Question about k-Connected Graphs - java

Given an undirected Graph, G, is there any standard algorithm to find the value of k, where (k-1) represents the number of vertices whose removal results in a graph that is still connected and the removal of the kth vertex makes the graph disconnected?
Thank you!

I don't know of any standard algorithm, but for a graph to have this property, every pair of vertices must have >= k independent paths between them (its a simple proof by contradiction to see that this is the case).
So a potential algorithm would be to check that for all pairs of vertices in your graph there are at least K independent paths. To find this you can use a Maximum Flow algorithm. Unfortunately doing this trivially will probably take a long time. Ford-Fulkerson network flow takes O(EV) time (on the graph you would use for this), and there are O(V^2) pairs of nodes to check. So worst case time is approx. O(V^5).


Minimum Hitting Set algorithm using DFS in polynomial time

I need to write an algorithm that finds the minimum hitting set F of a given undirected graph, i.e. a set containing the minimum edge in each cycle of the graph such that the intersection of F and any given cycle is not empty. I have written an algorithm that uses Depth First Search to find all the possible cycles in the graph, and then takes the min edge in each cycle and puts it in a set (in which i remove duplicates).
However, I was asked to complete this task in polynomial time, which I am not quite sure my algorithm does. For instance, I have added a counter to solve the following Graph starting on A and my DFS method gets called 34 times:
Could anyone help me figure the running time of the algorithm I wrote? It is functional but it seems to be very inefficient. Thanks
Here is the code form my DFS method. MHS are basic data structure that act like nodes. They have a tag and a list of links that contain an endpoint (the other node) and a integer value associated to it). cycles is simply an ArrayList containing all the cycles, which are themselves represented as ArrayLists of edge values.
I used the approach described in this post
public static void DFS(MHS v){
MHS current=v.predecessor;
ArrayList<Integer> currEdges=new ArrayList<Integer>();
currEdges.add(getEdgeValue(current, v));
MHS p=current.predecessor;
currEdges.add(getEdgeValue(p, current));
for(int i=0;i<v.links.size();i++){
MHS w=v.links.get(i).next;
if(v.predecessor==null || !v.predecessor.equals(w)){
MHS ok=w.predecessor;
Do you really start by finding every cycle in the graph? If you have the complete graph Kn, in which every pair of nodes is connected, then every ordered set of any size of the nodes defines a cycle, so there are exponentially many cycles.
You could try something like
While (there are any cycles left)
Find a cycle
find the shortest edge in that cycle
remove that edge from the graph
Which should be polynomial time, because every trip round the while loop removes an edge from the graph, and sooner or later you will run out of edges.
But I am not sure if this answers your question. I note also that the standard definition of hitting set is an NP-Complete problem, via set cover -
As it turns out, it wasn't necessary to consider all cycles in the graph. We can simply adapt the cycle property of minimum spanning trees that says that the most costly edge in a cycle will not be included in the MST. This same property, applied instead to a maximum spanning tree, tells us that the least costly edge of a cycle will not be included in the max ST.
In order to solve the problem, we only need to find the max ST of G (by adapting Kruskal's algorithm) and return all the edges of G that have not been added to the tree.

Finding N nodes in a graph with maximum spread / distance from eachother

Given a graph with N nodes (thousands), I need to find K nodes so that the average path length between each pair (K1,K2) of K is maximized. So basically, I want to place them as far away as possible from eachother.
Which algorithm would I use for this / how could I program this without having to try out several single combination of K?
Also as an extension: if I now have N nodes and I need to place 2 groups of nodes K and L in the graph such that the average path length between each pair (L,K) is maximized, how would I do this?
My current attempt is to just do a couple of random placements and then calculate the average path length between the pairs of both K and L, but this calculation is starting to take a lot of time so I'd rather not spend that much time on just evaluating randomly chosen combinations. I'd rather spend time once on getting the REAL most spread combination.
Are there any algorithms out there for this?
The bad news is that this problem is NP-hard, by a reduction from Independent Set. (Assume unit weights. Add a new vertex connected to all other vertices; then we're looking for a collection of K that have average distance 2.)
If you're determined to get an exact solution (and I'm not sure that you shouldn't be), then I'd try branch and bound, using node is/is not one of the K as the branching decision and a crude bound (given a subset of K, find the two nodes that maximize the appropriate combination of the distance between them and the distance to the subset, then set the bound to the appropriate weighted average incorporating the known inter-node distances).
If the exact algorithm above chokes on thousand-node graphs as Evgeny fears it will, then use a farthest-point clustering (link goes to the Wikipedia page on Facility Location, which describes FPC) to cut the graph to a manageable size, incurring a hopefully small approximation error.

Simplest algorithm to find 4-cycles in an undirected graph

I have an input text file containing a line for each edge of a simple undirected graph. The file contains reciprocal edges, i.e. if there's a line u,v, then there's also the line v,u.
I need an algorithm which just counts the number of 4-cycles in this graph. I don't need it to be optimal because I only have to use it as a term of comparison. If you can suggest me a Java implementation, I would appreciate it for the rest of my life.
Thank you in advance.
Construct the adjacency matrix M, where M[i,j] is 1 if there's an edge between i and j. M² is then a matrix which counts the numbers of paths of length 2 between each pair of vertices.
The number of 4-cycles is sum_{i<j}(M²[i,j]*(M²[i,j]-1)/2)/2. This is because if there's n paths of length 2 between a pair of points, the graph has n choose 2 (that is n*(n-1)/2) 4-cycles. We sum only the top half of the matrix to avoid double counting and degenerate paths like a-b-a-b-a. We still count each 4-cycle twice (once per pair of opposite points on the cycle), so we divide the overall total by another factor of 2.
If you use a matrix library, this can be implemented in a very few lines code.
Detecting a cycle is one thing but counting all of the 4-cycles is another. I think what you want is a variant of breadth first search (BFS) rather than DFS as has been suggested. I'll not go deeply into the implementation details, but note the important points.
1) A path is a concatenation of edges sharing the same vertex.
2) A 4-cycle is a 4-edge path where the start and end vertices are the same.
So I'd approach it this way.
Read in graph G and maintain it using Java objects Vertex and Edge. Every Vertex object will have an ArrayList of all of the Edges that are connected to that Vertex.
The object Path will contain all of the vertexes in the path in order.
PathList will contain all of the paths.
Initialize PathList to all of the 1-edge paths which are exactly all of edges in G. BTW, this list will contain all of the 1-cycles (vertexes connected to themselves) as well as all other paths.
Create a function that will (pseudocode, infer the meaning from the function name)
PathList iterate(PathList currentPathList)
newPathList = new PathList();
for(path in currentPathList.getPaths())
for(edge in path.lastVertexPath().getEdges())
return newPathList;
Replace currentPathList with PathList.iterate(currentPathList) once and you will have all of the 2-cyles, call it twice and you will have all of the 3 cycles, call it 3 times and you will have all of the 4 cycles.
Search through all of the paths and find the 4-cycles by checking
Depth-first search, DFS-this is what you need
Construct an adjacency matrix, as prescribed by Anonymous on Jan 18th, and then find all the cycles of size 4.
It is an enumeration problem. If we know that the graph is a complete graph, then we know off a generating function for the number of cycles of any length. But for most of other graphs, you have to find all the cycles to find the exact number of cycles.
Depth first search with backtracking should be the ideal strategy. Implement it with each node as the starting node, one by one. Keep track of visited nodes. If you run out of nodes without finding a cycle of size 4, just backtrack and try a different route.
Backtrack is not ideal for larger graphs. For example, even a complete graph of order 11 is a little to much for backtracking algorithms. For larger graphs you can look for a randomized algorithm.

Generating Array-based Graph With Java

I need to generate a graph using integer arrays. Edges of the graphs are kept as edges[e][2] where e is the number of edges.
I need my graph to be connected, i.e. you should be able to traverse from all nodes to all nodes.
edges[0] = {0,5} means an edge connects node 0 and node 5.
Could you suggest an algorithm, please?
And please keep in mind that i will generate graphs with millions of nodes, so that it is better if algorithm complexity isn't too high.
If each node is directly connected to each node, don't store all the edges ;)
If each node is reachable from each other node, but not necessarily directly, use an adjacency matrix. That's the simplest way if you need to use integer arrays.
If the matrix is sparse, I would store it differently, though. The best encoding depends on what graph algorithms you want to use it for. The wikipedia article on sparce matrices) lists the major ones.

How can I search a graph for a path?

Say I have a list of edges each containing two nodes (to and from). What is the best way to find the edge two given nodes? Note that nodes in the edge may repeat.
Say I have edge in this format:
1 <-> 5
3 <-> 7
5 <-> 6
2<-> 6
Then query such as 1 5 will return true.
Then query such as 5 2 will return true because 5 connects 6 and 6 connects to 2.
Then query such as 1 7 will return false.
Then query such as 7 4 will return false since 4 doesnt exist, it means it is edge-less node.
It sounds to me like you are just asking if a path exists between two vertices in an undirected graph, but not necessarily what that path might be. This is the same as asking if the two vertices are in the same connected component of the graph.
If you really do only need to know if the two vertices are in the same connected component, then there is a simple and efficient algorithm using a Disjoint-set data structure.
initialize the disjoint set structure (DSS)
for each edge:
for each vertex in edge:
if the vertex does not exist in the DSS:
create a new subset in the DSS containing only the vertex
merge the subsets of the two vertices
To determine if a path exists between two vertices after processing all the edges, just check if the two vertices are in the same subset. If they are, then some path exists between them.
With an efficient implementation of the DSS, this algorithm achieves just slightly worse than linear time, and even with a simple linked-list implementation of the DSS it's O(n*log(n)). As j_random_hacker mentions, Floyd-Warshall is O(n^3) time and O(n^2) storage no matter if you are only calculating transitive closure or not, and using Dijkstra's algorithm requires an O(n*log(n)) calculation for each query.
You are basically looking forward to test if a given pair of nodes have a path in between them or not. This is a general case of the shortest path problem. Note, however, it suffices if we can find a shortest path between the pair of nodes in question. Use whatever representation suits you (adjacency matrix, adjacency list, edge-sets, union-find ...) and go ahead with a BFS/Djikstra implementation for all pair of nodes. It is then only a matter of servicing queries. Or, you can run Djikstra/BFS on a lazy basis (and cache past computations on an incremental manner).
Check out JGraphT library, it specializes in graph algorithms and does what you need.
You probably want some variation of Floyd algorithm for finding shortest paths between all graph verteces. As far as I can tell, you need only transitive closure of an undirected graph. Here is pseudocode:
for k = 1 to n
for i = 1 to n
for j = 1 to n
W[i][j] = W[i][j] or (W[i][k] and W[k][j])
W before running this code should be a binary adjacency matrix for a graph (W[i][j] == 1 <-> there is an edge from i to j).
After it will be a transitive closure. I.e. W[i][j] would be equal to 1 if and only if j is reachable from i.
