I have this classes for my app:
The app retrieve a list of links from a webservice (.net), I use KSoap Library (as Reference project).
I use JDE 4.5 for develop, because with Eclipse I cant use the method "setRowHeight(index, int)" of ListField class, then I need use JDE 4.5
Ok, I compile the app (F7 key), and run in simulator (F5 key).
In simulator, go to the icon app, and try to open... nothing happends... the app not open... are strange... no error message (ScreenApp.java line 57)... but... if I few more minutes... I see the error message (ScreenApp.java line 57)... I think maybe is because the app try connect...
Later... I think is because not exists a internet connection in simulator (I see EDGE in the top of simulator... is strange), I stop de simulator, open MDS, and run simulator again (F5 key), and now works... the list show correctly... and I can open the links in the blackberry browser.
Now... I put all compiled files in same directory, create a ALX file:
And install this app on device, the installation works ok, I go to the list of applications on device (8520), Open the app and I see the connection message (ScreenApp.java line 57);
I dont understand why ? in this phone (8520) I have EDGE connection with my carrier, I have the WIFI active... I can browse in any page (default browser)... but my app cant retrieve information from webservice... :(
Anybody help me please ?
You need to use Different connection parameter at the end of the url when application run on the device.
For ex. in case of wifi, you need to append ;interface=wifi" at the end of the URL.
Detail code is: you need to call getConnectionString() to get the connection sufix according to device network. I hope this will solve your problem.
* #return connection string
static String getConnectionString()
// This code is based on the connection code developed by Mike Nelson of AccelGolf.
// http://blog.accelgolf.com/2009/05/22/blackberry-cross-carrier-and-cross-network-http-connection
String connectionString = null;
// Simulator behavior is controlled by the USE_MDS_IN_SIMULATOR variable.
// logMessage("Device is a simulator and USE_MDS_IN_SIMULATOR is true");
connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
// Wifi is the preferred transmission method
// logMessage("Device is connected via Wifi.");
connectionString = ";interface=wifi";
// Is the carrier network the only way to connect?
else if((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT)
//logMessage("Carrier coverage.");
String carrierUid = getCarrierBIBSUid();
if(carrierUid == null)
// Has carrier coverage, but not BIBS. So use the carrier's TCP network
// logMessage("No Uid");
connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
// otherwise, use the Uid to construct a valid carrier BIBS request
// logMessage("uid is: " + carrierUid);
connectionString = ";deviceside=false;connectionUID="+carrierUid + ";ConnectionType=mds-public";
// Check for an MDS connection instead (BlackBerry Enterprise Server)
else if((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS)
// logMessage("MDS coverage found");
connectionString = ";deviceside=false";
// If there is no connection available abort to avoid bugging the user unnecssarily.
else if(CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_NONE)
//logMessage("There is no available connection.");
// In theory, all bases are covered so this shouldn't be reachable.
//logMessage("no other options found, assuming device.");
connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
return connectionString;
* Looks through the phone's service book for a carrier provided BIBS network
* #return The uid used to connect to that network.
private static String getCarrierBIBSUid()
ServiceRecord[] records = ServiceBook.getSB().getRecords();
int currentRecord;
for(currentRecord = 0; currentRecord < records.length; currentRecord++)
if(records[currentRecord].getName().toLowerCase().indexOf("bibs") >= 0)
return records[currentRecord].getUid();
return null;
My Java program needs to get a list of the drive letters of connected USB devices, but only those that support USB 3.0 (both the device and the USB port it is plugged into, so that it works with high speed).
Currently I try to use WMI through a PowerShell command my Java programm executes.
I already found this: Powershell: Grab USB Drive letter. But it would also list USB 2.0 devices.
Regarding version detection I found this: How to check the version of the available USB ports? - The PowerShell command I tried is Get-WmiObject Win32_USBHub. This brings up several problems. First: It lists far more stuff than only USB drives (I think also all the USB hubs of my PC). Second: Even though there is a field USBVersion for all items in the list it is always empty.
The essence of my research over the last days is, that there are 2 realms of information I need to connect.
Drives / Logical Drives
Drive Letter
BusType (is equal to "USB" for my matter)
USB devices
Vendor ID and Product ID (VID&PID)
bcdUSB (value within the usb device descriptor, indicating USB Version)
For a given drive letter I need to find the bcdUSB value. But I haven't found a way to get the drive corresponding to a USB device.
What I tried so far
WMI over PowerShell
Relevant commands I found are
Get-Disk // Get BusType
gwmi Win32_LogicalDisk // Get drive letter
// Those make the connection between disk and logical disk
gwmi Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition
gwmi Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition
Even though I get the BusType I couldn't make a connection to bcdUSB
usb4java (Link)
I only get information from the USB device realm here. I can load devices and see ther VID&PID and the bcdUSB value, but no way to map this to drives and drive letters.
lsusb via Cygwin
According to this post the linux command is easier to handle than WMI. So I tried to use it under Windows. But I like usb4java I only got VID&PID + bcdUSB, not the mount point (drive letter).
Searching the Windows Registry
I did a few string searchs in the Windows registry. No success.
Reading Windows Event log
I thought about ovserving Windows events to detect what Drive and what USB device connect at the same time. I didn't even find events when plugging in a USB stick.
Maybe this is what you are looking for:
Find Windows Drive Letter of a removable disk from USB VID/PID
At least someone marked the answer as working... :-)
Since the suggested Link solves this problem for C# not Java and leaves out one step, I'll post my final code here.
In Java
Use USB4Java to find all connected USB devices with bcdUSB=0x0300
Get Vendor ID and Product ID (VID&PID) for that devices
Via Powershell (with jPowerShell)
Get PnPEntity for given VID&PID
Get related USB Controller
Find associator of that USB Controller that is associated with a disk drive
Get that Disk drive
Get related disk partition
Get related logical disk -> LogicalDisk.DeviceID = Drive Letter
Java class:
class UsbDetector {
private PowerShell shell;
private void init() {
shell = com.profesorfalken.jpowershell.PowerShell.openSession();
private void onShutdownHook() {
* Get drive letters of USB 3.0 devices.
public List<String> getDriveLettersForUsb3Devices() throws IOException, UsbException {
List<UsbDevice> devicesUSB3 = getAllUsb3Devices();
ImmutableList.Builder<String> driveLetterList = ImmutableList.builder();
for (UsbDevice device : devicesUSB3) {
String vidAndPid = getVidAndPid(device);
String powerShellScript = buildScript(vidAndPid);
String driveLetter = executeOnPowerShell(powerShellScript);
return driveLetterList.build();
private String executeOnPowerShell(String powerShellScript) {
InputStream psScriptStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(powerShellScript.getBytes());
BufferedReader psScriptReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(psScriptStream));
PowerShellResponse response = shell.executeScript(psScriptReader);
return response.getCommandOutput();
private String buildScript(String vidAndPid) throws IOException {
InputStream psScriptStream =
String psScript = IOUtil.toString(psScriptStream);
psScript = String.format("$input=\"%s\"", vidAndPid) + "\n" + psScript;
return psScript;
* The Vendor ID and Product ID are necessary to find the device via WMI.
private String getVidAndPid(UsbDevice device) {
short vendorId = device.getUsbDeviceDescriptor().idVendor();
short productId = device.getUsbDeviceDescriptor().idProduct();
String vendorIdHexString = String.format("%04x", vendorId).toUpperCase();
String productIdHexString = String.format("%04x", productId).toUpperCase();
String vidAndPid = String.format("VID_%s&PID_%s", vendorIdHexString, productIdHexString);
return vidAndPid;
* From all Usb devices find those with USB 3.0. The value bcdUsb is a hexadecimal coded number
* telling us the USB version.
private List<UsbDevice> getAllUsb3Devices() throws UsbException {
List<UsbDevice> devicesUSB3 = Lists.newArrayList();
UsbServices services = new org.usb4java.javax.Services();
UsbHub hub = services.getRootUsbHub();
List<UsbDevice> devices = getAllUsbDevices(hub);
for (UsbDevice device : devices) {
UsbDeviceDescriptor descriptor = device.getUsbDeviceDescriptor();
short bcdUsb = descriptor.bcdUSB();
String bcdDecoded = DescriptorUtils.decodeBCD(bcdUsb);
if (Objects.equal(bcdDecoded, "3.00")) {
return devicesUSB3;
* UsbHubs can either mount UsbDevices or further UsbHubs. This method searches through the tree
* of UsbHubs for UsbDevices and returns them as list.
private List<UsbDevice> getAllUsbDevices(UsbHub hub) {
List<UsbDevice> devices = Lists.newArrayList();
List<UsbDevice> attachedDevices = hub.getAttachedUsbDevices();
for (UsbDevice device : attachedDevices) {
if (device instanceof UsbHub) {
List<UsbDevice> subdevices = getAllUsbDevices((UsbHub) device);
} else {
return devices;
PowerShell script:
# $input = "VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX (this line is added in Java Code)
# For given VID and PID of a USB device we search for
# the corresponding logical disk to get the drive letter.
# The chain of objects is:
# PnPEntity (PnP = Plug and Play)
# -> USBController
# -> Some associator of USBController that has a related disk drive
# -> diskDrive
# -> diskPartition
# -> logicalDisk
# Find PnPEntity for given VID and PID
$usbPnPEntity = (gwmi Win32_PnPEntity | where DeviceID -match $input)
# Get USB Controller related to PnP Entity
$usbController = $usbPnPEntity.getRelated("Win32_USBController")
$usbControllerID = $usbController.DeviceID
# Find objects associated with the USB Controller
$query = "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_USBController.DeviceID='$usbControllerID'}"
$associators = ([wmisearcher]$query).get()
# Search through associators
foreach ($associator in $associators) {
# Find associator that is related to a disk Drive
$assoDeviceID = $associator.DeviceID
$diskDrive = (gwmi win32_diskdrive | where PNPDeviceID -eq $assoDeviceID)
# Get logical Disk related to the disk drive
$logicalDisk = $diskDrive.getRelated("Win32_DiskPartition").getRelated("Win32_LogicalDisk")
# Print device ID which is the drive letter (e.g. "C:")
Maven dependencies:
I am developing a java application (which will run on linux desktop) to print shipping labels using TSC TTP-244 Pro printer. This printer supports TSPL2 commands.
I am using USB connection and started writing some simple tests using usb4java high-level API in-order to communicate to this printer. I am able to successfully query for the printer status/state <ESC>?! or <ESC>?S (<ESC> here is ASCII 27) with out any issues but unable to issue PRINT command.
Below is my code.
public void printTest() throws UsbException
final UsbServices services = UsbHostManager.getUsbServices();
UsbDevice printerUsbDevice = findDevice(services.getRootUsbHub(), 0x1234, 0x1734);
UsbConfiguration configuration = device.getActiveUsbConfiguration();
UsbInterface iface = configuration.getUsbInterface((byte) 1);
UsbEndpoint inEndpoint = iface.getUsbEndpoint(0x01);
UsbPipe pipe = inEndpoint.getUsbPipe();
UsbEndpoint outEndpoint = iface.getUsbEndpoint(0x82);
UsbPipe pipe2 = outEndpoint.getUsbPipe();
pipe.syncSubmit(27 + "!?".getBytes("US-ASCII"));
byte[] statusResponse = pipe2.syncSubmit(new byte[1]);
System.out.println(new String(statusResponse, "US-ASCII")); // Here status got is "00" if ok otherwise getting error code
pipe.syncSubmit("SIZE 57 mm,37 mm");
pipe.syncSubmit("GAP 3 mm,0 mm");
pipe.syncSubmit("DIRECTION 1");
pipe.syncSubmit("TEXT 10,10 "3",0,1,1, "Test printing");
pipe.syncSubmit("PRINT 1");
// at this pint of time, printer is not printing anything instead just idle
private UsbDevice findDevice(UsbHub hub, short vendorId, short productId)
for (UsbDevice device : (List<UsbDevice>) hub.getAttachedUsbDevices())
UsbDeviceDescriptor desc = device.getUsbDeviceDescriptor();
if (desc.idVendor() == vendorId && desc.idProduct() == productId) return device;
if (device.isUsbHub())
device = findDevice((UsbHub) device, vendorId, productId);
if (device != null) return device;
return null;
Is my usb communication correct ?
Does this USB communication with the TSC printer works without installing any printer driver (on linux) ?
Yes, your communication is correct.
Yes, USB communication on linux can work directly, without drivers.
If printer is not accepting some command, double check that command, maybe there should be some control sum, or something else you have missed? Study how exactly this command should be structured.
I have done a project using serial port to communicate with printer, the details of a command are very important. The status command could have no control sum and is very simple, that's why it work out-of-the-box, but with more sophisticated command you need to read the documentation and debug.
There is also possibility, that the printer is using differnt USB endpoint for other than "status" communication.
getConnectionState() as connected /disconnected depending on the device .if it is sending message i should see connected and if it not sending i should get disconnected .But each time i run the below java Program i am getting status as disconnected irrespective of device is sending messages or not
RegistryManager registryManager = RegistryManager.createFromConnectionString(connectionString);
System.out.println(registryManager.getDevices(new Integer(1000)));
ArrayList<Device> deviceslist=registryManager.getDevices(new Integer(1000));
for(Device device:deviceslist)
*/ }
I definitely am seeing otherwise.
I'm creating an simple C# console application using the code below,
static async void QueryDevices()
RegistryManager manager = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
while (true)
var devices = await manager.GetDevicesAsync(100);
foreach (var item in devices)
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": " + item.Id + ", " + item.ConnectionState);
The git here is to always query the whole device list, because the ConnectionState property somehow looks like "static" memebers of the single device client instance, which is not apt-to change even when the actual state changes.
And my output is like below, the "connected" state is when I'm using an java client sample to send message to the IoT Hub.
I have configured the analog local phone with cisco adapter, so I can make any outbound call from SIP phone. But I can't achieve this by AMI which calls to outbound channel through trunk then plays prompt.
secret = asteriskjava
deny =
permit =
read = all
write = all
exten => 8,1,Playback(thank-you-cooperation)
exten => h,1,Hangup
source code:
public class HelloManager
private ManagerConnection managerConnection;
public HelloManager() throws IOException
ManagerConnectionFactory factory = new ManagerConnectionFactory(
"localhost", "asteriskjava", "asteriskjava");
this.managerConnection = factory.createManagerConnection();
public void run() throws IOException, AuthenticationFailedException,
OriginateAction originateAction;
ManagerResponse originateResponse;
originateAction = new OriginateAction();
originateAction.setPriority(new Integer(1));
// connect to Asterisk and log in
// send the originate action and wait for a maximum of 30 seconds for Asterisk
// to send a reply
originateResponse = managerConnection.sendAction(originateAction, 30000);
// print out whether the originate succeeded or not
System.out.println("---" + originateResponse.getResponse());
// and finally log off and disconnect
Where 405 is the UserID of CISCO adapter for outgoing calls, 7000000 is a sample cell phone number.
Here is the logs:
== Manager 'asteriskjava' logged on from
== Manager 'asteriskjava' logged off from
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
> Channel SIP/405-0000000c was answered.
-- Executing [8#bulk:1] Playback("SIP/405-0000000c", "thank-you-cooperation") in new stack
-- <SIP/405-0000000c> Playing 'thank-you-cooperation.gsm' (language 'en')
-- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/405-0000000c' status is 'UNKNOWN'
-- Executing [h#bulk:1] Hangup("SIP/405-0000000c", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (bulk, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/405-0000000c'
I think SIP/405 is answering, executing Playback then hangs up, not redirecting to sample number.
Any suggestions?
EDIT: How can I configure my cisco adapter in order to redirect outgoing calls, not to answer and make the bridge?
You have configure ring, answer and busy recognition on your ATA.
Asterisk work as you requested as far as i can see from your trace.
If adapter not calling, you have check with your adapater settings. For example it can be calling in tone, why you line expect it is pulse.
Also can be incorrect adapter type for your task. For calling out via PSTN line you need FXO adapter,not FXS.
Here is the scenario:
I want to use docuwiki to show help and other content to users. The users are grouped by to organization. Each organization gets their own content that should be private to them. Enter ACL. I get how I can create a user and limit him to a certain subsection of the wiki.
Now the fun part begins. How can I authenticate these users from my server? I'm running a Tomcat/Java/MSSQL stack. I have full control of both servers.
I'd imagine if it is possible, I would imagine I can post the username/password to the wiki from the servlet, and get some kinda token back that the user can access the site with. But I don't see anything in the documentation about this. If anyone has any ideas, pointers or alternatives, I'd appreciate it.
I think the thing that you need is named Single Sign On (SSO). As a possible solution you could setup an SSO provider (there is vast variety of them, also with support of Tomcat and dokuwiki) and configure your dokuwiki and tomcat to use it. Here is a sample of such provider.
For googlers that come after me:
I ended up writing my own authenticator. TO use authenticator place it in *\inc\auth* with the name sqlsrv.class.php (sqlsrv will be the code you use to specify this authenticator.)
Basically what happens with this is I generate a token on my server that uniquely identifies a logged in user. I then POST or GET to the wiki with the token. The authenticator then queries the server to see if the user should be authenticated, as well as to get the name, email and which ACL groups the user should belong to.
Notes: make sure you change the config options in the php file. And you'll need sqlsrv installed and enabled for your apache/php.
* sqlsrv authentication backend
* #license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
* #author Yuriy Shikhanovich <yuriys#gmail.com>
class auth_sqlsrv extends auth_basic {
* Constructor
* Carry out sanity checks to ensure the object is
* able to operate. Set capabilities.
* #author Yuriy Shikhanovich <yuriys#gmail.com>
function __construct() {
global $config_cascade;
global $connection;
$this->cando['external'] = true;
function trustExternal()
//$msgTxt = $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['info']['user']."x";
//return true;
global $USERINFO;
global $conf;
global $connection;
//already logged in, no need to hit server
if (!empty($_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['info']))
$USERINFO['name'] = $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['info']['user'];
$USERINFO['mail'] = $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['info']['mail'];
$USERINFO['grps'] = $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['info']['grps'];
return true;
//check server based on token
$token = $_GET["token"];
$token = $_POST["token"];
$token = $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['token'];
msg("Could not authenticate. Please contact your admin.");
return false;
//config //NOTE: replace with the appropriate values
$myServer = ",1433";
$myUser = "sqlaccount";
$myPass = "sqlpassword";
$myDB = "dbName";
//end config
//get connection
$connectionInfo = array('UID' => $myUser, 'PWD' => $myPass, "Database"=>$myDB);
$link = sqlsrv_connect($myServer, $connectionInfo);
//check connection
if($link === FALSE)
msg("Could not get connection, contact your admin.");
return false;
//run token against proc
//NOTE: this needs to be implemented on your server, returns :
//"user" - Name of the user //this does not have to be setup in the wiki
//"email" - user's email //this does not have to be setup in the wiki
//"groups" - Which groups //this *does* have to be setup in the wiki to be used with ACL
$sql = "exec WikiLogin '".$token."'";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $link, $sql);
//check statement
if( $stmt === false)
msg("Could not get connection statement, contact your admin.");
return false;
//if returned results, set user and groups
while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC) )
// set the globals if authed
$USERINFO['name'] = $row['user'];
$USERINFO['mail'] = $row['email'];
$USERINFO['grps'] = split(" ",$row['groups']);
//msg(implode($row," "));
//msg(implode($USERINFO," "));
$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = $row['user'];
//uncomment after testing
$_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['user'] = $row['user'];
$_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['mail'] = $row['email'];
$_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['token'] = $token;
$_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['info'] = $USERINFO;
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
return true;
return false;
msg("Could not get connection, contact your admin.");
msg("Could not get connection, contact your admin.");
catch (Exception $e)
msg("Could not get connection, contact your admin.");
msg("Could not get connection, contact your admin.");