I'm making my first game using Java on Android. I need to draw a lot of pixels which together should create a line. My first approach was to make a large array of booleans, create a loop, and draw a pixel when the associated boolean was true.
It wasn't a good idea of course (the array is about 200x300). Now I remember only the position of the first pixel of the line, and every next pixel has to remember his follower. It works pretty well, but when the line gets longer (but still not very long), the efficiency is bad (<20 fps after 4000 frames).
This is the function that I use to draw a line (only one for now). Can anybody help me improve its efficiency?
public void drawLine(Canvas canvas, int beginx, int beginy) {
Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
int x = beginx;
int y = beginy;
while(C.mGrid[x][y].nx != -1) {
//canvas.drawLine(x, y, C.mGrid[x][y].nx, C.mGrid[x][y].ny, paint);
canvas.drawPoint(x, y, paint);
Grid temp = C.mGrid[x][y];
if ((C.mGrid[x][y].nx == x) && (C.mGrid[x][y].ny == y)) break;
x = temp.nx;
y = temp.ny;
and Grid.java:
package com.qwak.achtung;
public float x = 0,y = 0;
public int px = -1, py = -1, nx = -1, ny = -1;
public Grid(float x, float y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public void set(int px, int py, int nx, int ny) {
this.px = px;
this.py = py;
this.nx = nx;
this.ny = ny;
public void setp(int px, int py) {
this.px = px;
this.py = py;
public void setn(int nx, int ny) {
this.nx = nx;
this.ny = ny;
PS: It looks like this http://c.wrzuta.pl/wi10559/11f7d10b00110e504e25ebd3/0/andek 14 is fps (on my phone (samsung Spica) it run better - 40 but after a while it decreases to 20 and even less) and 983 is number of frames at all.
There is a drawLine method in the canvas object.
Use the example here: How to draw a line in android
canvas.drawLine(0, 0, 20, 20, paint);
If you want to draw a curve. Find the function of the curve. A Parabola for example is x=y^2. You can get points from the curve: 1 = 1, 2 = 4, 3 = 9, 4 = 16... etc.. If your drawing pixel by pixel you can plug in your x and get your y and draw it.
Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
for(int i = beginx; i < CanvasWidth; i++)
int x = i;
int y = i * i; //x=y^2
canvas.drawPoint(x, y, paint);
To keep a record of points that were visited you could do the following:
class Point
int x;
int y;
List<Point> points = new List<Point>();
onMove(int newX, int newY)
Point p = new Point();
p.x = newX;
p.y = newY;
for(Point p : points)
canvas.drawPoint(p.x, p.y, paint);
You want to look into the bresenham algorithm. A bresenham algorithm is a method to draw or rasterize a line. It's a bit different from the subdivision of a grid in a certain angle for example a morton-curve. It's a bit like compute the scalar product for every angle like recall here Traversing a 2D array in an angle.
I'm drawing arrows using Java and I can draw them straight but now I need to have the arrows pointing in different directions.
In my current code, I draw a triangle and then a square.
Is there a way to group the two after they've been drawn and then rotate them at a random angle?
Right now I'm only able to rotate the triangle and square separately, causing some messy thing.
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
void draw() {
float r = random(24, 64);
if (frameCount == 100) {
void drawArrow(float r){
float base = r * 2;
float xStart = random(1, width-base - 1);
float xEnd = xStart + base;
float k = 0.5 * base;
float y = random(k, width-k);
float middleBase = base/2 + xStart;
float rectSide = 0.5 * base;
float rectX1 = middleBase - rectSide/2;
float rectX2 = middleBase + rectSide/2;
triangle(xStart, y, xEnd, y, middleBase, y - k);
rect(rectX1, y, rectSide, rectSide);
not sure if this exactly what you mean but here is how to move things around
push and pop matrix allows you to organize things that should have the same translations
basic example
pushMatrix();//start of new translation and rotation things
translate(xAmount,yAmount);//this moves the origin
rotate(angle);//this rotates around origin
//drawing around the point of rotation 0,0 here
popMatrix();//reset all translations and rotations to before
I just need to get this code working. I know it's not good form or very efficient but I just need it to draw the Sierpinski's Triangle, recursively. It reaches the first recursive call, but never gets past it and only draws part of the triangle. I know I'm being stupid and the answer will be obvious but I haven't coded in a long time. Thank you for any help!
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class recursiveTriangle18 extends JApplet
private final int APPLET_WIDTH = 800;
private final int APPLET_HEIGHT = 800;
//x is accross and y is down
point 1 - Right A x[0],y[0] (720,600)
point 2 - Left B x[1],y[1]
point 3 - Top C x[2],y[2]
point 4 draws back to point 1 to complete triangle
*/ private int[] xPos = {720, 80, 400, 720};
private int[] yPos = {600, 600, 40, 600};
// Sets up the basic applet environment.
public void init()
setBackground (Color.white);
// Draws a rocket using polygons and polylines.
public void paint (Graphics page)
page.setColor (Color.BLUE);
page.drawPolyline (xPos, yPos, xPos.length);
Triangle(xPos,yPos, 0, page);
}//end of paint
public void Triangle(int[] xPos, int[] yPos, int flag, Graphics page)
//Find the distance between 2 points ex. - x,y & x1,y1
int x = xPos[0];
int x1 = xPos[1];
int x2 = xPos[2];
int x3 = xPos[3];
int y = yPos[0];
int y1 = yPos[1];
int y2 = yPos[2];
int y3 = yPos[3];
double dist = Math.sqrt((x-x1)*(x-x1) + (y-y1)*(y-y1));
//find the mid points of each line segment
while (dist >= 100){
int midpointx = ((x+x1)/2);
int midpointy = ((y+y1)/2);
int midpointx1 = ((x1+x2)/2);
int midpointy1 = ((y1+y2)/2);
int midpointx2 = ((x2+x3)/2);
int midpointy2 = ((y2+y3)/2);
//make the x and y array (3 points + first point to finish triangle)
//create x,y Array using the midpoints you calculated
int [] xpoints = {midpointx2, midpointx, midpointx2};
int [] ypoints = {midpointy2,y, midpointy, midpointy2};
int [] xpoints1 = {midpointx, midpointx1, x1, midpointx};
int [] ypoints1 = {midpointy, midpointy1, y1, midpointy};
int [] xpoints2 = {midpointx1, midpointx2,x2,midpointx1};
int [] ypoints2 = {midpointy1, midpointy2,y2,midpointy1};
page.drawPolyline(xpoints1, ypoints1, xpoints1.length);
page.drawPolyline(xpoints2, ypoints2, xpoints2.length);
page.drawPolyline(xpoints, ypoints, xpoints.length);
//if the segment/distance is 300 or so, good length to stop
// Recursive calls for each section of triangle
Triangle(xpoints, ypoints, flag, page);
Triangle(xpoints2, ypoints2, flag, page); // how to get here?
Triangle(xpoints1, ypoints1, flag, page);
//end of Triangle
Triangle(xpoints, ypoints, flag, page);
Triangle(xpoints2, ypoints2, flag, page); // how to get here?
Every Triangle call is making another call to Triangle, so it's an infinite recursion that never returns. You need an if (stop condition) block around the recursive calls to tell it when to stop recursing.
There's also another issue:
double dist = Math.sqrt((x-x1)*(x-x1) + (y-y1)*(y-y1));
//find the mid points of each line segment
while (dist >= 100){
You never update the value of dist, so this is an infinite loop.
There are balls in my app that just fly through display. They draws as I want. But now I want to draw the trail behind them.
All I could make is just drawing by canvas.drawPath something like following picture:
But it is not what I want. It should have pointed tail and gradient color like this:
I have no idea how to make it. Tried BitmapShader - couldn't make something right. Help, please.
First of all, there is Point class for position on display:
class Point {
float x, y;
And trail is stored as queue of Point:
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Point> trail;
It doesn't matter how it fills, just know it has size limit:
if(trail.size() > TRAIL_MAX_COUNT) {
And drawing happened in DrawTrail method:
private void DrawTrail(Canvas canvas) {
boolean isFirst = true;
for(Point p : trail) {
if(isFirst) {
trailPath.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
isFirst = false;
} else {
trailPath.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
canvas.drawPath(trailPath, trailPaint);
By the way, trailPaint is just really fat paint :)
trailPaint = new Paint();
trailPaint.setStrokeWidth(radius * 2);
I see you want to see a gradient on the ball path, you could use something like this
int x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 40;
Shader shader = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 40, Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK, TileMode.CLAMP);
trailPaint = new Paint();
This is what you should change your trailPaint to and see if it works.
provided from here.
I found solution. But still think it is not the best one.
First of all there are my class fields used for that task.
static final int TRAIL_MAX_COUNT = 50; //maximum trail array size
static final int TRAIL_DRAW_POINT = 30; //number of points to split the trail for draw
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Point> trail;
private Paint[] trailPaints;
private float[][] trailPoss, trailTans;
private Path trailPath;
Additionally to trailPath object I used PathMeasure object to split path to multiple equal parts.
After filling trail array object added call of trail calculating function.
lastTrailAdd = now;
if (trail.size() > TRAIL_MAX_COUNT) {
Then my FillTrail function.
private void FillTrail() {
boolean isFirst = true;
for(Point p : trail) {
if(isFirst) {
trailPath.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
trailPoss[0][0] = p.x;
trailPoss[0][1] = p.y;
isFirst = false;
} else {
trailPath.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
PathMeasure path = new PathMeasure(trailPath, false);
float step = path.getLength() / TRAIL_DRAW_POINT;
for(int i=0; i<TRAIL_DRAW_POINT; i++) {
path.getPosTan(step * i, trailPoss[i], trailTans[i]);
It separated from drawing thread. Next code is drawing function.
private void DrawTrail(Canvas canvas) {
if(trail.size() > 1) {
float prevWidthHalfX = 0f, prevWidthHalfY = 0f, prevX = 0f, prevY = 0f;
Path trailStepRect = new Path();
boolean isFirst = true;
for (int i = 0; i < TRAIL_DRAW_POINT; i++) {
float currWidthHalf = (float) (radius) * i / TRAIL_DRAW_POINT / 2f,
currWidthHalfX = currWidthHalf * trailTans[i][1],
currWidthHalfY = currWidthHalf * trailTans[i][0],
currX = trailPoss[i][0], currY = trailPoss[i][1];
if (!isFirst) {
trailStepRect.moveTo(prevX - prevWidthHalfX, prevY + prevWidthHalfY);
trailStepRect.lineTo(prevX + prevWidthHalfX, prevY - prevWidthHalfY);
trailStepRect.lineTo(currX + currWidthHalfX, currY - currWidthHalfY);
trailStepRect.lineTo(currX - currWidthHalfX, currY + currWidthHalfY);
canvas.drawPath(trailStepRect, trailPaints[i]);
} else {
isFirst = false;
prevX = currX;
prevY = currY;
prevWidthHalfX = currWidthHalfX;
prevWidthHalfY = currWidthHalfY;
Main point of this is drawing trail by parts with different paints. Closer to ball - wider the trail. I think I will optimise it, but it is allready work.
If you want to watch how it looks just install my app from google play.
I'm learning libgdx by adding some more features to the open source jumper game from Mario Zechner. I'm trying to make some platforms with an angle and run into the problem of collision detection of rotated rectangles.
I followed this solution and used Polygons along with my rectangle bounds.
For testing purposes I don't set an angle yet. I just want to verify that bob jumps correctly off the platforms. But for some reason this doesn't work. the bounds are either too far to the left, above the platform, or not there at all. Am I not setting the polygon correctly?
Would it be easier to use Box2d? I don't have any experience with that and I'm wondering if that's overkill for simple platforms.
public PlatformClient(int platformType, float x, float y) {
this.platformType = platformType;
float x1 = x - Platform.PLATFORM_WIDTH/2;
float y1 = y + Platform.PLATFORM_HEIGHT/2;
this.polyBounds = new Polygon(new float[]{x1, y1, x1+Platform.PLATFORM_WIDTH, y1, x1+Platform.PLATFORM_WIDTH, y1-Platform.PLATFORM_HEIGHT, x1, y1-Platform.PLATFORM_HEIGHT});
polyBounds.setPosition(x-Platform.PLATFORM_WIDTH/2, y-Platform.PLATFORM_HEIGHT/2);
class Platform {
public static final float PLATFORM_WIDTH = 2f;
public static final float PLATFORM_HEIGHT = 0.35f;
In Bob class update the polygon bounds when he moves:
public void update(float deltaTime) {
position.add(velocity.x * deltaTime, velocity.y * deltaTime);
bounds.x = position.x - BOB_WIDTH / 2;
bounds.y = position.y - BOB_HEIGHT / 2;
float newX = position.x - BOB_WIDTH / 2;
float newY = position.y - BOB_HEIGHT / 2;
polyBounds.setVertices(new float[]{
newX, newY,
newX+BOB_WIDTH, newY,
newX, newY-BOB_HEIGHT});
In World class:
private void checkPlatformCollisions () {
int len = platforms.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
PlatformClient platform = platforms.get(i);
if (bob.position.y >= platform.position.y)
if(Intersector.overlapConvexPolygons(bob.polyBounds, platform.polyBounds))
System.out.println("it overlaps");
// jump off platform
Thanks to the shape renderer, I was able to set the polygons correctly. I fixed some +,- issues in the code above. But the following code: Intersector.overlapConvexPolygons() still doesn't work (see image). He jumps before the polygons are making contact or he doesn't jump at all.
Any further ideas?
That's how I draw the polygon of Bob and the platforms that clearly overlap.
public void render() {
for(int i=0; i<world.platforms.size(); i++) {
shapeRenderer.setColor(1, 0, 0, 1);
ok, I solved it by removing
polyBounds.setPosition(x-Platform.PLATFORM_WIDTH/2, y-Platform.PLATFORM_HEIGHT/2);
from the constructor. Now the collision works correctly.
I have a Java swing application where I can draw hot spots. I am allowing user to draw Rectangle , Polygon and Circle.
For Circle I am using Ellipse2D
Ellipse2D.Double ellipseDouble = new Ellipse2D.Double(x,y,width,height);
Above works fine and it does draw an ellipse/circle.
Now the problems when I want the region to be used in HTML Image map.
Html Image map doesn't support Ellipse so I was thinking to use polygon for Ellipse2D but really don't know how would I convert it.
Does anyone know how would I go about it converting an Ellipse2D to Polygon ponits?
Use FlatteningPathIterator.
See e.g. http://java-sl.com/tip_flatteningpathiterator_moving_shape.html where point moves following custom Shape.
You can get list of Points and create Polygon.
Maybe someone will find this one useful: this is pdfbox ellipse or circle (width=height) draw function inside rectangle, it make ellipse as polygon initially to draw.
Code based on math function of ellipse at poin [0 , 0]: x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1
private PdfBoxPoligon draw_Ellipse_or_Circle_as_poligon_with_PDFBOX (
PDPageContentStream content, float bottomLeftX, float bottomLeftY,
float width, float height, boolean draw) throws IOException {
PdfBoxPoligon result = new PdfBoxPoligon();
float a = width/2;
float b = height/2;
int points = (int) (a*b/20);
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("points=" + points);
//top arc
for (float x = -a; x < a; x = x + a / points) {
result.x.add(bottomLeftX + a + x);
float y = (float) Math.sqrt((1-(x*x)/(a*a))*(b*b));
//bottom arc
for (float x = a; x >= -a; x = x - a / points) {
result.x.add(bottomLeftX + a + x);
float y = -(float) Math.sqrt((1-(x*x)/(a*a))*(b*b));
if (draw) {
for (int i=1; i < result.x.size(); i++) {
content.addLine(result.x.get(i-1), result.y.get(i-1), result.x.get(i), result.y.get(i));
return result;