trying to access using apache HttpClient but keep getting 403. Can anyone help out?
Been fiddling with this piece as a starting point:
DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpRequestBase method = new HttpGet(theUrl);
String s = httpClient.execute(method, new BasicResponseHandler());
I don't think this is related to HttpClient. I tried this
$ wget
--2011-08-08 23:17:52--
Resolving (, 213.2
Connecting to (||:80..
. connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2011-08-08 23:17:56 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
with no luck.
Yet I can hit it in the browser. It might be that there is some server logic returning 403s when an appropriate browser headers aren't sent. My next step would be to use FireBug and try to replicate the request as your browser makes it.
Also, try catching the exceptino
} catch (HttpResponseException e) {
I am trying to get some data (json data -> restful server) from a HTTPS server with basic authentification using the Apache httpclient. The SSL certificate is selfsigned.
The server is responding very well to a browser call and also when using curl.
However using the java Apache httpclient, that's another story.
Client side :
The basic authentification is working : the server sends me 401 errors if forget the authorization header or if I set the wrong base64 encoded login:password.
The https/SSL part is working : I am successfully getting data from online restful json server but sadly no way to find an online restful json server with basic authentification for testing purpose...
try {
CloseableHttpClient httpClient = null;
try {
httpClient = HttpClients.custom()
.setSSLSocketFactory(new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(SSLContexts.custom()
.loadTrustMaterial(null, new TrustSelfSignedStrategy())
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
} catch (KeyManagementException e) {
} catch (KeyStoreException e) {
HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet("https://localhost:5050/getdata");
getRequest.addHeader("Accept", "*/*");
getRequest.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic UBJ0aHVyOmFo0XElYHU=");
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(getRequest);
Debugging is telling me :
Caused by: org.apache.http.ProtocolException: The server failed to respond with a valid HTTP response
True! It's not a valid HTTP response that I would like to get, it's a valid HTTPS response!
I guess that I am missing something...
The error was from the server side : my response did not include any headers....
httpclient seems to like well made responses from a server. That's not true for a browser or for curl : garbage they can receive , display they will !
I'm trying to make a request to the Genius API, but I'm running into some issues using OkHTTP. This is my small script I'm using to make the call:
public class OkHttpScript {
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
String run(String url) throws IOException {
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.header("Authorization", "Bearer uDtfeAgTKL3_YnOxco4NV6B-WVZAIGyuzgH6Yp07FiV9K9ZRFOAa3r3YoxHVG1Gg")
try (Response response = client.newCall(request).execute()) {
return response.body().string();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
OkHttpScript okHttpScript = new OkHttpScript();
String response ="");
When I run this script, I get a 403 error:
{"meta":{"status":401,"message":"This call requires an access_token. Please see:"}}
For reference, here is a picture of me making the same exact request with Postman, and it works:
Any ideas on what the problem could be?
Not sure if this is normal, but when I print out my request object that gets built, I see no indication that there are headers in the request:
Request{method=GET, url=, tag=null}
Is what I get. Could this be part of the problem?
Nevermind, doing a
gives me what I originally put in:
Authorization: Bearer 4mfDBVzCnp2S1Fc0l0K0cfqOrQYjRrb-OHi8W1f-PPU7LNLI6-cXY2E727-1gHYR
So I figured out what my problem was. I'm not sure of the details behind it, but I should have been using my URL has instead of
Postman seems fine with the http, but OkHttp needed https.
Not sure how your server side is written, I had the same problem today when requesting someone else's service. My solution was to change the User-Agent, even if PostmanRuntime/7.26.10
You should add an interceptor for okhttp something like this should work
How to handle auth0 403 error without adding specific code everywhere (Retrofit/okhttp/RxAndroid)
*Used Alex Hermstad Answer
--> Use https instead of http in android ,
Postman seems fine with the http, but OkHttp needed https.
I was stuck for a day for this error 403 forbidden in android , but giving 200 success in Postman .
I have a code in my java application that connects to a url with a post request and get response.
The code worked for a long time, and it still does for most people. I have one person that the code works for him most of the times, but sometimes I am getting timeout exception.
The code:
HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
HttpPost post = new HttpPost("");
post.addHeader( "Data1", "my_data" );
HttpResponse response = null;
BufferedReader rd = null;
try {
List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(1);
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("post_key1","post_data1"));
post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));
response = client.execute(post);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("error: "+ e);
The exception that I get is:
org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [] failed: Connection timed out: connect
I sniffed the network, and I can see the packets when the connection is ok, but every few minutes, when I get the above exception, I don't even see the attempt connection in the sniffer.
I did ping and traceroute to the server while the timeout is occuring, and both are ok (I get response from the server)
So it seems to me that the problem is in the java application, not even attempting the connection.
I am using httpclient 4.4.1, if it is of any importance.
Why I am getting these timeouts?
I solved it . At least in my case, all I did was reset the router on my computer, and the problem disappeared.
I have read on the internet many suggestions to change server's tcp/ip parameters. So if this happens to you, before you do anything, I suggest that you check your hardware as well.
I am developing one application which is connecting to server to get some data.
In this I want to check first if application is connected to server or not. And then, if server is on or off? Based on the result I want to do my further manipulations.
So how do I get the result of server status?
Here is the code which I am using:
try {
HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
is = entity.getContent();
} catch (Exception e) {
Maintaining session cookies is best choice here, please see how to use session cookie: How do I make an http request using cookies on Android?
here, before sending request to server, check for session cookie. If it exists, proceed for the communication.
The Java equivalent -- which I believe works on Android -- should be:
Check getStatusLine() method of HttpResponse
any status code other than 200 means there is a problem , and each status codes points to different problems happened.
I have code similar to the following:
try {
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(httpsUrl);
HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(request, "UTF-8");
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(post);
String result = EntityReader.readContent(response.getEntity());
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ZapException("Error executing the http post request: "+e.getMessage(), e);
It sends the content of request to a server via POST using a httpclient instance that might have already been used before (it has persistent connections turned on, since we're sending quite some requests to the same server...).
This sometimes fails with a SocketTimeoutException with "Read timed out" as the message.
It's not clear to us, why it only fails at some times, when most times it doesn't. What gives?
In the following, I assume you are using Apache Commons HttpClient (org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient).
Maybe you get thrown a SocketTimeoutException simply because, occasionally, the host your HttpClient instance is communicating with takes too long to respond, triggering HttpClient's cancellation routine.
You can increase the connection timeout and the socket timeout with the following
HttpConnectionParams params = httpclient.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams();
Aditionally, if you still face timeouts despite increasing the timeout limits, it is a good practice to handle the SocketTimeoutException gracefully - for example by retrying the connection a second and third time.