What are the Light weight and heavy weight threads in terms of Java?
It's related to the amount of "context" associated with a thread, and consequently the amount of time it takes to perform a "context switch".
Heavyweight threads, (usually kernel/os level threads) have a lot of context (hardware registers, kernel stacks, etc). So it takes a lot of time to switch between threads. Heavyweight threads may also have restrictions on them, for example, on some OSes, kernel threads cannot be pre-empted, which means they can't forcibly be switched out until they give up control.
Lightweight threads on the other hand (usually, user space threads) have much less context. (They essentially share the same hardware context), they only need to store the context of the user stack, hence the time taking to switch lightweight threads is much shorter.
On most OSes, any threads you create as a programmer in user space will be lightweight in comparison to the kernel space threads. There is no formal definition of heavyweight and lightweight, it's just more of a comparison between threads with more context and threads with less context. Don't forget that every OS has its own different implementation of threads, and the lines between heavy and light threads are not necessarily clearly defined. In some programming languages and frameworks, when you create a "Thread" you might not even be getting a full thread, you might just be getting some abstraction that hides the real number of threads underneath.
[Some OSes allow threads to share address space, so threads that would usually be quite heavy, are slightly lighter]
Java standard threads are reasonably heavy in comparison to Erlang threads which are very light spawnable processes. Erlang demonstrates a distributed finite state machine.
However as an example, http://kilim.malhar.net/ , a Java extension library based on the Actor model of concurrency, proposes a construct for light weight threads in java. Instead of Thread implementing run(), a Kilim thread implements from the Kilim library using an execute() method. Apparently it shows Java's runtime outperforms Erlang's (atleast in a local environment AFAIK). Java did actually have such things in the original language spec called 'green threads' but subsequent Java versions dropped them in favor of native threads
In most systems Light weight threads are the normal threads you create with the help of library, like p_threads in linux.
While Heavy weight, in some systems, refer to a system process, with its own virtual memory and a more complex structure, like information about the process performance/statistics.
For more information:
I am pretty hyped for Project Loom, but there is one thing that I can't fully understand.
Most Java servers use thread pools with a certain limit of threads (200, 300 ..), however, you are not limited by the OS to spawn many more, I've read that with special configurations for Linux you can reach huge numbers.
OS threads are more expensive and they are slower to start/stop, have to deal with context switching (magnified by their number) and you are dependent on the OS which might refuse to give you more threads.
Having said that virtual threads also consume similar amounts of memory (or at least that is what I understood). With Loom we get tail-call optimizations which should reduce memory usage. Also, synchronization and thread context copy should still be a problem of a similar size.
Indeed you are able to spawn millions of Virtual Threads
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1_000_000; i++) {
Thread.startVirtualThread(() -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
the code above breaks at around 25k with an OOM exception when I use Platform threads.
My question is what exactly makes these threads so light, what is preventing us from spawning 1 million platform threads and working with them, is it only the context switching that makes the regular threads so "heavy".
One very similar question
Things I found so far:
Context Switching is expensive. Generally speaking even in the ideal case where the OS knows how the threads would behave it will still have to give each thread an equal chance to execute, given they have the same priority. If we spawn 10k OS threads it will have to constantly switch between them and this task alone can occupy up to 80% of the CPU time in some cases, so we have to be very careful with the numbers. With Virtual Threads, context switching is done by the JVM which makes it basically free
Cheap start/stop. When we interrupt a thread we essentially tell the task, "Kill the OS thread you are running on". However if for example, that thread is in a thread pool, by the time we are asking, the thread might be released by the current task and then given to another and the other task might get the interruption signal. This makes the interruption process quite complex. Virtual Threads are simply objects that live in the heap, we can just let the GC collect them in the background
Hard upper limits (tens of thousands at most) of threads, due to how the OS handles them. The OS can’t be fine-tuned to the specific applications and programming language so it has to prepare for the worst-case scenario memory-wise. It has to allocate more memory that will actually be used to accommodate all needs. While doing all of this it has to ensure that the vital OS processes are still working. With VT you are only limited by the memory which is cheap
Thread that performs a transaction behaves very differently than a Thread that does video processing, again the OS has to prepare for the worst-case scenario and accommodate both cases the best way it can, which means we get suboptimal performance in most cases. Since VT are spawned and managed by Java itself, this allows for complete control over them and task-specific optimizations that are not bound to the OS
Resizable stack. The OS gives Threads a big stack to fit all use cases, Virtual Threads have a resizable stack that lives in the heap space, it is dynamically resized to fit the problem which makes it smaller
Smaller metadata size. Platform threads use 1MB as mentioned above, whereas Virtual Threads need 200-300 bytes to store their metadata
One big advantage of coroutines (so virtual threads) is that they can generate high levels of concurrency without the drawback of callbacks.
let me first introduce Little's Law:
concurrency = arrival_rate * latency
And we can rewrite this to:
arrival_rate = concurrency/latency
In a stable system, the arrival rate equals throughput.
throughput = concurrency/latency
To increase throughput, you have 2 options:
decrease latency; which typically is very hard since you have little influence on how much time a remote call or a request to disk takes.
increase concurrency
With regular threads, it is difficult to reach high levels of concurrency with blocking calls due to context switch overhead. Requests can be issued asynchronously in some cases (e.g. NIO + Epoll or Netty io_uring binding), but then you need to deal with callbacks and callback hell.
With a virtual thread, the request can be issued asynchronously and park the virtual thread and schedule another virtual thread. Once the response is received, the virtual thread is rescheduled and this is done completely transparently. The programming model is much more intuitive than using classic threads and callbacks.
Virtual threads are wrapped upon platform threads, so you may consider them an illusion that JVM provides, the whole idea is to make lifecycle of threads to CPU bound operations.
What exactly makes Java Virtual Threads better ?
Virtual threads advantages
exhibits exact the same behavior as platform threads.
disposable and can be scaled to millions.
much more lightweight than platform threads.
fast creation time, as fast as creating string object.
the JVM does delimited continuation on IO operations, no IO for
virtual threads.
yet can have the sequential code as previous but way more effective.
the JVM gives an illusion of virtual threads, underneath whole story
goes on platform threads.
Just with usage of virtual thread CPU core become much more concurrent, the combination of virtual threads and multi core CPU with ComputableFutures to parallelized code is very powerful
Virtual threads usage cautions
Don not use monitor i.e the synchronized block, however this will fix in new release of JDK's, an alternative to do so is to use 'ReentrantLock' with try-final statement.
Blocking with native frames on stack, JNI's. its very rare
Control memory per stack (reduce thread locales and no deep recursion)
Monitoring tools not updated yet like debuggers, JConsole, VisualVM etc
Platform Threads versus Virtual threads. Platform threads take OS
threads hostage in IO based tasks and operations limited to number of
applicable threads with in thread pool and OS threads, by default
they are non Daemon threads
Virtual threads are implemented with JVM, in CPU bound operations the
associated to platform threads and retuning them to thread pool,
after IO bound operation finished a new thread will be called from
thread pool, so no hostage in this case.
Fourth level architecture to have better understanding.
Multicore CPU multicores with in cpu executing operations.
OS threads the OS scheduler allocating cpu time to engaged OS
platform threads are wrapped totally upon OS threads with both task
virtual threads are associated to platform threads in each CPU bound
operation, each virtual thread can be associated with multiple
platform threads as different times.
Virtual threads with Executer service
More effective to use executer service cause it associated to thread pool an limited to applicable threads with it, however in compare of virtual threads, with Executer service and virtual contained we do not ned to handle or manage the associated thread pool.
try(ExecutorService service = Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor()) {
Executer service implements Auto Closable interface in JDK 19, thus when used with in 'try with resource', once it reach to end of 'try' block the 'close' api being called, alternatively main thread will wait till all submitted task with their dedicated virtual threads finish their lifecycle and associated thread pool being shutdown.
ThreadFactory factory = Thread.ofVirtual().name("user thread-", 0).factory();
try(ExecutorService service = Executors.newThreadPerTaskExecutor(factory)) {
Executer service can be created with virtual thread factory as well, just putting thread factory with it constructor argument.
Can benefits features of Executer service like Future and Completable Future.
Find more on JEP-425
Sometimes people have to build systems able to handle an enormous number of simultaneous clients. Native threads are inadequate means for doing that due to RAM consumption and context switching costs.
Virtual threads give us an ability to run millions of I/O bound tasks simultaneously without changing our mental model.
That's why Golang made its way into the industry (besides Google support). Goroutines are a concept very similar to Java's virtual threads and they solve the same problem.
There are other ways to achieve what virtual thread do (such as NIO and the related Reactor pattern). This, however, entails using message loops and callbacks which warp your mind (that's why so many people hate JavaScript). There are layers of abstractions on top of them making things a bit easier but they also have a cost.
I a new in java. I'm c++ programmer and nowadays study java for 2 months.
Sorry for my pool English.
I have a question that if it needs memory pool or object pool for Akka actor model. I think if i send some message from one actor to one of the other actors, i have to allocate some heap memory(just like new Some String, or new Some BigInteger and other more..) And times on, the garbage collector will be got started(I'm not sure if it would be started) and it makes my application calculate slowly.
So I search for the way to make the memory-pool and failed(Java not supported memory pool). And I Could Make the object pool but in others project i did not find anybody use the object-pool with actor(also in Akka Homepage).
Is there any documents bout this topic in the akka hompage? Plz tell me the link or tell me the solution of my question.
If, as it's likely you will, you are using Akka across multiple computers, messages are serialized on the wire and sent to the other instance. This means that simply a local memory pool won't suffice.
While it's technically possible that you write a custom JSerializer (see the doc here) implementation that stores local messages in a memory pool after deserializing them, I feel that's a bit of an overkill for most applications (and easy to cock-up and actually worsen performance with lookup times in the map)
Yes, when the GC kicks in, the app will lag a bit under heavy loads. But in 95% of the scenarios, especially under a performant framework like Akka, GC will not be your bottleneck: IO will.
I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. I'm saying that before you take on the task, given its non-triviality, you should measure the impact of GC on your app at runtime with things like Kamon or other Akka-specialized monitoring solutions, and only after you are sure it's worth it you can go for it.
Using an ArrayBlockingQueue to hold a pool of your objects should help,
Here is the example code.
TO create a pool and insert an instance of pooled object in it.
BlockingQueue<YOURCLASS> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<YOURCLASS>(256);//Adjust 256 to your desired count. ArrayBlockingQueues size cannot be adjusted once it is initialized.
queue.put(YOUROBJ); //This should be in your code that instanciates the pool
and later where you need it (in your actor that receives message)
YOURCLASS instanceName = queue.take();
You might have to write some code around this to create and manage the pool.
But this is the gist of it.
One can do object pooling to minimise long tail of latency (by sacrifice of median in multythreaded environment). consider using appropriate queues e.g. from JCTools, Distruptor, or Agrona. Don't forget about rules of engagement for state exhange via mutable state using multiple thereads in stored objects - https://youtu.be/nhYIEqt-jvY (the best content I was able to find).
Again, don't expect to improve throughout using such slightly dangerous techniques. You will loose L1-L3 cache efficiency and will polite PCI with barriers.
Bit of tangent (to get sense of low latency technology):
One may consider some GC implementation with lower latency if you want to stick with Akka, or use custom reactive model where object pool is used by single thread, or memory copied over e.g. Distrupptor's approach.
Another alternative is using memory regions (the way Erlang VM works). It creates garbage, but in form easy to handle by GC!
If you go to very low latency IO and are the biggest enemy of latency - forget legacy TCP (vs RDMA over Infininiband), switches (over swichless), OS accessing disk via OS calls and file system (use RDMA), forget interrupts shared by same core, not pinned cores (and without spinning for input) to real CPU core (vs virtual/hyperthreads) or inter NUMA communication or messages one by one instead of hardware multicast (or better optical switch) for multiple consumers and don't forget turning Epsilon GC for JVM ;)
As per this article there are some serious flaws with Fork-Join architecture in Java. As per my understanding Streams in Java 8 make use of Fork-Join framework internally. We can easily turn a stream into parallel by using parallel() method. But when we submit a long running task to a parallel stream it blocks all the threads in the pool, check this. This kind of behaviour is not acceptable for real world applications.
My question is what are the various considerations that I should take into account before using these constructs in high-performance applications (e.g. equity analysis, stock market ticker etc.)
The considerations are similar to other uses of multiple threads.
Only use multiple threads if you know they help. The aim is not to use every core you have, but to have a program which performs to your requirements.
Don't forget multi-threading comes with an overhead, and this overhead can exceed the value you get.
Multi-threading can experience large outliers. When you test performance you should not only look at throughput (which should be better) but the distribution of your latencies (which is often worse in extreme cases)
For low latency, switch between threads as little as possible. If you can do everything in one thread that may be a good option.
For low latency, you don't want to play nice, instead you want to minimise jitter by doing things such as pinning busy waiting threads to isolated cores. The more isolated cores you have the less junk cores you have to run things like thread pools.
The streams API makes parallelism deceptively simple. As was stated before, whether using a parallel stream speeds up your application needs to be thoroughly analysed and tested in the actual runtime context. My own experience with parallel streams streams suggests the following (and I am sure this list is far from complete):
The cost of the operations performed on the elements of the stream versus the cost of the parallelising machinery determines the potential benefit of parallel streams. For example, finding the maximum in an array of doubles is so fast using a tight loop that the streams overhead is never worthwhile. As soon as the operations get more expensive, the balance starts to tip in favour of the parallel streams API - under ideal conditions, say, a multi-core machine dedicated to a single algorithm). I encourage you to experiment.
You need to have the time and stamina to learn the intrinsics of the stream API. There are unexpected pitfalls. For example, a Spliterator can be constructed from a regular Iterator in simple statement. Under the hood, the elements produced by the iterator are first collected into an array. Depending on the number of elements produced by the Iterator that approach becomes very or even too resource hungry.
While the cited article make it seem that we are completely at the mercy of Oracle, that is not entirely true. You can write your own Spliterator that splits the input into chunks that are specific to your situation rather than relying on the default implementation. Or, you could write your own ThreadFactory (see the method ForkJoinPool.makeCommonPool).
You need to be careful not to produce deadlocks. If the tasks executed on the elements of the stream use the ForkJoinPool themselves, a deadlock may occur. You need to learn how to use the ForkJoinPool.ManagedBlocker API and its use (which I find rather the opposite of easy to grasp). Technically you are telling the ForkJoinPool that a thread is blocking which may lead to the creation of additional threads to keep the degree of parallelism intact. The creation of extra threads is not free, of course.
Just my five cents...
The point (there are actually 17) of the articles is to point out that the F/J Framework is more of a research project than a general-purpose commercial application development framework.
Criticize the object, not the man. Trying to do that is most difficult when the main problem with the framework is that the architect is a professor/scientist not an engineer/commercial developer. The PDF consolidation downloadable from the article goes more into the problem of using research standards rather than engineering standards.
Parallel streams work fine, until you try to scale them. The framework uses pull technology; the request goes into a submission queue, the thread must pull the request out of the submission queue. The Task goes back into the forking thread's deque, other threads must pull the Task out of the deque. This technique doesn't scale well. In a push technology, each Task is scattered to every thread in the system. That works much better in large scale environments.
There are many other problems with scaling as even Paul Sandoz from Oracle pointed out: For instance if you have 32 cores and are doing Stream.of(s1, s2, s3, s4).flatMap(x -> x).reduce(...) then at most you will only use 4 cores. The article points out, with downloadable software, that scaling does not work well and the parquential technique is necessary to avoid stack overflows and OOME.
Use the parallel streams. But beware of the limitations.
Somewhere I have heard about Thread Affinity and Thread Affinity Executor. But I cannot find a proper reference for it at least in java. Can someone please explain to me what is it all about?
There are two issues. First, it’s preferable that threads have an affinity to a certain CPU (core) to make the most of their CPU-local caches. This must be handled by the operating system. This CPU affinity for threads is often also called “thread affinity”. In case of Java, there is no standard API to get control over this. But there are 3rd party libraries, as mentioned by other answers.
Second, in Java there is the observation that in typical programs objects are thread-affine, i.e. typically used by only one thread most of the time. So it’s the task of the JVM’s optimizer to ensure, that objects affine to one thread are placed close to each other in memory to fit into one CPU’s cache but place objects affine to different threads not too close to each other to avoid that they share a cache line as otherwise two CPUs/Cores have to synchronize them too often.
The ideal situation is that a CPU can work on some objects independently to another CPU working on other objects placed in an unrelated memory region.
Practical examples of optimizations considering Thread Affinity of Java objects are
Thread-Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs)
With TLABs, each object starts its lifetime in a memory region dedicated to the thread which created it. According to the main hypothesis behind generational garbage collectors (“the majority of all objects will die young”), most objects will spent their entire lifetime in such a thread local buffer.
Biased Locking
With Biased Locking, JVMs will perform locking operations with the optimistic assumption that the object will be locked by the same thread only, switching to a more expensive locking implementation only when this assumption does not hold.
To address the other end, fields which are known to be accessed by multiple threads, HotSpot/OpenJDK has an annotation, currently not part of a public API, to mark them, to direct the JVM to move these data away from the other, potentially unshared data.
Let me try explaining it. With the rise of multicore processors, message passing between threads & thread pooling, scheduling has become more costlier affair. Why this has become much heavier than before, for that we need to understand the concept of "mechanical sympathy". For details you can go through a blog on it. But in crude words, when threads are distributed across different cores of a processor, when they try to exchange messages; cache miss probability is high. Now coming to your specific question, thread affinity being able to assign specific threads to a particular processor/core. Here is one of the library for java that can be used for it.
The Java Thread Affinity version 1.4 library attempts to get the best of both worlds, by allowing you to reserve a logical thread for critical threads, and reserve a whole core for the most performance sensitive threads. Less critical threads will still run with the benefits of hyper threading. e.g. following code snippet
AffinityLock al = AffinityLock.acquireLock();
try {
// find a cpu on a different socket, otherwise a different core.
AffinityLock readerLock = al.acquireLock(DIFFERENT_SOCKET, DIFFERENT_CORE);
new Thread(new SleepRunnable(readerLock, false), "reader").start();
// find a cpu on the same core, or the same socket, or any free cpu.
AffinityLock writerLock = readerLock.acquireLock(SAME_CORE, SAME_SOCKET, ANY);
new Thread(new SleepRunnable(writerLock, false), "writer").start();
} finally {
// allocate a whole core to the engine so it doesn't have to compete for resources.
al = AffinityLock.acquireCore(false);
new Thread(new SleepRunnable(al, true), "engine").start();
System.out.println("\nThe assignment of CPUs is\n" + AffinityLock.dumpLocks());
Thread affinity (or process affinity) describes on which processor cores the thread/process is allowed to run. Normally, this setting is equal to the (logical) CPUs in your system, and there's hardly a reason for changing this, because the operating system then has the best possibilities to schedule your tasks among the available processors.
See i.e. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683213(v=vs.85).aspx for how this works in windows. I don't know whether java offers an API to set these.
I want to get the process ID of a Thread to see how much memory it takes.
It depends a lot on the OS and how it manages threads. Theoretically it also depends on how the JVM implements threads, but all modern JVMs implement them as native threads.
On Linux each thread will used to get its own process ID, but most tools hide all but one thread per process (i.e. you don't usually see them unless you explicitly ask for them, ps uses the -m flag for example). This is caused by the fact that the Linux kernel doesn't really make much of a difference between threads and tasks.
Edit: as I just learned this is no longer necessarily the case: you can create a thread with the exact same PID as the parent, in which case the threads will be distinguished by different thread IDs.
However since a thread shares its memory with all other threads in the same process, this doesn't help you find out "how much memory a thread takes", since all threads in a process will use the exact same amount (and they all use the same, so the real used memory is shown_memory_use and not shown_memory_user * number_of_threads).
Threads do not have PIDs, processes do. As such what you're asking is not possible. There is also no reliable way to retrieve your PID from within a Java process (although the first part of the value returned by ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName() usually is the PID).
As the name implies, PID means process ID. Each process can spawn multiple threads, which all share the same PID. Are you sure you don't mean Thread ID?
A feature of thread is that is shares the heap with all other threads. This means that any one thread can potentially use almost all the memory of the process. The only thing which a thread doesn't have access to is the stack or local variables of another thread.
As such it is not useful to try to determine how much memory an individual thread uses. Instead it can be useful to determine how much memory a data structure uses. (Although this can have similar difficulties)
It is worth noting that main memory is relatively cheap. Your situation may be different but a typical new server with 24 GB can cost as little as £1K. You can buy a 96 GB PC for around £2K. Sometimes it is not worth worrying about how much memory you are using until you know it is a problem.