I have a class A and B.
public class A() {
private static List<int> list = new ArrayList<int>();
public static List<int> getList() {
return list;
public class B() {
public void foo() {
synchronized(A.getList()) {
// DO Stuff
In class B where I synchronize. Does this synchronize on A's list, or on B's reference to A's list. I think it is the latter but could use some help.
If so then how do I accomplish a similar thing to this that will actually work?
It synchronizes on A's list. What do you mean by B's reference to A's list? It doesn't matter if you're in A using list or B using A.getList(), they both reference the same object. When you synchronize on it you'll block other threads from synchronizing on that same object, regardless of where it's referenced from.
The OP followed up with this comment:
What's weird is the behavior that I am seeing is that if I lock from within A I can actually lock it at the same time in B. Which pretty much means the synchronized has no effect. Which is why I surmised that maybe locking a reference won't work.
That can't happen with the code in the question.
But it could happen if there was a setList method in A that updated the list variable. You could then end up in a situation where the two threads were locking on different objects.
Another possibility is that you actually only have one thread that is taking a lock on the same object twice. That's normal behavior. Java primitive mutexes are reentrant; i.e. they only prevent two different threads from holding the same mutex at the same time.
I have seen this NullPointerException on synchronized statement.
a = new A()
So according to the above answer I have understood that it is not possible to use synchronized keyword on null reference.
So I changed my code to this:
synchronized(a = new A()){}
But am not sure if this is identical with my original code?
what I want to achieve is lock the creation of a ( a = new A() )
Synchronized requires an object that will provide locking mechanism. It can be any object (in fact, synchronized without parameters will synchronize on this), but Java API provides classes dedicated to this functionality, for example ReentrantLock.
In code you provided every call to function containing synchronized block will use different object for locking, effectivly making synchronization useless.
Since you updated your post with what you are actually trying to accomplish I can help you more.
public class Creator {
private A a;
public void createA() {
synchronized(this) {
a = new A();
I don't know if this fits your design since the code sample you provided is very small, but you should get the idea. Here instance of the Creator class is used to synchronize the creation of A. If you share it across multiple threads, each one of them calling createA(), you can be sure that one instantiation process will be finished before another one begins.
synchronized(a = new A()){}
so what it will do is it will create a new object of class A and use
that as Lock, so in simple word every thread can enter in synchronized
block anytime because each thread will have new lock and there will be
no other thread that is using that object as lock so every thread can
enter your synchronized block anytime and outcome will be no
For Example
class TestClass {
SomeClass someVariable;
public void myMethod () {
synchronized (someVariable) {
public void myOtherMethod() {
synchronized (someVariable) {
here we can say Then those two blocks will be protected by execution
of 2 different threads at any time while someVariable is not modified.
Basically, it's said that those two blocks are synchronized against
the variable someVariable.
But in your case there will be always a new object so there will be no synchronization
These two code snippets are not equivalent!
In the first code snippet you synchronize on some object referenced by a, and afterwards you change the reference which will not change the synchronization object.
In the second snippet you first assign a newly created object to reference a and then synchronize on it. So the synchronization object will be the new one.
Generally, it is a very bad idea to change the reference which is used in the synchronized statement, regardless whether it is done inside the block (first code) or diretcly in the synchronized statement (second code). Make it final! Oh, and it mustn't be null, either.
If I have one instance of an object A and it has an instance method foo() with only variables created and used in that method is that method thread safe even if the same instance is accessed by many threads?
If yes, does this still apply if instance method bar() on object A creates many threads and calls method foo() in the text described above?
Does it mean that every thread gets a "copy" of the method even if it belongs to the same instance?
I have deliberately not used the synchronized keyword.
Yes. All local variables (variables defined within a method) will be on their own Stack frame. So, they will be thread safe, provided a reference is not escaping the scope (method)
Note : If a local reference escapes the method (as an argument to another method) or a method works on some class level or instance level fields, then it is not thread-safe.
Does it mean that every thread gets a "copy" of the method even if it belongs to the same instance
No, there will be only one method. every thread shares the same method. But each Thread will have its own Stack Frame and local variables will be on that thread's Stack frame. Even if you use synchronize on local Objects, Escape Analysis proves that the JVM will optimize your code and remove all kinds of synchronization.
example :
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object lock = new Object();
synchronized (lock) {
will be effectively converted to :
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object lock = new Object(); // JVm might as well remove this line as unused Object or instantiate this on the stack
You have to separate the code being run, and the data being worked on.
The method is code, executed by each of the threads. If that code contains a statement such as int i=5 which defines a new variable i, and sets its value to 5, then each thread will create that variable.
The problem with multi-threading is not with common code, but with common data (and other common resources). If the common code accesses some variable j that was created elsewhere, then all threads will access the same variable j, i.e. the same data. If one of these threads modifies the shared data while the others are reading, all kinds of errors might occur.
Now, regarding your question, your code should be thread safe as long as your variables are defined within bar(), and bar() doesn't access some common resource such as a file.
You should post some example code to make sure we understand the use case.
For this example:
public class Test {
private String varA;
public void doSomething() {
String varB;
If you don't do anything to modify varA in this example and only modify varB, this example is Thread Safe.
If, however, you create or modify varA and depend on it's state, then the method is NOT Thread Safe.
I am aware of locking concepts with synchronization of static and non static methods to lock classes and instances respectively. What I am not able to understand is, how is class level lock achieved? I mean, class is a template only, with no physical significance. So, when we say that class level locking is achieved with synchronizing static methods what happens then? Do all the objects of that class get locked or some other process?
With what I could find out with my search is that there are class objects (Class.class) and lock is acquired on this class object. But then how are all instances of that class also locked?
Do all the objects of that class get locked or some other process?
First, let's talk about what what it means to "lock" an object.
Foobar foobar = new Foobar();
synchronized (foobar) {
You might say that the foobar object is "locked" when a thread is in the synchronized block. But what does that do for the program? A lot of newbies make the mistake of thinking that it will prevent other threads from accessing the object. But, that is not true. What synchronized does--the only thing synchronized does--is to guarantee that no more than one thread can be synchronized on the same object at the same time.
The programmer's intent in the example above might be to prevent other threads from seeing foobar in an inconsistent state. In that case, every method and every fragment of code that accesses foobar must be synchronized on foobar. Imagine foobar as big room with many doors. Each method that uses foobar is like a different door. If you want to keep people out of the room, it doesn't help to lock just one door. You have to lock all of them.
So now, to your question:
when we say that class level locking is achieved with synchronizing static methods what happens then?
Simple. This:
class Foobar {
static synchonized void do_something() {
Does exactly the same as this:
class Foobar {
static void do_something() {
synchronized(Foobar.class) {
You always synchronize on an Object. Well, a class is an Object. When a static method is synchronized, that just means that the method body is synchronized on the class object.
Since a class is a singleton object, that means that no two threads can get into the same static synchronized method at the same time. In my earlier example, the variable foobar could refer to different objects at different times, but in the static example, Foobar.class is guaranteed always to refer to the same singleton.
Edit: As, #Danny pointed out, there is no connection between a block that is synchronized on the Foobar class, (my second example) and a block that is synchronized on an instance of the Foobar class (my first example). The instance and the class object are two different objects, so nothing prevents one thread from synchronizing on the instance while another thread is synchronized on the class. Likewise, nothing prevents two different threads from synchronizing on two different instances. Another mistake that newbies often make is to think that only one thread at a time can enter this synchronized block:
Integer n = ...;
synchronized (n) {
n = n+1;
But it's not true. It's not the variable, n, that is locked, it's a particular instance of the Integer class. Each thread that enters the block creates a new Integer instance and assigns it to n. So when the next thread comes along, n no longer refers to the same instance that the first thread has synchronized.
i have Static Method and it is calling another static method within itself.
for example :
public List<Object> static first(int id){
List<Object> list=new ArrayList<Object>();
//calling another static method
return list;
public String static second(int id,List<Object> listRef){
My Question IS:
Multiple thread is calling public static method first(int id); with different id.
This is thread safe way Or Not? As i am declaring arrayList within method And i thing it's reference may share by other threads.
Problem is That Array Is stored in heap memory not in Individual
Threads Stack.So i think sharing of Array reference by many threads
may happen.
Yes, it is thread-safe. Your ArrayList is a local variable and is not shared by threads (unless you explicitly do something to share it).
In this case every thread will simply have their own ArrayList.
Each thread gets its own copy of the method. Static methods are just methods which belong to the Class instead of object. As long as you are not manipulating any shared variables or resources, it is thread safe.
It is thread safe as long as you don't call second directly from each thread. To that end, you should consider making second a private method.
what kind of objects are a,b & c? As this is just adding of stuff into a list and then calling another static method, I do not see any issues
So yes its thread safe..
I was wondering if there is a situation where this statement will be true and needed. All the examples I have seen only synchronize on the "this" reference. Can someone tell me how a block of code in one object can be synchronized on any other reference apart from this ?
Yes the statement is true.
There are several reasons why one would want NOT to use an intrinsic monitor (synchronized(this)) - one of these reasons is that it can create liveness issues - in the code below, B uses an instance of A as a lock, maybe to control access to that variable. If another thread uses that same instance of A and tries to run a.methodA(), it will be blocked until methodB() is over.
So using an intrinsic monitor exposes the synchronization policy and can lead to subtle bugs and performance issues.
public class A {
public synchronized void methodA() {}
public class B {
A a = new A();
public void methodB() {
synchronized(a) {
// do something a little long
public A getA() {return a;}
If A had used an internal monitor that problem would not be possible.
public class A {
private final Object lock = new Object();
public void methodA() {
synchronized(lock) {}
Another scenario where using ad hoc monitors makes sense is when a class contains 2 (or more) unrelated objects, that both need to be accessed in a synchronized manner. Using 2 monitors instead of one reduces contention as the 2 objects can now be accessed concurrently.
public class SyncTest{
private Object obj = new Object();
public void func1() {
synchronized(obj) {
Yes it can be done.
The synchronize block will use that object as a lock, rather than the whole class. People that use synchronized(this) { } put an exclusive lock on the whole object, which might be what you want. However, you might have something like a persister, which is the only thing that needs to be synchronized. synchronized(persister) { }, would provide a less granular way of doing this.
In Java, you can use synchronized constructs to create instrinsic locks on any object reference, yes. Read the relevant Java Tutorial.
The immediate example of not using synchronized with this is when synchronizing on the Class object, which is how static synchronized methods work. In reality, there are plenty of valid uses. You may want to avoid using synchronized (this) in favor of an internal implementation lock as otherwise you are setting a restriction that you use the lock internally, which other code you're not aware of might violate.
You should know, however, that often times you can replace synchronized usage with a ReentrantLock. You can read more about this in my post here.