JAXBContext and #XmlNsForm annotation - java

Please shed some light on JAXBContext configutation.
customer library com.mycompany.user01234 with several
JAXB-annotated classes
all classes are simple POJOs located in the same package
classes are annotated by #XmlType
Customer marshals instance of com.mycompany.user01234.UserClass1.class to the server via web service endpoint. On the server side I do the following:
JAXBContext jbc = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.mycompany.user01234")
Unmarshaller um = jbc.createUnmarshaller();
JAXBElement<Object> element = um.unmarshal(source, Object.class);
Object customerInput = element.getValue();
And it works fine ONLY if I patch customer library with following package-info.java:
#XmlSchema(elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
package com.mycompany.user01234;
To my shame I havent found any clear explanation of what this #XmlNsForm annotation is and how it affects unmarshalling process. This is the first question.
The second question is whether it is possible (in the given layout) to put that QUALIFIED value into some properties or defaults for JAXBContext or use other non-declarative means allowing to get rid of package-info.java.
Many thanks in advance!

It corresponds exactly to the elementFormDefault attribute of an <xs:schema> element (i.e., the top-level element of an XML Schema document). What it does (with that constant) is state that elements from the namespace defined by the schema should be rendered with a qualifier (i.e., as <foo:bar> instead of <bar>); the exact way that the namespace is declared will also vary between the two styles. In terms of the XML infoset, the two styles are completely equivalent; if namespaces are declared correctly in the XML, JAXB should be equally happy (I believe it should only use the value when serializing).
You might want to try making your JAXBContext by passing in the class that you are expecting so that you are a little less reliant on discovery code (assuming it's a FooBar class that's really being produced):
JAXBContext jbc = JAXBContext.newInstance(FooBar.class);
FooBar customerInput = (FooBar) jbc.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(source);
(The above code is abstracted from things that I do in my code's test suite that definitely already work.)


Unmarshalling a date from an XML String to entity using JAXB

When I use JAXB, there is something wrong.
I convert entity to a xml String and everything is ok.
But when I convert xml String back to entity, some information is lost (All of them have the same type java.util.Date).
In entity:
public Date flightBaseDate;
In xml:
<flightBaseDate>2013-09-16T00:00:00 08:00</flightBaseDate>
after unmarshalling, getFlightBaseDate() returns null.
I googled.
Following one suggestion, I used # in my entity.
Then it is:
#XmlElement(name = "timestamp", required = true)
public Date flightBaseDate;
I'm sure it will be perfect,
but...throws Exception, like this:
com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException: 1 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions
Class has two properties of the same name "flightBaseDate"
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String com.wonders.nlia.omms.vo.FlightServiceInfoVo.getFlightBaseDate()
at com.wonders.nlia.omms.vo.FlightServiceInfoVo
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String com.wonders.nlia.omms.vo.FlightServiceInfoVo.flightBaseDate
at com.wonders.nlia.omms.vo.FlightServiceInfoVo
Why JAXB could not distinguish between the property and its getMethod?
How to solve it?
Platform:jdk7 win7 eclipse tomcat wtp
My Unmarshalling code is:
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(FlightServiceInfoVo.class);
Unmarshaller unMarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
FlightServiceInfoVo flightServiceInfoVo =(FlightServiceInfoVo)unMarshaller.unmarshal(new StringReader(flightServiceInfoVoXml));
flightServiceInfoVoXml is a String.
You can configure JAXB in many different ways. You have chosen Annotations to define the binding (this is allright, do not worry).
I strongle recommend you read about that technique first as there are a lot of pitfalls. Here is a link to a good tutorial. Here is the part in the tutorial which explains why your binding does not work: XmlAccessorType part
As for your specific issue:
In general you have to tell JAXB what and how to bind the java object to it's XML representation. If you do not do anything, then by default all public members of your class are bound (as you can read here).
Additionally you have chosen to annotate the getter method of your public member, which then just pushes the same variable twice to your XML which later causes the exception you see.
To fix your error, either specify a different mapping strategy for your class by putting e.g. (#XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)) before your class declaration or move the annotation from the getter method to the property.
By the way: Having a getter method and a public member variable does not make sense at all. So making your member variable private will also fix your issue with JAXB and be a lot better for your class design.
the exception clearly says that the property name is duplicated, so check you class for a property 'flightBaseDae', it should be unique. remove the duplicate then unmarshall it

JAXB is confused about root elements?

I'm trying to marshal a file using the Visio XML Schema, which consists of 3 schema files and produces three packages when java source is generated with XJC:
The root element is VisioDocument, and all of the classes I'm using are in the 2003 package.
Here is my approach to marshalling my XML file:
VisioDocumentType visioDoc = new VisioDocumentType();
... manipulated here ...
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.microsoft.schemas.visio._2003.core");
Marshaller m = jc.createMarshaller();
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
m.marshal(new JAXBElement<VisioDocumentType>(new QName("uri","local"), VisioDocumentType.class, visioDoc), bw);
When executed, I receive this error:
- with linked exception:
[com.sun.istack.internal.SAXException2: unable to marshal type "com.microsoft.schemas.visio._2003.core.PagePropsType" as an element because it is missing an #XmlRootElement annotation]
I am using PagePropsType, but it is not a root element. Why does JAXB think it is?
The problem resides in the ... manipulated here ... part of your code.
Based on the assumption that you do the following (or something similar).
// you create a page prop
PagePropsType pageProps = ...
// then you feed it to a shape sheet
ShapeSheetType shapeSheet = ...
(ShapeSheetType is a superclass for StyleSheetType, et cetera.)
If this's the case, then your problem lies in adding the pageProps to the list directly.
If you take a look at the getTextOrXFormOrLine() method's documentation it lists what kind of types the list can hold. Every type is wrapped in a JAXBElement<...> so you have to wrap pageProps before adding it to the list.
You should do it like this:
ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
JAXBElement<PagePropsType> pagePropsElement = objectFactory.createShapeSheetTypePageProps(pageProps);
(Note that I've used XJC 2.2.4 to compile the schemas; for me every class' name is suffixed with Type. Maybe this is why I ended up with VisioDocumentType instead of VisioDocument like you, but it shouldn't matter.)
If you check your generated code, you will find a ObjectFactory class in there. This class should have a method that returns a VisioDocument wrapped in a JAXBElement, and that it the object that you want to pass to the marshaller.
Same applicable to all objects you set inside VisioDocument - don't create them with 'new' but use ObjectFactory.

Is there a way to create a Schema object using an XML schema consisting of circular dependencies?

I've been given a schema that contains two .xsd files that include each other (a.xsd includes b.xsd, b.xsd includes a.xsd). When I run them through my code to return a Schema object, I get an out of memory exception.
My code is as follows:
protected Schema createSchema(String fileName) throws Exception {
SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
Resource schemaResource = resourceLoader.getResource(fileName);
StreamSource streamSource = new StreamSource(schemaResource.getInputStream());
Schema schema = factory.newSchema(streamSource);
return schema;
Correct me if I'm wrong, factory.newSchema(streamSource) is using the includes, along with imports, to load the sources into memory. And since these two xsd's include each other, they are loaded over and over again, filling up memory space. Is there a way to break out of this loop and load the rest of the schema WITHOUT changing the schema design?
I was under the impression that most schema processors could handle circular includes: they are never necessary, but they should be harmless. (However, the spec is far from clear on this point.)
Since you are using a resourceResolver of some kind, it's possible that the schema processor isn't recognizing that the URI of an include points back to a document it has already seen.
On the other hand, using a resourceResolver might be a way to eliminate the circularities by returning nothing (or an empty xs:schema) when a schema document is visited the second and subsequent times.
You don't actually say which schema processor you are using: there are at least two processors that implement the JAXP API which you are using here - more than that if you count different forks of Xerces.

Can JAXB store the class name in the XML so that the the deserialize code doesn't need knowledge of the class?

It seems the standard approach for deserializing JAXB XML is to specify the package name when creating the context. Then, JAXB looks up the class based on the root element:
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.foo");
Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
Object o = u.unmarshal(new StringReader("<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><MyJaxb>..."));
I'm looking for a more flexible approach where I don't have to specify the package name and could still deserialize any object. This would be as simple as JAXB storing the package in the XML, but I can't seem to find out how to do this. I can write the code to do it myself but that would be unpleasant. It would like JAXB to do it, if possible. BTW, I am not using schemas, just Annotations and marshal/unmarshal. Any ideas?
Actually you can not deserialize "any" object with pure JAXB. You have to specify either packages (where ObjectFactory.class will be sought) or list of classes like JAXBContext.newInstance(Class1.class, Class2.class, Class3.class); That's how jaxb works, it's a part of agreement.
If your tasks are wider that that, e.g. building java classes from arbitrary xml data structure - it's also possible, but you have to be a bit more concrete - what do you mean under "more flexible approach".
You should be able to add more than one package when you get the instance of the jaxbcontext object. You can add as many packages as you want like below.
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.foo.package1:com.foo.package2" );
however, I am not sure how you are gonna use it if you deserialize it into an Object instance?
Are you not gonna use what you have just deserialized?
Also Unmarshaller is not a thread safe class if your application is a multithreaded one.

JAX-WS and Enunciate - How to change Enunciate's default XSD naming convention

I'm using Enunciate to generate a SOAP endpoint for a Wicket web application I am working on and I have a couple of questions that I haven't figured out the solution to yet.
1 How do I change the name of the xsd files? I've looked through the FAQ and it tells me to do something similar to this:
<schema namespace="http://api.example.com/data" file="data.xsd"/>
However, I haven't quite figured out how to set the targetNamespace for my data objects. I've done this for my service via #WebService ( targetNamespace="blah" ), but how do I annotate my data objects to let Enunciate know which namespace they should belong to?
2 Enunciate generates my XSDs just fine, but I don't particularily like the element names it uses. I have a ServiceRequest and ServiceResponse object. The ServiceRequest object has a List of User objects. The ServiceResponse has a list of Group objects. Enunciate suggests that every "User" object within the ServiceRequest should be using the tag "<users>". I feel that it would make more sense to use the singular form, "<user>" since the tag does in fact only contain a single user. Is it possible to change this behaviour, and if so, how?
Thanks in advance.
So just to be clear, with the exception of the question about naming your schema files, your questions are really more about JAXB than they are about Enunciate. JAXB is the spec that defines how your Java objects are (de)serialized to/from XML and Enunciate conforms to that spec.
Anyway, the easiest way to apply a namespace to your Java objects is with a package-info.java file in the package of your Java classes. Annotate your package with #XmlSchema and set the namespace to be the value you want.
Customizing how your accessors are serialized to/from XML can be done with the #XmlElement annotation, e.g.:
public class MyClass {
#XmlElement (name="user")
List<User> users;
Here are the JAXB javadocs
Or google for a good JAXB tutorial.
