Help the Java SAX parser to understand bad xml - java
I am parsing XML returned from a website but sadly it is slightly malformed. I am getting XML like:
<tag attrib="Buy two for £1" />
Which, I am informed, is invalid because £ is an HTML character, not an XML character and definitely cannot appear in an attribute.
What can I do to fix this, assuming I cannot tell the website to obey the rules? I am considering using a FilterInputStream to filter the arriving data before it gets to the SAX parser but this seems over the top.
In the end I failed to do this with the parser. My solution was to write a FilterInputStream that converted all &xxxx; references into their &#nnnn; form.
/* Cleans up often very bad xml.
* 1. Strips leading white space.
* 2. Recodes £ etc to &#...;.
* 3. Recodes lone & as &.
public class XMLInputStream extends FilterInputStream {
private static final int MIN_LENGTH = 2;
// Everything we've read.
StringBuilder red = new StringBuilder();
// Data I have pushed back.
StringBuilder pushBack = new StringBuilder();
// How much we've given them.
int given = 0;
// How much we've read.
int pulled = 0;
public XMLInputStream(InputStream in) {
public int length() {
// NB: This is a Troll length (i.e. it goes 1, 2, many) so 2 actually means "at least 2"
try {
StringBuilder s = read(MIN_LENGTH);
return s.length();
} catch (IOException ex) {
log.warning("Oops ", ex);
return 0;
private StringBuilder read(int n) throws IOException {
// Input stream finished?
boolean eof = false;
// Read that many.
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(n);
while (s.length() < n && !eof) {
// Always get from the pushBack buffer.
if (pushBack.length() == 0) {
// Read something from the stream into pushBack.
eof = readIntoPushBack();
// Pushback only contains deliverable codes.
if (pushBack.length() > 0) {
// Grab one character
// Remove it from pushBack
return s;
// Returns true at eof.
// Might not actually push back anything but usually will.
private boolean readIntoPushBack() throws IOException {
// File finished?
boolean eof = false;
// Next char.
int ch =;
if (ch >= 0) {
// Discard whitespace at start?
if (!(pulled == 0 && isWhiteSpace(ch))) {
// Good code.
pulled += 1;
// Parse out the &stuff;
if (ch == '&') {
// Process the &
} else {
// Not an '&', just append.
pushBack.append((char) ch);
} else {
// Hit end of file.
eof = true;
return eof;
// Deal with an ampersand in the stream.
private void readAmpersand() throws IOException {
// Read the whole word, up to and including the ;
StringBuilder reference = new StringBuilder();
int ch;
// Should end in a ';'
for (ch =; isAlphaNumeric(ch); ch = {
reference.append((char) ch);
// Did we tidily finish?
if (ch == ';') {
// Yes! Translate it into a &#nnn; code.
String code = XML.hash(reference);
if (code != null) {
// Keep it.
} else {
throw new IOException("Invalid/Unknown reference '&" + reference + ";'");
} else {
// Did not terminate properly!
// Perhaps an & on its own or a malformed reference.
// Either way, escape the &
pushBack.append("&").append(reference).append((char) ch);
private void given(CharSequence s, int wanted, int got) {
// Keep track of what we've given them.
given += got;
log.finer("Given: [" + wanted + "," + got + "]-" + s);
public int read() throws IOException {
StringBuilder s = read(1);
given(s, 1, 1);
return s.length() > 0 ? s.charAt(0) : -1;
public int read(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
int n = 0;
StringBuilder s = read(length);
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(length, s.length()); i++) {
data[offset + i] = (byte) s.charAt(i);
n += 1;
given(s, length, n);
return n > 0 ? n : -1;
public String toString() {
String s = red.toString();
String h = "";
// Hex dump the small ones.
if (s.length() < 8) {
// Separator just inserts the string between each.
Separator sep = new Separator(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
h += sep.sep() + Integer.toHexString(s.charAt(i));
return "[" + given + "]-\"" + s + "\"" + (h.length() > 0 ? " (" + h + ")" : "");
private boolean isWhiteSpace(int ch) {
switch (ch) {
case ' ':
case '\r':
case '\n':
case '\t':
return true;
return false;
private boolean isAlphaNumeric(int ch) {
return ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z')
|| ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z')
|| ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9');
} - For completeness. Please confirm the completeness of the list.
public static String hash(CharSequence s) {
final Integer code = SPECIALS.get(s.toString());
if (code != null) {
return "&#" + code + ";";
return null;
private static final Map<String, Integer> SPECIALS;
static {
// Derived from Wikipedia
final Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("quot", 34);
map.put("amp", 38);
map.put("apos", 39);
map.put("lt", 60);
map.put("gt", 62);
map.put("nbsp", 160);
map.put("iexcl", 161);
map.put("cent", 162);
map.put("pound", 163);
map.put("curren", 164);
map.put("yen", 165);
map.put("brvbar", 166);
map.put("sect", 167);
map.put("uml", 168);
map.put("copy", 169);
map.put("ordf", 170);
map.put("laquo", 171);
map.put("not", 172);
map.put("shy", 173);
map.put("reg", 174);
map.put("macr", 175);
map.put("deg", 176);
map.put("plusmn", 177);
map.put("sup2", 178);
map.put("sup3", 179);
map.put("acute", 180);
map.put("micro", 181);
map.put("para", 182);
map.put("middot", 183);
map.put("cedil", 184);
map.put("sup1", 185);
map.put("ordm", 186);
map.put("raquo", 187);
map.put("frac14", 188);
map.put("frac12", 189);
map.put("frac34", 190);
map.put("iquest", 191);
map.put("Agrave", 192);
map.put("Aacute", 193);
map.put("Acirc", 194);
map.put("Atilde", 195);
map.put("Auml", 196);
map.put("Aring", 197);
map.put("AElig", 198);
map.put("Ccedil", 199);
map.put("Egrave", 200);
map.put("Eacute", 201);
map.put("Ecirc", 202);
map.put("Euml", 203);
map.put("Igrave", 204);
map.put("Iacute", 205);
map.put("Icirc", 206);
map.put("Iuml", 207);
map.put("ETH", 208);
map.put("Ntilde", 209);
map.put("Ograve", 210);
map.put("Oacute", 211);
map.put("Ocirc", 212);
map.put("Otilde", 213);
map.put("Ouml", 214);
map.put("times", 215);
map.put("Oslash", 216);
map.put("Ugrave", 217);
map.put("Uacute", 218);
map.put("Ucirc", 219);
map.put("Uuml", 220);
map.put("Yacute", 221);
map.put("THORN", 222);
map.put("szlig", 223);
map.put("agrave", 224);
map.put("aacute", 225);
map.put("acirc", 226);
map.put("atilde", 227);
map.put("auml", 228);
map.put("aring", 229);
map.put("aelig", 230);
map.put("ccedil", 231);
map.put("egrave", 232);
map.put("eacute", 233);
map.put("ecirc", 234);
map.put("euml", 235);
map.put("igrave", 236);
map.put("iacute", 237);
map.put("icirc", 238);
map.put("iuml", 239);
map.put("eth", 240);
map.put("ntilde", 241);
map.put("ograve", 242);
map.put("oacute", 243);
map.put("ocirc", 244);
map.put("otilde", 245);
map.put("ouml", 246);
map.put("divide", 247);
map.put("oslash", 248);
map.put("ugrave", 249);
map.put("uacute", 250);
map.put("ucirc", 251);
map.put("uuml", 252);
map.put("yacute", 253);
map.put("thorn", 254);
map.put("yuml", 255);
map.put("OElig", 338);
map.put("oelig", 339);
map.put("Scaron", 352);
map.put("scaron", 353);
map.put("Yuml", 376);
map.put("fnof", 402);
map.put("circ", 710);
map.put("tilde", 732);
map.put("Alpha", 913);
map.put("Beta", 914);
map.put("Gamma", 915);
map.put("Delta", 916);
map.put("Epsilon", 917);
map.put("Zeta", 918);
map.put("Eta", 919);
map.put("Theta", 920);
map.put("Iota", 921);
map.put("Kappa", 922);
map.put("Lambda", 923);
map.put("Mu", 924);
map.put("Nu", 925);
map.put("Xi", 926);
map.put("Omicron", 927);
map.put("Pi", 928);
map.put("Rho", 929);
map.put("Sigma", 931);
map.put("Tau", 932);
map.put("Upsilon", 933);
map.put("Phi", 934);
map.put("Chi", 935);
map.put("Psi", 936);
map.put("Omega", 937);
map.put("alpha", 945);
map.put("beta", 946);
map.put("gamma", 947);
map.put("delta", 948);
map.put("epsilon", 949);
map.put("zeta", 950);
map.put("eta", 951);
map.put("theta", 952);
map.put("iota", 953);
map.put("kappa", 954);
map.put("lambda", 955);
map.put("mu", 956);
map.put("nu", 957);
map.put("xi", 958);
map.put("omicron", 959);
map.put("pi", 960);
map.put("rho", 961);
map.put("sigmaf", 962);
map.put("sigma", 963);
map.put("tau", 964);
map.put("upsilon", 965);
map.put("phi", 966);
map.put("chi", 967);
map.put("psi", 968);
map.put("omega", 969);
map.put("thetasym", 977);
map.put("upsih", 978);
map.put("piv", 982);
map.put("ensp", 8194);
map.put("emsp", 8195);
map.put("thinsp", 8201);
map.put("zwnj", 8204);
map.put("zwj", 8205);
map.put("lrm", 8206);
map.put("rlm", 8207);
map.put("ndash", 8211);
map.put("mdash", 8212);
map.put("lsquo", 8216);
map.put("rsquo", 8217);
map.put("sbquo", 8218);
map.put("ldquo", 8220);
map.put("rdquo", 8221);
map.put("bdquo", 8222);
map.put("dagger", 8224);
map.put("Dagger", 8225);
map.put("bull", 8226);
map.put("hellip", 8230);
map.put("permil", 8240);
map.put("prime", 8242);
map.put("Prime", 8243);
map.put("lsaquo", 8249);
map.put("rsaquo", 8250);
map.put("oline", 8254);
map.put("frasl", 8260);
map.put("euro", 8364);
map.put("image", 8465);
map.put("weierp", 8472);
map.put("real", 8476);
map.put("trade", 8482);
map.put("alefsym", 8501);
map.put("larr", 8592);
map.put("uarr", 8593);
map.put("rarr", 8594);
map.put("darr", 8595);
map.put("harr", 8596);
map.put("crarr", 8629);
map.put("lArr", 8656);
map.put("uArr", 8657);
map.put("rArr", 8658);
map.put("dArr", 8659);
map.put("hArr", 8660);
map.put("forall", 8704);
map.put("part", 8706);
map.put("exist", 8707);
map.put("empty", 8709);
map.put("nabla", 8711);
map.put("isin", 8712);
map.put("notin", 8713);
map.put("ni", 8715);
map.put("prod", 8719);
map.put("sum", 8721);
map.put("minus", 8722);
map.put("lowast", 8727);
map.put("radic", 8730);
map.put("prop", 8733);
map.put("infin", 8734);
map.put("ang", 8736);
map.put("and", 8743);
map.put("or", 8744);
map.put("cap", 8745);
map.put("cup", 8746);
map.put("int", 8747);
map.put("there4", 8756);
map.put("sim", 8764);
map.put("cong", 8773);
map.put("asymp", 8776);
map.put("ne", 8800);
map.put("equiv", 8801);
map.put("le", 8804);
map.put("ge", 8805);
map.put("sub", 8834);
map.put("sup", 8835);
map.put("nsub", 8836);
map.put("sube", 8838);
map.put("supe", 8839);
map.put("oplus", 8853);
map.put("otimes", 8855);
map.put("perp", 8869);
map.put("sdot", 8901);
map.put("lceil", 8968);
map.put("rceil", 8969);
map.put("lfloor", 8970);
map.put("rfloor", 8971);
map.put("lang", 10216);
map.put("rang", 10217);
map.put("loz", 9674);
map.put("spades", 9824);
map.put("clubs", 9827);
map.put("hearts", 9829);
map.put("diams", 9830);
SPECIALS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
You could handle this by providing a custom org.xml.sax.EntityResolver to convert the entity £ to a valid character.
EDIT: I did some further research and found that entity references (such as £) are handled directly as events. Configure your parser (through XMLInputFactory) with the feature set to FALSE, which prevents it from trying to resolve the entity references. Then, when you parse the input you will get input events for each entity reference as a call to your handler's startEntity(String name) method. The handler must implement org.xml.sax.ext.DefaultHandler2.
One option to resolve your issue is, as Jim Garrison suggested, providing custom EntityResolver. However, it will fix only the concrete issue you described. If your XML will be malformed by e.g. not closed tags, EntityResolver would not fix it. In such case I'd recommend to use one of available HTML "purifiers" in order to fix HTML syntax into XML-valid form. In my opinion the best available is this one:
How to have a proper JTextField IP address in Java?
First of all, I couldn't find any of my question on google. This is the following code that I used. ipAddress = new MaskFormatter("###.###.###.###"); JTextField txtAddress = new JFormattedTextField(ipAddress); But the code above gives user to (must) input exactly 12 characters. How to make the JTextField can be written as "" ?
I would do it differently: Simply wait for the user to somehow confirm that he has finished entering the address (for example by observing when the field looses focus) and retrieve the value of the field and use one of the many regular expressions that check all properties of valid ip addresses. Looking at the Oracle tutorial here it seems to me that using a JTextFormattedTextField simply is the wrong answer. That class and the corresponding formats are for either locale-based formatting of dates or numbers. I think you should be rather looking into input validation; see here for details; and as said; your validation could be based on the things you find here. Finally: the point is to come up with a consistent user experience. Dont put yourself into a corner by saying: I saw this approach; so I absolutely must use that type of component. Instead, check out the possible options, and go for that one that (given your "budget" of development resources) gives the user the best experience. Example: instead of using 1 JFormattedTextField, you could go for 4 textfields, and even write code that would move the focus automatically forth and back. Many things are possible; it only depends on how much time you are willing to spend.
My homegrown IP address control based on a single JTextField import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import; import; public class JIp4AddressInput extends JTextField { private final char[] buff = " 0. 0. 0. 0".toCharArray(); private int bpos; private void putnum (int num, int offset) { int a = num/100; num -= a*100; int b = num/10; num -= b*10; buff[offset] = (char)('0'+a); buff[offset+1] = (char)('0'+b); buff[offset+2] = (char)('0'+num); } private void align (int base) { int end = base+3; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int s=base; s<end; s++) { if (buff[s] != ' ') sb.append(buff[s]); } while (sb.length() > 1 && sb.charAt(0) == '0') sb.delete(0,1); while (sb.length() < 3) sb.insert(0, ' '); try { int num = Integer.parseInt(sb.toString().trim()); if (num > 255) sb = new StringBuffer("255"); if (num < 0) sb = new StringBuffer(" 0"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { sb = new StringBuffer(" 0"); } for (int s=base; s<end; s++) { buff[s] = sb.charAt(s-base); } } private void alignAll() { align(0); align (4); align(8); align (12); } private void fwd () { bpos = bpos == 15 ? bpos : bpos +1; } private void back () { bpos = bpos == 0 ? bpos : bpos -1; } private void backspace() { back(); if (bpos == 3 || bpos == 7 || bpos == 11) { return; } if (bpos < 15) buff[bpos] = ' '; } private void setChar (char c) { if (bpos == 3 || bpos == 7 || bpos == 11) { fwd(); } if (bpos < 15) buff[bpos] = c; fwd(); } public JIp4AddressInput() { super(); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(110, 30)); setEditable(false); Action beep = getActionMap().get(DefaultEditorKit.deletePrevCharAction); beep.setEnabled (false); setText (new String (buff)); addFocusListener(new FocusListener() { #Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { setText (new String (buff)); setCaretPosition(0); getCaret().setVisible(true); } #Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { alignAll(); setText(new String(buff)); } }); addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { #Override public void keyTyped (KeyEvent e) { bpos = getCaretPosition(); char c = e.getKeyChar(); if ((c>= '0' && c<= '9') || c == ' ') { setChar (c); } else if (c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) { backspace(); } else if (c == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { alignAll(); } setText(new String(buff)); setCaretPosition(bpos); } }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public InetAddress getAddress() { String[] parts = new String(buff).split("\\."); byte[] adr = new byte[4]; for (int s=0; s<4; s++) adr[s] = (byte)Integer.parseInt(parts[s].trim()); try { return InetAddress.getByAddress(adr); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { return null; } } public void putAddress (InetAddress in) { byte[] adr = in.getAddress(); putnum(adr[0]&0xff, 0); putnum(adr[1]&0xff, 4); putnum(adr[2]&0xff, 8); putnum(adr[3]&0xff, 12); alignAll(); setText (new String(buff)); } }
Processing Java: Cursor position of text box off
I am nearing completing the text box for my text editor besides selection and a few bugs with the text cursor. I have to implement it from scratch, because the other libraries do not suit the design needs for my editor. Every time the user completes a line and starts backspacing on the next line, the cursor and the text are not positioned properly when the user starts typing (the cursor is not on the right line). The gap becomes even more significant when the user keeps does this over and over again. You can clearly see that the cursor (light blue) and the text are not aligned properly. I have attached the code only relevant to this problem. Sorry if the text box is not in optimal positioning, as I have transferred the code from my text editor to a degraded version for this problem. What I think the culprit is: After a couple of hours, I found that the cursor position is dependent upon the line and column (as indicated on the labels) - I have not attached the labels to the example in this problem. The line shows 2, but it is supposed to be 1. When the column is 1 and the user backspaces, the line is supposed to decrease by 1 and the column set to the length of the previous line. If you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them. Because the code was complicated to transfer, a lot of it won't work properly (having the cursor move horizontally as the user types) but I think's it is good enough to solve the problem. How to reach the problem: Type some text in the first line Hit enter Try backspacing Here is the text box code in Processing Java: // Content String content = ""; String[] adjustedLines = { }; // Current position int row = 1; int line = 1; int column = 1; // Cursor length float cursorLength = 12; // Whether line has been subtracted and readjustment to text has been completed boolean lineSubtracted = false; // Positions of scrollbar float cursorX = width/5 + 55; float cursorY = 55; void setup() { // Background and size background(0); size(1500, 700); } // Create set of line numbers given starting number and number of lines void createLineNumbers(int startingNumber, int numberOfLines) { textAlign(LEFT); String lineText = ""; textLeading(22); for (int i = startingNumber; i <= startingNumber + numberOfLines; i++) { lineText += (str(i) + "\n"); } fill(200); text(lineText, width/5 + 12.5, 75); textAlign(CENTER); } void draw() { background(0); // Update cursor position cursorX = width/5 + 55; cursorY = 55; textAlign(CENTER); // Text Box fill(80); rect(width/5, 55, width*4/5, height-55); textAlign(LEFT); textLeading(22); fill(255); String[] contentLines = content.split("\n"); String display = ""; int lineDifference = 0; display = content; text(display, width/5+55, 75); // Line Numbers textAlign(CENTER); fill(240); createLineNumbers(1 + lineDifference, line + lineDifference); cursorY = 55 + 22 * line; textAlign(RIGHT); // Cursor stroke(149, 203, 250); strokeWeight(4); line(cursorX, cursorY, cursorX - cursorLength, cursorY); noStroke(); textAlign(CENTER); } // Updates content and locations from user typing void keyPressed() { String[] allLines = content.split("(?<=\n)"); boolean willPrint = false; if (key == BACKSPACE) { if (column <= 1) { if (line > 1) { line--; lineSubtracted = true; finished = false; } column = 2; if (lineSubtracted == true && allLines[allLines.length - 1].length() > 1 && allLines.length > 1) { column = allLines[allLines.length - 2].length(); } } if (content.length() > 0) { content = content.substring(0, content.length() - 1); } column--; } else if (key == TAB) { column += 4; content += " "; } else { if (key == ENTER) { line++; column = 0; } else if (lineSubtracted == true && finished == false && line > 1) { if (line == allLines.length) { content = content.substring(0, content.length() - 1); } finished = true; } content += key; column++; } column = allLines[allLines.length - 1].length(); }
For what it's worth, you're jumping through a lot of hoops just to display some editable text. Here is a simplified example that makes Processing do the work for you: String text = ""; String cursor = "_"; boolean blink = true; void setup() { size(500, 500); } void draw() { if(frameCount % 30 == 0){ blink = !blink; } background(0); if(blink){ text(text, 100, 100, 200, 200); } else{ text(text+cursor, 100, 100, 200, 200); } } void keyPressed() { if (key == BACKSPACE) { if (text.length() > 0) { text = text.substring(0, text.length()-1); } } else { text += key; } }
calling a method(constructor) from main & file format
I have a constructor ID3 and I need to start by executing it from the main. Is it possible? I tried doing this: public class ID3 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.print("\f"); //clears the screen ID3 instance = new ID3("data.txt", 5 , 14 , "", 5); instance.ID3("data.txt", 3 , 5 , " ", 2); //error given here since this line had to be removed } public ID3(String fName, int numAttributes, int testCases, String delimiter, int limitSplits) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { fileName = fName; n = numAttributes; t = testCases; numSplits = limitSplits; FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(fileName); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream); //Parse the first line to see if continuous or discrete attributes. firstLine = new String[n]; firstLine = in.readLine().split(delimiter); int i, j, lineCount = 0; for(i=0; i<n; i++) unusedAttr.add(new Integer(i)); input = new String[t][n+1]; String line; int invalidLines = 0; while((lineCount + invalidLines)<t) { try { input[lineCount] = (in.readLine()).split(delimiter); } catch(NullPointerException e) { invalidLines++;continue; } if (Array.getLength(input[lineCount]) != n+1 || (Array.get(input[lineCount],n).toString().compareTo("?") == 0)) //number of attributes provided in the line is incorrect. { invalidLines++;continue; } lineCount++; } if(invalidLines == t) { System.out.println("All lines invalid - Check the supplied attribute number"); System.exit(0); } if (invalidLines > 0) System.out.println("Not Considering "+invalidLines+" invalid training cases"); if(numSplits > maxSplits || numSplits > (t/2)) { System.out.println("numSplits should be less than or equal to "+Math.min(t/2,limitSplits)); System.exit(1); } t = testCases - invalidLines; thresholdVal = new String[n][numSplits - 1]; boolean allCont = false; if(Array.getLength(firstLine) == 1) { if(firstLine[0].compareTo("c") == 0) allCont = true; else if(firstLine[0].compareTo("d") == 0) return; else { System.out.println("Invalid first line - it should be c or d"); System.exit(1); } } for(i=0; i<n; i++) { if(allCont || firstLine[i].compareTo("c") == 0) //Continuous Attribute { for(j=0; j<numSplits-1; j++) thresholdVal[i][j] = calculateThreshold(i,j); } else if(firstLine[i].compareTo("d") != 0) { System.out.println("Invalid first line - Training data (it should specify if the attributes are c or d)"); System.exit(1); } } for(i=0; i<t; i++) { for(j=0; j<n; j++) { if(allCont || firstLine[j].compareTo("c") == 0) input[i][j] = makeContinuous(input[i][j], j); } } } The code for the constructor is shown above, however it finds the file but doesn't process the data and prints the errors out. How should the file be exactly? Used text file has: d Span Shape Slab long square waffle long rectangle waffle short square two-way short rectangle one-way
You are already calling the constructor here - ID3 instance = new ID3("data.txt", 5 , 14 , "", 5);. You can't call it as a regular method. Just remove the instance.ID3("data.txt", 5 , 14 , "", 5); line.
You cannot call constructors like regular methods. The constructor is automatically called when you create an instance of a class,i.e,when you do ID3 instance = new ID3("data.txt", 5 , 14 , "", 5);
Contructors are not methods. One of the key feature of a method is that it should have a return type (event if it is 'void'). Here, you do not need to explicitly call the constructor again. The functionality you implement in the constructor will be executed at instantiation itself. However, this is not recommended and is bug-prone. You should only be instantiating any variables. The actual functionality should be defined in another method.
I am trying to solve '15 puzzle', but I get 'OutOfMemoryError' [closed]
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center. Closed 12 years ago. Is there a way that I can optimize this code as to not run out of memory? import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Stack; public class TilePuzzle { private final static byte ROWS = 4; private final static byte COLUMNS = 4; private static String SOLUTION = "123456789ABCDEF0"; private static byte RADIX = 16; private char[][] board = new char[ROWS][COLUMNS]; private byte x; // Row of the space ('0') private byte y; // Column of the space ('0') private String representation; private boolean change = false; // Has the board changed after the last call to toString? private TilePuzzle() { this(SOLUTION); int times = 1000; Random rnd = new Random(); while(times-- > 0) { try { move((byte)rnd.nextInt(4)); } catch(RuntimeException e) { } } this.representation = asString(); } public TilePuzzle(String representation) { this.representation = representation; final byte SIZE = (byte)SOLUTION.length(); if (representation.length() != SIZE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The board must have " + SIZE + "numbers."); } boolean[] used = new boolean[SIZE]; byte idx = 0; for (byte i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i) { for (byte j = 0; j < COLUMNS; ++j) { char digit = representation.charAt(idx++); byte number = (byte)Character.digit(digit, RADIX); if (number < 0 || number >= SIZE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The character " + digit + " is not valid."); } else if(used[number]) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The character " + digit + " is repeated."); } used[number] = true; board[i][j] = digit; if (digit == '0') { x = i; y = j; } } } } /** * Swap position of the space ('0') with the number that's up to it. */ public void moveUp() { try { move((byte)(x - 1), y); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Move prohibited " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Swap position of the space ('0') with the number that's down to it. */ public void moveDown() { try { move((byte)(x + 1), y); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Move prohibited " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Swap position of the space ('0') with the number that's left to it. */ public void moveLeft() { try { move(x, (byte)(y - 1)); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Move prohibited " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Swap position of the space ('0') with the number that's right to it. */ public void moveRight() { try { move(x, (byte)(y + 1)); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Move prohibited " + e.getMessage()); } } private void move(byte movement) { switch(movement) { case 0: moveUp(); break; case 1: moveRight(); break; case 2: moveDown(); break; case 3: moveLeft(); break; } } private boolean areValidCoordinates(byte x, byte y) { return (x >= 0 && x < ROWS && y >= 0 && y < COLUMNS); } private void move(byte nx, byte ny) { if (!areValidCoordinates(nx, ny)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("(" + nx + ", " + ny + ")"); } board[x][y] = board[nx][ny]; board[nx][ny] = '0'; x = nx; y = ny; change = true; } public String printableString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (byte i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i) { for (byte j = 0; j < COLUMNS; ++j) { sb.append(board[i][j] + " "); } sb.append("\r\n"); } return sb.toString(); } private String asString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (byte i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i) { for (byte j = 0; j < COLUMNS; ++j) { sb.append(board[i][j]); } } return sb.toString(); } public String toString() { if (change) { representation = asString(); } return representation; } private static byte[] whereShouldItBe(char digit) { byte idx = (byte)SOLUTION.indexOf(digit); return new byte[] { (byte)(idx / ROWS), (byte)(idx % ROWS) }; } private static byte manhattanDistance(byte x, byte y, byte x2, byte y2) { byte dx = (byte)Math.abs(x - x2); byte dy = (byte)Math.abs(y - y2); return (byte)(dx + dy); } private byte heuristic() { byte total = 0; for (byte i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i) { for (byte j = 0; j < COLUMNS; ++j) { char digit = board[i][j]; byte[] coordenates = whereShouldItBe(digit); byte distance = manhattanDistance(i, j, coordenates[0], coordenates[1]); total += distance; } } return total; } private class Node implements Comparable<Node> { private String puzzle; private byte moves; // Number of moves from original configuration private byte value; // The value of the heuristic for this configuration. public Node(String puzzle, byte moves, byte value) { this.puzzle = puzzle; this.moves = moves; this.value = value; } #Override public int compareTo(Node o) { return (value + moves) - (o.value + o.moves); } } private void print(Map<String, String> antecessor) { Stack toPrint = new Stack(); toPrint.add(SOLUTION); String before = antecessor.get(SOLUTION); while (!before.equals("")) { toPrint.add(before); before = antecessor.get(before); } while (!toPrint.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(new TilePuzzle(toPrint.pop()).printableString()); } } private byte solve() { if(toString().equals(SOLUTION)) { return 0; } PriorityQueue<Node> toProcess = new PriorityQueue(); Node initial = new Node(toString(), (byte)0, heuristic()); toProcess.add(initial); Map<String, String> antecessor = new HashMap<String, String>(); antecessor.put(toString(), ""); while(!toProcess.isEmpty()) { Node actual = toProcess.poll(); for (byte i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { TilePuzzle t = new TilePuzzle(actual.puzzle); try { t.move(i); } catch(RuntimeException e) { continue; } if (t.toString().equals(SOLUTION)) { antecessor.put(SOLUTION, actual.puzzle); print(antecessor); return (byte)(actual.moves + 1); } else if (!antecessor.containsKey(t.toString())) { byte v = t.heuristic(); Node neighbor = new Node(t.toString(), (byte)(actual.moves + 1), v); toProcess.add(neighbor); antecessor.put(t.toString(), actual.puzzle); } } } return -1; } public static void main(String... args) { TilePuzzle puzzle = new TilePuzzle(); System.out.println(puzzle.solve()); } }
The problem The root cause is the tons of String objects you are creating and storing in the toProcess Queue and the antecessor Map. Why are you doing that? Look at your algorithm. See if you really need to store >2 million nodes and 5 million strings in each. The investigation This was hard to spot because the program is complex. Actually, I didn't even try to understand all of the code. Instead, I used VisualVM – a Java profiler, sampler, and CPU/memory usage monitor. I launched it: And took a look at the memory usage. The first thing I noticed was the (obvious) fact that you're creating tons of objects. This is an screenshot of the app: As you can see, the amount of memory used is tremendous. In as few as 40 seconds, 2 GB were consumed and the entire heap was filled. A dead end I initially thought the problem had something to do with the Node class, because even though it implements Comparable, it doesn't implement equals. So I provided the method: public boolean equals( Object o ) { if( o instanceof Node ) { Node other = ( Node ) o; return this.value == other.value && this.moves == other.moves; } return false; } But that was not the problem. The actual problem turned out to be the one stated at the top. The workaround As previously stated, the real solution is to rethink your algorithm. Whatever else can be done, in the meantime, will only delay the problem. But workarounds can be useful. One is to reuse the strings you're generating. You're very intensively using the TilePuzzle.toString() method; this ends up creating duplicate strings quite often. Since you're generating string permutations, you may create many 12345ABCD strings in matter of seconds. If they are the same string, there is no point in creating millions of instances with the same value. The String.intern() method allows strings to be reused. The doc says: Returns a canonical representation for the string object. A pool of strings, initially empty, is maintained privately by the class String. When the intern method is invoked, if the pool already contains a string equal to this String object as determined by the equals() method, then the string from the pool is returned. Otherwise, this String object is added to the pool and a reference to this String object is returned. For a regular application, using String.intern() could be a bad idea because it doesn't let instances be reclaimed by the GC. But in this case, since you're holding the references in your Map and Queue anyway, it makes sense. So making this change: public String toString() { if (change) { representation = asString(); } return representation.intern(); // <-- Use intern } Pretty much solves the memory problem. This is a screenshot after the change: Now, the heap usage doesn't reach 100 MB even after a couple of minutes. Extra remarks Remark #1 You're using an exception to validate if the movement is valid or not, which is okay; but when you catch them, you're just ignoring them: try { t.move(i); } catch(RuntimeException e) { continue; } If you're not using them anyway, you can save a lot of computation by not creating the exceptions in the first place. Otherwise you're creating millions of unused exceptions. Make this change: if (!areValidCoordinates(nx, ny)) { // REMOVE THIS LINE: // throw new IllegalArgumentException("(" + nx + ", " + ny + ")"); // ADD THIS LINE: return; } And use validation instead: // REMOVE THESE LINES: // try { // t.move(i); // } catch(RuntimeException e) { // continue; // } // ADD THESE LINES: if(t.isValidMovement(i)){ t.move(i); } else { continue; } Remark #2 You're creating a new Random object for every new TilePuzzle instance. It would be better if you used just one for the whole program. After all, you are only using a single thread. Remark #3 The workaround solved the heap memory problem, but created another one involving PermGen. I simply increased the PermGen size, like this: java -Xmx1g -Xms1g -XX:MaxPermSize=1g TilePuzzle Remark #4 The output was sometimes 49 and sometimes 50. The matrices were printed like: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E 0 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 ... 50 times
Time delay and JInput
OK, I don't know how to word this question, but maybe my code will spell out the problem: public class ControllerTest { public static void main(String [] args) { GamePadController rockbandDrum = new GamePadController(); DrumMachine drum = new DrumMachine(); while(true) { try{ rockbandDrum.poll(); if(rockbandDrum.isButtonPressed(1)) //BLUE PAD HhiHat) { drum.playSound("hiHat.wav"); Thread.sleep(50); } if(rockbandDrum.isButtonPressed(2)) //GREEN PAD (Crash) { //Todo: Change to Crash drum.playSound("hiHat.wav"); Thread.sleep(50); } //Etc.... } } } public class DrumMachine { InputStream soundPlayer = null; AudioStream audio = null; static boolean running = true; public void playSound(String soundFile) { //Tak a sound file as a paramater and then //play that sound file try{ soundPlayer = new FileInputStream(soundFile); audio = new AudioStream(soundPlayer); } catch(FileNotFoundException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } AudioPlayer.player.start(audio); } //Etc... Methods for multiple audio clip playing } Now the problem is, if I lower the delay in the Thread.sleep(50) then the sound plays multiple times a second, but if I keep at this level or any higher, I could miss sounds being played... It's an odd problem, where if the delay is too low, the sound loops. But if it's too high it misses playing sounds. Is this just a problem where I would need to tweak the settings, or is there any other way to poll the controller without looping sound? Edit: If I need to post the code for polling the controller I will... import*; import*; import; public class GamePadController { public static final int NUM_BUTTONS = 13; // public stick and hat compass positions public static final int NUM_COMPASS_DIRS = 9; public static final int NW = 0; public static final int NORTH = 1; public static final int NE = 2; public static final int WEST = 3; public static final int NONE = 4; // default value public static final int EAST = 5; public static final int SW = 6; public static final int SOUTH = 7; public static final int SE = 8; private Controller controller; private Component[] comps; // holds the components // comps[] indices for specific components private int xAxisIdx, yAxisIdx, zAxisIdx, rzAxisIdx; // indices for the analog sticks axes private int povIdx; // index for the POV hat private int buttonsIdx[]; // indices for the buttons private Rumbler[] rumblers; private int rumblerIdx; // index for the rumbler being used private boolean rumblerOn = false; // whether rumbler is on or off public GamePadController() { // get the controllers ControllerEnvironment ce = ControllerEnvironment.getDefaultEnvironment(); Controller[] cs = ce.getControllers(); if (cs.length == 0) { System.out.println("No controllers found"); System.exit(0); } else System.out.println("Num. controllers: " + cs.length); // get the game pad controller controller = findGamePad(cs); System.out.println("Game controller: " + controller.getName() + ", " + controller.getType()); // collect indices for the required game pad components findCompIndices(controller); findRumblers(controller); } // end of GamePadController() private Controller findGamePad(Controller[] cs) /* Search the array of controllers until a suitable game pad controller is found (eith of type GAMEPAD or STICK). */ { Controller.Type type; int i = 0; while(i < cs.length) { type = cs[i].getType(); if ((type == Controller.Type.GAMEPAD) || (type == Controller.Type.STICK)) break; i++; } if (i == cs.length) { System.out.println("No game pad found"); System.exit(0); } else System.out.println("Game pad index: " + i); return cs[i]; } // end of findGamePad() private void findCompIndices(Controller controller) /* Store the indices for the analog sticks axes (x,y) and (z,rz), POV hat, and button components of the controller. */ { comps = controller.getComponents(); if (comps.length == 0) { System.out.println("No Components found"); System.exit(0); } else System.out.println("Num. Components: " + comps.length); // get the indices for the axes of the analog sticks: (x,y) and (z,rz) xAxisIdx = findCompIndex(comps, Component.Identifier.Axis.X, "x-axis"); yAxisIdx = findCompIndex(comps, Component.Identifier.Axis.Y, "y-axis"); zAxisIdx = findCompIndex(comps, Component.Identifier.Axis.Z, "z-axis"); rzAxisIdx = findCompIndex(comps, Component.Identifier.Axis.RZ, "rz-axis"); // get POV hat index povIdx = findCompIndex(comps, Component.Identifier.Axis.POV, "POV hat"); findButtons(comps); } // end of findCompIndices() private int findCompIndex(Component[] comps, Component.Identifier id, String nm) /* Search through comps[] for id, returning the corresponding array index, or -1 */ { Component c; for(int i=0; i < comps.length; i++) { c = comps[i]; if ((c.getIdentifier() == id) && !c.isRelative()) { System.out.println("Found " + c.getName() + "; index: " + i); return i; } } System.out.println("No " + nm + " component found"); return -1; } // end of findCompIndex() private void findButtons(Component[] comps) /* Search through comps[] for NUM_BUTTONS buttons, storing their indices in buttonsIdx[]. Ignore excessive buttons. If there aren't enough buttons, then fill the empty spots in buttonsIdx[] with -1's. */ { buttonsIdx = new int[NUM_BUTTONS]; int numButtons = 0; Component c; for(int i=0; i < comps.length; i++) { c = comps[i]; if (isButton(c)) { // deal with a button if (numButtons == NUM_BUTTONS) // already enough buttons System.out.println("Found an extra button; index: " + i + ". Ignoring it"); else { buttonsIdx[numButtons] = i; // store button index System.out.println("Found " + c.getName() + "; index: " + i); numButtons++; } } } // fill empty spots in buttonsIdx[] with -1's if (numButtons < NUM_BUTTONS) { System.out.println("Too few buttons (" + numButtons + "); expecting " + NUM_BUTTONS); while (numButtons < NUM_BUTTONS) { buttonsIdx[numButtons] = -1; numButtons++; } } } // end of findButtons() private boolean isButton(Component c) /* Return true if the component is a digital/absolute button, and its identifier name ends with "Button" (i.e. the identifier class is Component.Identifier.Button). */ { if (!c.isAnalog() && !c.isRelative()) { // digital and absolute String className = c.getIdentifier().getClass().getName(); // System.out.println(c.getName() + " identifier: " + className); if (className.endsWith("Button")) return true; } return false; } // end of isButton() private void findRumblers(Controller controller) /* Find the rumblers. Use the last rumbler for making vibrations, an arbitrary decision. */ { // get the game pad's rumblers rumblers = controller.getRumblers(); if (rumblers.length == 0) { System.out.println("No Rumblers found"); rumblerIdx = -1; } else { System.out.println("Rumblers found: " + rumblers.length); rumblerIdx = rumblers.length-1; // use last rumbler } } // end of findRumblers() // ----------------- polling and getting data ------------------ public void poll() // update the component values in the controller { controller.poll(); } public int getXYStickDir() // return the (x,y) analog stick compass direction { if ((xAxisIdx == -1) || (yAxisIdx == -1)) { System.out.println("(x,y) axis data unavailable"); return NONE; } else return getCompassDir(xAxisIdx, yAxisIdx); } // end of getXYStickDir() public int getZRZStickDir() // return the (z,rz) analog stick compass direction { if ((zAxisIdx == -1) || (rzAxisIdx == -1)) { System.out.println("(z,rz) axis data unavailable"); return NONE; } else return getCompassDir(zAxisIdx, rzAxisIdx); } // end of getXYStickDir() private int getCompassDir(int xA, int yA) // Return the axes as a single compass value { float xCoord = comps[ xA ].getPollData(); float yCoord = comps[ yA ].getPollData(); // System.out.println("(x,y): (" + xCoord + "," + yCoord + ")"); int xc = Math.round(xCoord); int yc = Math.round(yCoord); // System.out.println("Rounded (x,y): (" + xc + "," + yc + ")"); if ((yc == -1) && (xc == -1)) // (y,x) return NW; else if ((yc == -1) && (xc == 0)) return NORTH; else if ((yc == -1) && (xc == 1)) return NE; else if ((yc == 0) && (xc == -1)) return WEST; else if ((yc == 0) && (xc == 0)) return NONE; else if ((yc == 0) && (xc == 1)) return EAST; else if ((yc == 1) && (xc == -1)) return SW; else if ((yc == 1) && (xc == 0)) return SOUTH; else if ((yc == 1) && (xc == 1)) return SE; else { System.out.println("Unknown (x,y): (" + xc + "," + yc + ")"); return NONE; } } // end of getCompassDir() public int getHatDir() // Return the POV hat's direction as a compass direction { if (povIdx == -1) { System.out.println("POV hat data unavailable"); return NONE; } else { float povDir = comps[povIdx].getPollData(); if (povDir == POV.CENTER) // 0.0f return NONE; else if (povDir == POV.DOWN) // 0.75f return SOUTH; else if (povDir == POV.DOWN_LEFT) // 0.875f return SW; else if (povDir == POV.DOWN_RIGHT) // 0.625f return SE; else if (povDir == POV.LEFT) // 1.0f return WEST; else if (povDir == POV.RIGHT) // 0.5f return EAST; else if (povDir == POV.UP) // 0.25f return NORTH; else if (povDir == POV.UP_LEFT) // 0.125f return NW; else if (povDir == POV.UP_RIGHT) // 0.375f return NE; else { // assume center System.out.println("POV hat value out of range: " + povDir); return NONE; } } } // end of getHatDir() public boolean[] getButtons() /* Return all the buttons in a single array. Each button value is a boolean. */ { boolean[] buttons = new boolean[NUM_BUTTONS]; float value; for(int i=0; i < NUM_BUTTONS; i++) { value = comps[ buttonsIdx[i] ].getPollData(); buttons[i] = ((value == 0.0f) ? false : true); } return buttons; } // end of getButtons() public boolean isButtonPressed(int pos) /* Return the button value (a boolean) for button number 'pos'. pos is in the range 1-NUM_BUTTONS to match the game pad button labels. */ { if ((pos < 1) || (pos > NUM_BUTTONS)) { System.out.println("Button position out of range (1-" + NUM_BUTTONS + "): " + pos); return false; } if (buttonsIdx[pos-1] == -1) // no button found at that pos return false; float value = comps[ buttonsIdx[pos-1] ].getPollData(); // array range is 0-NUM_BUTTONS-1 return ((value == 0.0f) ? false : true); } // end of isButtonPressed() // ------------------- Trigger a rumbler ------------------- public void setRumbler(boolean switchOn) // turn the rumbler on or off { if (rumblerIdx != -1) { if (switchOn) rumblers[rumblerIdx].rumble(0.8f); // almost full on for last rumbler else // switch off rumblers[rumblerIdx].rumble(0.0f); rumblerOn = switchOn; // record rumbler's new status } } // end of setRumbler() public boolean isRumblerOn() { return rumblerOn; } } // end of GamePadController class
I think you are using the wrong design pattern here. You should use the observer pattern for this type of thing. A polling loop not very efficient, and as you've noticed doesn't really yield the desired results. I'm not sure what you are using inside your objects to detect if a key is pressed, but if it's a GUI architecture such as Swing or AWT it will be based on the observer pattern via the use of EventListeners, etc.
Here is a (slightly simplified) Observer-pattern applied to your situation. The advantage of this design is that when a button is pressed and hold, method 'buttonChanged' will still only be called once, instead of start 'repeating' every 50 ms. public static final int BUTTON_01 = 0x00000001; public static final int BUTTON_02 = 0x00000002; public static final int BUTTON_03 = 0x00000004; public static final int BUTTON_04 = 0x00000008; // hex 8 == dec 8 public static final int BUTTON_05 = 0x00000010; // hex 10 == dec 16 public static final int BUTTON_06 = 0x00000020; // hex 20 == dec 32 public static final int BUTTON_07 = 0x00000040; // hex 40 == dec 64 public static final int BUTTON_08 = 0x00000080; // etc. public static final int BUTTON_09 = 0x00000100; public static final int BUTTON_10 = 0x00000200; public static final int BUTTON_11 = 0x00000400; public static final int BUTTON_12 = 0x00000800; private int previousButtons = 0; void poll() { rockbandDrum.poll(); handleButtons(); } private void handleButtons() { boolean[] buttons = getButtons(); int pressedButtons = getPressedButtons(buttons); if (pressedButtons != previousButtons) { buttonChanged(pressedButtons); // Notify 'listener'. previousButtons = pressedButtons; } } public boolean[] getButtons() { // Return all the buttons in a single array. Each button-value is a boolean. boolean[] buttons = new boolean[MAX_NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS]; float value; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS-1; i++) { int index = buttonsIndex[i]; if (index < 0) { continue; } value = comps[index].getPollData(); buttons[i] = ((value == 0.0f) ? false : true); } return buttons; } private int getPressedButtons(boolean[] array) { // Mold all pressed buttons into a single number by OR-ing their values. int pressedButtons = 0; int i = 1; for (boolean isBbuttonPressed : array) { if (isBbuttonPressed) { pressedButtons |= getOrValue(i); } i++; } return pressedButtons; } private int getOrValue(int btnNumber) // Get a value to 'OR' with. { int btnValue = 0; switch (btnNumber) { case 1 : btnValue = BUTTON_01; break; case 2 : btnValue = BUTTON_02; break; case 3 : btnValue = BUTTON_03; break; case 4 : btnValue = BUTTON_04; break; case 5 : btnValue = BUTTON_05; break; case 6 : btnValue = BUTTON_06; break; case 7 : btnValue = BUTTON_07; break; case 8 : btnValue = BUTTON_08; break; case 9 : btnValue = BUTTON_09; break; case 10 : btnValue = BUTTON_10; break; case 11 : btnValue = BUTTON_11; break; case 12 : btnValue = BUTTON_12; break; default : assert false : "Invalid button-number"; } return btnValue; } public static boolean checkButton(int pressedButtons, int buttonToCheckFor) { return (pressedButtons & buttonToCheckFor) == buttonToCheckFor; } public void buttonChanged(int buttons) { if (checkButton(buttons, BUTTON_01) { drum.playSound("hiHat.wav"); } if (checkButton(buttons, BUTTON_02) { drum.playSound("crash.wav"); } }
Please post more information about the GamePadController class that you are using. More than likely, that same library will offer an "event" API, where a "callback" that you register with a game pad object will be called as soon as the user presses a button. With this kind of setup, the "polling" loop is in the framework, not your application, and it can be much more efficient, because it uses signals from the hardware rather than a busy-wait polling loop. Okay, I looked at the JInput API, and it is not really event-driven; you have to poll it as you are doing. Does the sound stop looping when you release the button? If so, is your goal to have the sound play just once, and not again until the button is release and pressed again? In that case, you'll need to track the previous button state each time through the loop. Human response time is about 250 ms (for an old guy like me, anyway). If you are polling every 50 ms, I'd expect the controller to report the button depressed for several iterations of the loop. Can you try something like this: boolean played = false; while (true) { String sound = null; if (controller.isButtonPressed(1)) sound = "hiHat.wav"; if (controller.isButtonPressed(2)) sound = "crash.wav"; if (sound != null) { if (!played) { drum.playSound(sound); played = true; } } else { played = false; } Thread.sleep(50); }