fetching data from remote databases - java

I am trying to make application on google app engine which can fetch data from my other remote database , as far as i have learned that we can do it by using python in this way , If i am not wrong
import urllib
form_fields = {
"first_name": "Albert",
"last_name": "Johnson",
"email_address": "Albert.Johnson#example.com"
form_data = urllib.urlencode(form_fields)
result = urlfetch.fetch(url=url,
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Is is possible that i can fetch data from one of my this url using java and get the data store in datastore . Thanks

It is definitely possible to do it along those lines - is there a particular problem you're running into? Also, you may want to note that this means your remote database is exposed to the world, so you should have some means of protecting access to it.


contacting mysql server database from android java

Hi i have my own hosting and i have created a database there in which i have two columns
host = "mysql.hostinger.in"
database = "mydatabase"
username = "myuser"
pass = "123"
TABLE = "Data"
'email' = column (TEXT)
'eligible' = column (INT)
now what i want to do is i need to contact my database to check if the email suppose "abc#xyz.com" is eligible ie. "1" means YES and "0" means NO
so how i connect to my database from android java any code snippet ?
also is this require to put password for database to contact ?
what if anybody decompile my application and get username and password then he can interfere which i do not want
do not want to put my sqldatabase password to fetch the data how could i do that ,someone said i need webservice to do that i am not good with php
If you have your own hosting, you could make little Rest, making and putting up PHP script on your server that returns for example JSON and get it in your App using JSON parser (f. ex. Volley Library). Your PHP file would hold all database connections etc

How to insert JSON data to sql server without converting into Java beans

My requirement is like, i have a json file data as below.,
{Key1: value1, key2: value 2,....} with file name example.json
It should be inserted into sql server as,
Take name: example
Data as below,
Id key1 key2
1 value 1 value 2
I'm searching for a solution such that, there won't be any Java layer complexities, like first converting this data into Java beans then inserting into sql using java database drivers...
Implementation should be language and database independent. In future if i change my database server, then it should be a minimal change.
The coupling should be very loose. Like if i introduce a new key in JSON file, that should be minimal change in the solution.
So, use some library that can do http request to the server. For eg, if you want insert your json data to server in android app , then use simple libraries like Volley , OkHttp etc.
Problem with your question is , we dont know which server you r using and what application you are doing,, and which programming language you wanna use,, So, im assuming is java android,,

How to display data from sql server with java [android studio]

I wish to display some data from my SQL server into my application.
Let me explain throw an example what have i done until now, and please tell me how should i go on with my work:
(1) I have a database named: 'DB1'
(2) In my database i have table named 'users':
Id, Name, LastName
1 Dave Stone
2 Rose Mary
3 Gray Lone
(3) I created 3 php files: 1/ config.php (sets up my database log in information like password...)
2/ DBConnection.php : `
// Connecting to database
public function connect() {
require_once 'Config.php';
// Connecting to mysql database
$this->conn = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE);
// return database handler
return $this->conn;
3/ GetUsers.php which i dont know how should i write it - this would be the code which will echo whatever i want from the table.
(4) Inside my android studio project i have a MainActivity.java and i want to get all the LastNames of all the users in the database and do whatever with them... like print them into a text box it doesn't really matter (let's say i don't know how many users I have).
I need some one to help me get stages (3)3/ + (4) done / explained.
I think what you mean is a good method to retrieve and set values from app to database, the best and most prominent way is using basic REST services that convert your db values to JSON then you load the json using your api key as authentication, it might sound really stressful but is in fact very easy and flexible to implement, the only way you can directly set and get db values on android is using sqlite (android local inbuilt db)
The best tutorial and major explanation for exactly what you want to achieve is here
Then this one for further works
It covers how you make a rest service yourself

Can we set one database between Java and python?

I created python script that sends notifications when result declared but I want to make website that takes data of student email id and store in database.
Now here problem is that I don't know django framework so it takes time to make website.
Java, database connection, Data insertion,
Servelet calling easily do that by me.
Want to know way that java html css takes input from user and stores in database and then python program retrieves that data.
Hope you understand my question.
If you know python, I think Django might be a good choice for you. Django itself attempts to support as many features as possible on the backend. You only need to configure the database parameters in settings.py and Django ORM can automate the transfer of data stored in tables into objects. You don't have to implement the features yourself and it saves you tons of time.
Django has its own ModelForm class. It maps to the Models(eg. Student), it is quite easy to submit your Student info and store it in db.
# settings.py
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'read_default_file': '/path/to/my.cnf',
# my.cnf
database = NAME
user = USER
password = PASSWORD
default-character-set = utf8
If you insist using Java to implement the database backend, for sure you can share it with python. Some choices like JDBC, Hibernate and Mybatis.
Yes you can share the DB, you'll have to install the corresponding dependencies for connecting python to the DB as well as for Java. I've done this with postgresql, mysql and mssql

Transform Cassandra query result to POJO with Astyanax

I am working in a Spring web application using Cassandra with Astyanax client. I want to transform result data retrieved from Cassandra queries to a POJO, but I do not know which library or Astyanax API support this.
For example, I have User column family (CF) with some basic properties (username, password, email) and other related additional information can be added to this CF. Then I fetch one User row from that CF by using OperationResult> to hold the data returned, like this:
OperationResult<ColumnList<String>> columns = getKeyspace().prepareQuery(getColumnFamily()).getRow(rowKey).execute();
What I want to do next is populating "columns" to my User object. Here, I have 2 problems and could you please help me solve this:
1/ What is the best structure of User class to hold the corresponding data retrieved from User CF? My suggestion is:
public class User {
String userName, password, email; // Basic properties
Map<String, Object> additionalInfo;
2/ How can I transform the Cassandra data to this POJO by using a generic method (so that it can be applied to every single CF which has mapped POJO)?
I am so sorry if there are some stupid dummy things in my questions, because I have just approached NoSQL concepts and Cassandra as well as Astyanax for 2 weeks.
Thank you so much for your help.
You can try Achilles : https://github.com/doanduyhai/achilles, an JPA compliant Entity Manager for Cassandra
Right now there is a complete implementation using Thrift API via Hector.
The CQL3 implementation using Datastax Java Driver is in progress. A beta version will be available in few months (July-August 2013)
CQL3 is great but it's still too low level because you need to extract the data yourself from the ResultSet. It's like coming back to the time when only JDBC Template was available.
Achilles is there to fill the gap.
I would suggest you to use some library like Playorm using which you can easily perform CRUD operations on your entities. See this for an example that how you can create a User object and then you can get the POJO easily by
User user1 = mgr.find(User.class, email);
Assuming that email is your NoSqlId(Primary key or row key in Cassandra).
I use com.netflix.astyanax.mapping.Mapping and com.netflix.astyanax.mapping.MappingCache for exactly this purpose.
