How do you mock an output stream? - java

By 'output steam' i mean any object which receives a sequence of bytes, or characters or whatever. So,, but also,'s writeCharacters method, and so on.
I'm writing mock-based tests for a class whose main function is to write a stream of data to one of these (the XMLStreamWriter, as it happens).
The problem is that the stream of data is written in a series of calls to the write method, but what matters is not the calls, but the data. For example, given an XMLStreamWriter out, these:
out.writeCharacters("Hello, ");
Are equivalent to this:
out.writeCharacters("Hello, world!");
It really doesn't matter (for my purposes) which happens. There will be some particular sequence of calls, but i don't care what it is, so i don't want to write expectations for that particular sequence. I just want to expect a certain stream of data to be written any which way.
One option would be to switch to state-based testing. I could accumulate the data in a buffer, and make assertions about it. But because i'm writing XML, that would mean making some fairly complex and ugly assertions. Mocking seems a much better way of dealing with the larger problem of writing XML.
So how do i do this with a mock?
I'm using Moxie for mocking, but i'm interested in hearing about approaches with any mocking library.

A fairly elegant strategy to test output or input streams is to use PipedInputStream and PipedOutputStream classes. You can wire them together in the set up of the test, and then check what has been written after the target method is executed.
You can work the other direction preparing some input and then let the test read this prepared data from the input stream as well.
In your case, you could just mock that "out" variable with a PipedOutputStream, and plug a PipedInputStream to it this way:
private BufferedReader reader;
public void init() throws IOException {
PipedInputStream pipeInput = new PipedInputStream();
reader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(pipeInput));
BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(
new PipedOutputStream(pipeInput))));
//Here you will have to mock the output somehow inside your
//target object.
targetObject.setOutputStream (out);
public test() {
//Invoke the target method
//Check that the correct data has been written correctly in
//the output stream reading it from the plugged input stream
Assert.assertEquals("something you expects", reader.readLine());

I'll admit that I'm probably partial to using a ByteArrayOutputStream as the lowest level OutputStream, fetching the data after execution and peforming whatever assertions that are needed. (perhaps using SAX or other XML parser to read in the data and dive through the structure)
If you want to do this with a mock, I'll admit I'm somewhat partial to Mockito, and I think you could accomplish what you're looking to do with a custom Answer which when the user invokes writeCharacters on your mock, would simply append their argument to a Buffer, and then you can make assertions on it afterwards.
Here's what I have in my head (hand written, and haven't executed so syntax issues are to be expected :) )
public void myTest() {
final XMLStreamWriter mockWriter = Mockito.mock(XMLStreamWriter.class);
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
new Answer<Void>() {
Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
return null;
//... Inject the mock and do your test ...
Assert.assertEquals("Hello, world!",buffer.toString());

(Disclaimer: I'm the author of Moxie.)
I assume you want to do this using logic embedded in the mock so that calls that violate your expectation fail fast. Yes, this is possible - but not elegant/simple in any mocking library I know of. (In general mock libraries are good at testing the behavior of method calls in isolation/sequence, but poor at testing more complex interactions between calls over the lifecycle of the mock.) In this situation most people would build up a buffer as the other answers suggest - while it doesn't fail fast, the test code is simpler to implement/understand.
In the current version of Moxie, adding custom parameter-matching behavior on a mock means writing your own Hamcrest matcher. (JMock 2 and Mockito also let you use custom Hamcrest matchers; EasyMock lets you specify custom matchers that extend a similar IArgumentMatcher interface.)
You'll want a custom matcher that will verify that the string passed to writeCharacters forms the next part of the sequence of text you expect to be passed into that method over time, and which you can query at the end of the test to make sure it's received all of the expected input. An example test following this approach using Moxie is here:
I've reproduced the code below:
import moxie.Mock;
import moxie.Moxie;
import moxie.MoxieOptions;
import moxie.MoxieRule;
import moxie.MoxieUnexpectedInvocationError;
import org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher;
import org.hamcrest.Description;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
// Written in response to...
public class StackOverflow6392946Test {
private static class PiecewiseStringMatcher extends BaseMatcher<String> {
private final String toMatch;
private int pos = 0;
private PiecewiseStringMatcher(String toMatch) {
this.toMatch = toMatch;
public boolean matches(Object item) {
String itemAsString = (item == null) ? "" : item.toString();
if (!toMatch.substring(pos).startsWith(itemAsString)) {
return false;
pos += itemAsString.length();
return true;
public void describeTo(Description description) {
description.appendText("a series of strings which when concatenated form the string \"" + toMatch + '"');
public boolean hasMatchedEntirely() {
return pos == toMatch.length();
public MoxieRule moxie = new MoxieRule();
public XMLStreamWriter xmlStreamWriter;
// xmlStreamWriter gets invoked with strings which add up to "blah blah", so the test passes.
public void happyPathTest() throws XMLStreamException{
PiecewiseStringMatcher addsUpToBlahBlah = new PiecewiseStringMatcher("blah blah");
xmlStreamWriter.writeCharacters("blah ");
// xmlStreamWriter's parameters don't add up to "blah blah", so the test would fail without the catch clause.
// Also note that the final assert is false.
public void sadPathTest1() throws XMLStreamException{
// We've specified the deprecated IGNORE_BACKGROUND_FAILURES option as otherwise Moxie works very hard
// to ensure that unexpected invocations can't get silently swallowed (so this test will fail).
Moxie.reset(xmlStreamWriter, MoxieOptions.IGNORE_BACKGROUND_FAILURES);
PiecewiseStringMatcher addsUpToBlahBlah = new PiecewiseStringMatcher("blah blah");
xmlStreamWriter.writeCharacters("blah ");
try {
xmlStreamWriter.writeCharacters("boink");"above line should have thrown a MoxieUnexpectedInvocationError");
} catch (MoxieUnexpectedInvocationError e) {
// as expected
// In a normal test we'd assert true here.
// Here we assert false to verify that the behavior we're looking for has NOT occurred.
// xmlStreamWriter's parameters add up to "blah bl", so the mock itself doesn't fail.
// However the final assertion fails, as the matcher didn't see the entire string "blah blah".
public void sadPathTest2() throws XMLStreamException{
PiecewiseStringMatcher addsUpToBlahBlah = new PiecewiseStringMatcher("blah blah");
xmlStreamWriter.writeCharacters("blah ");
// In a normal test we'd assert true here.
// Here we assert false to verify that the behavior we're looking for has NOT occurred.


How to Create a JUnit Test of a List<Overview>

I am currently stuck trying to create a unit test for this piece of code I have. I honestly can't figure out at all how to create a unit test for these lines of code. I have looked multiple places online and couldn't find anything. Its probably just because I don't understand unit test so I can't figure out how to create this one but could someone help me please?
public List<Overview> findOverviewByStatus(String status) throws CustomMongoException {
List<Overview> scenarioList = new ArrayList<Overview>();"Getting Scenario Summary Data for - {}", status);
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("status").is(status));
if (mongoTemplate == null)
throw new CustomMongoException("Connection issue - Try again in a few minutes",
HttpStatus.FAILED_DEPENDENCY);"Running Query - {}", query);
scenarioList = mongoTemplate.find(query.with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "lastUpdatedDate")), Overview.class);
return scenarioList;
So you want to unit test the method. Start with pretending you don't know what the code looks like (black box testing).
What happens if you call it with status of null, and then status of empty string?
What are some status string that return expected values?
Add all these as asserts to your test method to make sure that if someone changes this method in the future the unit test makes sure that it returns the expected result.
That is all a unit test usually does, makes sure that the code behaves in a predictable way and safeguard against change that violates a contract you created for the method when you wrote it.
For example:
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class MyObjectTest {
public void testMyObjectMethod() {
// Create the object that contains your method (not in the sample you provided)
MyObjectToTest obj = new MyObjectToTest();
// Check that for a null status you get some result (assuming you want this)
// Lets assume that a null status returns an empty array, add a check for it
Assert.assertTrue("null parameter size should be 0", obj.findOverviewByStatus(null).size() == 0);

designing classes for other developers to use in java

class CSVReader {
private List<String> output;
private InputStream input;
public CSVReader(InputStream input) {
this.input = input;
public void read() throws Exception{
//do something with the inputstream
// create output list.
public List<String> getOutput() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(output);
I am trying to create a simple class which will be part of a library. I would like to create code that satisfies the following conditions:
handles all potential errors or wraps them into library errors and
throws them.
creates meaningful and complete object states (no incomplete object structures).
easy to utilize by developers using the library
Now, when I evaluated the code above, against the goals, I realized that I failed badly. A developer using this code would have to write something like this -
CSVReader reader = new CVSReader(new FileInputStream("test.csv");;
I see the following issues straight away -
- developer has to call read first before getOutput. There is no way for him to know this intuitively and this is probably bad design.
So, I decided to fix the code and write something like this
public List<String> getOutput() throws IOException{
return Collections.unmodifiableList(output);
OR this
public List<String> getOutput() {
throw new IncompleteStateException("invoke read before getoutput()");
return Collections.unmodifiableList(output);
OR this
public CSVReader(InputStream input) {
read(); //throw runtime exception
OR this
public List<String> read() throws IOException {
//read and create output list.
// return list
What is a good way to achieve my goals? Should the object state be always well defined? - there is never a state where "output" is not defined, so I should create the output as part of constructor? Or should the class ensure that a created instance is always valid, by calling "read" whenever it finds that "output" is not defined and just throw a runtime exception? What is a good approach/ best practice here?
I would make read() private and have getOutput() call it as an implementation detail. If the point of exposing read() is to lazy-load the file, you can do that with exposing getOutput only
public List<String> getOutput() {
if (output == null) {
try {
output = read();
} catch (IOException) {
//here you either wrap into your own exception and then declare it in the signature of getOutput, or just not catch it and make getOutput `throws IOException`
return Collections.unmodifiableList(output);
The advantage of this is that the interface of your class is very trivial: you give me an input (via constructor) I give you an output (via getOutput), no magic order of calls while preserving lazy-loading which is nice if the file is big.
Another advantage of removing read from the public API is that you can go from lazy-loading to eager-loading and viceversa without affecting your clients. If you expose read you have to account for it being called in all possible states of your object (before it's loaded, while it's already running, after it already loaded). In short, always expose the least possible
So to address your specific questions:
Yes, the object state should always be well-defined. Your point of not knowing that an external call on read by the client class is needed is indeed a design smell
Yes, you could call read in the constructor and eagerly load everything upfront. Deciding to lazy-load or not is an implementation detail dependent on your context, it should not matter to a client of your class
Throwing an exception if read has not been called puts again the burden to calling things in the right, implicit order on the client, which is unnecessary due to your comment that output is never really undefined so the implementation itself can make the risk-free decision of when to call read
I would suggest you make your class as small as possible, dropping the getOutput() method all together.
The idea is to have a class that reads a CSV file and returns a list, representing the result. To achieve this, you can expose a single read() method, that will return a List<String>.
Something like:
public class CSVReader {
private final InputStream input;
public CSVReader(String filename) {
this.input = new FileInputStream(filename);
public List<String> read() {
// perform the actual reading here
You have a well defined class, a small interface to maintain and the instances of CSVReader are immutable.
Have getOutput check if it is null (or out of date) and load it in automatically if it is. This allows for a user of your class to not have to care about internal state of the class's file management.
However, you may also want to expose a read function so that the user can chose to load in the file when it is convenient. If you make the class for a concurrent environment, I would recommend doing so.
The first approach takes away some flexibility from the API: before the change the user could call read() in a context where an exception is expected, and then call getOutput() exception-free as many times as he pleases. Your change forces the user to catch a checked exception in contexts where it wasn't necessary before.
The second approach is how it should have been done in the first place: since calling read() is a prerequisite of calling getOutput(), it is a responsibility of your class to "catch" your users when they "forget" to make a call to read().
The third approach hides IOException, which may be a legitimate exception to catch. There is no way to let the user know if the exception is going to be thrown or not, which is a bad practice when designing runtime exceptions.
The root cause of your problem is that the class has two orthogonal responsibilities:
Reading a CSV, and
Storing the result of a read for later use.
If you separate these two responsibilities from each other, you would end up with a cleaner design, in which the users would have no confusion over what they must call, and in what order:
interface CSVData {
List<String> getOutput();
class CSVReader {
public static CSVData read(InputStream input) throws IOException {
You could combine the two into a single class with a factory method:
class CSVData {
private CSVData() { // No user instantiation
// Getting data is exception-free
public List<String> getOutput() {
// Creating instances requires a factory call
public static CSVData read(InputStream input) throws IOException {

How can I verify that one of two methods was called using Mockito?

Suppose I have a class with two methods where I don't care which is called...
public class Foo {
public String getProperty(String key) {
return getProperty(key, null);
public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
Both the below (from another class, still in my application) should pass my test:
public void thisShouldPass(String key) {
// ...
String theValue = foo.getProperty(key, "blah");
// ...
public void thisShouldAlsoPass(String key) {
// ...
String theValue = foo.getProperty(key);
if (theValue == null) {
theValue = "blah";
// ...
I don't care which was called, I just want one of the two variants to be called.
In Mockito, I can generally do things like this:
Mockito.verify(foo, atLeastOnce()).getProperty(anyString());
Mockito.verify(foo, atLeastOnce()).getProperty(anyString(), anyString());
Is there a native way to say "verify either one or the other occurred at least once"?
Or do I have to do something as crude as:
try {
Mockito.verify(foo, atLeastOnce()).getProperty(anyString());
} catch (AssertionError e) {
Mockito.verify(foo, atLeastOnce()).getProperty(anyString(), anyString());
You could use atLeast(0) in combination with ArgumentCaptor:
ArgumentCaptor<String> propertyKeyCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
Mockito.verify(foo, atLeast(0)).getProperty(propertyKeyCaptor.capture(), anyString());
ArgumentCaptor<String> propertyKeyCaptor2 = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
Mockito.verify(foo, atLeast(0)).getProperty(propertyKeyCaptor2.capture());
List<String> propertyKeyValues = propertyKeyCaptor.getAllValues();
List<String> propertyKeyValues2 = propertyKeyCaptor2.getAllValues();
assertTrue(!propertyKeyValues.isEmpty() || !propertyKeyValues2.isEmpty()); //JUnit assert -- modify for whatever testing framework you're using
Generally, if you're calling verify on a "getter" of any sort, you're assuming too much about the implementation. Mockito is generally designed for flexible tests (compared to "brittle" test that need to change even if the code is correct); your test should care more about whether the value is correct as opposed to which methods were used to get that value. A better solution might be to stub both getters to return a predictable value, and then use a normal assertion against the same value to ensure it plumbs through to the correct place.
when(mockFoo.getProperty("bar")).thenReturn("bar value");
when(mockFoo.getProperty("bar", anyString())).thenReturn("bar value");
// ...
assertEquals("bar value", new SystemUnderTest(mockFoo).getBarProperty());
Mockito's documentation spells this out:
Although it is possible to verify a stubbed invocation, usually it's just redundant. Let's say you've stubbed If your code cares what returns then something else breaks (often before even verify() gets executed). If your code doesn't care what get(0) returns then it should not be stubbed.
That said, if this is a pattern you're required to support (or a method call with both overloads and side-effects) you can get a lot of information via Mockito.mockingDetails and MockingDetails.getInvocations, including invocations as of Mockito 1.10.0. You would need to loop through the Invocation objects to check against multiple methods.
boolean found = false;
Method method1 = Foo.class.getMethod("getProperty", String.class);
Method method2 = Foo.class.getMethod("getProperty", String.class, String.class);
for (Invocation invocation : Mockito.mockingDetails(foo).getInvocations()) {
if (method1.equals(invocation.getMethod())
|| method2.equals(invocation.getMethod()) {
found = true;
assertTrue("getProperty was not invoked", found);
Note that this second solution is a little dangerous, as it does not benefit from automatic refactoring tools built into IDEs, and may be harder to read than some other solutions. (The above may also be missing calls to isIgnoredForVerification, markVerified, and other niceties.) However, if you foresee needing this frequently across a large codebase, then using Mockito's built-in APIs may afford you much more flexibility than you would have otherwise.
In your particular case, getProperty(String) calls getProperty(String, String) internally.
public String getProperty(String key) {
* getProperty(String, String) is called anyway.
* Why not simply verify the occurrence of that?
return getProperty(key, null);
Simply verifying the second method would be equivalent to verifying the occurrence of either one or the other at least once.
Mockito.verify(foo, atLeastOnce()).getProperty(anyString(), anyString());

How do I run the same JUnit test multiple times with different test data each time?

I am just getting started with unit testing. I did the junit tutorial from a pdf from the tutorial points website. So my question is, I want to test my shunting yard algorithm and my RPNEvaluator.
The constructors (and any other variables to help you out with the context) look like this:
private ArrayList<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
public ShuntingYard(ArrayList<String> tokens) {
this.tokens = tokens;
private Queue<String> polishExpression;
public RPNEvaluator(Queue<String> exp) {
polishExpression = exp;
} has a method called toRpn() which will take an ArrayList and return a Queue after some processing.
RPNEvaluator has a method called evaluate which will take a Queue type and return a double after some processing.
With Junit I am trying to write some unit tests and I wanted to know if this start was the best way to go about it:
package testSuite;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class ExpressionEvaluationTest {
* Initialise the lists to be used
public void beforeTest() {
ArrayList<String> exprOne = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> exprTwo = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> exprThree = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> exprFour = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> exprFive = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> exprSix = new ArrayList<String>();
public void test() {
I was going to put this in the before() method:
ShuntingYard sy = new ShuntingYard(/arraylist here/);
And then in the test, pass the lists to the algorithm. My question is that I think I am going the long way around it, would it be better to have a parameterised annotation and pass those lists as a list of parameters?
and a further question: if a test for any of the ArrayLists passes then I am sure I can execute a subsequent test to the RPNEvaluator evaluate method. I hope I haven't been ambiguous.
Help would be very much appreciated.
I would come at it a little differently. Instead of just creating several sets of test data and calling the same test each time break it up in to something meaningful. Instead of writing one test called test() write several separate tests for each aspect of ShuntingYard. For example:
#Test public void
ArrayList<String> divideByZeroExpression = Arrays.asList("5", "0", "/");
// Add code to call your method with this data here
// Add code to verify your results here
#Test public void
ArrayList<String> simpleAdditionExpression = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "+");
// Add code to call your method with this data here
// Add code to verify your results here
and so on. This will make your JUnit output much easier to read. When there's a failure you know that it failed while trying to add, or it failed while trying to evaluate an expression that would cause a divide by zero, etc. Doing it the way you have it in the original you'd only know that it failed in the test() method.
Each of the tests here does 3 things:
Arranges the test data
Performs some action with that data
Asserts that the results of the action are as expected
This Arrange, Assert, Act idiom is very common in automated testing. You may also see it called Given, When, Then as in, "Given these conditions, when I call this method, then I should get this result".
Try to get out of the mindset of writing one test to test an entire class or method. Write a test to test one part of a method. Consider this class:
public class Adder {
public int addOneTo(int someNumber) {
return someNumber + 1;
You might end up with a test suite that looks like:
#Test public void
int numberToAddTo = 1;
int result = new Adder().addOneTo(numberToAddTo);
assertEquals("One plus one is two", 2, result);
#Test(expected="NullPointerException.class") public void
new Adder().addOneTo((Integer)null);
#Test public void
int result = new Adder().addOneTo(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// do whatever here to make sure it worked correctly
And so on.
The advise from Mike B is very good, try to separate your test thinking in one test per behavior/functionality.
For make your test more readable i probably write a static constructor for the class ShuntingYard that receives a string, then you can write:
ShuntingYard addition = ShuntingYard.createFromExpresion("2+2");
assertThat(addition.getRpn().evaluate(), is(4));
you can refactor a little more and ends with something like that:
assertThat(evaluate("2+2"), is(4))
That is easy to understand an and easy to read, and in addition write more test with diferent scenarios its one-line of code.
Other option its to write parametrized test, one example:, but in my opinion are really ugly. This test are normally called "data driven test" and are used when you want to test the same code with different input values.
For this data-driven test a much better option its to use something like spock, a groovy framework for testing that allows you to write incredible semantic test, and of course you can use for testing java code, check this out:

Verifying partially ordered method invocations in JMockit

I'm trying to write a unit test (using JMockit) that verifies that methods are called according to a partial order. The specific use case is ensuring that certain operations are called inside a transaction, but more generally I want to verify something like this:
Method beginTransaction is called.
Methods operation1 through to operationN are called in any order.
Method endTransaction is called.
Method someOtherOperation is called some time before, during or after the transaction.
The Expectations and Verifications APIs don't seem to be able to handle this requirement.
If I have a #Mocked BusinessObject bo I can verify that the right methods are called (in any order) with this:
new Verifications() {{
optionally making it a FullVerifications to check that there are no other side-effects.
To check the ordering constraints I can do something like this:
new VerificationsInOrder() {{
but this does not handle the someOtherOperation case. I can't replace the unverifiedInvocations with bo.operation1(); bo.operation2() because that puts a total ordering on the invocations. A correct implementation of the business method could call bo.operation2(); bo.operation1().
If I make it:
new VerificationsInOrder() {{
then I get a "No unverified invocations left" failure when someOtherOperation is called before the transaction. Trying bo.someOtherOperation(); minTimes = 0 also doesn't work.
So: Is there a clean way to specify partial ordering requirements on method calls using the Expectations/Verifications API in JMockIt? Or do I have to use a MockClass and manually keep track of invocations, a la:
#MockClass(realClass = BusinessObject.class)
public class MockBO {
private boolean op1Called = false;
private boolean op2Called = false;
private boolean beginCalled = false;
#Mock(invocations = 1)
public void operation1() {
op1Called = true;
#Mock(invocations = 1)
public void operation2() {
op2Called = true;
#Mock(invocations = 1)
public void someOtherOperation() {}
#Mock(invocations = 1)
public void beginTransaction() {
beginCalled = true;
#Mock(invocations = 1)
public void endTransaction() {
if you really need such test then: don't use mocking library but create your own mock with state inside that can simply check the correct order of methods.
but testing order of invocations is usually a bad sign. my advice would be: don't test it, refactor. you should test your logic and results rather than a sequence of invocations. check if side effects are correct (database content, services interaction etc). if you test the sequence then your test is basically exact copy of your production code. so what's the added value of such test? and such test is also very fragile (as any duplication).
maybe you should make your code looks like that:
From my usage of jmockit, I believe the answer is no even in the latest version 1.49.
You can implement this type of advanced verification using a MockUp extension with some internal fields to keep track of which functions get called, when, and in what order.
For example, I implemented a simple MockUp to track method call counts. The purpose of this example is real, for where the Verifications and Expectations times fields did not work when mocking a ThreadGroup (useful for other sensitive types as well):
public class CalledCheckMockUp<T> extends MockUp<T>
private Map<String, Boolean> calledMap = Maps.newHashMap();
private Map<String, AtomicInteger> calledCountMap = Maps.newHashMap();
public void markAsCalled(String methodCalled)
if (methodCalled == null)
Log.logWarning("Caller attempted to mark a method string" +
" that is null as called, this is surely" +
" either a logic error or an unhandled edge" +
" case.");
calledMap.put(methodCalled, Boolean.TRUE);
calledCountMap.putIfAbsent(methodCalled, new AtomicInteger()).
public int methodCallCount(String method)
return calledCountMap.putIfAbsent(method, new AtomicInteger()).get();
public boolean wasMethodCalled(String method)
if (method == null)
Log.logWarning("Caller attempted to mark a method string" +
" that is null as called, this is surely" +
" either a logic error or an unhandled edge" +
" case.");
return false;
return calledMap.containsKey(method) ? calledMap.get(method) :
With usage like the following, where cut1 is a dynamic proxy type that wraps an actual ThreadGroup:
String methodId = "activeCount";
CalledCheckMockUp<ThreadGroup> calledChecker = new CalledCheckMockUp<ThreadGroup>()
public int activeCount()
return active;
. . .
int callCount = 0;
int activeCount = cut1.activeCount();
callCount += 1;
Assertions.assertEquals(callCount, calledChecker.methodCallCount(methodId));
I know question is old and this example doesn't fit OP's use case exactly, but hoping it may help guide others to a potential solution that come looking (or the OP, god-forbid this is still unsolved for an important use case, which is unlikely).
Given the complexity of what OP is trying to do, it may help to override the $advice method in your custom MockUp to ease differentiating and recording method calls. Docs here: Applying AOP-style advice.
