Java + include sqljdbc4.jar for continuous integration server - java

does anyone know how I can use the sqljdbc4 jar file inside a project but without setting it in the build path of the project inside Eclpise?
I store my project in a source control repository and have a Countinuous Integration Server (Jenkins) to run my java tests.
If the sqljdbc4 jar is included at Eclipse level only, the Countinuous Integration Server yells it cannot find the class specified (using Class.forName()) as the file is not "shipped" with my java code.
I also use Maven but it seems to not be provided by Maven repository as dependency.
Or any alternative I could use instead of sqljdbc4?

You may find this Using eclipse and maven 2, how to get dependancy for sqljdbc4? helpful as it shows you how to add sqljdbc4 as a dependency. You will have to do this on your CI server as well, unless you have a repository manager such as, then you can install it there.


Test dependencies for white-box unit testing Java modules with Maven and Eclipse

I'm trying to convert existing Java projects with Maven and Eclipse into Java 9+ modules. The projects have unit tests and the unit tests have test dependencies. I need the test dependencies to be available in the test code, but I don't want them exposed to the rest of the world in the published modules.
I think Testing in the Modular World describes the Maven solutions well. In summary one solution is to create one in the main source folder and another in the testing folder. The file in the main folder has the real dependencies. The file in the test folder adds the test dependencies.
The solution works well in Maven and I can build and run tests from the command line. However, when I import the project into Eclipse as a Maven project it balks. Eclipse complains that "build path contains duplicate entry module-info" and refuses to build the project at all.
Using the other suggested solution in the article with a module-info.test containing --add-reads has no effect and the build fails in both Maven and Eclipse as the tests can't find their dependencies.
To make matters more complex I need to import the test dependencies from Maven, but I also need to import standard Java modules that are not used by the main code. For example one unit test relies on the built-in web server provided by java.httpserver and as it is part of the JDK any magic done on the test dependencies will miss it.
Is there a solution for this that works in Maven and Eclipse (latest versions)? It sounds like a very common problem and the module system has been around for a while by now.
Note that I really don't want to change the project settings in Eclipse. I can fiddle with plugins in the pom files, but adding a manual routine where all developers need to edit the generated/imported project settings manually is not an option.
There is an open Eclipse bug report for this, see Eclipse bug 536847. It seems it is not supported yet, but perhaps someone can suggest a workaround?
The Eclipse emulation of the multiple-classpaths-per-project feature in Maven has been broken for very long. The symptom is that you can have non-test classes using test dependencies just fine.
Essentially Eclipse just considers each project to have a single classpath instead of two parallel ones which causes things like this to ... not do the right thing.
I would suggest splitting each of the problematic projects into two. One with the actual sources and one with the test sources (depending on the actual source). This will avoid the Eclipse bug and also allow you to use the newest version of Java for your tests while having your application built for an older version of Java.

Uploading local maven repository to archiva

I am setting up a local repository using Apache Archiva. After setting up now I need to copy the libraries that got downloaded into my local maven repository into archiva. Currently I am manually copying it but it is very tedious process and I am planning to automate it using some scripts. Is there any better approach to do this?
I'm trying to write a plugin for this here which is able to copy jars and poms for all dependencies in all Configurations (including transitive dependencies). You might be interested in this code
Note: I've got a failing test here because I can't currently get the parent pom xml via the Gradle API's. I raised a feature request in Gradle here
There's a suggestion on the issue to use the IvyPot plugin... I haven't tried this myself but might be worth a shot.

Execute jar file through maven by pulling them from a remote repository

I have a maven project which I build and deploy on a private remote repository. The code is built through continuous integration pipeline.
This repository is accessible from my remote machine. What I want is to pull the artifact and execute it on this remote machine without pulling the source code for the project.
From what I can understand, one needs a pom file which contains this repo, as a dependency, but is their any other way of doing the same without having to download the sources
If it is possible for you to have just one file to download pushed to Artifactory (I assume you are using artifactory from the tag) it is possible to download the file with a simple http get request (via Artifactory REST API), like curl, or even use the JFrog cli.
I recommend using the CLI:
To use Artifactory REST API directly go to:
Retrieve Artefact api or Retrieve Latest Artefact can be helpful.
you can simply download the file using CLI provided that you have maven installed. Below is an example command.
call mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.4:get -DrepoUrl=<your nexus url> -Dartifact=<groupid>:<artifactid>:<version>:jar:jar-with-dependencies -Ddest=<destination>
Have you tried the exec-maven-plugin ?
That is if you want to do the job with Maven (it is not very clear to me if you do or do not want to use Maven on your remote machine).
Note : repacking the dependencies in your executable jar would not be a good practice. You can still build a distribution archive along with your jar (look at the maven-assembly-plugin and use that archive instead.

Maven compile dependency instead of taking it out of the local repo

I am sorry i don't know maven good enough for the complex environment i am currently working in (1k+ applications, most of them are Java EE). I still give it a try to describe what i want to archive:
0.) There is a company framework that abstracts the Java EE World a bit and is used in all the Java EE components
1.) I checked out the maven project of the Java EE component i am working with
during the build it downloads the dependencys of other components out of the companys repository and stores it inside my local repo for compilation. So i can see the jar-files of the companys framework inside my local repo.
2.) I now want to change some of the frameworks functionality for a local test so i checked out their sources from another SVN repository. I made the changes and build that framework component with maven "clean install".
3.) I rebuild the component i am working with as well.
Inside eclipse i can now click on one of a frameworks classes method and it opens the according source. But this only happens because the local repo is meant to contain source-jars for any dependency as well. So in my editor i can see this source is from the jar of the framework in my local repo and i cant change anything.
Could someone please give me a hint how i can archive the following:
I can make changes to the framework (and build the frameworks jars with "clean install")
I can build my component and it uses the above compiled framework jars rather than the "old" ones from the local repo.
I will right now start to read the entire maven documentation and each and every section (i try to understand that dependency management since 1 year and still don't get it) but i would really appreciate if you could help me out a bit here.
I don't know how Eclipse manages maven dependencies, but
In IntelliJ IDEA this is simple - if maven dependency is in project then IDEA uses it instead of dependency from local repo.
So if u want to edit framework source code and use this changes immidiately - i think that framework should be in your Eclipse Workspace. And your module in Eclipse should reference framework artifacts directly - not over Maven dependency mechanism.
I think that this is a Eclipse Maven plugin responsibility. Do u have any installed Maven plugin for Eclipse? (M2Eclipse for example)

Maven requires manual dependency update?

I'm new to Maven, using the m2e plugin for Eclipse. I'm still wrapping my head around Maven, but it seems like whenever I need to import a new library, like java.util.List, now I have to manually go through the hassle of finding the right repository for the jar and adding it to the dependencies in the POM. This seems like a major hassle, especially since some jars can't be found in public repositories, so they have to be uploaded into the local repository.
Am I missing something about Maven in Eclipse? Is there a way to automatically update the POM when Eclipse automatically imports a new library?
I'm trying to understand how using Maven saves time/effort...
You picked a bad example. Portions of the actual Java Library that come with the Java Standard Runtime are there regardless of Maven configuration.
With that in mind, if you wanted to add something external, say Log4j, then you would need to add a project dependency on Log4j. Maven would then take the dependency information and create a "signature" to search for, first in the local cache, and then in the external repositories.
Such a signature might look like
or perhaps
This identifies a maven "module" which will then be downloaded and configured into your system. Once in place it adds all of the classes within the module to your configured project.
Maven principally saves time in downloading and organizing JAR files in your build. By defining a "standard" project layout and a "standard" build order, Maven eliminates a lot of the guesswork in the "why isn't my project building" sweepstakes. Also, you can use neat commands like "mvn dependency:tree" to print out a list of all the JARs your project depends on, recursively.
Warning note: If you are using the M2E plugin and Eclipse, you may also run into problems with the plugin itself. The 1.0 version (hosted at was much less friendly than the previous 0.12 version (hosted at Sonatype). You can get around this to some extent by downloading and installing the "standalone" version of Maven from apache ( and running Maven from the command line. This is actually much more stable than trying to run Maven inside Eclipse (in my personal experience) and may save you some pain as you try to learn about Maven.
