Show setup after "Context initialization failed" - java

I'm looking now for a couple of days for the answer to the following question:
I have a Spring 2.5 webapplication and I want to show a certain setup screen if the initialization of the spring context has failed. In this setup screen they can look why the server doesn't startup and maybe make some changes (upload new file)
But how can I implemented this on a smart way? Has Spring already something like this or do I need to extend the ContextLoader for example?
I tried something in the web.xml like this: but this doesn't seems to work:
I start with a default web.xml and after the setup is done I replace the web.xml with the right 'application' web.xml. Because the web.xml is replaced the servers restarts. This works great. Thanks again for your answers.

Here are three ideas:
Modify the context loader to catch the exception, and add a servlet/mapping to the container the that redirects all the relevant mappings to the dynamically loaded servlet. Check out this stack overflow thread of instructions on how to create a dynamic servlet: Dynamically add a servlet to the servletConfig
Alternatively you could have a standard servlet defined that handles all requests and forwards them to the config page. You can then have a spring bean that remove thats servlet and mapping from the context when it's finished initalizing (you might want to put that code in the postInitalize hook of a spring bean.)
You could also try creating a listener that checks to see if a valid application context exists and removes a "default" mapping /servlet exits.
I don't think there are standard mechanisms for adding/removing servlets and mapping from the container. But it looks like most containers have some APIs that do this.
There is a third way, which you were hinting. Which is to assume that if a 404 error occured then servlet failed to start. If you go down that route I think you will run into the issue that 404 errors can occurs just because the user fat fingered the url.


Changing servlet location on Init()

Is it possible to change the init parameters so that the servlet is created at a different path? I need to create a servlet at a certain path. Furthermore, would it be possible to artificially pass the path inside the init parameters?
As already shown in other answers, the servlet mapping is not controlled by the servlet, therefore you can't change that from within a servlet instance.
However, you can work around this by introducing a level of indirection (something like a "dispatcher" servlet): map your servlet to a wildcard pattern (like /app/*) and inside your servlet decide the actual action based on the request url path: /app/X will trigger some X action, while /app/Y will trigger Y.
Lots of web frameworks will provide the full functionality out of the box: you can have a look at Spring MVC's DispatcherServlet and its HandlerMapping concept, for instance.
Servlets aren't created at a certain path. They are Java objects that the servlet container Java application creates. If you are running Tomcat, for example, your application will run from the /webapps directory. The most you can do is change the Tomcat configuration to run it from some other path, but you'll have to do this before actually starting the application.
Short answer - you can't change anything related to servlet path mapping in init, since servlet container has already read mapping from web.xml.
Longer answer - you may want to look at servlet loader in Tomcat for example, perhaps it's possible to either invoke it's methods through JMX or do something else.
If you just want to have several mappings and choose which one to serve depending on configuration - use Servlet Filter

How to put jsp in ROOT folder of tomcat so that the jsp is picked by all web apps

I have multiple web applications defined in my tomcat. In case of any exception, I want to throw one jsp (done using SimpleMappingExceptionResolver tag of spring). When I put the jsps in the web-inf folder of the web applications, it works fine which is obvious.
But I want to put this jsp at a common place in tomcat such as ROOT library. But if I do this, tomcat is not able to find my jsp. Can somebody tell me if any changes in web.xml is required to make this happen or I should put this jsp somewhere else.
Thanks in advance.
What do you mean by 'picked up' or 'access'? You can put a jsp file on the tomcat ROOT application, and do a 302 redirect into it everytime you encounter exception.
For example place you all-apps generic exception page on webapps/ROOT/generic_exception.jsp, then on each of your apps, add this to the web.xml
That should redirect request into myapp_error.jsp (inside myapp) if any uncaught exception surfaces. Then inside myapp_error.jsp, just perform html meta redirect to /generic_exception.jsp
However the drawback of this approach is you are redirected into different web-app, it's difficult / require extra work if you want to pass session attributes

Spring 3 Application Context loading

I am a bit familiar with Spring framework but am still having lots of question concerning use of spring from project architectural view point. Now I am setting up Spring 3 and a Maven web application and am willing to try out all the the fancy component-scan's and autowiring features however this is where I get confused.
I am trying to break the project into sub-modules. And at some point these sub-modules may include something-context.xml in classpath*:resource/META-INF, like for instance when I will want to define a datSource related stuff in a separate module. So that's fine spring let's you load context files from within class-paths of all of the jars.
But here is where it gets vague - say I am using component scan. I am obviously using spring DispatcherServlet and it needs a servlet context to be loaded, and then there is a global application context parameter specified in web.xml contextConfigLocation.
So now servlet context config has a component-scan feature enabled for com.mycom.project.controllers and context loaded in the global contextConfigLocation has a context loaded with component scan feature for package com.mycom.project also searches for classpath*:META-INF/spring/*-context.xml.
So my question is - does this load controller's twice given that component scan is used for a for com.mycom.project.controllers and com.mycom.project? Or is it all loaded into one huge container and the contextConfigLocation parameter for either DispatcherServlet or global declaration is sort of access issue ? As in DispatcherServlet will reach only what's defined in servlet-context.xml but won't be able to use anything else?
And if my assumption is wrong, could I have a suggestion on how to manage multi-module project issues?
Yes, you might run into trouble. See this link for how to solve your problem.
#Service are constructed twice
The way you proceed when creating modules seems valid to me. You have a context.xml file for each module and all will get loaded once you load the application. Your modules are self-contained and can also be used in different environments. That's pretty much the way I'd also do it.

Enabling/disabling servlet in a way other than web.xml

i wonder if there's a way to enable or disable servlets (or at least mappings for servlets) other than web.xml. I have multiple kinds of servers which use the same web.xml (i can't change this) so this is why another way of enabling/disabling servlets would be useful.
You could use #WebServlet annotation with servlet 3.0 onwards, not sure if this will work for your requirement, please comment if this isn't the way you want to
public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {
// code code code
As far as i am aware there is no such thing as programmatic disabling of servlets other that the deployment descriptor.
The way that i would approach such an issue is the following:
-I would add an if statement in each of my servlets service() method that i would like to control access to such as:
//here is your code that you have right now
//redirect request to an error page maybe
-Create this method isServletAccessible() in MyCustomSecurity class that would return a boolean on weather the user is allowed to acceess the servlet or not
If you are using Tomcat 7.x / Servlet 3.0 you can programmatically add a servlet filter to dynamically enable/disable access to some of your servlets without touching your web.xml file nor your application code.
I'd just create a web filter that reads some kind of configuration and passes or redirects on specific, configured paths.
Another option is to block paths on security layer e.g. Spring Security (actually it uses something like described above).
what about creating a Filter (a class that implements javax.servlet.Filter), then in a xml or properties file or even in database, you can add the servlets' names that the user can access or can't access.

Spring MVC REST : static files unaccessible because of url-pattern

My Spring Dispatcher servlet url-pattern is /* (as spring MVC REST suggests)
Now all the request are resolved by this Servlet. even CSS/JS/Images also get resolved and handled by servlet..
So, Spring MVC tries to find controller.. :(
How to bypass this? Is there any standard way out of this problem??
& Don't want to change url-pattern to /rest/* (so, other static resources get accessed by /css/ or /js etc.)
You can map your controllers to a smaller set of URLS (i.e. /app/*), and then rewrite the URLs that your users actually see so that they don't even know about. Have a look at the mvc-basic webapp sample, particularly web.xml and urlrewrite.xml to see how this is done.
Map the Spring dispatcher to some subsection of the URL space, and use Tuckey to rewrite URLs the user deals with. ->
Just a heads-up update on this: the default rewrite configuration as defined in the Spring sample did not work out of the box for me. The rewrite rules for stylesheets, scripts, etc. were still processed to the /app/* rule, and subsequently handled by the DispatchServlet, which is not desirable.
I had to add the last="true" attribute to the styles/scripts/images rules to indicate that other rules should not apply, and I had to use the FreeMarker Spring URL macro in any CSS/JS include paths.
Just in case someone encounters the same problem.
