down the slow point in the code, I arrived deep within the jtds-1.2.2 package. The offending line seems to be SharedSocket line 841 "getIn().readFully(hdrBuf);" Nothing really obvious there though...
private byte[] readPacket(byte buffer[])
throws IOException {
// Read rest of header
try {
} catch (EOFException e) {
throw new IOException("DB server closed connection.");
Arrived to through this stack...
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.SharedSocket.readPacket(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.SharedSocket.getNetPacket(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.ResponseStream.getPacket(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.ResponseStream.peek(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.wait(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.executeSQL(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.TdsCore.microsoftPrepare(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.ConnectionJDBC2.prepareSQL(
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.JtdsPreparedStatement.executeQuery(
at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getResultSet(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.getResultSet(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.listIgnoreQueryCache(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.list(
at org.hibernate.loader.custom.CustomLoader.list(
at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.listCustomQuery(
at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.list(
at org.hibernate.impl.SQLQueryImpl.list(
at org.hibernate.ejb.QueryImpl.getResultList(
I'll leave this question and answer out here in case anyone has the same issue in the future.
The issue is in the way the JTDS drivers send the parameter strings to MSSQL. Apparently Java will attempt to send the parameters Unicode by default, and MSSQL will translate it to Ascii. Why that takes 9 seconds, I do not know.
Lot's of references to this out there, but nothing that helped my till I was able to isolate that it was an issue with the driver to MSSQL connection.
This link was helpful:
This is the string using the Microsoft driver.
You just need to get the sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false passed to your driver URL setup and you are good.
Check the query plans that SQL server is producing. Prepared statements can be especially problematic.
Let me explain...
If you do this:
SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM entity left join entity2 on... left join entity3 on
WHERE stringId like 'ABC123%';
and you have an index on "stringId" SQL server knows it can use it.
However if you do this:
SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM entity left join entity2 on... left join entity3 on
WHERE stringId like ?;
SQL server doesn't know it can use the index when it creates the prepared statement (as you could fill in the parameter with '%ABC123' instead of 'ABC123%') and thus may choose a completely different query plan.
And another answer for people potentially using Oracle with a similar Unicode problem...
Check to make sure someone hasn't set the property oracle.jdbc.defaultNChar=true
This is sometimes done to resolve unicode problems but it means all columns are treated as nvarchars. If you have an index on a varchar column, it won't be used because oracle has to use a function to convert the character encoding.