I have one application providing language selection option to user.
I want to implement facility that user are allowed to entering text from keyboard in selected language. e.g. If i select Hindi my application takes an input in Hindi.
I am using JSF(icefaces) and Hibernate.
Is it possible ? How ?
use language translation javascript function on onkeyup event
you need to include external JS for this as http://www.google.com/jsapi..
please refer this for your reference
may this help u :)
Everything is possible. The question is "how much is this?"
Go to translate.google.com and see that they are able to detect writing language automatically. if you are able to do so send the text typed by user using AJAX to server and validate that the text is written in chosen language.
But language detection is not so simple task. It is simple if language uses its unique script. For example Georgian language (as far as I know) uses its own script and no other languages use the same script. You cannot say the same about European languages: they all use Latin letters. In this case more sophisticated methods are required and google does it. BTW You can probably utilize this tranlate.google facility (if they have API). Send typed text to google using AJAX and see which language does it detect. It is not 100% correct but much better that everyone of us can implement himself.
I am writing on a Note App (Android and REST API built with PHP/Slim 3). I am wondering if there is something else than Markdown to save notes to a readable and interchangeable format. The problem with Markdown for me is that there is no solution to style texts (e.g. colored text). It is also hard to extend Markdown with custom attributes.
I am already thinking of creating an own data format (or using XML). But this means a lot of work for parsing it. I like the idea of using a standard format to interchange it between client/server and between other applications. But the featureset of Markdown is very limited (by design for sure).
Do you have any tips on this topic?
This question verges on overly-broad, i.e. it may lead to an argument over technologies rather than a "this is the solution" situation.
That being said, here's an answer I think won't be controversial: when you say
"readable, interchangeable format... solution to style texts... custom attributes"
I think HTML. I don't recommend trying to roll-your-own format, because 1.) you are correct that it will be difficult and 2.) it will be even more difficult to match the feature sets of existing solutions
To sum it up: I like the idea of using HTML instead of Markdown. It is an open standard format and exchangable as well as human-readable.
The problem I see with all of these solutions: How to write a WYSIWYG-Editor with this in mind? I am already working with Markdown using the Markwon library: https://github.com/noties/Markwon
It is no problem to write Markdown in an Android EditText widget and render it. You can easily convert it back to plaintext (you can save it). It is much more complicated to get a WYSIWYG experience. You have to deal with every User input, writing in a second file or string which contains the Markup while the user just sees the rendered result. The user can edit/delete anything anywhere in the EditText and you have to take care that those changes will affect the Markdown String/File too. I didn't find an easy solution for this.
The easiest way would be to somehow parse the content of the EditText back to Markdown. But there is no getSpannables-method or alike for the EditText widget. I am thinking of looping through the EditText and see what character is there and how it's formatted. But I think this will have disadvantages too, because there are other things like bulleted lists and checkboxes..
i want to use the suggestion feature of MarkLogic database in conjunction with the Java Client API.
The problem with that is, to do a suggest call i need a field or something that serves as a suggestion source. The next step is to create query options that reference this suggestion source. The last step is to call:
SuggestionDefinition def = marklogicClient.newQueryManager().newSuggestionDefinition();
//setup lang?
The question is: How to switch language?
If my frontend can be switched between german and english, then i have to switch the search/suggest language. In order to do this i have to switch the collation but how?
The query options are static after upload, containing something like:
<word collation="http://marklogic.com/collation/de">
<field name="my-suggest" />
Perhaps you are looking for the use of dynamic query options as defined in the java API documentation:
Furthermore, you can also register more than one query option file and use one for each language.
The solution comes through two possible (and practical) ideas:
Either create more than one query options file per language as suggested (and additional indexes per language) or just ignore the problem!
If the field behind the suggestion (the source) points to elements that are tagged with different xml:lang attributes, than a suggest call with say "books" will return only english suggestions and a call with the german "Bücher" will return only german suggestions.
The only exception is if there is german text in an english tagged element. This could lead to false positives.
Additional thought: Searching through suggestions like "books" and setting the search language to german will return nothing.
Conclusion: Searching under a specific language is a complex topic. It really depends on how the user want to search and how the application works.
P.S: I used the second solution to just ignore the problem for now.
First of all, I'm not a programming expert. I'm fluent in VB, functional with html & php, & somewhat fluent with java.
I have created a password protected side of my business' website that basically has commonly needed reference material & alot of organized links to other websites that we frequently use. Right now, if I want to add a new link, I have to go into the html and code the button. (side note: bookmark syncronization via xMarks is what we have been using. While it's functional, I need something that can be more easily accessed on multiple computers, sometimes even public computers & computers owned by clients, so I don't want to be limited by xMarks...we basically store URLs in notes on our smartphones so we can type them in when we need them...archaic, I know)
It seems that it would be possible to simply have a form. One field for the URL, one field for the title, and when I click submit it would be permanently added as a button on that page...but I can't even really figure out where to start. I feel like this is probably a job for Java, but I just don't know what direction to go.
You don't have to write the code for me (by all means, if you have the desire, feel free) I just need to know what direction to go!
This is a job for "any programming language" (that is supported by your server, or which you are willing to add support for to your server).
Of your tags, you could use Java or PHP. My personal preference would probably be to Perl or Python.
The basics would be:
HTML form submitting to a server side program that adds the data to a database. For a low traffic system like that, that database could be SQLite.
Plus: Server side program that generates a list of links from the database. It would query the database for all the links (possibly adding paging when the list got to a certain size) then loop over the results and output the HTML for each one.
Using a template language inside your programming language would be wise. Make sure you look up how to defend yourself from SQL Injection and XSS.
This can be easily done using PHP
Say I allow the user to edit something, like the phone number in an Address Book (actually, that's exactly what I'm doing). Is there something that I can add to println that will allow me to insert a variable to display as fully editable text? The assignment that I'm doing this for doesn't actually call for this, but I think it would be cool to have. I'm looking on Google but can't find anything, then again I don't really know what I'm looking for and whether or not I have the correct terms in mind ...
No, not using only what Java provides in the framework. Editing some text would require to
act on key press, which is not possible as in Java the input is buffered (i.e., wait for Enter to be pressed)
to move around in the text you output, which is also not possible
This could be done using some native code (ncurse on linux, ...), using JNI or JNA, but not that easily.
Note that there are some projects that aim to add those functionalities, so if you can use something outside of the core libraries, you could give them a tries... for instance http://code.google.com/p/java-console-api/
There are various options for this, in order of simplicity and portability to features and complexity:
Simply prompt for the information, reading a complete (return-terminated) line of response, and allow the normal terminal input facilities to be used for basic editing.
Use something like the gnu readline library to allow more advanced editing. You still won't have widgets (text input boxes at specific places on screen) as such though. There's a java implementation here: http://java-readline.sourceforge.net/
Use something like ncurses to specifically position the cursor, print text labels, handle keypresses, and implement your own text input box. Not fun.
Use a textual user interface library (TUI), like this one: http://www.bmsi.com/tuipeer/
If you opened a window that looks like the console window, and could react to keypress events, then you could do what you are asking, but, otherwise, if you are just running a program, the program will have ceased executing and returned control to your console, so it can't do anything else.
But, if you use a scriptable version of java you could write your own shell, and then you could do what you are asking, as the shell would not cease executing.
But, that will probably be beyond your course.
Say I allow the user to edit something, like the phone number in an Address Book (actually, that's exactly what I'm doing). Is there something that I can add to println that will allow me to insert a variable to display as fully editable text? The assignment that I'm doing this for doesn't actually call for this, but I think it would be cool to have. I'm looking on Google but can't find anything, then again I don't really know what I'm looking for and whether or not I have the correct terms in mind ...
No, not using only what Java provides in the framework. Editing some text would require to
act on key press, which is not possible as in Java the input is buffered (i.e., wait for Enter to be pressed)
to move around in the text you output, which is also not possible
This could be done using some native code (ncurse on linux, ...), using JNI or JNA, but not that easily.
Note that there are some projects that aim to add those functionalities, so if you can use something outside of the core libraries, you could give them a tries... for instance http://code.google.com/p/java-console-api/
There are various options for this, in order of simplicity and portability to features and complexity:
Simply prompt for the information, reading a complete (return-terminated) line of response, and allow the normal terminal input facilities to be used for basic editing.
Use something like the gnu readline library to allow more advanced editing. You still won't have widgets (text input boxes at specific places on screen) as such though. There's a java implementation here: http://java-readline.sourceforge.net/
Use something like ncurses to specifically position the cursor, print text labels, handle keypresses, and implement your own text input box. Not fun.
Use a textual user interface library (TUI), like this one: http://www.bmsi.com/tuipeer/
If you opened a window that looks like the console window, and could react to keypress events, then you could do what you are asking, but, otherwise, if you are just running a program, the program will have ceased executing and returned control to your console, so it can't do anything else.
But, if you use a scriptable version of java you could write your own shell, and then you could do what you are asking, as the shell would not cease executing.
But, that will probably be beyond your course.