MySQL has a handy function:
This can be used to create simple, but very specific, name-based locks for an application. However, it requires a database connection.
I have many situations like:
someMethod() {
// do stuff to user A for their data for feature X
It doesn't make sense to simply synchronize this method, because, for example, if this method is called for user B in the meantime, user B does not need to wait for user A to finish before it starts, only operations for the user A and feature X combination need to wait.
With the MySql lock I could do something like:
someMethod() {
executeQuery("SELECT GET_LOCK('userA-featureX')")
// only locked for user A for their data for feature X
executeQuery("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('userA-featureX')")
Since Java locking is based on objects, it seems like I would need to create a new object to represent the situation for this lock and then put it in a static cache somewhere so all the threads can see it. Subsequent requests to lock for that situation would then locate the lock object in the cache and acquire its lock. I tried to create something like this, but then the lock cache itself needs synchronization. Also, it is difficult to detect when a lock object is no longer being used so that it can be removed from the cache.
I have looked at the Java concurrent packages, but nothing stands out as being able to handle something like this. Is there an easy way to implement this, or am I looking at this from the wrong perspective?
To clarify, I am not looking to create a predefined pool of locks ahead of time, I would like to create them on demand. Some pseudo-code for what I am thinking of is:
LockManager.acquireLock(String name) {
Lock lock;
synchronized (map) {
lock = map.get(name);
// doesn't exist yet - create and store
if(lock == null) {
lock = new Lock();
map.put(name, lock);
LockManager.releaseLock(String name) {
// unlock
// if this was the last hold on the lock, remove it from the cache
All those answers I see are way too complicated. Why not simply use:
public void executeInNamedLock(String lockName, Runnable runnable) {
synchronized(lockName.intern()) {;
The key point is the method intern: it ensures that the String returned is a global unique object, and so it can be used as a vm-instance-wide mutex. All interned Strings are held in a global pool, so that's your static cache you were talking about in your original question. Don't worry about memleaks; those strings will be gc'ed if no other thread references it. Note however, that up to and including Java6 this pool is kept in PermGen space instead of the heap, so you might have to increase it.
There's a problem though if some other code in your vm locks on the same string for completely different reasons, but a) this is very unlikely, and b) you can get around it by introducing namespaces, e.g. executeInNamedLock(this.getClass().getName() + "_" + myLockName);
Can you have a Map<String, java.util.concurrent.Lock>? Each time you require a lock, you basically call map.get(lockName).lock().
Here's an example using Google Guava:
Map<String, Lock> lockMap = new MapMaker().makeComputingMap(new Function<String, Lock>() {
#Override public Lock apply(String input) {
return new ReentrantLock();
Then lockMap.get("anyOldString") will cause a new lock to be created if required and returned to you. You can then call lock() on that lock. makeComputingMap returns a Map that is thread-safe, so you can just share that with all your threads.
// pool of names that are being locked
HashSet<String> pool = new HashSet<String>();
while(pool.contains(name)) // already being locked
pool.wait(); // wait for release
pool.add(name); // I lock it
maybe this is useful for you: jkeylockmanager
My initial response was probably a bit short. I am the author and was faced with this problem several times and could not find an existing solution. That's why I made this small library on Google Code.
Maybe a little later but you can use Google Guava Striped
Conceptually, lock striping is the technique of dividing a lock into many stripes, increasing the granularity of a single lock and allowing independent operations to lock different stripes and proceed concurrently, instead of creating contention for a single lock.
Lock lock=stripes.get(object);
For locking on something like a user name, in-memory Locks in a map might be a bit leaky. As an alternative, you could look at using WeakReferences with WeakHashMap to create mutex objects that can be garbage collected when nothing refers to them. This avoids you having to do any manual reference counting to free up memory.
You can find an implementation here. Note that if you're doing frequent lookups on the map you may run into contention issues acquiring the mutex.
A generic solution using java.util.concurrent
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
public class LockByName<L> {
ConcurrentHashMap<String, L> mapStringLock;
public LockByName(){
mapStringLock = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, L>();
public LockByName(ConcurrentHashMap<String, L> mapStringLock){
this.mapStringLock = mapStringLock;
public L getLock(String key) {
L initValue = (L) createIntanceLock();
L lock = mapStringLock.putIfAbsent(key, initValue);
if (lock == null) {
lock = initValue;
return lock;
protected Object createIntanceLock() {
return new ReentrantLock();
public static void main(String[] args) {
LockByName<ReentrantLock> reentrantLocker = new LockByName<ReentrantLock>();
ReentrantLock reentrantLock1 = reentrantLocker.getLock("pepe");
try {
Based on the answer of McDowell and his class IdMutexProvider, I have written the generic class LockMap that uses WeakHashMap to store lock objects. LockMap.get() can be used to retrieve a lock object for a key, which can then be used with the Java synchronized (...) statement to apply a lock. Unused lock objects are automatically freed during garbage collection.
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
// A map that creates and stores lock objects for arbitrary keys values.
// Lock objects which are no longer referenced are automatically released during garbage collection.
// Author: Christian d'Heureuse,
// Based on IdMutexProvider by McDowell,
// See also
public class LockMap<KEY> {
private WeakHashMap<KeyWrapper<KEY>,WeakReference<KeyWrapper<KEY>>> map;
public LockMap() {
map = new WeakHashMap<KeyWrapper<KEY>,WeakReference<KeyWrapper<KEY>>>(); }
// Returns a lock object for the specified key.
public synchronized Object get (KEY key) {
if (key == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(); }
KeyWrapper<KEY> newKeyWrapper = new KeyWrapper<KEY>(key);
WeakReference<KeyWrapper<KEY>> ref = map.get(newKeyWrapper);
KeyWrapper<KEY> oldKeyWrapper = (ref == null) ? null : ref.get();
if (oldKeyWrapper != null) {
return oldKeyWrapper; }
map.put(newKeyWrapper, new WeakReference<KeyWrapper<KEY>>(newKeyWrapper));
return newKeyWrapper; }
// Returns the number of used entries in the map.
public synchronized int size() {
return map.size(); }
// KeyWrapper wraps a key value and is used in three ways:
// - as the key for the internal WeakHashMap
// - as the value for the internal WeakHashMap, additionally wrapped in a WeakReference
// - as the lock object associated to the key
private static class KeyWrapper<KEY> {
private KEY key;
private int hashCode;
public KeyWrapper (KEY key) {
this.key = key;
hashCode = key.hashCode(); }
public boolean equals (Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true; }
if (obj instanceof KeyWrapper) {
return ((KeyWrapper)obj).key.equals(key); }
return false; }
public int hashCode() {
return hashCode; }}
} // end class LockMap
Example of how to use the LockMap class:
private static LockMap<String> lockMap = new LockMap<String>();
synchronized (lockMap.get(name)) {
A simple test program for the LockMap class:
public static Object lock1;
public static Object lock2;
public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("TestLockMap Started");
LockMap<Integer> map = new LockMap<Integer>();
lock1 = map.get(1);
lock2 = map.get(2);
if (lock2 == lock1) {
throw new Error(); }
Object lock1b = map.get(1);
if (lock1b != lock1) {
throw new Error(); }
if (map.size() != 2) {
throw new Error(); }
for (int i=0; i<10000000; i++) {
map.get(i); }
System.out.println("Size before gc: " + map.size()); // result varies, e.g. 4425760
if (map.size() != 2) {
System.out.println("Size after gc should be 2 but is " + map.size()); }
System.out.println("TestLockMap completed"); }
If anyone knows a better way to automatically test the LockMap class, please write a comment.
I'd like to notice that ConcurrentHashMap has built-in locking facility that is enough for simple exclusive multithread lock. No additional Lock objects needed.
Here is an example of such lock map used to enforce at most one active jms processing for single client.
private static final ConcurrentMap<String, Object> lockMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();
private static final Object DUMMY = new Object();
private boolean tryLock(String key) {
if (lockMap.putIfAbsent(key, DUMMY) != null) {
return false;
try {
if (/* attempt cluster-wide db lock via select for update nowait */) {
return true;
} else {
log.debug("DB is already locked");
return false;
} catch (Throwable e) {
log.debug("DB lock failed", e);
return false;
private void unlock(String key) {
public void onMessage(Message message) {
String key = getClientKey(message);
if (tryLock(key)) {
try {
// handle jms
} finally {
} else {
// key is locked, forcing redelivery
2 years later but I was looking for a simple named locker solution and came across this, was usefull but I needed a simpler answer, so below what I came up with.
Simple lock under some name and release again under that same name.
private void doTask(){
//do stuff locked under the name
Here is the code:
public class NamedLocker {
private ConcurrentMap<String, Semaphore> synchSemaphores = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Semaphore>();
private int permits = 1;
public NamedLocker(){
public NamedLocker(int permits){
this.permits = permits;
public void acquireLock(String... key){
Semaphore tempS = new Semaphore(permits, true);
Semaphore s = synchSemaphores.putIfAbsent(Arrays.toString(key), tempS);
if(s == null){
s = tempS;
public void releaseLock(String... key){
Semaphore s = synchSemaphores.get(Arrays.toString(key));
if(s != null){
Many implementations but non similar to mine.
Called my Dynamic lock implementation as ProcessDynamicKeyLock because it's a single process lock, for any object as key (equals+hashcode for uniqueness).
TODO: Add a way to provide the actual lock, for example, ReentrantReadWriteLock instead of ReentrantLock.
public class ProcessDynamicKeyLock<T> implements Lock
private final static ConcurrentHashMap<Object, LockAndCounter> locksMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final T key;
public ProcessDynamicKeyLock(T lockKey)
this.key = lockKey;
private static class LockAndCounter
private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
private final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
private LockAndCounter getLock()
return locksMap.compute(key, (key, lockAndCounterInner) ->
if (lockAndCounterInner == null) {
lockAndCounterInner = new LockAndCounter();
return lockAndCounterInner;
private void cleanupLock(LockAndCounter lockAndCounterOuter)
if (lockAndCounterOuter.counter.decrementAndGet() == 0)
locksMap.compute(key, (key, lockAndCounterInner) ->
if (lockAndCounterInner == null || lockAndCounterInner.counter.get() == 0) {
return null;
return lockAndCounterInner;
public void lock()
LockAndCounter lockAndCounter = getLock();
public void unlock()
LockAndCounter lockAndCounter = locksMap.get(key);
public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException
LockAndCounter lockAndCounter = getLock();
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw e;
public boolean tryLock()
LockAndCounter lockAndCounter = getLock();
boolean acquired = lockAndCounter.lock.tryLock();
if (!acquired)
return acquired;
public boolean tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException
LockAndCounter lockAndCounter = getLock();
boolean acquired;
acquired = lockAndCounter.lock.tryLock(time, unit);
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw e;
if (!acquired)
return acquired;
public Condition newCondition()
LockAndCounter lockAndCounter = locksMap.get(key);
return lockAndCounter.lock.newCondition();
Simple test:
public class ProcessDynamicKeyLockTest
public void testDifferentKeysDontLock() throws InterruptedException
ProcessDynamicKeyLock<Object> lock = new ProcessDynamicKeyLock<>(new Object());
AtomicBoolean anotherThreadWasExecuted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
new Thread(() ->
ProcessDynamicKeyLock<Object> anotherLock = new ProcessDynamicKeyLock<>(new Object());
public void testSameKeysLock() throws InterruptedException
Object key = new Object();
ProcessDynamicKeyLock<Object> lock = new ProcessDynamicKeyLock<>(key);
AtomicBoolean anotherThreadWasExecuted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
new Thread(() ->
ProcessDynamicKeyLock<Object> anotherLock = new ProcessDynamicKeyLock<>(key);
Another possible solution which I have implemented and tested when encountered the same requirements as the original poster.
In this solution:
No external libraries
Not leaving unused objects in memory
Minimal usage of synchronized and minimal "cross-names" locking
No downsides of using intern
Helper class code:
public class IdBasedLockHelper<T> {
private final static AtomicIntegerWithEquals zero = new AtomicIntegerWithEquals(0);
private final ConcurrentMap<T, AtomicIntegerWithEquals> identifierToLockCounter = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public void executeLocked(T lockId, Runnable runnable) {
AtomicIntegerWithEquals counterAndLock = identifierToLockCounter.compute(lockId, (key, existing) -> {
if (existing == null) {
return new AtomicIntegerWithEquals(1);
return existing;
synchronized (counterAndLock) {
try {;
} finally {
identifierToLockCounter.remove(lockId, zero);
// AtomicInteger does not implement equals() properly so there is a need for such wrapper
private static class AtomicIntegerWithEquals {
private final AtomicInteger atomicValue;
AtomicIntegerWithEquals(int value) {
this.atomicValue = new AtomicInteger(value);
// Used internally by remove()
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof IdBasedLockHelper.AtomicIntegerWithEquals)) return false;
return atomicValue.get() == ((AtomicIntegerWithEquals) o).atomicValue.get();
// Not really used, but when implementing custom equals() it is a good practice to implement also hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
return atomicValue.get();
IdBasedLockHelper<String> idBasedLockHelper = new IdBasedLockHelper<>();
idBasedLockHelper.executeLocked("Some Name", () -> {
// Your code to execute synchronized per name
ConcurrentHashMap is used to store synchronization object for each lock id.
ConcurrentHashMap already provides compute and remove (if value equals) as atomic operations. The AtomicInteger inside the stored value counts the number of holds of the synchronization object and this allows removing it from the map only if it is not in use (number of holds equals 0).
Maybe something like that:
public class ReentrantNamedLock {
private class RefCounterLock {
public int counter;
public ReentrantLock sem;
public RefCounterLock() {
counter = 0;
sem = new ReentrantLock();
private final ReentrantLock _lock = new ReentrantLock();
private final HashMap<String, RefCounterLock> _cache = new HashMap<String, RefCounterLock>();
public void lock(String key) {
RefCounterLock cur = null;
try {
if (!_cache.containsKey(key)) {
cur = new RefCounterLock();
_cache.put(key, cur);
} else {
cur = _cache.get(key);
} finally {
public void unlock(String key) {
try {
if (_cache.containsKey(key)) {
RefCounterLock cur = _cache.get(key);
if (cur.counter == 0) { //last reference
cur = null;
} finally {
I didn't test it though.
After some disappointment that there is no language level support or simple Guava/Commons class for named locks,
This is what I settled down to:
ConcurrentMap<String, Object> locks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
Object getLock(String name) {
Object lock = locks.get(name);
if (lock == null) {
Object newLock = new Object();
lock = locks.putIfAbsent(name, newLock);
if (lock == null) {
lock = newLock;
return lock;
void somethingThatNeedsNamedLocks(String name) {
synchronized(getLock(name)) {
// some operations mutually exclusive per each name
Here I achieved: little boilerplate code with no library dependency, atomically acquiring the lock object, not polluting the global interned string objects, no low-level notify/wait chaos and no try-catch-finally mess.
Similar to the answer from Lyomi, but uses the more flexible ReentrantLock instead of a synchronized block.
public class NamedLock
private static final ConcurrentMap<String, Lock> lockByName = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Lock>();
public static void lock(String key)
Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
Lock existingLock = lockByName.putIfAbsent(key, lock);
if(existingLock != null)
lock = existingLock;
public static void unlock(String key)
Lock namedLock = lockByName.get(key);
Yes this will grow over time - but using the ReentrantLock opens up greater possibilities for removing the lock from the map. Although, removing items from the map doesn't seem all that useful considering removing values from the map will not shrink its size. Some manual map sizing logic would have to be implemented.
Memory consideration
Often times, synchronization needed for a particular key is short-lived. Keeping around released keys can lead to excessive memory waste, making it non-viable.
Here's an implementation does not internally keep around released keys.
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
public class KeyedMutexes<K> {
private final ConcurrentMap<K, CountDownLatch> key2Mutex = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public void lock(K key) throws InterruptedException {
final CountDownLatch ourLock = new CountDownLatch(1);
for (;;) {
CountDownLatch theirLock = key2Mutex.putIfAbsent(key, ourLock);
if (theirLock == null) {
public void unlock(K key) {
Reentrancy, and other bells and whistles
If one wants re-entrant lock semantics, they can extend the above by wrapping the mutex object in a class that keeps track of the locking thread and locked count.
private static class Lock {
final CountDownLatch mutex = new CountDownLatch(1);
final long threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId();
int lockedCount = 1;
If one wants lock() to return an object to make releases easier and safer, that's also a possibility.
Putting it all together, here's what the class could look like:
public class KeyedReentrantLocks<K> {
private final ConcurrentMap<K, KeyedLock> key2Lock = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public KeyedLock acquire(K key) throws InterruptedException {
final KeyedLock ourLock = new KeyedLock() {
public void close() {
if (Thread.currentThread().getId() != threadId) {
throw new IllegalStateException("wrong thread");
if (--lockedCount == 0) {
for (;;) {
KeyedLock theirLock = key2Lock.putIfAbsent(key, ourLock);
if (theirLock == null) {
return ourLock;
if (theirLock.threadId == Thread.currentThread().getId()) {
return theirLock;
public static abstract class KeyedLock implements AutoCloseable {
protected final CountDownLatch mutex = new CountDownLatch(1);
protected final long threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId();
protected int lockedCount = 1;
public abstract void close();
And here's how one might use it:
try (KeyedLock lock = locks.acquire("SomeName")) {
// do something critical here
In response to the suggestion of using new MapMaker().makeComputingMap()...
MapMaker().makeComputingMap() is deprecated for safety reasons. The successor is CacheBuilder. With weak keys/values applied to CacheBuilder, we're soooo close to a solution.
The problem is a note in CacheBuilder.weakKeys():
when this method is used, the resulting cache will use identity (==) comparison to determine equality of keys.
This makes it impossible to select an existing lock by string value. Erg.
(4 years later...)
My answer is similar to user2878608's but I think there are some missing edge cases in that logic. I also thought Semaphore was for locking multiple resources at once (though I suppose using it for counting lockers like that is fine too), so I used a generic POJO lock object instead. I ran one test on it which demonstrated each of the edge cases existed IMO and will be using it on my project at work. Hope it helps someone. :)
class Lock
int c; // count threads that require this lock so you don't release and acquire needlessly
ConcurrentHashMap<SomeKey, Lock> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<SomeKey, Lock>();
LockManager.acquireLock(String name) {
Lock lock = new Lock(); // creating a new one pre-emptively or checking for null first depends on which scenario is more common in your use case
lock.c = 0;
while( true )
Lock prevLock = map.putIfAbsent(name, lock);
if( prevLock != null )
lock = prevLock;
synchronized (lock)
Lock newLock = map.get(name);
if( newLock == null )
continue; // handles the edge case where the lock got removed while someone was still waiting on it
if( lock != newLock )
lock = newLock; // re-use the latest lock
continue; // handles the edge case where a new lock was acquired and the critical section was entered immediately after releasing the lock but before the current locker entered the sync block
// if we already have a lock
if( lock.c > 0 )
// increase the count of threads that need an offline director lock
return true; // success
// safely acquire lock for user
perNameLockCollection.add(name); // could be a ConcurrentHashMap or other synchronized set, or even an external global cluster lock
// success
lock.c = 1;
return true;
catch( Exception e )
// failed to acquire
lock.c = 0; // this must be set in case any concurrent threads are waiting
map.remove(name); // NOTE: this must be the last critical thing that happens in the sync block!
LockManager.releaseLock(String name) {
// unlock
// if this was the last hold on the lock, remove it from the cache
Lock lock = null; // creating a new one pre-emptively or checking for null first depends on which scenario is more common in your use case
while( true )
lock = map.get(name);
if( lock == null )
// SHOULD never happen
log.Error("found missing lock! perhaps a releaseLock call without corresponding acquireLock call?! name:"+name);
lock = new Lock();
lock.c = 1;
Lock prevLock = map.putIfAbsent(name, lock);
if( prevLock != null )
lock = prevLock;
synchronized (lock)
Lock newLock = map.get(name);
if( newLock == null )
continue; // handles the edge case where the lock got removed while someone was still waiting on it
if( lock != newLock )
lock = newLock; // re-use the latest lock
continue; // handles the edge case where a new lock was acquired and the critical section was entered immediately after releasing the lock but before the current locker entered the sync block
// if we are not the last locker
if( lock.c > 1 )
// decrease the count of threads that need an offline director lock
return true; // success
// safely release lock for user
perNameLockCollection.remove(name); // could be a ConcurrentHashMap or other synchronized set, or even an external global cluster lock
// success
lock.c = 0; // this must be set in case any concurrent threads are waiting
map.remove(name); // NOTE: this must be the last critical thing that happens in the sync block!
return true;
catch( Exception e )
// failed to release
log.Error("unable to release lock! name:"+name);
lock.c = 1;
return false;
I've created a tokenProvider based on the IdMutexProvider of McDowell.
The manager uses a WeakHashMap which takes care of cleaning up unused locks.
* Token provider used to get a {#link Mutex} object which is used to get exclusive access to a given TOKEN.
* Because WeakHashMap is internally used, Mutex administration is automatically cleaned up when
* the Mutex is no longer is use by any thread.
* <pre>
* Usage:
* private final TokenMutexProvider<String> myTokenProvider = new TokenMutexProvider<String>();
* Mutex mutex = myTokenProvider.getMutex("123456");
* synchronized (mutex) {
* // your code here
* }
* </pre>
* Class inspired by McDowell.
* url:
* #param <TOKEN> type of token. It is important that the equals method of that Object return true
* for objects of different instances but with the same 'identity'. (see {#link WeakHashMap}).<br>
* E.g.
* <pre>
* String key1 = "1";
* String key1b = new String("1");
* key1.equals(key1b) == true;
* or
* Integer key1 = 1;
* Integer key1b = new Integer(1);
* key1.equals(key1b) == true;
* </pre>
public class TokenMutexProvider<TOKEN> {
private final Map<Mutex, WeakReference<Mutex>> mutexMap = new WeakHashMap<Mutex, WeakReference<Mutex>>();
* Get a {#link Mutex} for the given (non-null) token.
public Mutex getMutex(TOKEN token) {
if (token==null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
Mutex key = new MutexImpl(token);
synchronized (mutexMap) {
WeakReference<Mutex> ref = mutexMap.get(key);
if (ref==null) {
mutexMap.put(key, new WeakReference<Mutex>(key));
return key;
Mutex mutex = ref.get();
if (mutex==null) {
mutexMap.put(key, new WeakReference<Mutex>(key));
return key;
return mutex;
public int size() {
synchronized (mutexMap) {
return mutexMap.size();
* Mutex for acquiring exclusive access to a token.
public static interface Mutex {}
private class MutexImpl implements Mutex {
private final TOKEN token;
protected MutexImpl(TOKEN token) {
this.token = token;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other==null) {
return false;
if (getClass()==other.getClass()) {
TOKEN otherToken = ((MutexImpl)other).token;
return token.equals(otherToken);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return token.hashCode();
private final TokenMutexManager<String> myTokenManager = new TokenMutexManager<String>();
Mutex mutex = myTokenManager.getMutex("UUID_123456");
synchronized(mutex) {
// your code here
or rather use Integers?
private final TokenMutexManager<Integer> myTokenManager = new TokenMutexManager<Integer>();
Mutex mutex = myTokenManager.getMutex(123456);
synchronized(mutex) {
// your code here
This thread is old, but a possible solution is the framework
NamedLockFactory lockFactory = new NamedLockFactory();
Lock lock = lockFactory.getLock("lock_name");
//manipulate protected state
Here is a simple and optimized solution which addresses the removal of used locks also, but with an overhead of synchronization of the Map:
public class NamedLock {
private Map<String, ReentrantLock> lockMap;
public NamedLock() {
lockMap = new HashMap<>();
public void lock(String... name) {
ReentrantLock newLock = new ReentrantLock(true);
ReentrantLock lock;
synchronized (lockMap) {
lock = Optional.ofNullable(lockMap.putIfAbsent(Arrays.toString(name), newLock)).orElse(newLock);
public void unlock(String... name) {
ReentrantLock lock = lockMap.get(Arrays.toString(name));
synchronized (lockMap) {
if (!lock.hasQueuedThreads()) {
Your idea about a shared static repository of lock objects for each situation is correct.
You don't need the cache itself to be synchronized ... it can be as simple as a hash map.
Threads can simultaneously get a lock object from the map. The actual synchronization logic should be encapsulated within each such object separately (see the java.util.concurrent package for that -
TreeMap because in HashMap size of inner array can only increase
public class Locker<T> {
private final Object lock = new Object();
private final Map<T, Value> map = new TreeMap<T, Value>();
public Value<T> lock(T id) {
Value r;
synchronized (lock) {
if (!map.containsKey(id)) {
Value value = new Value(); = id;
value.count = 0;
value.lock = new ReentrantLock();
map.put(id, value);
r = map.get(id);
return r;
public void unlock(Value<T> r) {
synchronized (lock) {
if (r.count == 0)
public static class Value<T> {
private Lock lock;
private long count;
private T id;
I'm trying to create thread safe queue with unique elements. I see no vulnerabilities but not sure still is this realisation thread safe or not? get(), add(), toArray() methods do everything under lock, toString() and equals() use toArray() in order to get main array copy and work independently with copy without locks.
public class SafeQueue<T> {
private final Object[] queue;
private final HashSet<T> content;
private final Lock lock;
private int size;
public SafeQueue() {
queue = new Object[100];
content = new HashSet<>(100);
lock = new ReentrantLock();
public boolean add(T el) {
final Lock lock = this.lock;
try {
//some logic
} finally {
return true;
public T get() {
final Lock lock = this.lock;
try {
T el = (T) queue[0];
if (el != null) {
//some shift logic
return el;
} finally {
public Object[] toArray() {
final Lock lock = this.lock;
try {
return Arrays.copyOf(this.queue, size);
} finally {
public boolean equals(Object o) {
Object[] eqQueue = ((SafeQueue<?>) o).toArray();
Object[] curQueue = toArray();
//some comparison logic with eqQueue and curQueue
return equal;
public String toString() {
Object[] curQueue = toArray();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//some logic with curQueue
return sb.toString();
You might want to ask, what does it mean for the equals method to be thread safe? Consider this:
SafeQueue<T> qa = ...;
SafeQueue<T> qb = ...;
if (qa.equals(qb)) {
If you had any reason to worry about the thread-safety of the equals() method, that could only be because other threads potentially could modify either queue when equals() is called.
But, by the time handleEqualsCase() is called, those other threads still could be running, and now, neither qa nor qb is locked. There is no guarantee that the two queues still will be equal when handleEqualsCase() is called. But, if they're not equal, that must be a Bad Thing, right? Otherwise, why would you have bothered to test for equality in the first place?
Here's one way around that problem. Instead of writing a traditional equals() method, write something like this instead:
private static
boolean unsynchronizedEqualityTest(SafeQueue<T> qa, SafeQueue<T> qb) {
public static
void doIfEqual(SafeQueue<T> qa, SafeQueue<T> qb, Runnable handler) {
try {
if (unsynchronizedEqualityTest(qa, qb)) {;
} finally {
Now, when the client-supplied handler is invoked, it's guaranteed that the two queues still will be equal because they're both still locked.
But BEWARE! There's potential for a deadlock if one thread calls doIfEqual(qa,qb,...) and another thread calls doIfEqual(qb,qa,...). I'll leave it to you to figure out how to prevent that deadlock from happening.
Yes, your implementation is thread safe.
I need to implement thread-safe synchronization to multiple resources, where each resource can be accessed by one thread at a time, but different resources can be accessed concurrently. I have come up with the following code, meant to be used in a try-with-resources statement.
public class Gatekeeper implements AutoCloseable
private static final ConcurrentMap<Long, ReentrantLock> lockMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final ReentrantLock lock;
private final Long key;
public Gatekeeper(Long key)
this.key = key;
lock = lockMap.computeIfAbsent(key, (Long absentKey) -> new ReentrantLock(true)); // computeIfAbsent is an atomic operation
lock.tryLock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new Something(":(", e);
public void close()
One problem with this code is that no items are ever removed from the lockMap, and I don't know how to do this thread-safe. The following is definitely not thread-safe:
public void close()
if (lock.isHeldByCurrentThread())
if (lock.getQueueLength() == 1) // todo: getQueueLength is meant for system monitoring purposes only
lockMap.remove(key); // todo: not thread-safe, queuelength could have changed by now
the documentation for getQueueLength:
Returns an estimate of the number of threads waiting to
acquire this lock. The value is only an estimate because the number of
threads may change dynamically while this method traverses
internal data structures. This method is designed for use in
monitoring of the system state, not for synchronization
Does anyone know a solution for this? Are there different strategies to achieve my goal?
After some more experimentation I came up with the code below, can anyone comment on whether this is a good approach and the code is correct?
public class Gatekeeper implements AutoCloseable
private static final ConcurrentMap<Long, ReentrantLock> lockMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final ReentrantLock lock;
private final Long key;
private static final ConcurrentMap<Long, Integer> claimsPerLock = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static final Object mutex = new Object();
public Gatekeeper(Long key)
this.key = key;
synchronized (mutex)
lock = lockMap.computeIfAbsent(key, (Long absentKey) -> new ReentrantLock(true));
claimsPerLock.compute(key, (k, oldValue) -> oldValue == null ? 1 : ++oldValue);
if(!lock.tryLock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
throw new SomeException("Timeout occurred while trying to acquire lock");
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new SomeException("Interrupted", e);
public void close()
synchronized (mutex)
claimsPerLock.compute(key, (k, oldValue) -> oldValue == null ? 0 : --oldValue);
if (claimsPerLock.get(key) <= 0)
I am looking for a Java implementation of the following concurrency semantics. I want something similar to ReadWriteLock except symmetrical, i.e. both the read and write sides can be shared amongst many threads, but read excludes write and vice versa.
There are two locks, let's call them A and B.
Lock A is shared, i.e. there may be multiple threads holding it concurrently. Lock B is also shared, there may be multiple threads holding it concurrently.
If any thread holds lock A then no thread may take B – threads attempting to take B shall block until all threads holding A have released A.
If any thread holds lock B then no thread may take A – threads attempting to take A shall block until all threads holding B have released B.
Is there an existing library class that achieves this? At the moment I have approximated the desired functionality with a ReadWriteLock because fortunately the tasks done in the context of lock B are somewhat rarer. It feels like a hack though, and it could affect the performance of my program under heavy load.
Short answer:
In the standard library, there is nothing like what you need.
Long answer:
To easily implement a custom Lock you should subclass or delegate to an AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.
The following code is an example of a non-fair lock that implements what you need, including some (non exhausting) test. I called it LeftRightLock because of the binary nature of your requirements.
The concept is pretty straightforward:
AbstractQueuedSynchronizer exposes a method to atomically set the state of an int using the Compare and swap idiom ( compareAndSetState(int expect, int update) ), we can use the exposed state keep the count of the threads holding the lock, setting it to a positive value in case the Right lock is being held or a negative value in case the Left lock is being held.
Than we just make sure of the following conditions:
- you can lock Left only if the state of the internal AbstractQueuedSynchronizer is zero or negative
- you can lock Right only if the state of the internal AbstractQueuedSynchronizer is zero or positive
import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
* A binary mutex with the following properties:
* Exposes two different {#link Lock}s: LEFT, RIGHT.
* When LEFT is held other threads can acquire LEFT but thread trying to acquire RIGHT will be
* blocked. When RIGHT is held other threads can acquire RIGHT but thread trying to acquire LEFT
* will be blocked.
public class LeftRightLock {
public static final int ACQUISITION_FAILED = -1;
public static final int ACQUISITION_SUCCEEDED = 1;
private final LeftRightSync sync = new LeftRightSync();
public void lockLeft() {
public void lockRight() {
public void releaseLeft() {
public void releaseRight() {
public boolean tryLockLeft() {
return sync.tryAcquireShared(LockSide.LEFT) == ACQUISITION_SUCCEEDED;
public boolean tryLockRight() {
return sync.tryAcquireShared(LockSide.RIGHT) == ACQUISITION_SUCCEEDED;
private enum LockSide {
LEFT(-1), NONE(0), RIGHT(1);
private final int v;
LockSide(int v) {
this.v = v;
public int getV() {
return v;
* <p>
* Keep count the count of threads holding either the LEFT or the RIGHT lock.
* </p>
* <li>A state ({#link AbstractQueuedSynchronizer#getState()}) greater than 0 means one or more threads are holding RIGHT lock. </li>
* <li>A state ({#link AbstractQueuedSynchronizer#getState()}) lower than 0 means one or more threads are holding LEFT lock.</li>
* <li>A state ({#link AbstractQueuedSynchronizer#getState()}) equal to zero means no thread is holding any lock.</li>
private static final class LeftRightSync extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer {
protected int tryAcquireShared(int requiredSide) {
return (tryChangeThreadCountHoldingCurrentLock(requiredSide, ChangeType.ADD) ? ACQUISITION_SUCCEEDED : ACQUISITION_FAILED);
protected boolean tryReleaseShared(int requiredSide) {
return tryChangeThreadCountHoldingCurrentLock(requiredSide, ChangeType.REMOVE);
public boolean tryChangeThreadCountHoldingCurrentLock(int requiredSide, ChangeType changeType) {
if (requiredSide != 1 && requiredSide != -1)
throw new AssertionError("You can either lock LEFT or RIGHT (-1 or +1)");
int curState;
int newState;
do {
curState = this.getState();
if (!sameSide(curState, requiredSide)) {
return false;
if (changeType == ChangeType.ADD) {
newState = curState + requiredSide;
} else {
newState = curState - requiredSide;
//TODO: protect against int overflow (hopefully you won't have so many threads)
} while (!this.compareAndSetState(curState, newState));
return true;
final int tryAcquireShared(LockSide lockSide) {
return this.tryAcquireShared(lockSide.getV());
final boolean tryReleaseShared(LockSide lockSide) {
return this.tryReleaseShared(lockSide.getV());
private boolean sameSide(int curState, int requiredSide) {
return curState == 0 || sameSign(curState, requiredSide);
private boolean sameSign(int a, int b) {
return (a >= 0) ^ (b < 0);
public enum ChangeType {
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public class LeftRightLockTest {
int logLineSequenceNumber = 0;
private LeftRightLock sut = new LeftRightLock();
#Test(timeout = 2000)
public void acquiringLeftLockExcludeAcquiringRightLock() throws Exception {
Future<Boolean> task = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(() -> sut.tryLockRight());
assertFalse("I shouldn't be able to acquire the RIGHT lock!", task.get());
#Test(timeout = 2000)
public void acquiringRightLockExcludeAcquiringLeftLock() throws Exception {
Future<Boolean> task = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(() -> sut.tryLockLeft());
assertFalse("I shouldn't be able to acquire the LEFT lock!", task.get());
#Test(timeout = 2000)
public void theLockShouldBeReentrant() throws Exception {
#Test(timeout = 2000)
public void multipleThreadShouldBeAbleToAcquireTheSameLock_Right() throws Exception {
Future<Boolean> task = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(() -> sut.tryLockRight());
#Test(timeout = 2000)
public void multipleThreadShouldBeAbleToAcquireTheSameLock_left() throws Exception {
Future<Boolean> task = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(() -> sut.tryLockLeft());
#Test(timeout = 2000)
public void shouldKeepCountOfAllTheThreadsHoldingTheSide() throws Exception {
CountDownLatch latchA = new CountDownLatch(1);
CountDownLatch latchB = new CountDownLatch(1);
Thread threadA = spawnThreadToAcquireLeftLock(latchA, sut);
Thread threadB = spawnThreadToAcquireLeftLock(latchB, sut);
System.out.println("Both threads have acquired the left lock.");
try {
boolean acqStatus = sut.tryLockRight();
System.out.println("The right lock was " + (acqStatus ? "" : "not") + " acquired");
assertFalse("There is still a thread holding the left lock. This shouldn't succeed.", acqStatus);
} finally {
#Test(timeout = 5000)
public void shouldBlockThreadsTryingToAcquireLeftIfRightIsHeld() throws Exception {
CountDownLatch taskStartedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final Future<Boolean> task = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(() -> {
return false;
public void shouldBeFreeAfterRelease() throws Exception {
public void shouldBeFreeAfterMultipleThreadsReleaseIt() throws Exception {
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final Thread thread1 = spawnThreadToAcquireLeftLock(latch, sut);
final Thread thread2 = spawnThreadToAcquireLeftLock(latch, sut);
#Test(timeout = 2000)
public void lockShouldBeReleasedIfNoThreadIsHoldingIt() throws Exception {
CountDownLatch releaseLeftLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
CountDownLatch rightLockTaskIsRunning = new CountDownLatch(1);
Thread leftLockThread1 = spawnThreadToAcquireLeftLock(releaseLeftLatch, sut);
Thread leftLockThread2 = spawnThreadToAcquireLeftLock(releaseLeftLatch, sut);
Future<Boolean> acquireRightLockTask = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(() -> {
if (sut.tryLockRight())
throw new AssertionError("The left lock should be still held, I shouldn't be able to acquire right a this point.");
printSynchronously("Going to be blocked on right lock");
printSynchronously("Lock acquired!");
return true;
private synchronized void printSynchronously(String str) {
System.out.println(logLineSequenceNumber++ + ")" + str);
private Thread spawnThreadToAcquireLeftLock(CountDownLatch releaseLockLatch, LeftRightLock lock) throws InterruptedException {
CountDownLatch lockAcquiredLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final Thread thread = spawnThreadToAcquireLeftLock(releaseLockLatch, lockAcquiredLatch, lock);
return thread;
private Thread spawnThreadToAcquireLeftLock(CountDownLatch releaseLockLatch, CountDownLatch lockAcquiredLatch, LeftRightLock lock) {
final Thread thread = new Thread(() -> {
printSynchronously("Thread " + Thread.currentThread() + " Acquired left lock");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
} finally {
printSynchronously("Thread " + Thread.currentThread() + " RELEASED left lock");
return thread;
I don't know any library that does that you want. Even if there is such a library it possess little value because every time your request changes the library stops doing the magic.
The actual question here is "How to I implement my own lock with custom specification?"
Java provides tool for that named AbstractQueuedSynchronizer. It has extensive documentation. Apart from docs one would possibly like to look at CountDownLatch and ReentrantLock sources and use them as examples.
For your particular request see code below, but beware that it is 1) not fair 2) not tested
public class MultiReadWriteLock implements ReadWriteLock {
private final Sync sync;
private final Lock readLock;
private final Lock writeLock;
public MultiReadWriteLock() {
this.sync = new Sync();
this.readLock = new MultiLock(Sync.READ, sync);
this.writeLock = new MultiLock(Sync.WRITE, sync);
public Lock readLock() {
return readLock;
public Lock writeLock() {
return writeLock;
private static final class Sync extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer {
private static final int READ = 1;
private static final int WRITE = -1;
public int tryAcquireShared(int arg) {
int state, result;
do {
state = getState();
if (state >= 0 && arg == READ) {
// new read
result = state + 1;
} else if (state <= 0 && arg == WRITE) {
// new write
result = state - 1;
} else {
// blocked
return -1;
} while (!compareAndSetState(state, result));
return 1;
protected boolean tryReleaseShared(int arg) {
int state, result;
do {
state = getState();
if (state == 0) {
return false;
if (state > 0 && arg == READ) {
result = state - 1;
} else if (state < 0 && arg == WRITE) {
result = state + 1;
} else {
throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
} while (!compareAndSetState(state, result));
return result == 0;
private static class MultiLock implements Lock {
private final int parameter;
private final Sync sync;
public MultiLock(int parameter, Sync sync) {
this.parameter = parameter;
this.sync = sync;
public void lock() {
public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {
public boolean tryLock() {
return sync.tryAcquireShared(parameter) > 0;
public boolean tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
return sync.tryAcquireSharedNanos(parameter, unit.toNanos(time));
public void unlock() {
public Condition newCondition() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Conditions are unsupported as there are no exclusive access"
After my nth attempt to make a simple fair implementation, I think I understand why I could not find another library/example of the "mutual exclusive lock-pair": it requires a pretty specific user-case. As OP mentioned, you can get a long way with the ReadWriteLock and a fair lock-pair is only useful when there are many requests for a lock in quick succession (else you might as well use one normal lock).
The implementation below is more of a "permit dispenser": it is not re-entrant. It can be made re-entrant though (if not, I fear I failed to make the code simple and readable) but it requires some additional administration for various cases (e.g. one thread locking A twice, still needs to unlock A twice and the unlock-method needs to know when there are no more locks outstanding). An option to throw a deadlock error when one thread locks A and wants to lock B is probably a good idea.
The main idea is that there is an "active lock" that can only be changed by the lock-method when there are no (requests for) locks at all and can be changed by the unlock-method when the active locks outstanding reaches zero. The rest is basically keeping count of lock-requests and making threads wait until the active lock can be changed. Making threads wait involves working with InterruptedExceptions and I made a compromise there: I could not find a good solution that works well in all cases (e.g. application shutdown, one thread that gets interrupted, etc.).
I only did some basic testing (test class at the end), more validation is needed.
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
* A pair of mutual exclusive read-locks: many threads can hold a lock for A or B, but never A and B.
* <br>Usage:<pre>
* PairedLock plock = new PairedLock();
* plock.lockA();
* try {
* // do stuff
* } finally {
* plock.unlockA();
* }</pre>
* This lock is not reentrant: a lock is not associated with a thread and a thread asking for the same lock
* might be blocked the second time (potentially causing a deadlock).
* <p>
* When a lock for A is active, a lock for B will wait for all locks on A to be unlocked and vice versa.
* <br>When a lock for A is active, and a lock for B is waiting, subsequent locks for A will wait
* until all (waiting) locks for B are unlocked.
* I.e. locking is fair (in FIFO order).
* <p>
* See also
* stackoverflow-java-concurrency-paired-locks-with-shared-access
* #author vanOekel
public class PairedLock {
static final int MAX_LOCKS = 2;
static final int CLOSE_PERMITS = 10_000;
/** Use a fair lock to keep internal state instead of the {#code synchronized} keyword. */
final ReentrantLock state = new ReentrantLock(true);
/** Amount of threads that have locks. */
final int[] activeLocks = new int[MAX_LOCKS];
/** Amount of threads waiting to receive a lock. */
final int[] waitingLocks = new int[MAX_LOCKS];
/** Threads block on a semaphore until locks are available. */
final Semaphore[] waiters = new Semaphore[MAX_LOCKS];
int activeLock;
volatile boolean closed;
public PairedLock() {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOCKS; i++) {
// no need for fair semaphore: unlocks are done for all in one go.
waiters[i] = new Semaphore(0);
public void lockA() throws InterruptedException { lock(0); }
public void lockB() throws InterruptedException { lock(1); }
public void lock(int lockNumber) throws InterruptedException {
if (lockNumber < 0 || lockNumber >= MAX_LOCKS) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lock number must be 0 or less than " + MAX_LOCKS);
} else if (isClosed()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Lock closed.");
boolean wait = false;
try {
if (nextLockIsWaiting()) {
wait = true;
} else if (activeLock == lockNumber) {
} else if (activeLock != lockNumber && activeLocks[activeLock] == 0) {
// nothing active and nobody waiting - safe to switch to another active lock
activeLock = lockNumber;
} else {
// with only two locks this means this is the first lock that needs an active-lock switch.
// in other words:
// activeLock != lockNumber && activeLocks[activeLock] > 0 && waitingLocks[lockNumber] == 0
wait = true;
if (wait) {
} finally {
if (wait) {
// there is no easy way to bring this lock back into a valid state when waiters do no get a lock.
// so for now, use the closed state to make this lock unusable any further.
if (closed) {
throw new InterruptedException("Lock closed.");
protected boolean nextLockIsWaiting() {
return (waitingLocks[nextLock(activeLock)] > 0);
protected int nextLock(int lockNumber) {
return (lockNumber == 0 ? 1 : 0);
public void unlockA() { unlock(0); }
public void unlockB() { unlock(1); }
public void unlock(int lockNumber) {
// unlock is called in a finally-block and should never throw an exception.
if (lockNumber < 0 || lockNumber >= MAX_LOCKS) {
System.out.println("Cannot unlock lock number " + lockNumber);
try {
if (activeLock != lockNumber) {
System.out.println("ERROR: invalid lock state: no unlocks for inactive lock expected (active: " + activeLock + ", unlock: " + lockNumber + ").");
if (activeLocks[activeLock] == 0 && nextLockIsWaiting()) {
activeLock = nextLock(lockNumber);
activeLocks[activeLock] += waitingLocks[activeLock];
waitingLocks[activeLock] = 0;
} else if (activeLocks[lockNumber] < 0) {
System.out.println("ERROR: to many unlocks for lock number " + lockNumber);
activeLocks[lockNumber] = 0;
} finally {
public boolean isClosed() { return closed; }
* All threads waiting for a lock will be unblocked and an {#link InterruptedException} will be thrown.
* Subsequent calls to the lock-method will throw an {#link IllegalStateException}.
public synchronized void close() {
if (!closed) {
closed = true;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOCKS; i++) {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this.getClass().getSimpleName());
try {
sb.append(", active=").append(activeLock).append(", switching=").append(nextLockIsWaiting());
sb.append(", lockA=").append(activeLocks[0]).append("/").append(waitingLocks[0]);
sb.append(", lockB=").append(activeLocks[1]).append("/").append(waitingLocks[1]);
} finally {
return sb.toString();
The test class (YMMV - works fine on my system, but may deadlock on yours due to faster or slower starting and running of threads):
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class PairedLockTest {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PairedLockTest.class);
public static final ThreadPoolExecutor tp = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
new PairedLockTest().test();
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
PairedLock mlock = new PairedLock();
public void test() throws InterruptedException {
CountDownLatch start = new CountDownLatch(1);
CountDownLatch done = new CountDownLatch(2);
try {
logLock("la1 ");
try {
lockAsync(start, null, done, 1);
logLock("la2 ");
} finally {
lockAsync(null, null, done, 0);
} finally {
void lockAsync(CountDownLatch start, CountDownLatch locked, CountDownLatch unlocked, int lockNumber) {
tp.execute(() -> {
//"Locking async " + lockNumber);
try {
try {
logLock("async " + lockNumber + " ");
} finally {
//"Unlocked async " + lockNumber);
//logLock("async " + lockNumber + " ");
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
void logLock() {
void logLock(String msg) { + mlock.toString());
static void countDown(CountDownLatch l) {
if (l != null) {
static void await(CountDownLatch l) {
if (l == null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error(e.toString(), e.getCause());
How about
class ABSync {
private int aHolders;
private int bHolders;
public synchronized void lockA() throws InterruptedException {
while (bHolders > 0) {
public synchronized void lockB() throws InterruptedException {
while (aHolders > 0) {
public synchronized void unlockA() {
aHolders = Math.max(0, aHolders - 1);
if (aHolders == 0) {
public synchronized void unlockB() {
bHolders = Math.max(0, bHolders - 1);
if (bHolders == 0) {
Update: As for "fairness" (or, rather, non-starvation), OPs requirements don't mention it. In order to implement OPs requirements + some form of fairness/non-starvation, it should be specified explicitly (what do you consider fair, how should it behave when flows of requests for currently dominant and non-dominant locks come in etc). One of the ways to implement it would be:
class ABMoreFairSync {
private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(true);
public final Part A, B;
public ABMoreFairSync() {
A = new Part();
B = new Part();
A.other = B;
B.other = A;
private class Part {
private Condition canGo = lock.newCondition();
private int currentGeneration, lastGeneration;
private int holders;
private Part other;
public void lock() throws InterruptedException {
try {
int myGeneration = lastGeneration;
if (other.holders > 0 || currentGeneration < myGeneration) {
if (other.currentGeneration == other.lastGeneration) {
while (other.holders > 0 || currentGeneration < myGeneration) {
} finally {
public void unlock() throws InterruptedException {
try {
holders = Math.max(0, holders - 1);
if (holders == 0) {
} finally {
To be used as in:
try {
} finally {
The idea of generations here is taken from "Java Concurrency in Practice", Listing 14.9.
I have two thread that can produce value and add it in a arraylist,
and other thread can access to it to read a value.
My problem is that the producer can access to the list in the same time that the consumer use data.
This is my code :
public class CommandTree
Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
ArrayList<Command> cmdToSend = null;
JSONObject sendCmdMap;
public CommandTree(JSONObject sendCmdMap)
this.cmdToSend = new ArrayList<Command>();
this.sendCmdMap = sendCmdMap;
private synchronized void addMacroCmd(String macro, int fmt, int tgt, int sid,int count,JSONArray sli,String paramName,JSONObject params,int function)
boolean check = false;
int i = 0;
for(i=0; i<cmdToSend.size(); i++)
check = true;
if(check == false)
cmdToSend.add(new Command(macro,fmt,tgt,sid,count,function,sli));
if(paramName != null)
private void addParameter(String macro,int fmt, int tgt, int sid,int count,JSONArray sli,String paramName,JSONObject params,int function)
this.addMacroCmd(macro, fmt, tgt, sid, count,sli, paramName,params,function);
public int getSize()
return cmdToSend.size();
public void reset()
public Command getNextCommandInLoop()
return cmdToSend.;
public Command getNextCommand(int i)
Command result;
result = cmdToSend.get(i);
return result;
public synchronized boolean populateCommandTree(String i,String target) throws JSONException
JSONObject tgtCmd = (JSONObject) sendCmdMap.get(target);
JSONObject cmdObject;
Iterator<String> iter = tgtCmd.keys();
while (iter.hasNext())
String key =;
//it is a general commands
JSONObject macro = (JSONObject)tgtCmd.opt(key);
cmdObject = (JSONObject) macro.opt("cmd");
return true;
//It is a parameter, we have to search its general command
cmdObject = (JSONObject)tgtCmd.opt(key);
if(cmdObject == null)
JSONObject parameter = cmdObject.optJSONObject("Parameter");
if( parameter == null)
//There isn't the requested command, we iterate on the next one
if(((JSONObject) parameter).optJSONObject(i) != null)
JSONObject cmdStructure = (JSONObject)cmdObject.opt("cmd");
//We have found the command, save it in commandSendCache
return true;//(JSONObject)tgtCmd.opt(key);
return false;
I read some post on that case, but I don't understand very well. I thought to post my code in this way I can understand in better way.
Other problem is that one producer is a UI thread, and I worried if there is problem to stop the UI thread for some times.
I also thought to use ConcurrentLinkedQueue because some time I need to loop on the list, and I always extract the value from the first position, but with concurrentLInkedQueue I don't know how can implementate the loop and in what way I can implementate the addMacroCmd method..
In my case I think to use lock object and ArrayList.
Do you have some suggestion ? I want to learn in better way the concurrency, but it not very easy for me :(
EDIT : the following is the part of code that add and remove the command :
public synchronized void readSensorData(String[] sensor, String target)
for(int i=0;i<sensor.length;i++)
catch (JSONException e)
* #param i
* #param target
* #return
* #throws JSONException when the command requested doesn't exists
private ByteArrayOutputStream f = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ExecutorService writeExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
Semaphore mutex = new Semaphore(0);
volatile boolean diagnostic = false;
volatile int index = 0;
Runnable writeCommandTree = new Runnable()
public void run()
while(index < cmdTree.getSize())
catch (InterruptedException e)
sendAnswerBroadcast("answer", answer);
answer = new JSONObject();
index = 0;
and the mutex is release when arrive a new response .
Addictional information :
The readSensorData() is called when button on the ux (UI Thread) is
pressed and in same case from other Thread B. WriteCommandTree is only
execute in the executor (Other Thread C).
I change the name of getnextcommand into getcommand
- getcommand(int i) is called in the callback of the response (sometime is in other thread (i'm forget to that function ...) and in writecmd inside writecommandtree
- getsize in the writecommandTree in the thread C
Don't get headaches just for synchronizing a list, simply use the Java standard library :
List<Command> commands = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
By the way, a naive implementation of this would simply to wrap an unsafe list and add synchronized to all the methods.
You can use blockingQueue to achieve the same. Refer simple tutorial about blockingQueue :
There are several problems with this code:
It is unlikely that you need both a ReentrantLock and synchronization.
The getSize method is not synchronized at all. If, e.g., reset is called from a thread other than the one from which getSize is called, the program is incorrect.
sendCmdMap is leaked in CommandTree's constructor. If the thread that creates the CommandTree is different from the thread that calls populateCommandTree, the program is incorrect.
Note, btw, that using a synchronized view of cmdToSend would not fix any of these problems.
What you need to do, here, is this:
Producers need to seize a lock, hand a command to the CommandTree and then delete all references to it.
Consumers need to seize the same lock and get a reference to a command, deleting it from the CommandTree.
For problems like this, there is no better reference than "Java Concurrency in Practice"
I have the following situation: I'm concurrently processing requests that have a given key. I can process any number of requests at the same time, as long as each key in progress is unique.
I am a total rookie with concurrency in Java. There must be some pattern/utility/existing question for this, but I can't figure out what to search for. Hoping somebody could point me in the right direction, or comment on what I have so far.
This class manages the locks:
class LockMap<K> {
private Map<K, Object> locks = new HashMap<>();
void acquireLock(K key) throws InterruptedException {
Object lockObj;
synchronized (locks) {
lockObj = locks.get(key);
if (lockObj == null) lockObj = new Object();
locks.put(key, lockObj);
synchronized (lockObj) {
void releaseLock(K key) {
Object lockObj;
synchronized (locks) {
lockObj = locks.get(key);
if (lockObj != null) {
synchronized (lockObj) {
Then I use the lock manager like this:
// lockMap is instance of LockMap shared across all threads
void doSomething(K key) {
try {
// something
} finally {
Is this the right way to do it?
How about this:
create a ConcurrentHashMap<K,Semaphore>
ConcurrentMap<K, Semaphore> myMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
in your doSomething() method, use the putIfAbsent() method to of your map to add a semaphore with one permit to the map, only if the key does not exist in the map.
subsequently do a get() on the key to fetch the semaphore for that key, and then do your stuff. Release the semaphore when done.
void doSomething(K key) {
myMap.putIfAbsent(key, new Semaphore(1));
Semaphore s = myMap.get(myKey);
try {
// do stuff
} finally {
The only real problem with this scheme is if your list of keys will grow indefinitely, I don't have a good race-condition-free strategy for removing the semaphore from the map. (But if you know you will reuse the same keys over and over, or the list will grow slowly, then maybe this is ok.)
Following solution does not locks LockMap and so is extremly parallel. It uses custom-made Locks to track the moment when they can be deleted, and handles concurrent deletion/creation.
class Lock {
boolean busy=true; // locked state, a thread is working
int waitCount=0; // number of waiting threads
/** returns true if lock succeeded */
synchronized boolean tryLock() throws InterruptedException {
if (busy) {
} else if (waitCount==0){
// such values mean that the lock is deleted
return false;
} else {
return true;
for (;;) {
if (!busy) {
return true;
class LockMap<K> {
private ConcurrentHashMap<K, Lock> locks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
void acquireLock(K key) throws InterruptedException {
for (;;) {
Lock lockObj = locks.get(key);
if (lockObj==null) {
Lock myLockObj = new Lock();
lockObj=locks.putIfAbsent(key, myLockObj);
if (lockObj==null) {
// successfully inserted, and so locked
// lockObj existed, lock it or wait in queue
if (lockObj.tryLock()) {
void releaseLock(K key) {
Lock lockObj = locks.get(key);
synchronized (lockObj) {
if (lockObj.waitCount==0) {
} else {