I am attempting to create a keystore and truststore file from a self-signed certificate, for use in a HTTPRouter action, deployed within a JBoss ESB. I used openssl to retrieve the certificate of interest and generated a keystore file and a truststore file with the following commands:
keytool -import -alias ejb-ssl -file cert.der -keystore cert.truststore
keytool -import -alias ejb-ssl -file cert.der -keystore cert.keystore -trustcacerts
Before generating the keystore and truststore files, I am converting the certificate to X509 format, otherwise the keytool utility does not work, returning an exception with the message 'input not an x.509 certificate' exception. To convert the certificate of interest, I am using the following command:
openssl x509 -in cert.cer -outform DER -out cert.der
I then copied these files into the my ESB's 'esbcontent/META-INF' folder. Below are the properties I am setting for the HTTPRouter action
#HttpProtocol Config...
When I deploy the ESB I am getting the following error:
Caused by: org.jboss.soa.esb.ConfigurationException: Invalid 'keystore' config. Must be valid URL.
Looking at the certificate retrieved from the third party webservice, all URL's look OK. Does anyone have any idea why JBoss would not accept the URL in the generated keystore? I'm starting to tear my hair out on this one!
Also, I have been trying to use the org.apache.commons.httpclient.contrib.ssl.EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory for the protocol-socket-factory. When using this, the ESB deploys OK. However, the HTTPRouter does not seem to send the request to the third party web service. I've used SoapUI to establish the web service is ok, so I think it's a problem with my configuration of the HTTPRouter action.
Any help offered is greatly appreaciated!
This took me an awful long time to figure out, but the solution turned out to be very simple. The path to the keystore file must be absolute. It CANNOT BE RELATIVE! Therefore, replacing
'/META-INF/keystore/cert.keystore' path
Solved the problem!
Leaving the properties file with this absolute path isn't always suitable when wanting to deploy the ESB within various different environments (Windows and Ubuntu). I'm using gradle as my build tool, so I used the ReplaceTokens feature to replace the keystore token with the absolute path required. I suppose you could also copy the keystore file into the deploy directory so it's available for all ESB's who require it.
Hope this helps someone else who comes across this problem. Was a simple solution in the end, but there is no mention anywhere in the docs for the keystore file to be referenced with an absolute path. But, doing that fixed the issue for me.
I just tried to install my certificate from DigiCert to activate SSL on SpringBootApplication using method in this page : https://www.thomasvitale.com/https-spring-boot-ssl-certificate/. I did it step by step, but I set the configuration programatically instead of using properties file.
SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(PosDetailServer.class);
Map<String, Object> defaults = new HashMap<>();
if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("https")) {
defaults.put("server.ssl.key-store", args[1]);
defaults.put("server.ssl.key-store-password", "password");
defaults.put("server.ssl.key-store-type", "PKCS12");
defaults.put("server.ssl.key-alias", "tomcat");
defaults.put("server.ssl.key-password", "password");
defaults.put("server.port", "8181");
When I tried to run it, I got error:
IllegalArgumentException: DerInputStream.getLength(): lengthTag=109, too big.
Whats wrong with the step? How can I fix it?
After looking around, I found in some information that happened because of actually keytool make a JKS instead of PKCS12. So I change the configuration to:
defaults.put("server.ssl.key-store-type", "JKS");
And another error happened:
java.io.IOException: Alias name tomcat does not identify a key entry
So I am started to look another solution and I found enough information that I need to include the private key in the JKS, which is I don't have it. But in PKCS12, it is not needed. So I started to search how can I get PKCS12 using existing crt file.
Finally I dropped into this question: Adding .crt to Spring Boot to enable SSL and an answer there worked, just need little modification.
So, I just need to export PKCS12 file using my current crt file using openssl
openssl pkcs12 -export -in <domain-name.crt> -inkey </path-to private.key> -name <alias-name> -out <domain-name.p12>
Hope this helped.
when I am creating Restservices in java using GET, POST etc then I am requesting them using
http protocol. as soon as i use https it gives error.
for eg : http://localhost:8080/demorest/webapi/aliens is working properly.
but when I query same using https
I get error site can not provide secured connection
what modification is required to make them compatible with https.
As you mentioned you are new to APIs here is a detailed answer for you.
Answer is based on assumption that you are using tomcat server. There is 4 step approach to have application running on https, red below
Get an SSL certificate or Generate a self-signed SSL certificate
Enable HTTPS in application
Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
Distribute the SSL certificate to clients.
If you dont already have ssl certificate generate yourself using keytool.
Keytool is a certificate management utility provided together with the JDK, so if you have the JDK installed, you should already have keytool available.
Let's open our Terminal prompt and write the following command to create a JKS keystore:
keytool -genkeypair -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore
keystore.jks -validity 3650 -storepass password
To create a PKCS12 keystore, and we should, the command is the following:
keytool -genkeypair -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype
PKCS12 -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 3650 -storepass password
Let's have a closer look at the command we just run:
genkeypair: generates a key pair;
alias: the alias name for the item we are generating;
keyalg: the cryptographic algorithm to generate the key pair;
keysize: the size of the key. We have used 2048 bits, but 4096 would be a better choice for production;
storetype: the type of keystore;
keystore: the name of the keystore;
validity: validity number of days;
storepass: a password for the keystore.
When running the previous command, we will be asked to input some information, but we are free to skip all of it (just press Return to skip an option). When asked if the information is correct, we should type yes. Finally, we hit return to use the keystore password as key password as well.
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: Is CN=localhost, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown correct?
[no]: yes
Enter key password for <tomcat>
(RETURN if same as keystore password):
Verify the keystore content
To check the content of the keystore following the JKS format, we can use keytool again:
keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks
To test the content of a keystore following the PKCS12 format:
keytool -list -v -storetype pkcs12 -keystore keystore.p12
Convert a JKS keystore into PKCS12
Should we have already a JKS keystore, we have the option to migrate it to PKCS12; keytool has a convenient command for that:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.jks -destkeystore
keystore.p12 -deststoretype pkcs12
2.) To Enable https in your project
If you have a application.properties file
If you have application.yml file
key-store: classpath:keystore.p12
key-store-password: password
key-store-type: pkcs12
key-alias: tomcat
key-password: password
port: 8443
To achieve in application, we need to extend the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class, since the security.require-ssl property has been deprecated.
if you are on older version then you can skip below mentioned code.
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
3.) Redirect http to https
Now that we have enabled HTTPS in our Spring Boot application and blocked any HTTP request, we want to redirect all traffic to HTTPS.
Spring allows defining just one network connector in application.properties (or application.yml). Since we have used it for HTTPS, we have to set the HTTP connector programmatically for our Tomcat web server.
public class ServerConfig {
public ServletWebServerFactory servletContainer() {
TomcatServletWebServerFactory tomcat = new TomcatServletWebServerFactory() {
protected void postProcessContext(Context context) {
SecurityConstraint securityConstraint = new SecurityConstraint();
SecurityCollection collection = new SecurityCollection();
return tomcat;
private Connector getHttpConnector() {
Connector connector = new Connector(TomcatServletWebServerFactory.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL);
return connector;
4.) Distribute the SSL certificate to clients
When using a self-signed SSL certificate, our browser won't trust our application and will warn the user that it's not secure. And that'll be the same with any other client.
It's possible to make a client trust our application by providing it with our certificate.
Extract an SSL certificate from a keystore
We have stored our certificate inside a keystore, so we need to extract it. Again, keytool supports us very well:
keytool -export -keystore keystore.jks -alias tomcat -file
Make a browser trust an SSL certificate
When using a keystore in the industry-standard PKCS12 format, we should be able to use it directly without extracting the certificate.
I suggest you check the official guide on how to import a PKCS12 file into your specific client.
If deploying the application on localhost, we may need to do a further step from our browser: enabling insecure connections with localhost.
In Chrome, we can write the following URL in the search bar: chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost and activate the relative option.
Import an SSL certificate inside the JRE keystore
To make the JRE trust our certificate, we need to import it inside cacerts: the JRE trust store in charge of holding all certificates that can be trusted.
First, we need to know the path to our JDK home. A quick way to find it, if we are using Eclipse or STS as our IDE, is by going to Preferences > Java > Installed JREs. If using IntelliJ IDEA, we can access this information by going to Project Structure > SDKs and look at the value of the JDK home path field.
Then, from our Terminal prompt, let's insert the following command (we might need to run it with administrator privileges by prefixing it with sudo):
keytool -importcert -file myCertificate.crt -alias tomcat -keystore
you can refer project on github here
It depends, your rest services might run on Tomcat or Spring Boot so should read their documentation, you can also use a different https service like nginx that proxies all or parts of the requests from https to http.
First check https protocol using the same port as 8080? in most of the cases http (8080) and https(8443 or 443) use different ports.
If port is correct then import the certificate.
It would be helpful if you can give the sever you are using, also would be always nice if the java version, frameworks(if any) and their version and in this case of-course the server and the server version.
In the link mentioned here on DZone you can find an example of how to set up https locally with tomcat server in a java application, else you can also try with a more generic article not specific to java here on freecodecamp
Step 1 : You can create a keystore using java keytool;
Command : keytool -genkey -alias {any-name} -keyalg RSA -keystore {path to store the keystore}
Step 2 : You can go to your server config file such as conf/server.xml for Tomcat and uncomment the 8443 setting and then add the following in the end before tag closing;
keystoreFile="{path to keystore}"
keystorePass="{Password you set while creating the keystore}" />
Step 3 : Now restart the server and hit "https://localhost:8443/demorest/webapi/aliens".
Happy coding!
I am new in JAVA, Consuming web service(.wsdl) in Web Service Client project. I import the client certificate in java cacerts store in jrd. My code is as follows:
ServicesProxy service = new ServicesProxy();
ServiceRequest request = new ServiceRequest(1498);
ServiceResponse response = service.getDetails(request);
I'm failed to handshake, I am getting the following exception:
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException:
PKIX path building failed:
unable to find valid certification path to requested target
I have no clue why there is an exception. Any help will be appreciated.
You probably have to add the key chain in the certificate (PEM format).
CA Root -> Intermediate Cert -> Cert.
Or the certificate cannot be found in the keystore, do you use the correct alias etc.
And I do not recognize the SOAP JAX-WS implementation you use.
Not a solution to your problem, but maybe it helps to find it:
You can start your client with the VM parameter -Djavax.net.debug=all which will give you a lot of information about the SSL connection.
Check here for details about the output:
Use -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore property directly instead.
One more thing the server you use in that also u need to place the jks for handshake.
For example server is JBoss then bin
I guess your cacert is not correct or the path is unaccessible. I followed the instructions given here
Use SSL Poke to verify connectivity
Download SSLPoke.class
Execute the class as follows, changing the URL and port:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java SSLPoke yoururl 443
A successful connection would look like this:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java SSLPoke yoururl 443
Successfully connected
Try to use a different truststore to connect
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=[PATH]/cacerts.jks SSLPoke yoururl 443
If it fails the truststore does not contain the proper certificates.
How to solve it
The solution is extracted from here
Fetch the certificate again from the server:
openssl s_client -connect yoururl:443
You need openssl. Save the output to a file called public.crt. This is how your file should look like:
< Bunch of lines of your certificate >
Import the certificate:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -alias -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file public.crt
Enter the password if prompted (the default is changeit)
In the same post it is not recommended to use a configured trustStore different than the JVM cacert because then java could not access other root certificates.
This is a quite common error while dealing with soap services over SSL, I've had it a few times.
Your certificate may not be correctly installed in your truststore.
You can use openssl to check and install the correct certificate in the truststore, as explained here
Hi Looks like certificates are not imported correctly or path used in code not pointing to correct keystore.
I hope following steps in below article will help you.
I'm a bit lost of how I can use certificate in WidlFly 11. I re the doccumentation and found a lot of terms like JSSE, OpenSSL, Elytron, ApplicationRealm.
The problem occurs when I execute the code
final URL url = new URL("https://someUrl");
HttpsURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpsURLConnection)url.openConnection();
This exception is thrown sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
So, what exactly need to configure? I tried the section "Enable One-way SSL/TLS for Applications" in Elytron Doccumentation but didn't works.
ps: I'm using java 9.01
ps2: I'm using standalone-full.xml
let me know if you need more informations
This is unrelated to WildFly - you need to configure certificates trusted by java URL connections - you need to create and configure truststore:
create keystore containing certificate of server (if it is self-signed certificate), or better, certificate of its CA:
keytool -import -file myCA.cert -alias myCA -storepass mypassword -noprompt -keystore my.truststore
start using created keystore file as truststore in WildFly by setting javax.net.ssl.trustStore and javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword system properties:
bin/jboss-cli.sh -c
Elytron documentation you mention is related only to server side - but this is client side configuration, which is not currently handled by it.
The certificate is not trusted, iirc there is a self-signed certificate in WildFly 11 so yo need to trust it or install a real certificate.
Accept server's self-signed ssl certificate in Java client
Maybe I will find help here. I want to enable SSL on Spring Boot application. I have a configuration like:
server: port: 8999 ssl:
enabled: true
key-store: classpath:keystore.jks
key-store-password: mypass
key-password: mypass
The problem is my keystore. I've imported *crt file into keystore with alias 'tomcat':
keytool -importcert -file certificate.crt -keystore native.jks -alias tomcat
However, I still can't properly access my rest api. It vomits with error in firefox:
it doesn't work. How can I make proper keystore to make it work? I'm issuing with CA certificate, NOT self-signed. I have files like:
certificate.crt, certificate.p12, certificate.pk, privkey.pem and
three files root_ca_1.ca-bundle, root_ca_2.ca-bundle,
. That's all I have. I'm very fresh with ssl topic, just read some tutorials and tried few keytool commands to make it work. I'd be grateful for help. Thank You in advance.
I just spent the afternoon figuring out this exact problem, so I'll share my process here.
Each of the references below provides instructions on how to generate and use a self-signed certificate. That's not exactly what I'm trying to do, but these each contain some useful background information.
I have already purchased a real CA-issued SSL certificate for the *.jimtough.org 'wildcard' domain. I purchased the certificate from http://www.namecheap.com/, but the actual Certificate Authority (CA) is Comodo.
As part of the purchase/activation procedure with the CA, I needed to follow these instructions:
Note that I opted to follow their AWS instructions because I am an AWS user and have an EC2 server readily available with OpenSSL and Java already installed on the server. There are lots of other alternatives to do the same procedure, so search further to find the 'generating a CSR' instructions that are right for you.
At the end of this step, I have the following two files:
csr.pem - This is used as part of the SSL cert request/activation process
private.key - This is the private key part of my SSL cert, which I will need later to install the cert on my servers. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.
After I completed the purchase and verification procedure for my SSL cert, the CA sent me back a .zip file that contained a .p7b, .crt, and .ca-bundle file.
One of the reference links below explains the difference between these certificate file types:
.p7b - This type should be compatible with Java-based applications (PKCS#7 format)
.crt - This type should be compatible with most everything else - the link above suggests this is PEM format
.ca-bundle - Not sure when to use this - the link above suggests this is PEM format
Next I need to figure out how to use the files that I listed above to configure my Spring Boot application for HTTPS.
I will follow the relevant parts of the below tutorials to get what I need:
NOTE: In both tutorials, I will NOT follow their sections on creating a self-signed certificates, since I already possess a real certificate that was issued by a real CA.
The first relevant step in their instructions is to create a new Java keystore. The requirements are:
Must have Java installed, so I have access to the 'keytool' utility
Must have the 'openssl' utility installed, so I can create a .p12 file using my .key and .p7b files as input
I will use my AWS EC2 Linux server to do this. My server already has the Java/keytool and OpenSSL utilities installed.
First I need to use the OpenSSL utility to create a .p12 file that (if I understand correctly) will contain both my
private key, and the CA-issue certificate. Second, I need to create a new Java keystore that will contain an imported
copy of the .p12 file.
openssl pkcs12 -export -out jimtough-dot-org.p12 -name "jimtough-dot-org" -inkey private.key -in __jimtough_org.crt
IMPORTANT: You need to provide a password at the 'export password' prompt, otherwise the keytool import in the next step will fail
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore jimtough-dot-org.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore jimtough-dot-org-keystore.jks -deststoretype JKS
You will need to provide the password you used in the 'openssl' command
You will also need to provide a new password for the keystore that you are creating
(OPTIONAL) keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore jimtough-dot-org-keystore.jks -destkeystore jimtough-dot-org-keystore.pkcs12 -deststoretype pkcs12
I received a warning from 'keytool' about JKS being a proprietary format, and a suggestion that I convert my keystore to PKCS12 format, so I did so with this optional command
Finally, I need to package my newly created Java keystore with my Spring Boot application and configure the application to use it.
I referred back to the two Baeldung tutorials above, and was able to get the details I needed to make my Spring Boot (with Spring Security enabled) to work.
I created a new 'keystore' folder under the existing 'src/main/resources', and copied both of my newly created keystore files there (I kept both formats).
I added the block below to my Spring Boot application's application.properties file.
# The format used for the keystore. It could be set to JKS in case it is a JKS file
# The path to the keystore containing the certificate
As expected, I get a bunch of warnings from my browser when I attempt to connect to a locally running instance of the Spring Boot application using https://localhost:8443/ as the URL. This happens because the browser correctly identifies the mismatch between 'localhost' and the expected 'jimtough.org' domain that my SSL certificate was created to run on. There shouldn't be any warnings when I deploy the application to a server whose hostname is 'anything.jimtough.org' (or just www.jimtough.org).
That's it! Happy HTTPS'ing!
Don't use spring-boot for SSL-connections. Let a reverse proxy handle the SSL-termination.
So it is possible, that a tool can automatic renew your certificates (like the certbot).
And you don't need to put a (sercret) private-key to your application.
It is simpler to share your application. A server-admin needs only to setup reverse proxy (or have something familar already in cloud-systems like kubernetes) and can scale up your application.
Scalable application
Simpler spring-setup
No secrets in your application
Simpler use of application (#cloudSystems)
Most reverseProxies are compatible with certbot
Well, you require few more properties to be added in ssl configuration
key-store: classpath:config/tls/keystore.p12
key-store-password: password ##this will be your certificate password
key-store-type: PKCS12
enabled-protocols: TLSv1.2
enabled: true
Make sure that the p12 keystore file is present under classpath (src/main/resources) in config/tls
But to generate keystore file use the below openssl command where you
will use .crt and .key file to generate .p12 file.
.crt and .key are present under Folder CA and file p12 file will be
generated under CA
Please note that you will asked for the certificate password after
running the below command
openssl pkcs12 -export -in CA/certificate.crt -inkey CA/certificate.key -name certificate -out CA/certificate.p12
If you want to add this certificate to your local cacert then use the
below command
under jre\lib\security
keytool -importcert -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias ca.certificate -file CA/certificate.crt -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit