display resource in j2ee web app by using url - java

i have simple j2ee web app. i packed it to a war file. The structure of war file is :
i deployed it into ServiceMix (it uses jetty for web container). the app worked just fine.
now, my question is:
How can i display abc.wsdl file by using URL like:
I know this is not a good practice, but i just want to know how to do this.

try the following in
click here to view wsdl file
in any of the generated jsp / index.html which is rooted at the base of the webapp


Open JSP Page directly in brower using URL

I am using Apache-Tomcat-7 and I placed a jsp page( myjsp.jsp ) in
I have started the tomcat and trying the following URL to open the jsp page
But it is giving 404. I donot want it to open through other means. Can any body tell me that what I am doing wrong?
P.S. localhost:8089 works fine for other applications and tomcate is configured to this port-8089.
When I placed the myjsp.jsp in ROOT folder under
and try
Now it works. So what is the reason that in the desktop folder the jsp was NOT found
how can I access myjsp.jsp if it is placed within desktop folder?
Well one way is the way you have already done (by deploying it at the root context of the tomcat server). Although it would seem to work fine, I won't recommend doing that. Changing root context of tomcat to some other application/pages is for other purpose.
The best way to do is to create a small project (you need a dynamic web project with a proper deployment descriptor --> eclipse will do all this job by just a button click), then deploy this project to your tomcat server.
So lets say if you create your project as MyProjectOne, then just place your JSP page (lets call it test.jsp) under WebContent or src/main/webapp folder and you will be able to view your page as http://localhost:8089/MyProjectOne/test.jsp

web.xml configuration for JSP

This is the structure of the JSP app on eclipse.Once I run it on eclipse using tomcat server(localhost:8090/index4.html) it works.On the index page i have to add details,this details are uploaded via the servlet as you can see above Java Resources->src->FileUPloadDBServlet(Also I am not sure if it uses this or it uses WEB-INF->src->FileUploadServlet below.)
In my index4.html the action is action=uploadServlet(no address given for it).This everything works on using eclipse.
But once I put the QMS folder(not WAR) from eclipse worskspace to tomcat ROOT,the index4.html works but the following action,i.e uploadServlet doesnt work(here I use the address localhost:8090/WebContent/index4.html)I dont have a web.xml.
Is that creating a problem?
Please provide me help.
You need to put your project folder or .war file in the
webapps folder of Tomcat directly not in ROOT folder under webapps.
Try to follow directory structure as follows
Photo Courtesy http://www.studytonight.com/servlet/steps-to-create-servlet-using-tomcat-server.php (Here you can also find more details on Servlet and JSP, as well as project structure)
Where you have your web.xml put into the WEB-INF folder under your application folder.
For java files you don't need the source files, the classes folder will have all the source folder (src) files compiled and ready to execute.
The lib will contain all the .jar files you need for your application to run.
Make sure you put web.xml file at proper place, because without it, application will not be able to run. Because as they say web.xml is Heart of the application.
Let me explain you the problem.
When we configure a dynamic java project to run on eclipse the server takes the just the stuff from webcontent folder and deploy it the wbcontent folder contains web.xml file which defines the url descriptor for servlet.
now when you copy the whole folder the server can not find the web.xml file which is a descriptor where it expects the file to be.
hope its clear comment for clarification

Viewing JSPs with Weblogic JSPServlet

We are currently migrating from OC4J to Weblogic. We have an ANT script which builds the EAR file. The ANT also compiles and packs all the .jsp files into a jar. But when I tried to run the application on Weblogic it always returned 404 when trying to access .jsps. So I tried to add a mapping in web.xml for weblogic.servlet.JSPServlet for the URL pattern *.jsp, but I still get 404 when I try to access .jsps.
What could be the problem?
Your EAR file structure needs to be correct.
If you are deplying to WLS, you can deploy either an EAR or WAR seperately, however if you choose EAR file, you must have the the JSP's within the WAR file. You should only need to specify servlet and resource mapping within the web and context xml files.
You must also make sure that you have your .jar files in the library. Otherwise you can run into problems.
Let me know if you need more info.

Load Properties or XML in glassfish web service

I've got a basic glassfish web service and I'm trying to load some properties from WEB-INF folder.
don't seem to be searching in the right directories. Replacing test.properties with ".", i get the directory
which is completely empty.
How do i load property files from the java layer in a web service like this?
Put it in WEB-INF/classes and ask for "/test.properties"

Deploying Web Apps as war Files

I'm having some trouble uploading and getting my web app on the net with my chosen host. I built a war file in Net Beans and asked my host to deploy it for me. This worked fine but to access it I had to point my browser to:
What of course I wanted was to be able to access it just by pointing my browser at:
The war file contains the whole app, index.html, images, classes etc.
Is this possible or am I missing something ? ?
You can call the war ROOT.war but the best way is to change the context path in the servlet container. To do this in Tomcat you would add the following to your server.xml:
<context path="" docBase="explodedWar" debug="0"/>
If you name your war ROOT.war (in Tomcat) it should do what you want.
This is a question you need to ask your host about since they are deploying it for you.
