I have searched stackoverflow before posting this question.
In eclipse i am running a tomcat server. I deleted the .class files from the work folder of the tomcat server. From then on I am facing the issue saying the class couldnot be found.
I re-built the project. Didnt help
Can you please suggest how to fix this issue.
You should NOT run Tomcat as a normal program inside Eclipse. You should use the EE version of Eclipse, and then add Tomcat in the server view. This will allow you to deploy Dynamic Web Projects directly to Tomcat or any other supported server.
delete the server from eclipse server view and create it again.
I keep getting the error message saying in glassfish that I have no sqlconnector , i have already added it to to the build path , but it keeps failing any work around to use XAMPP with java NetBeans web application ? Thanks in advance.
Finally found the solution to the error I was facing with the solution is below:
Download the mysql-connector.jar which is compatible with
glassfish and NetBeans you are using
Go to glassfish/lib and paste the jar
Go to glassfish/domain1(the domain you are using)/lib -> paste
the jar there
4.The work is done and ready to use, I solved the issue with this.
I'm facing the following problem that I'm going to try to explain to you to see if someone have experience and could help me to get this done:
I have install on my MAC OS X Capitan the Eclipse IDE MARS, I download the Tomcat 8 and put in my Document folder.
I created a Dynamic Web Application and I build it and everything compiles without any errors, after that I create a server and did the reference to Tomcat folder in this way:.Web Dynamic Project run with tomcat
When I started the tomcat and perfectly fine started and when I want to run the application nothing happen, I opened the browser and try to access to the jsp file but doesn't happen, not show any error but neither show the web page(only with hello world)
Any idea I'm pretty new with eclipse so please I need your consideration on this.
I want to thank you all for your comments, it help me a lot.
I solve the problem in this way:
Deleted the previous project.
Create a Tomcat server again, but in this time I created selecting the option: Create a new local server (I think this was the main issue, because I didn't installed the tomcat so I needed that Eclipse install the Tomcat).
I created again the project using the default run environment.
I select run as server.
And is running the project.
Thanks again to all.
I've created a simple web app and it works fine when I deploy it on internally configured server in eclipse.
But now I exported it as a WAR and tried to deploy on another Weblogic server. I get the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ofss/UcbparamConnector
at jsp_servlet.__ucbparam12._jspService(__ucbparam12.java:88)
The UcbparamConnector.class is present in the WAR under WEB-INF/classes/ but looks like it is not found during the runtime. Please suggest what could have gone wrong.
The other Weblogic server was configured to run on different JRE which was causing this problem.
After changing JDK path, web app is working as expected.
Thank you.
I have just downloaded NetBeans 7.3 for JavaEE and installed it with Tomcat 7.0.41 Everything went fine and I can run NetBeans, start and stop Tomcat from within the IDE and add and remove servers at will.
However when I try and create a Java web Application project my server list is empty.
The message I get at the bottom of the wizard for creating projects is "No servers are registered in the IDE. To register a server, click the "Add..." button.
I have Googled and got nothing and looked at the NetBeans docs and got nothing, help me
I am running Netbeans 7.3, Java 1.7, Tomcat 7.0.41 and Windows xp-3.
This Problem is solved by just Restarted Netbeans Software
Thanks to all
I know the original problem was solved, but I had a very similar issue, and in my case simply restarting Netbeans did not help, so I wanted to help anyone with my issue. It sounds stupid, but I wanted to warn people that they need to be sure to download the right tomcat zip file.
Tomcat lists several zip files on their server, and I should have been using the Windows-64 zip file. Instead, I downloaded the first file, which just said "zip". I am not sure what configuration this was. It ran in windows 7, but created the same sort of mysterious pattern in Netbeans. In the Services tab, I could clearly see Apache Tomcat listed under Servers. If I started the service it worked fine. However, when I right clicked on my project and attempted to resolve missing server problem, it would not list tomcat in the list. The list is filtered to only show servers that are valid with the version of Java EE 6 or whatever you are using. In my case, apparently the original tomcat I downloaded was not valid.
You have to register the server inside Netbeans.
Simply a matter of going to the servers tab under tools & adding a new server & browsing to the installation location.
Follow the tutorial on the link below here (start at the time I have set):
Try this remove all server from the IDE and then double click the netbeans exe go to customize select the the tomcat server alone and then install
Go to Tools -> Plugin -> Update Plugin.Worked for me, give it a try.
I have developed a java webservice application that I have been running on my dev-computer and in the meanwhile been setting up a dedicated ubuntu based linux server.
I have installed oracle-jre, mysql and apache tomcat 7 on this linux server and
after reading documentation I understand that I can either copy the deployed project archive (.WAR) or I can simply copy the project folder, into the servers /webapps/ folder from my development computer. Then restart tomcat7 and it should automatically run the webapp.
On my dev-computer with Eclipse IDE the webservice works properly as expected, but I cannot access the POST URL methods at all on the server
e.g. localhost:8080/Webservice/rest/account/login
(The installation on the server seems to be O.K as the Apache examples all work properly.)
I cannot see any logs in the /logs/ directory, in fact the folder is completely empty, so I cannot debug whats actually happening. Why aren't logs writing to the Catalina.out file?
Am I deploying this correctly as explained above?
Do I need to configure Eclipse or any project settings to reflect the change from the eclipse IDE / dev-computer to the server? E.g Is there any real difference?
A lot of questions there, but I wanted to clarify as much as possible,
I fixed this issue by reinstalling tomcat.