how do I ignore/delete values of an array in java - java

I have a list of words , there are 4 words, it cant contain more that 4 its just an example. I want to use just 2 of the words the rest of them should be ignored or deleted e.g :
String planets = "Moon,Sun,Jupiter,Mars";
String[] planetsArray = planets.split(",");
int numberOfPlanets = planetsArray.length;
the result i get is 4. How do i delete the rest of the words if my list contains more that 2 words ?

As suggested in your previous question, you can use
String[] fewPlanets = new String[]{planets[0], planets[1]};
Just make sure the planets array has 2 elements or more to avoid an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. You can use length to check it: if (planets.length >= 2)
For a more sophisticated solution, you could also do this using System.arrayCopy() if you're using Java 1.5 or earlier,
int numberOfElements = 2;
String[] fewPlanets = new String[2];
System.arraycopy(planets, 0, fewPlanets, 0, numberOfElements);
or Arrays.copyOf() if you're using Java 1.6 or later:
int numberOfElements = 2;
String[] fewPlanets = Arrays.copyOf(planets, numberOfElements);

String planets = "Moon,Sun,Jupiter,Mars";
String[] planetsArray = planets.split(",");
if(planetsArray .length > 2){
String []newArr = new String[2];
newArr[0]=planetsArray [0];
newArr[1]=planetsArray [2];
planetsArray = newArr ;

Use Arrays.asList to get a List of Strings from String[] planetsArray.
Then use the methods of the List interface -contains,remove,add, ...- to simply do whatever you want on that List.

If you need to select the first 2 planets just copy the array:
String[] newPlanetsArray = Arrays.CopyOf(planetsArray, 2);
If you need to select 2 specific planets you can apply the following algorithm:
First, create a new array with 2 elements. Then, iterate through the elements in the original array and if the current element is a match add it to the new array (keep track of the current position in the new array to add the next element).
String[] newPlanetsArray = new String[2];
for(int i = 0, int j = 0; i < planetsArray.length; i++) {
if (planetsArray[i].equals("Jupiter") || planetsArray[i].equals("Mars")) {
newPlanetsArray[j++] = planetsArray[i];
if (j > 1)

You could use an idea from How to find nth occurrence of character in a string? and avoid reading the remaining values from your comma separated string input. Simply locate the second comma and substring upto there
(Of course if your code snippet is just an example and you do not have a comma separated input, then please ignore this suggestion :)


Java: Removing an empty Element from String Array [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Resize an Array while keeping current elements in Java?
(12 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have an array String ar[] = {"HalloWelt", " "};, ar.length is 2.
It does register two values within "HalloWelt" on index 0, and a blank/empty string on index 1;
I wonder how can I remove empty space on the index 1 - > but also keep it as a String Array since it is necessary for next task. Or how to do bunch of conversions but end up with String Array in the end.
My attempt
public String[] arraysWhiteSpaceEliminator(String[] arr) {
int k=0; //Identify how big the array should be i.e. till it reaches an empty index.
for(int i=0; i<bsp.length;i++) {
if(arr[i].isEmpty()) {
else {
k = k+1; //if the index isn't empty == +1;
String[] clearnArray = new String[k];
for(int s = 0; s<k; s++) {
clearnArray [s] = arr[s]; //define New Array till we reach the empty index.
//System.out.println(clearnArray [s]+" " +s);
return clearnArray ;
The logic is very simple:
Identify how big the clearnArray should be.
Iterate through original Array with .trim() to remove white Space and check wether isEmpty().
Add to the k if the index isnt Empty.
Create clearnArray with the k as size.
Loop through originial Array till k -> add all the items to cleanArray till k.
Issue: .trim() and .isEmpty() don't record that the index is empty. ?!
A solution with streams:
String[] clean =
Note that this assumes none of the array elements are null. If this is a possibility, simply add the following stage before the map:
The problem with your code is that after counting to find k, you just write the first k elements from the original array. To solve the problem by your technique, you need to check each element of the input array again to see if it's empty (after trimming), and only write to the new array the elements which pass the test.
The code can be simplified using the "enhanced" for loop, since you don't need indices for the original array. (The variable i keeps track of the current index in the new array.) Note also that strings are immutable, so calling .trim() does nothing if you don't use the result anywhere. Your code also refers to bsp which is not defined, so I changed that.
int k = 0;
for(String s : arr) {
s = s.trim();
if(!s.isEmpty()) {
String[] cleanArray = new String[k];
int i = 0;
for(String s : arr) {
s = s.trim();
if(!s.isEmpty()) {
cleanArray[i] = s;
return cleanArray;
Calculate the number of non-null elements and create an array of that size, like
String[] strs = ...;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
if (strs[i] != null) count++;
String newStrArray[] = new String[count];
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
if (strs[i] != null) newStrArray[idx++] = strs[i];
return newStrArray;
You could also probably make this prettier using streams. However I haven't used streaming functionality in Java, so I can't help there.
Two things to note:
Unless you are serializing or the nulls are causing other problems, trimming the array just to get rid of the nulls probably won't have an impact on memory, as the size of an array entry (4 bytes) is very likely inconsequential to the memory block size allocated for the Array object
Converting first to an List and then back to an array is lazy and possibly inefficient. ArrayList, for example, will likely include extra space in the array it creates internally so that you can add more elements to the ArrayList and not have to create a whole new internal array.
in your method, create a new
List cleanedList = new ArrayList();
add iterate through ar[]ar[] = ["HalloWelt",""], and add only non-empty values to cleaned List....then return the array.
return cleanedList.toArray()
like below:
List<String> cleanedList = new ArrayList<>();
for(String s : arr) {
s = s.trim();
if(!s.isEmpty()) {
return cleanArray.toArray();

Split a field through array in java

I would like to know how to split a field through array using Java. For example we have GLaccount like AAAA-BBBB-CCCC and we would like to split each component and store it in an variable however the GLaccount may have AAAA-BBBB (no third component) so in this case variable segment3 throws NULL POINTER exception so I am not sure on how to fix this since I am new to Java.
String GL = getOwner().getGL("GLACCT");
String segment1 = GL.split("-")[0];
String segment2 = GL.split("-")[1];
String segment3 = GL.split("-")[2];
Using split("-" ) will give you an array of strings.
before using array value, you can check the size of array that if it contains enough elements to use..
String GL = getOwner().getGL("GLACCT");
String[] array=GL.split("-");
String segment1 = array[0];
String segment2 = array[1];
//check if array have 3rd element
if(array.length >2)
String segment3 = array[2];
System.out.println("No third element") ;
Use split method (once) and check returned array length :
String[] values3 = "AAAA-BBBB-CCCC".split("-");
// values.length == 3
String[] values2 = "AAAA-BBBB".split("-");
// values2.length == 2
import java.util.Arrays;
List<String> list = Arrays.asList(GL.split("-"));
With this code you do not need to think if you have 2,3 or 10 strings, and to add new if for every new one.

How to delete an entry from an array in Java so that the other entries remain in order

Forgive the clunky title
I want to write a method that removes a specific entry from an array, but doesn't leave a null gap in the array. For example if a String array contained
the user would be prompted to enter which number they wanted removed, the method would find the index of that entry, remove that index, then move the null entry to the last slot.
So if the user entered cc, the array's contents would be
EDIT: I realized I left out some information here. the entry I'm looking to remove will be passed from another method. I will then use a for loop to find the index of the entry (If not found nothing is done). However I'm stuck on how to do the deletion.
First of all: I strongly suggest to use an ArrayList where you can easily remove and add items without having to change the rest of the collection (it also has a toArray() method).
That being said, tihs would be a sample solution to do it with just arrays:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] arr = new String[5];
arr[0] = "aa";
arr[1] = "bb";
arr[2] = "cc";
arr[3] = "dd";
arr[4] = "ee";
int deleteIndex = 2;
System.arraycopy(arr, deleteIndex + 1, arr, deleteIndex, arr.length - deleteIndex - 1);
arr[4] = null;
[aa, bb, cc, dd, ee]
[aa, bb, dd, ee, null]
The idea is to to shift the elements one place ahead starting from the index to delete + 1. Afterwards you set the latest item manually to null or it will duplicate the last entry.
I would do it like this maybe:
for (int i = index; i < array.length -1; i++) {
array[i] = array[i+1];
array[array.length - 1] = null;
To keep the contents in order as you remove you need to shift elements to the left of the array.
The most naive and wasteful way would be to initialize another array with 1 size less than the current.
Then copy all the elements in a loop from your array but not the one that the user wants to remove (jumping that index)
You have the gist of it in your description
the user would be prompted to enter which number they wanted removed, the method would find the index of that entry, remove that index, then move the null entry to the last slot.
with not writing the actual code, since this seems like a school assignment, I'll just add what happens to the indexes of the rest of the entries after the deleted index?
One option would be to make the array into a List, remove the entry then make it into an array again.
ArrayList<String> aList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(yourArray));
return aList.toArray(new String[yourArray.length]);
As a Test example
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] yourArray = new String[]{"FF","AA","BB"};
for(String s : yourArray)
ArrayList<String> aList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(yourArray));
String[] r = aList.toArray(new String[yourArray.length]);
for(String s : r)

Storing objects in arraylist

I have a small issue when I run into while using arraylists in Java. Essentially I am hoping to store an array in an arraylist. I know that arraylists can hold objects, so it should be possible, but I am not sure how.
For the most part my arraylist (which is parsed from a file) is just holding one character as a string, but once in a while it has a series of characters, like this:
0 a
1 a
2 d
3 g
4 d
5 f,s,t
6 r
Most of the time the only character I would care about in the string residing at position 5 is the f but occasionally I may need to look at the s or the t as well. My solution to this is to make an array like this:
0 f
1 s
2 t
and store subarray in position 5 instead.
0 a
1 a
2 d
3 g
4 d
5 subarray[f,s,t]
6 r
I tried to do this with this code:
//for the length of the arraylist
for(int al = 0; al < myarray.size(); al++){
//check the size of the string
String value = myarray.get(al);
int strsz = value.length();
prse = value.split(dlmcma);
//if it is bigger than 1 then use a subarray
if(strsz > 1){
subarray[0] = prse[0];
subarray[1] = prse[1];
subarray[2] = prse[2];
//set subarray to the location of the string that was too long
//this is where it all goes horribly wrong
alt4.set(al, subarray[]);
This isn't working the way I would like though. It won't allow me to .set(int, array). It only allows .set(int, string). Does anyone have suggestions?
The easiest approach would be to have an ArrayList of ArrayList.
ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> alt4 = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
However, this probably isn't the best solution. You may want to rethink your data model and look for a better solution.
Just change alt4.set(al, subarray[]); to
I assume alt4 is another defined ArrayList<String[]>. If not, define it as below:
List<String[]> alt4= new ArrayList<String[]>();
ArrayList<String[]> alt4= new ArrayList<String[]>();
My guess is that you are declaring alt4 as List<String> and that's why it is not letting you set an array of String as a list element. You should declare it as List<String[]> and is each element is only singular, simply set it as the 0th element of the String[] array before adding it to the list.
You could switch to:
List<List<Character>> alt4 = new ArrayList<List<Character>>();
May be this is what you want to get
public class Tester {
List<String> myArrays = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "a", "d", "g", "d", "f,s,t", "r" });
ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> alt4 = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
private void manageArray() {
// for the length of the arraylist
ArrayList<String> subarray = new ArrayList<String>();
for(int al = 0; al < myArrays.size(); al++) {
// check the size of the string
String value = myArrays.get(al);
int strsz = value.length();
String prse[] = value.split(",");
// if it is bigger than 1 then use a subarray
if(strsz > 1) {
for(String string : prse) {
// set subarray to the location of the string that was too long
// this is where it all goes horribly wrong
alt4.set(al, subarray);

how to split this string[LECT-3A,instr01,Instructor 01,teacher,,,,,male,phone,,] as my requirement in java

hello every one i got a string from csv file like this
LECT-3A,instr01,Instructor 01,teacher,,,,,male,phone,,
how to split this string with comma i want the array like this
s[0]=LECT-3A,s[1]=instr01,s[2]=Instructor 01,s[3]=teacher,s[4],s[5]=,s[6]=,s[7]=,s[8]=male,s[9]=phone,s[10]=,s[11]=
can anyone please help me how to split the above string as my array
thank u inadvance
- Use the split() function with , as delimeter to do this.
String s = "Hello,this,is,vivek";
String[] arr = s.split(",");
you can use the limit parameter to do this:
The limit parameter controls the number of times the pattern is applied and therefore affects the length of the resulting array. If the limit n is greater than zero then the pattern will be applied at most n - 1 times, the array's length will be no greater than n, and the array's last entry will contain all input beyond the last matched delimiter. If n is non-positive then the pattern will be applied as many times as possible and the array can have any length. If n is zero then the pattern will be applied as many times as possible, the array can have any length, and trailing empty strings will be discarded.
ls_test = "LECT-3A,instr01,Instructor 01,teacher,,,,,male,phone,,".split(",",12);
int cont = 0;
for (String ls_pieces : ls_test)
s[2]Instructor 01
You could try something like so:
String str = "LECT-3A,instr01,Instructor 01,teacher,,,,,male,phone,,";
List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();
int current = 0;
int previous = 0;
while((current = str.indexOf(",", previous)) != -1)
words.add(str.substring(previous, current));
previous = current + 1;
String[] w = words.toArray(new String[words.size()]);
for(String section : w)
This yields:
Instructor 01
