Does Smack function properly in Java EE?? I am having issues with presence.
I get the credentials from the login form via doPost method..I can able to successfully authenticate as well as connection.getRoster() also works.Next I want to show only users who are online so when I get the presence of user,presence object stores default value "unavailable" for all users even when they are available!!
The whole chat app works without flaw in a normal java class without any change..
String userName = request.getParameter("username");
String password = request.getParameter("password");
HttpSession session=request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("username", userName);
SmackAPIGtalkServlet gtalk = new SmackAPIGtalkServlet();
ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration(
"", 5222, "");
connection = new XMPPConnection(config);
try {
} catch (XMPPException e) {
try {
connection.login(userName, password);
} catch (XMPPException e) {
boolean status = connection.isAuthenticated();
if (status == true) {
public void displayOnlineBuddyList() {
Roster roster = connection.getRoster();
Collection<RosterEntry> entries = roster.getEntries();
int count1 = 0;
int count2 = 0;
for (RosterEntry r : entries) {
Presence presence = roster.getPresence(r.getUser());
if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.unavailable) {
// System.out.println(user + "is offline");
} else {
System.out.println(name+user + "is online");
roster.addRosterListener(new RosterListener() {
// Ignored events public void entriesAdded(Collection<String>
// addresses) {}
public void entriesDeleted(Collection<String> addresses) {
public void entriesUpdated(Collection<String> addresses) {
public void presenceChanged(Presence presence) {
System.out.println("Presence changed: " + presence.getFrom()
+ " " + presence);
public void entriesAdded(Collection<String> arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
I am stuck with this and not able to get the code working with servlets..Can anyone help me out??
Will Smack work inside of Java EE, yes and no.
Smack will work inside of a web container, but since it creates its own threads it will NOT work inside of an EJB container. So it will work depending on where you are running it.
To understand some of your issues, you have to understand that the lifecycle of your objects in a servlet is tied to the request/response cycle of each request. This is not the same as a standard java app where the objects will typically live as long as you need them to, since you control their lifecycle.
For example, in the code you have shown, you create the connection for each request (I assume, since not all the code is shown). Therefore registering listeners against that connection will be pointless since it will pass out of scope as soon as you leave the method, and eventually get garbage collected. You will have to maintain the connections outside of the scope of the servlet requests for this to work, otherwise you will be opening and closing connections for each request.
XMPP is completely asynchronous by nature whereas servlet requests are synchronous. You have to put some effort in to making them work together, so don't expect code that works in a standalone app to simply work in this environment.
You have to implement the RosterListener interface in which you have to override the presenceChanged method in that you can get the presence of the users.
It works for me.
When you are getting the rosters of GTalk all will have status as unavailable.
But after sometime their presence changes and the presence can be get from the presenceChanged method in the RosterListner but for that you have to implement the RosterListener's presenceChnaged method.
And ya it works well in Java EE, Android as well as WAP.
Does Smack function properly in Java EE?? I am having issues with presence. I get the credentials from the login form via doPost method..I can able to successfully authenticate as well as connection.getRoster() also works.Next I want to show only users who are online so when I get the presence of user,presence object stores default value "unavailable" for all users even when they are available!! here my code
Roster rst = roster;
rst.addRosterListener(new RosterListener() {
public void entriesAdded(final Collection args) {}
public void entriesDeleted(final Collection<String> addresses) {}
public void entriesUpdated(final Collection<String> addresses) {}
public void presenceChanged(final Presence presence) {
final Presence prsence1 = presence;
if (prsence1.isAvailable()) {
System.out.println("Is Available: " + presence.isAvailable());
<%!void prsenceChanged(Presence presence){ if(null != presence){%>
<script language="javascript">
I am using ngWebsocket for listening user actions and update all users page according to current action not just page that who send action.
And I make a end point in java who catch all actions and send message all open sessions. but when i testing, end point find sessions and send message to all of them but message just come to person who send action.
my java code like
public String onMessage(Session session, String message) { Gson gson = new Gson();
SocketMessage sm = gson.fromJson(message, new SocketMessage().getClass());
if (sm.getEvent().equals("teklif")) {
Set<Session> openSessions = session.getOpenSessions();
for (Session openSession : openSessions) {
try {
openSession.getBasicRemote().sendText("{\"event\":\"teklif\",\"data\":" + sm.getData() + "}");
} catch (Exception ioe) {
return message;
when i debug Set<Session> openSessions = session.getOpenSessions(); it show me two session and send message to all remote. And I listen in my controller
$$on('teklif', function (data) { console.log(data);
it is shown only person who emit the message
note : I send message like this -->$$emit('teklif', data.content);
How can I make this socket that all user listen all actions ?
Thanks in advance.
Your are using Session.getOpenSessions(). The Javadoc states:
Return a copy of the Set of all the open web socket sessions that
represent connections to the same endpoint to which this session
represents a connection. The Set includes the session this method is
called on. These sessions may not still be open at any point after the
return of this method. For example, iterating over the set at a later
time may yield one or more closed sessions. Developers should use
session.isOpen() to check.
So it does not give you the set of all client sessions connected to your endpoint.
Instead you need to keep track of all session connected to your endpoint for yourself and iterate over that set. Here is an example.
I found my problem what is it .
public String onMessage(Session session, String message) {
Gson gson = new Gson();
SocketMessage sm = gson.fromJson(message, new SocketMessage().getClass());
if (sm.getEvent().equals("teklif")) {
//SoncketTestMessage fromJson = gson.fromJson(test.getData(), SoncketTestMessage.class);
Set<Session> openSessions = session.getOpenSessions();
for (Session openSession : openSessions) {
try {
SocketResponse rsp = new SocketResponse();
//openSession.getBasicRemote().sendText("{\"event\":\"teklif\",\"data\":" + sm.getData() + "}");
openSession.getBasicRemote().sendText(gson.toJson(rsp, SocketResponse.class));
} catch (Exception ioe) {
return null;
i made a mistake at
openSession.getBasicRemote().sendText("{\"event\":\"teklif\",\"data\":" + sm.getData() + "}");
i just changed sm.getData and send right json format then it send to all user.
It send just to owner before because of that function return message and it is at right format and only owner get the return. Now all user are getting the message.
This question is Extension of my previous question on this SO question "How to connect XMPP bosh server using java smack library?"
I am using Java as server side language. I have successfully implement xmpp BOSH connection using smach-jbosh thanks to #Deuteu for helping me to achieve this, so far I have modify jbosh's file and added two getter method for extracting RID and SID.
Now I have RID and SID on my app server (I am using Apache Tomcat). I need to pass this credential to Strophe (web client) so that it can attach to connection.
Here I have some doubt.
When to disconnect bosh Connection establish from the app server? before passing sid, rid and jid to strophe or after passing sid, rid and jid to strophe?
As per my observation during implementation for the same, I have observed that once bosh connection from the app server has been disconnected, session is expired and SID and RID is no longer useful!!!
I have implemented this logic (Establishing bosh connection and Extracting sid and rid) on a Servlet, here once response has been send from Servlet, Thread will get expired and end BOSH connection will get terminated, so I am not able perform `Attach()` on strophe as session is expired.
Can somebody help me with that problem?
I believe #fpsColton's answer is correct - I'm just added extra info for clarity. As requested on linked thread here is the code changes I made on this - note: I only added the parts where I've labelled "DH"
In BOSHConnection:
// DH: function to preserve current api
public void login(String username, String password, String resource)
throws XMPPException {
login(username, password, resource, false);
// DH: Most of this is existing login function, but added prebind parameter
// to allow leaving function after all required pre-bind steps done and before
// presence stanza gets sent (sent from attach in XMPP client)
public void login(String username, String password, String resource, boolean preBind)
throws XMPPException {
if (!isConnected()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not connected to server.");
if (authenticated) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Already logged in to server.");
// Do partial version of nameprep on the username.
username = username.toLowerCase().trim();
String response;
if (config.isSASLAuthenticationEnabled()
&& saslAuthentication.hasNonAnonymousAuthentication()) {
// Authenticate using SASL
if (password != null) {
response = saslAuthentication.authenticate(username, password, resource);
} else {
response = saslAuthentication.authenticate(username, resource, config.getCallbackHandler());
} else {
// Authenticate using Non-SASL
response = new NonSASLAuthentication(this).authenticate(username, password, resource);
// Indicate that we're now authenticated.
authenticated = true;
anonymous = false;
// DH: Prebind only requires connect and authenticate
if (preBind) {
// Set the user.
if (response != null) {
this.user = response;
// Update the serviceName with the one returned by the server
} else {
this.user = username + "#" + getServiceName();
if (resource != null) {
this.user += "/" + resource;
// Create the roster if it is not a reconnection.
if (this.roster == null) {
this.roster = new Roster(this);
if (config.isRosterLoadedAtLogin()) {
// Set presence to online.
if (config.isSendPresence()) {
sendPacket(new Presence(Presence.Type.available));
// Stores the autentication for future reconnection
config.setLoginInfo(username, password, resource);
// If debugging is enabled, change the the debug window title to include
// the
// name we are now logged-in as.l
if (config.isDebuggerEnabled() && debugger != null) {
// DH
public void disconnect() {
then my Client-side (Web Server) wrapper class - for connecting from within JSP is:
Note: This is proving code rather than production - so there's some stuff in here you may not want.
public class SmackBoshConnector {
private String sessionID = null;
private String authID = null;
private Long requestID = 0L;
private String packetID = null;
private boolean connected = false;
public boolean connect(String userName, String password, String host, int port, final String xmppService) {
boolean success = false;
try {
Enumeration<SaslClientFactory> saslFacts = Sasl.getSaslClientFactories();
if (!saslFacts.hasMoreElements()) {
System.out.println("Sasl Provider not pre-loaded");
int added = Security.addProvider(new;
if (added == -1) {
System.out.println("Sasl Provider could not be loaded");
else {
System.out.println("Sasl Provider added");
BOSHConfiguration config = new BOSHConfiguration(false, host, port, "/http-bind/", xmppService);
BOSHConnection connection = new BOSHConnection(config);
PacketListener sndListener = new PacketListener() {
public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
SmackBoshConnector.this.packetID = packet.getPacketID();
System.out.println("Send PacketId["+packetID+"] to["+packet.toXML()+"]");
PacketListener rcvListener = new PacketListener() {
public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
SmackBoshConnector.this.packetID = packet.getPacketID();
System.out.println("Rcvd PacketId["+packetID+"] to["+packet.toXML()+"]");
PacketFilter packetFilter = new PacketFilter() {
public boolean accept(Packet packet) {
return true;
connection.addPacketSendingListener(sndListener, packetFilter);
connection.addPacketListener(rcvListener, packetFilter);
// login with pre-bind only
connection.login(userName, password, "", true);
authID = connection.getConnectionID();
BOSHClient client = connection.getClient();
sessionID = client.getSid();
requestID = client.getRid();
System.out.println("Connected ["+authID+"] sid["+sessionID+"] rid["+requestID+"]");
success = true;
connected = true;
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
finally {
} catch (XMPPException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(SmackBoshConnector.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return success;
public boolean isConnected() {
return connected;
public String getSessionID() {
return sessionID;
public String getAuthID() {
return authID;
public String getRequestIDAsString() {
return Long.toString(requestID);
public String getNextRequestIDAsString() {
return Long.toString(requestID+1);
public static void main(String[] args) {
SmackBoshConnector bc = new SmackBoshConnector();
bc.connect("dazed", "i3ji44mj7k2qt14djct0t5o709", "", 5280, "");
I confess that I'm don't fully remember why I put the Thread.yield and Thread.sleep(1/2 sec) in here - I think - as you can see with added PacketListener - the lower level functions return after sending data and before getting a response back from the server - and if you disconnect before the server has sent it's response then it (also) causes it to clean up the session and things won't work. However it may be that, as #fpsColton says, this dicsonnect() isn't actually required.
Edit: I now remember a bit more about whay I included sleep() and yield(). I noticed that Smack library includes sleep() in several places, including XMPPConnection.shutdown() as per source. Plus in terms of yield() I had problems in my environment (Java in Oracle Database - probably untypical) when it wasn't included - as per Smack Forum Thread.
Good luck.
After you have created a BOSH session with smack and have extracted the SID+RID values, you need to pass them to Strophe's attach() and from here on out you need to let strophe deal with this connection. Once Strophe has attached, you do not want your server to be doing anything to the connection at all.
If your server side code sends any messages at all to the connection manager after strophe has attached, it's likely that it will send a invalid RID which will cause your session to terminate.
Again, once the session has been established and is usable by strophe, do not attempt to continue using it from the server side. After your server side bosh client completes authentication and you've passed the SID+RID to the page, just destroy the server side connection object, don't attempt to disconnect or anything as this will end your session.
The thing you need to remember is, unlike traditional XMPP connections over TCP, BOSH clients do NOT maintain a persistent connection to the server (this is why we use BOSH in web applications). So there is nothing to disconnect. The persistent connection is actually between the XMPP server and the BOSH connection manager, it's not something you need to deal with. So when you call disconnect from your server side BOSH client, you're telling the connection manager to end the session and close it's connection to the XMPP server, which completely defeats the purpose of creating the session in the first place.
I'm using websockets to make a multiplayer game and I need to send multiple types of data across the server but when I connect to the server it's supposed to send back a name and number ("type") and ("data") respectively from the websocket library on connection. I don't need the type but ("data") is vital for the game logic to actually work.
Below is the code I have in my websockets onMessage() function:
public void onMessage(String message)
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(message);
if(json.has("type") && json.has("data"))
Log.d(TAG, json.getString("type"));
Log.d(TAG, json.getString("data"));
playerNum = Integer.parseInt(json.getString("data"));
Log.d(TAG,"Received... Type : " +json.getString("type")+" Data : "+json.getString("data"));
player1TurnOver = json.getBoolean("Player1TurnOver");
String b = json.getString("Word");
bWord = new char[b.length()];
for(int i = 0; i < b.length(); i++)
bWord[i] = b.charAt(i);
wordLength = bWord.length;
catch(JSONException e)
But this is never called from the server even though the client has a listener as such:
mClient = new WebSocketClient(URI.create("ws://some_ip:8080/wstest"), new WebSocketClient.Listener()){
And the listener is initialised within the websocket library class
public interface Listener {
public void onConnect();
public void onMessage(String message);
public void onMessage(byte[] data);
public void onDisconnect(int code, String reason);
public void onError(Exception error);
I can't seem to figure out why this isn't working properly. As it has worked before...
Sometimes it is not correctly detected when a device looses internet connection (Java is not that smart in this case ;) )
Apart from this. Could you maybe activate the debug printouts with WebSocketImpl.DEBUG = true;
The lib will automatically send pings to the endpoints at specific interval and if no ping was received it assumes that the endpoint got disconnected!
hi.. stackoverflow team member.
I am trying to use the HttpSession in java to set some values like userid, so I can use the variable till the session remains present.
I am using spring3.0 for the request mapping. My login check code is given below
#RequestMapping(value = "/login/GetLoginCheck.action")
public #ResponseBody
Map<String, Object> loginCheck(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
List<Employee> emplist = null;
try {
GlobalController.session = request.getSession();
if (!GlobalController.session.isNew()) {
emplist = loginservice.getEmployee(this.getUsername(),this.getPassword());
for(Employee employee: emplist)
synchronized (GlobalController.session) {
GlobalController.session.setAttribute("userid", employee.getId());
return getModelMapError("The username or password you entered is incorrect.");
System.out.println("already session created");
System.out.println("SESSION ID ::"+GlobalController.session.getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
logingview = this.loginView(this.getUsername(),this.getPassword());
return getMapUser(emplist,logingview);
and my GlobalController class code is given below
public class GlobalController implements HttpSessionListener{
private static int totalActiveSessions = 0;
public static HttpSession session = null;
public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
synchronized (this) {
System.out.println("Session Created: " + event.getSession().getId());
System.out.println("Total Sessions: " + totalActiveSessions);
public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
synchronized (this) {
System.out.println("Session Destroyed: " + event.getSession().getId());
System.out.println("Total Sessions: " + totalActiveSessions);
As the user Login my "/login/GetLoginCheck.action" executes and with this I am setting the attribute empoyeeId: 2 to the session.
But I open the same url in another pc in lan and login with another user named having empoyeeId: 1.
The problem I am having is that when I see the log or open the gridpanel having the employeeId:1 it shows me the data belonging to the employeeId:2.
Also the sessionId get override with the newly logged user session.
Please suggest me some way I can try to implement session in a proper way, so I get the data and session belonging to the intended employee only.
Static varables related to class, and have one value per class, not per instance. That's why you have
Also the sessionId get override with the newly logged user session.
Every servlet is singleton, so you can get problems when two users will simultaneusly try to login.
If you are using spring3.0, why don't you make use of spring security for the same purpose?
Also if you find spring security too complex, you can always go with Apache shiro
Thanks so much for your replies. I am able to solve my problem with making session as class variable.
below is the code I tried to make the session working in my application in the loginCheck method.
HttpSession session;
session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("employeeid", this.getEmployeeid());
and to retrieve the session attribute done with below code
session = request.getSession();
System.out.println("EMPLOYEE ID ::"+session.getAttribute("employeeid"));
On this article: is a tutorial how to run JavaSpaces client. I wrote these classes in Eclipse, started Launch-All script and Run example. It works.
After that I exported these classes into executable jar (JavaSpaceClient.jar) and tried that jar with following command:
java -jar JavaSpaceClient.jar
It works fine, gives me result:
Searching for a JavaSpace...
A JavaSpace has been discovered.
Writing a message into the space...
Reading a message from the space...
The message read is: Здраво JavaSpace свете!
My problem is when I move this jar file on my other LAN computer, it shows me error when I type same command. Here is error:
cica#cica-System-Name:~/Desktop$ java -jar JavaSpaceClient.jar
Searching for a JavaSpace...
Jul 27, 2011 11:20:54 PM net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscovery$UnicastDiscoveryTask run
INFO: exception occurred during unicast discovery to biske-Inspiron-1525:4160 with constraints InvocationConstraints[reqs: {}, prefs: {}] biske-Inspiron-1525
at com.sun.jini.discovery.internal.MultiIPDiscovery.getSingleResponse(
at com.sun.jini.discovery.internal.MultiIPDiscovery.getResponse(
at net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscovery$
at net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscovery$
at com.sun.jini.thread.TaskManager$
I just writes "Searching for JavaSpace..." and after a while prints these error messages.
Can someone help me with this error?
For discovery I am using LookupDiscovery class I've found on Internet:
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceTemplate;
import net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscovery;
import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryListener;
import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryEvent;
A class which supports a simple JINI multicast lookup. It doesn't register
with any ServiceRegistrars it simply interrogates each one that's
discovered for a ServiceItem associated with the passed interface class.
i.e. The service needs to already have registered because we won't notice
new arrivals. [ServiceRegistrar is the interface implemented by JINI
lookup services].
#todo Be more dynamic in our lookups - see above
#author Dan Creswell (
#version 1.00, 7/9/2003
public class Lookup implements DiscoveryListener {
private ServiceTemplate theTemplate;
private LookupDiscovery theDiscoverer;
private Object theProxy;
#param aServiceInterface the class of the type of service you are
looking for. Class is usually an interface class.
public Lookup(Class aServiceInterface) {
Class[] myServiceTypes = new Class[] {aServiceInterface};
theTemplate = new ServiceTemplate(null, myServiceTypes, null);
Having created a Lookup (which means it now knows what type of service
you require), invoke this method to attempt to locate a service
of that type. The result should be cast to the interface of the
service you originally specified to the constructor.
#return proxy for the service type you requested - could be an rmi
stub or an intelligent proxy.
Object getService() {
synchronized(this) {
if (theDiscoverer == null) {
try {
theDiscoverer =
new LookupDiscovery(LookupDiscovery.ALL_GROUPS);
} catch (IOException anIOE) {
System.err.println("Failed to init lookup");
return waitForProxy();
Location of a service causes the creation of some threads. Call this
method to shut those threads down either before exiting or after a
proxy has been returned from getService().
void terminate() {
synchronized(this) {
if (theDiscoverer != null)
Caller of getService ends up here, blocked until we find a proxy.
#return the newly downloaded proxy
private Object waitForProxy() {
synchronized(this) {
while (theProxy == null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException anIE) {
return theProxy;
Invoked to inform a blocked client waiting in waitForProxy that
one is now available.
#param aProxy the newly downloaded proxy
private void signalGotProxy(Object aProxy) {
synchronized(this) {
if (theProxy == null) {
theProxy = aProxy;
Everytime a new ServiceRegistrar is found, we will be called back on
this interface with a reference to it. We then ask it for a service
instance of the type specified in our constructor.
public void discovered(DiscoveryEvent anEvent) {
synchronized(this) {
if (theProxy != null)
ServiceRegistrar[] myRegs = anEvent.getRegistrars();
for (int i = 0; i < myRegs.length; i++) {
ServiceRegistrar myReg = myRegs[i];
Object myProxy = null;
try {
myProxy = myReg.lookup(theTemplate);
if (myProxy != null) {
} catch (RemoteException anRE) {
System.err.println("ServiceRegistrar barfed");
When a ServiceRegistrar "disappears" due to network partition etc.
we will be advised via a call to this method - as we only care about
new ServiceRegistrars, we do nothing here.
public void discarded(DiscoveryEvent anEvent) {
My client program tries simply to search for JavaSpaces service write MessageEntry into and then retrieves message and prints it out. Here is client program:
public class SpaceClient {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
try {
MessageEntry msg = new MessageEntry();
msg.content = "Hello JavaSpaces wordls!";
System.out.println("Searching for JavaSpaces...");
Lookup finder = new Lookup(JavaSpace.class);
JavaSpace space = (JavaSpace) finder.getService();
System.out.println("JavaSpaces discovered.");
System.out.println("Writing into JavaSpaces...");
space.write(msg, null, 60*60*1000);
MessageEntry template = new MessageEntry();
System.out.println("Reading message from JavaSpaces...");
MessageEntry result = (MessageEntry), null, Long.MAX_VALUE);
System.out.println("Message: "+result.content);
} catch(Exception e) {
And of course this is MessageEntry class:
import net.jini.core.entry.*;
public class MessageEntry implements Entry {
public String content;
public MessageEntry() {
public MessageEntry(String content) {
this.content = content;
public String toString() {
return "MessageContent: " + content;
I did discovery on two Windows computers.
After that I tried Windows - Ubuntu combiantion and it doesn't work. Maybe there are some network problems? When I ping each another everything is ok. Maybe there are some DNS issues on Ubuntu..
Windows - Ubuntu combination works if JavaSpaces service is started up on Windows and client program is on Ubuntu. When I try to do reverse, to run JavaSpaces service on Ubuntu and run client on Windows error occurs.
Obviously there is some problem with Ubuntu. Ubuntu has installed OpenJDK installed by default. I installed Oracle JDK, and set JAVA_HOME and put JAVA_HOME/bin into PATH variable. I wonder maybe there is some problem with different versions of Java, maybe I am not using right one.
It is possible that the service registrar that you are running (on host biske-Inspiron-1525 at port 4160), is discovering it's hostname incorrectly (without domain name) and is therefore sending out the announcements with a short hostname. Therefore, after discovering the service registrar, it is possible that subsequently the client is trying to make a connection to the service registrar it cannot resolve the hostname if it is on a different domain.
To ensure that the service registrar is running with the correct hostname, try starting it with the following command line attribute:
It appears that you are doing unicast discovery to a specific host and port and that you can't look up that host.
Assuming you can resolve the name biske-Inspiron-1525 with DNS try removing the ":4160" part and see if the unicast lookup succeeds then.
Here is an example of the code I use to look up a service. It's a bit more complicated because I implement ServiceDiscoveryListener and handle service discovery that way. I actually keep a list of services and dynamically switch between then when one fails but I stripped that part out of the example. I am also using the Configuration part of Jini which I'll explain afterwards. The service interface I am using here is called "TheService":
public class JiniClient implements ServiceDiscoveryListener {
private TheService service = null;
private Class[] serviceClasses;
private ServiceTemplate serviceTemplate;
public JiniClient(String[] configFiles) throws ConfigurationException {
Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.getInstance(configFiles,
// Set the security manager
System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
// Define the service we are interested in.
serviceClasses = new Class[] {TheService.class};
serviceTemplate = new ServiceTemplate(null, serviceClasses, null);
// Build a cache of all discovered services and monitor changes
ServiceDiscoveryManager serviceMgr = null;
DiscoveryManagement mgr = null;
try {
mgr = (DiscoveryManagement)config.getEntry(
getClass().getName(), // component
"discoveryManager", // name
DiscoveryManagement.class); // type
if (null == mgr) {
throw new ConfigurationException("entry for component " +
getClass().getName() + " name " +
"discoveryManager must be non-null");
} catch (Exception e) {
/* This will catch both NoSuchEntryException and
* ConfigurationException. Putting them both
* below just to make that clear.
if( (e instanceof NoSuchEntryException) ||
(e instanceof ConfigurationException)) {
// default value
try {
System.err.println("Warning, using default multicast discover.");
mgr = new LookupDiscoveryManager(LookupDiscovery.ALL_GROUPS,
null, // unicast locators
null); // DiscoveryListener
} catch(IOException ioe) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create lookup discovery manager: " + e.toString());
try {
serviceMgr = new ServiceDiscoveryManager(mgr, new LeaseRenewalManager());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create service discovery manager: " + e.toString());
try {
null, // no filter
this); // listener
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create serviceCache: " + e.getMessage());
public void serviceAdded(ServiceDiscoveryEvent evt) {
/* Called when a service is discovered */
ServiceItem postItem = evt.getPostEventServiceItem();
//System.out.println("Service appeared: " +
// postItem.service.getClass().toString());
if(postItem.service instanceof TheService) {
/* You may be looking for multiple services.
* The serviceAdded method will be called for each
* so you can use instanceof to figure out if
* this is the one you want.
service = (TheService)postItem.service;
public void serviceRemoved(ServiceDiscoveryEvent evt) {
/* This notifies you of when a service goes away.
* You could keep a list of services and then remove this
* service from the list.
public void serviceChanged(ServiceDiscoveryEvent evt) {
/* Likewise, this is called when a service changes in some way. */
The Configuration system allows you to dynamically configure the discovery method so you can switch to discover specific unicast systems or multicast without changing the app. Here is an example of a unicast discovery configuration file that you could pass to the above objects constructor:
import net.jini.core.discovery.LookupLocator;
import net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscoveryManager;
import net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscovery; {
discoveryManager = new LookupDiscoveryManager(
new LookupLocator[] { new LookupLocator("jini://")},
this); // the current config
I found solution! That was dns issue. On Ubuntu my /etc/hosts file was: biske-Inspiron-1525 # Added by NetworkManager localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 biske-Inspiron-1525 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 biske-Inspiron-1525
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
I've just removed line biske-Inspiron-1525 and now it works fine.
Little thing was destroyed million of my nerves :)