How to check if a binary tree is complete in Java - java

I am having a lot of trouble with this task. Using the Wikipedia definition for a complete binary tree:
A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible
I need a way of checking for these conditions, but no matter how much I try, I can't seem to come up with anything. If I were to pass a TreeNode tree input into a checkComplete method how could I go about going through the binary tree and checking that it is complete? Can anyone help with pseudocode or an explanation of how this is possible? There was another question here: How to determine whether a binary tree is complete?
This one had an answer with pseudocode in it, but I couldn't understand where all the random variables were coming from or what they were meant to represent or why there were two values in brackets in the last 3 lines. If anyone could help with another representation I'd really appreciate it.

int CT()
int lh=0, rh=0, sign=1;
if (!root->left && !root->right)
return 1;
if (!root->left && root->right)
return 0;
lh = CT(root->left);
rh = CT(root->right);
if (lh == 0 || rh == 0)
return 0;
if (lh < 0 && rh < 0)
return 0;
if (lh < 0 || rh < 0)
sign = -1;
if (|lh| == |rh| )
return (|lh|+1)*sign;
elseif (rh == lh-1)
return -(|lh|+1);
else return 0;
if CT returns '0' - its not a complete tree.
'-' is used to check mismatch in height is encountered on one subtree only.

Traverse the tree left-to-right. There are several critical points at which you'll want to store or compare information:
When you hit the first leaf node.
When you hit subsequent leaf nodes.
When you hit the first leaf node with a different distance from the root.
Since this is homework, you should probably take it the rest of the way from that hint.


How to quickly insert an element into array with duplicates after all of the equal elements?

I have an ArrayList, which contains game objects sorted by their 'Z' (float) position from lower to higher. I'm not sure if ArrayList is the best choice for it but I have come up with such a solution to find an index of insertion in a complexity faster than linear (worst case):
GameObject go = new GameObject();
int index = 0;
int start = 0, end = displayList.size(); // displayList is the ArrayList
while(end - start > 0)
index = (start + end) / 2;
if(go.depthZ >= displayList.get(index).depthZ)
start = index + 1;
else if(go.depthZ < displayList.get(index).depthZ)
end = index - 1;
while(index > 0 && go.depthZ < displayList.get(index).depthZ)
while(index < displayList.size() && go.depthZ >= displayList.get(index).depthZ)
The catch is that the element has to be inserted in a specific place in the chain of elements with equal value of depthZ - at the end of this chain. That's why I need 2 additional while loops after the binary search which I assume aren't too expensive becouse binary search gives me some approximation of this place.
Still I'm wondering if there's some better solution or some known algorithms for such problem which I haven't heard of? Maybe using different data structure than ArrayList? At the moment I ignore the worst case insertion O(n) (inserting at the begining or middle) becouse using a normal List I wouldn't be able to find an index to insert using method above.
You should try to use balanced search tree (red-black tree for example) instead of array. First you can try to use TreeMap witch uses a red-black tree inside to see if it's satisfy your requirements. Possible implementation:
Map<Float, List<Object>> map = new TreeMap<Float, List<Object>>(){
public List<Object> get(Object key) {
List<Object> list = super.get(key);
if (list == null) {
list = new ArrayList<Object>();
put((Float) key, list);
return list;
Example of usage:
One way to do it would to do a halving search, where the first search is half way thru your list (list.size()/2), then for the next one you can do half of that, and so on. With this exponential method, instead of having to do 4096 searches when you have 4096 objects, you only need 12 searches
sorry for the complete disregard for technical terms, I am not the best at terms :P
Unless I overlook something, your approach is essentially correct (but there's an error, see below), in the sense that your first while tries to compute the insert-index such that it will be placed after all lower OR EQUAL Z: there's correctly an equal sign in your first test (updating "start" if it yields TRUE).
Then, of course, there's no need to worry anymore about its position among equals. However, your follow-up while destroys this nice situation: the test in the first follow-up while yields always TRUE (one time) and so you move back; and then you need the second follow-up while to undo that. So, you should remove BOTH follow-up whiles and you're done...
However, there's a little problem with your first while, such that it doesn't always exactly do what the purpose is. I guess that the faulty outcomes triggered you to implement the follow-up whiles to "repair" that.
Here's the issue in your while. Suppose you have a try-index (start+end)/2 that points to a larger Z, but the one just before it has value Z. You then get into your second test (elseif) and set "end" to the position where that Z-value resides. Finally you wind up with precisely that position.
The remedy is simple: in your elseif assignment, put "end = index" (without the -1). Final remark: the test in the elseif is unnecessary, just else is sufficient.
So, all in all you get
GameObject go = new GameObject();
int index = 0;
int start = 0, end = displayList.size(); // displayList is the ArrayList
while(end - start > 0)
index = (start + end) / 2;
if(go.depthZ >= displayList.get(index).depthZ)
start = index + 1;
end = index;
(I hope I haven't overlooked something trivial...)
Add 1 to the least significant byte of the key (with carry); binary search for that insert position; and insert it there.
Your binary search has to be so constructed as to end at the leftmost of a sequence of duplicates, but this is trivial given an understanding of the various Binary search algorithms.

Finding a single path in a graph using dfs

I am currently trying to find a single path in a graph leading from source to sink. I am trying to implement a method using dfs to achieve this. However, i can't seem to figure out how to make the method to stop the recursion. For example, i have this graph (in matrix form)
0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
So i have an edge from node 0 (the source) to node 1 and 2 respectively, and then an edge from 1 and 2 leading to 3 (the sink). The path i would want to have would be 0>1>3, instead i'm getting 0>1>3>2>3. How can i make the recursion stop as soon as a path to the sink is found?
Here is the code for the method:
public void dfsPath(int i) {
boolean[] visited = new boolean[this.edgeCapacities.length];
visited[i] = true;
this.path.add(i); //Integer ArrayList containing the nodes in the path
//loop through all of the nodes in the matrix to find adjacency
for (int j = 0; j < this.edgeCapacities.length; j++) {
//check if edge exists and node has not been visited
if (this.edgeCapacities[i][j] != 0 && !visited[j]) {
//here is the problem, i want the recursion to stop once the sink is found
//it does not work however.
if(j == this.sink) {
visited[j] = true;
} else {
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
There seem to be several problems with your DFS algorithm:
by creating a new visited list in each recursive call, it always contains only the current node
you are only adding nodes to this.path, but never removing nodes that did not lead to the goal
you never check whether one of your recursive calls reached the goal, thus adding more nodes to a perfectly good path
To fix this, you should remove the current node from this.path at the end of the method, i.e. in case no path has been found. Also, you can just drop the visited array and just check whether the next node is already in the path. That's not quite as fast, but should suffice for your case and make the code less complex. Also, the method should return true or false depending on whether it found a path.
Try this (not tested, but should work).
public boolean dfsPath(int i) {
this.path.add(i); // add current node to path
if (i == this.sink) {
return true; // if current node is sink, return true
// this.path contains nodes from source to sink
for (int j = 0; j < this.edgeCapacities.length; j++) {
if (this.edgeCapacities[i][j] != 0 && ! this.path.contains(j)) {
if (dfsPath(j)) {
return true; // found a path -> search no further
this.path.remove(this.path.size() - 1); // pop last node
return false; // no path found
Note that I also moved the sink-check out of the loop. This is purely a matter of taste, but it makes the code a bit simpler, as you don't have to add the sink node separately to the path.

i do not understand the comparison

Im currently going over MIT courseware for java and am unsure why there is a piece of code involved. I tried removing the code to determine if it is necessary and it kept the program from running.
I have two arrays, one is names of runners, the other is their times. the goal is to find the index of the lowest (fastest) time and then also give the person with the second fastest time. i.e the command prompt will output john is the fastest and kate is the second fastest
the part i am confused about is "secondIndex == -1 ||" --- why is this here? if i remove it i get the error
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
public static int getSecondIndex(int[] values) {
int minIndex = getMinIndex(values);
int secondIndex = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if(i == minIndex){
if(secondIndex == -1 ||
values[i] < values[secondIndex]) {
secondIndex = i;
return secondIndex;
It will then evaluate values[secondIndex] which does not have an entry at index -1. The || short circuits from left to right so in the case of secondIndex = -1, values[secondIndex] will never be evaluated.
It's because the loop checks if the current runner's time is less than any time found so far, but when it checks the first runner there is no "fastest runner so far" to compare to. So the check first makes sure that secondIndex has been set at least once before. If it hasn't, the second part of the or statement will never get evaluated (called short-circuit evaluation).
The reason it's there is because of how indexOf works: it can only find things that live on index 0 or higher, so if it cannot find anything, it returns -1.
As such, we compare to -1 to see whether or not something was found at all. If it wasn't, we don't need to waste any more time on it:
if(thing.indexOf(otherthing) == -1) {
// the search failed
if it was, we can use the result to immediately look it by using the result of indexOf as an array index.
This condition (secondIndex == -1) is true in the case that secondIndex has not yet been found. Remember that since || is a short circuit operator, if the first condition is true, the second one will not be evaluated. Therefore, if secondIndex is -1, values[secondIndex] will never be evaluated (which is good, because doing so would cause the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException).

Constructing a Binary Tree from its traversals

I'm trying to construct a binary tree (unbalanced), given its traversals. I'm currently doing preorder + inorder but when I figure this out postorder will be no issue at all.
I realize there are some question on the topic already but none of them seemed to answer my question. I've got a recursive method that takes the Preorder and the Inorder of a binary tree to reconstruct it, but is for some reason failing to link the root node with the subsequent children.
Note: I don't want a solution. I've been trying to figure this out for a few hours now and even jotted down the recursion on paper and everything seems fine... so I must be missing something subtle. Here's the code:
public static <T> BinaryNode<T> prePlusIn( T[] pre, T[] in)
if(pre.length != in.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
BinaryNode<T> base = new BinaryNode();
base.element = pre[0]; // * Get root from the preorder traversal.
int indexOfRoot = -1 ;
if(pre.length == 0 && in.length == 0)
return null;
if(pre.length == 1 && in.length == 1 && pre[0].equals(in[0]))
return base; // * If both arrays are of size 1, element is a leaf.
for(int i = 0; i < in.length -1; i++){
if(in[i].equals(pre[0])){ // * Get the index of the root
indexOfRoot = i; // in the inorder traversal.
} // * If we cannot, the tree cannot be constructed as the traversals differ.
if (indexOfRoot == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// * Now, we recursively set the left and right subtrees of
// the above "base" root node to whatever the new preorder
// and inorder traversals end up constructing.
T[] preleft = Arrays.copyOfRange(pre, 1, indexOfRoot + 1);
T[] preright = Arrays.copyOfRange(pre, indexOfRoot + 1, pre.length);
T[] inleft = Arrays.copyOfRange(in, 0, indexOfRoot);
T[] inright = Arrays.copyOfRange(in, indexOfRoot + 1, in.length);
base.left = prePlusIn( preleft, inleft); // * Construct left subtree.
base.right = prePlusIn( preright, inright); // * Construc right subtree.
return base; // * Return fully constructed tree
Basically, I construct additional arrays that house the pre- and inorder traversals of the left and right subtree (this seems terribly inefficient but I could not think of a better way with no helpers methods).
Any ideas would be quite appreciated.
Side note: While debugging it seems that the root note never receives the connections to the additional nodes (they remain null). From what I can see though, that should not happen...
EDIT: To clarify, the method is throwing the IllegalArgumentException # line 21 (else branch of the for loop, which should only be thrown if the traversals contain different elements.
EDIT2: Figured this out thanks to a helpful post from #Philip (coincidentally, we have the same first name... fun!). However, if anyone happens to have any advice on improving efficiency, I would appreciate the input.
this code is very suspicious to me
for(int i = 0; i < in.length -1; i++){
if(in[i].equals(base.element)){ // * Get the index of the root
indexOfRoot = i; // in the inorder traversal.
} // * If we cannot, the tree cannot be constructed as the traversals differ.
else throw new IllegalArgumentException();
You enter the loop and i is set to 0, if i is less than in.length - 1 you evaluate the body of the loop which is an if expresion. At this point one of two things will happen
in[i] equals base.element in which case indexOfRoot will be set to 0 and you will break out of the loop
You throw an exception
Either way you never actually increment i
Try to rework this loop to do what you want, since it definitely isn't doing what you want now. You might try something like
int indexOfRoot = -1; //an impossible value
for(int i = 0; i < in.length -1; i++){
if(in[i].equals(base.element)){ // * Get the index of the root
indexOfRoot = i; // in the inorder traversal.
if(indexOfRoot == -1){//if the root was never set
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
although that is still kinda ugly (for one thing, base.element never changes, so you might want to use pre[0] for clarity). And, by no means am I sure it is fully correct. Still, it is probably closer to what you want

Calculating longest path

I have a n-ary tree which contains key values (integers) in each node. I would like to calculate the minimum depth of the tree. Here is what I have come up with so far:
int min = 0;
private int getMinDepth(Node node, int counter, int temp){
if(node == null){
//if it is the first branch record min
//otherwise compare min to this value
//and record the minimum value
if(counter == 0){
temp = min;
temp = Math.min(temp, min);
min = 0;
counter++;//counter should increment by 1 when at end of branch
return temp;
getMinDepth(node.q1, counter, min);
getMinDepth(node.q2, counter, min);
getMinDepth(node.q3, counter, min);
getMinDepth(node.q4, counter, min);
return temp;
The code is called like so:
int minDepth = getMinDepth(root, 0, 0);
The idea is that if the tree is traversing down the first branch (branch number is tracked by counter), then we set the temp holder to store this branch depth. From then on, compare the next branch length and if it smaller, then make temp = that length. For some reason counter is not incrementing at all and always staying at zero. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
I think you're better off doing a breadth-first search. Your current implementation tries to be depth-first, which means it could end up exploring the whole tree if the branches happen to be in an awkward order.
To do a breadth-first search, you need a queue (a ArrayDeque is probably the right choice). You'll then need a little class that holds a node and a depth. The algorithm goes a little something like this:
Queue<NodeWithDepth> q = new ArrayDeque<NodeWithDepth>();
q.add(new NodeWithDepth(root, 1));
while (true) {
NodeWithDepth nwd = q.remove();
if (hasNoChildren(nwd.node())) return nwd.depth();
if (nwd.node().q1 != null) q.add(new NodeWithDepth(nwd.node().q1, nwd.depth() + 1));
if (nwd.node().q2 != null) q.add(new NodeWithDepth(nwd.node().q2, nwd.depth() + 1));
if (nwd.node().q3 != null) q.add(new NodeWithDepth(nwd.node().q3, nwd.depth() + 1));
if (nwd.node().q4 != null) q.add(new NodeWithDepth(nwd.node().q4, nwd.depth() + 1));
This looks like it uses more memory than a depth-first search, but when you consider that stack frames consume memory, and that this will explore less of the tree than a depth-first search, you'll see that's not the case. Probably.
Anyway, see how you get on with it.
You are passing the counter variable by value, not by reference. Thus, any changes made to it are local to the current stack frame and are lost as soon as the function returns and that frame is popped of the stack. Java doesn't support passing primitives (or anything really) by reference, so you'd either have to pass it as a single element array or wrap it in an object to get the behavior you're looking for.
Here's a simpler (untested) version that avoids the need to pass a variable by reference:
private int getMinDepth(QuadTreeNode node){
if(node == null)
return 0;
return 1 + Math.min(
Math.min(getMinDepth(node.q1), getMinDepth(node.q2)),
Math.min(getMinDepth(node.q3), getMinDepth(node.q4)));
Both your version and the one above are inefficient because they search the entire tree, when really you only need to search down to the shallowest depth. To do it efficiently, use a queue to do a breadth-first search like Tom recommended. Note however, that the trade-off required to get this extra speed is the extra memory used by the queue.
I decided to go ahead and write a breadth first search version that doesn't assume you have a class that keeps track of the nodes' depths (like Tom's NodeWithDepth). Once again, I haven't tested it or even compiled it... But I think it should be enough to get you going even if it doesn't work right out of the box. This version should perform faster on large, complex trees, but also uses more memory to store the queue.
private int getMinDepth(QuadTreeNode node){
// Handle the empty tree case
if(node == null)
return 0;
// Perform a breadth first search for the shallowest null child
// while keeping track of how deep into the tree we are.
LinkedList<QuadTreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<QuadTreeNode>();
int currentCountTilNextDepth = 1;
int nextCountTilNextDepth = 0;
int depth = 1;
// Check if we're transitioning to the next depth
if(currentCountTilNextDepth <= 0){
currentCountTilNextDepth = nextCountTilNextDepth;
nextCountTilNextDepth = 0;
// If this node has a null child, we're done
QuadTreeNode node = queue.removeFirst();
if(node.q1 == null || node.q2 == null || node.q3 == null || node.q4 == null)
// If it didn't have a null child, add all the children to the queue
// Housekeeping to keep track of when we need to increment our depth
nextCountTilNextDepth += 4;
// Return the depth of the shallowest node that had a null child
return depth;
Counter is always staying at zero because primitives in java are called by value. This means if you overwrite the value in a function call the caller won't see the change. Or if you're familiar with C++ notation it's foo(int x) instead of foo(int& x).
One solution would be to use an Integer object since objects are call-by-reference.
Since you're interested in the minimum depth a breadth first solution will work just fine, but you may get memory problems for large trees.
If you assume that the tree may become rather large an IDS solution would be the best. This way you'll get the time complexity of the breadth first variant with the space complexity of a depth first solution.
Here's a small example since IDS isn't as well known as its brethren (though much more useful for serious stuff!). I assume that every node has a list with children for simplicity (and since it's more general).
public static<T> int getMinDepth(Node<T> root) {
int depth = 0;
while (!getMinDepth(root, depth)) depth++;
return depth;
private static<T> boolean getMinDepth(Node<T> node, int depth) {
if (depth == 0)
return node.children.isEmpty();
for (Node<T> child : node.children)
if (getMinDepth(child, depth - 1)) return true;
return false;
For a short explanation see
