How to build a jar using Maven? - java

I want to build my project with Maven. How do I do that?
Maven is installed,
the project is called Sertsu1
it contains a pom.xml-file
What must be entered in the command line to start building?

If your project is organized as Maven expects, e.g. your source code is in the src\main\java directory you can run
mvn package
to just build your jar
mvn install
to install it in your local Maven repository
mvn clean
to remove a previous build
Beware that you won't go very far with Maven without reading about it. You can start with this book.

In order to create an artifact (jar-file) you need to invoke
mvn package
This is very basic and you should take your time to read the suggested manuals before using maven.

Navigate to the folder that contains the pom.xml and enter
mvn package
(for a quick result)
Your machine needs to be connected to the internet as maven will download a lot of files from public repositories.


Not able to use MAVEN command

I don't know what's the problem but I am not able to use a maven for my projects.
This is the output of the command that means all the setup for maven is done properly but dont know why performing tasks is leading to a BUILD FAILURE.
mvn clean
You are in your main user folder vipul. The clean command is project specific, you need to be in the project path, a project which is configured for maven (has pom.xml file)
The error says you don't have a pom.xml file, which means you're running the command in the wrong directory or you haven't got the project set up. This quick Maven overview guide will help you set up a project if you haven't already.

Export jar with spring boot

I need to export executable jar from intellij spring boot project. its basic rest only. How can it possible. I have created the artifact jar and when i try to run it with java -jar xxx.jar it returns manifest file not found error.
Generally you have this error when you generate the JAR using the IDE directly (export option of Eclipse for example).
You can either use the Maven goals clean install or clean package to compile and generate the JAR in your target folder and/or local repository.
package - take the compiled code and package it in its distributable
format, such as a JAR.
install - install the package into the local repository, for use as a
dependency in other projects locally
The install will execute the package one step before install it on your local repository.
Maven Lifecycle Documentation
If you have installed maven, On the terminal of Intellij Idea use following code.
mvn clean package
Your Jar will be saved inside "target" folder inside the project directory

How to find and missing artifacts in a maven project using eclipse as editor?

I am working on a Maven project and I am using eclipse as an editor. I clone a project from GIT and then create a git repository in eclipse , import it and then create a maven project. After i finished the project of setup i got a lot of errors and this is due to pom.xml file and I am missing about 300 artifacts.I know want to know how can i find and add those artifacts in my project. I have seen different answers for that and one of the answers is to upload maven project. I did it but still not working , I am still missing the artifacts.
I really need some help here since i want to start working on this project as soon as possible.
Maven pulls all the dependencies either from maven repository or from local repository automatically (typically C:/Users/user1/.m2 on windows). if there are lot of dependencies, eclipse takes a while to download them all.
check if you see building workspace at the right bottom corner of eclipse. you can press Alt+F5 to refresh the project and then try command mvn clean install from your root folder (where your pom.xml is placed)
Sometimes, jars are not available on maven repository such as sqljdbc. in that case you will have to manually install them to your local repo using below command if you have the .jar file
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file>/stax-1.0.jar
-DgroupId=stax -DartifactId=stax -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
or a quick and dirty approach would be copy the .m2/repository folder from previous machine if project was working good on that machine.

Pre-download all dependencies

I need to release our Maven build Java project to an remote QA team. For this I would like to download all the dependencies, and send them so they do not need to download them.
Currently all dependencies are defined in the pom.xml file, and we use either mvn install or mvn package to build the project. Some of the project members use uber jars, others use jars + dependencies to do execution.
What would be the easiest way to pre-package the dependent jar files so that there is no download from the internet, and does not change our current build process too much?
A possible solution would be to purge your local repository, tell Maven to download every dependencies and plugin dependencies of your project and make a ZIP of that.
To purge your local repository, you can simply delete the folder {user.home}/.m2/repository. Then, you can use the dependency:go-offline goal:
Goal that resolves all project dependencies, including plugins and reports and their dependencies.
mvn dependency:go-offline
This will download everything that your project depends on and will make sure that on a later build, nothing will be downloaded.
Then, you can simply make a ZIP of {user.home}/.m2/repository and send that to your Q/A team. They will need to unzip it inside their own {user.home}/.m2/repository to be able to build the project.
Offline Package deploy
Your requirement can be accomplished by creating a stand alone jar file with full dependencies. You can port it anywhere please refer
Build a full dependency JAR file as said in the answer
Copy the JAR to the destination machine you want
Run the below command from there
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file>
This will install the dependecies in the maven repository of the destination machine. This is fully offline
Theoretically if you know which maven commands you'll use (package, install, etc.) you could clear out your ~/.m2/repository folder, run those commands once on somebody's dev box, then distribute the repository folder. You can run maven -o install etc. to have it not give annoying warnings. This might be a slightly smaller distro than the go-offline answer.

Java Eclipse Build Path Errors Maven

I am just starting out with Maven. Is there any way to get maven dependencies to be added to the Eclipse project's build path? As of right now, my project is full of red x's due to Eclipse not being able to include some external class from one of these dependencies.
First you need to setup you M2_REPO variable. This is a class path variable that tells eclipse where your designated maven repository is located.
You can setup M2_REPO by running the following command in your workspace.
mvn -Declipse.workspace="replace with your Eclipse Workspace" eclipse:configure-workspace
Next make sure that your project has a maven fact applied by running the following command
mvn eclipse:eclipse
in the workspace of your project. run
mvn clean package
just for good measure to make sure all your dependencies are resolved and available before restarting eclipse.
Once you restart eclipse again and bring your project up your issues should be resolved.
You should look up more information about these 2 commands and how to use them effectively.
Save yourself a ton of hassle and get the M2Eclipse plugin. The plugin will handle all of the project setup for you and you don't have to worry about doing the mvn eclipse:eclipse commands.
have you executed
mvn eclipse:configure-workspace -Declipse.workspace=/path/to/workspace
You need to execute it so maven set the M2_REPO path to eclipse. Or you can set it manually.
Remenber to restart eclipse after you do so :P
