seeking suggestions/critique for async rebuilding of a resource - java

Here is the proposed solution (I did search for the same - unsuccessfully)
public abstract class AsyncCache<T> {
* an atomic int is used here only because stamped reference doesn't take a long,
* if it did the current thread could be used for the stamp.
private AtomicInteger threadStamp = new AtomicInteger(1);
private AtomicStampedReference<T> reference = new AtomicStampedReference<T>(null, 0);
protected abstract T rebuild();
public void reset() {
reference.set(null, 0);
public T get() {
T obj = reference.getReference();
if (obj != null) return obj;
int threadID = threadStamp.incrementAndGet();
reference.compareAndSet(null, null, 0, threadID);
obj = rebuild();
reference.compareAndSet(null, obj, threadID, threadID);
return obj;
The process should be easy to see - the resource is only built when requested and invalidated by calling reset.
The first thread to request resource inserts its ID into the stamped reference and will then insert its version of the resource once generated UNLESS another reset is called.
in case of a subsequent reset the first requesting thread will return a stale version of the resource (is valid use case), and some request started after the latest reset will populate the reference with its result.
Please let me know if I've missed something or if there is a better (faster + simlpler ++ elegant) solution.
One thing - the MAX_INT is not handled intentionally - don't believe the prog will live long enough, but certainly easy to do.
Thank you.

Thats defiently not async since requesting thread will block until rebuild() method is complete. Another problem - you don't check value returned from compareAndSet. I believed you need something like this
if(reference.compareAndSet(null, null, 0, threadID)) { //if resource was already reseted - rebuild
reference.compareAndSet(null, obj, threadID, threadID);
obj = rebuild();
But that approach has another drawback - you have to rebuild entry several times (considering several threads wants that entry at once). You can use future tasks for that case ( or use MapMaker.


IBKR TWS API - How to tell when reqOptionsMktData is complete for all strikes?

I am just getting started with IBKR API on Java. I am following the API sample code, specifically the options chain example, to figure out how to get options chains for specific stocks.
The example works well for this, but I have one question - how do I know once ALL data has been loaded? There does not seem to be a way to tell. The sample code is able to tell when each individual row has been loaded, but there doesn't seem to be a way to tell when ALL strikes have been successfully loaded.
I thought that using tickSnapshotEnd() would be beneficial, but it doesn't not seem to work as I would expect it to. I would expect it to be called once for every request that completes. For example, if I do a query for a stock like SOFI on the 2022/03/18 expiry, I see that there are 35 strikes but tickSnapshotEnd() is called 40+ times, with some strikes repeated more than once.
Note that I am doing requests for snapshot data, not live/streaming data
reqOptionsMktData is obviously a method in the sample code you are using. Not sure what particular code your using, so this is a general response.
Firstly you are correct, there is no way to tell via the API, this must be done by the client. Of course it will provide the requestID that was used when the request was made. The client needs to remember what each requestID was for and decide how to process that information when it is received in the callbacks.
This can be done via a dictionary or hashtable, where upon receiving data in the callback then check if the chain is complete.
Message delivery from the API often has unexpected results, receiving extra messages is common and is something that needs to be taken into account by the client. Consider the API stateless, and track everything in the client.
Seems you are referring to Regulatory Snapshots, I would encourage you to look at the cost. It could quite quickly add up to the price of streaming live data. Add to that the 1/sec limit will make a chain take a long time to load. I wouldn't even recommend using snapshots with live data, cancelling the request yourself is trivial and much faster.
Something like (this is obviously incomplete C#, just a starting point)
class OptionData
public int ReqId { get; }
public double Strike { get; }
public string Expiry { get; }
public double? Bid { get; set; } = null;
public double? Ask { get; set; } = null;
public bool IsComplete()
return Bid != null && Ask != null;
public OptionData(int reqId, double strike, ....
{ ...
class MyData()
// Create somewhere to store our data, indexed by reqId.
Dictionary<int, OptionData> optChain = new();
public MyData()
// We would want to call reqSecDefOptParams to get a list of strikes etc.
// Choose which part of the chain you want, likely you'll want to
// get the current price of the underlying to decide.
int reqId = 1;
optChain.Add(++reqId, new OptionData(reqId,strike,expiry));
// Request data for each contract
// Note the 50 msg/sec limit
// Only 1/sec for Reg snapshot
foreach(OptionData opt in optChain)
Contract con = new()
Symbol = "SPY",
Currency = "USD"
Exchange = "SMART",
Right = "C",
SecType = "OPT",
Strike = opt.strike,
Expiry = opt.Expiry
ibClient.ClientSocket.reqMktData(opt.ReqId, con, "", false, true, new List<TagValue>());
private void Recv_TickPrice(TickPriceMessage msg)
if (msg.Field == 2) optChain[msg.RequestId].Ask = msg.Price;
if (msg.Field == 1) optChain[msg.RequestId].Bid = msg.Price;
// You may want other tick types as well
// see
// This wont apply for reg snapshot.
// You have the data, and have cancelled the request.
// Maybe request more data or update display etc...
// Check if the whole chain is complete
bool complete=true;
foreach(OptionData opt in optChain)
if(!opt.IsComplete()) complete=false;
// do whatever

Interactive Broker Java API

Everytime before I place a new order to IB, I need to make a request to IB for next valid orderId and do Thread.Sleep(500) to sleep for 0.5 seconds and wait for IB API's callback function nextValidId to return the latest orderID. If I want to place multiple orders out, then I have to naively do thread.sleep multiple times, This is not a very good way to handle this, as the orderID could have been updated earlier and hence the new order could have been placed earlier. And what if the orderID takes longer time to update than thread sleep time, this would result in error.
Is there a more efficient and elegant way to do this ?
Ideally, I want the program to prevent running placeNewOrder until the latest available orderID is updated and notify the program to run placeNewOrder.
I do not know much about Java data synchronization but I reckon there might be a better solution using synchronized or wait-notify or locking or blocking.
my code:
// place first order
int currentOrderId = ib_wrapper.getCurrentOrderId();
placeNewOrder(currentOrderId, orderDetails); // my order placement method
// place 2nd order
int currentOrderId = ib_wrapper.getCurrentOrderId();
placeNewOrder(currentOrderId, orderDetails); // my order placement method
IB EWrapper:
public class EWrapperImpl implements EWrapper {
protected int currentOrderId = -1;
public int getCurrentOrderId() {
return currentOrderId;
public void nextValidId(int orderId) {
System.out.println("Next Valid Id: ["+orderId+"]");
currentOrderId = orderId;
You never need to ask for id's. Just increment by one for every order.
When you first connect, nextValidId is the first or second message to be received, just keep track of the id and keep incrementing.
The only rules for orderId is to use an integer and always increment by some amount. This is per clientId so if you connect with a new clientId then the last orderId is something else.
I always use max(1000, nextValidId) to make sure my id's start at 1000 or more since I use <1000 for data requests. It just helps with errors that have ids.
You can also reset the sequence somehow.
This means that if there is a single client application submitting
orders to an account, it does not have to obtain a new valid
identifier every time it needs to submit a new order. It is enough to
increase the last value received from the nextValidId method by one.
You should not mess around with order ID, it's automatically tracked and being set by the API. Otherwise you will get the annoying "Duplicate order id" error 103. From ApiController class:
public void placeOrModifyOrder(Contract contract, final Order order, final IOrderHandler handler) {
if (!checkConnection())
// when placing new order, assign new order id
if (order.orderId() == 0) {
order.orderId( m_orderId++);
if (handler != null) {
m_orderHandlers.put( order.orderId(), handler);
m_client.placeOrder( contract, order);

Is java dynamic synchronization a good idea or allowed?

Basically, what is needed is to synchronize requests to each of the records.
Some of the codes I can think of is like this:
//member variable
ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Object> lockMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Object>();
//one method
private void maintainLockObjects(long id){
lockMap.putIfAbsent(id, new Object());
//the request method
bar(long id){
//logic here
Have a look at ClassLoader.getClassLoadingLock:
Returns the lock object for class loading operations. For backward compatibility, the default implementation of this method behaves as follows. If this ClassLoader object is registered as parallel capable, the method returns a dedicated object associated with the specified class name. Otherwise, the method returns this ClassLoader object.
Its implementation code may look familiar to you:
protected Object getClassLoadingLock(String className) {
Object lock = this;
if (parallelLockMap != null) {
Object newLock = new Object();
lock = parallelLockMap.putIfAbsent(className, newLock);
if (lock == null) {
lock = newLock;
return lock;
The first null check is only for the mentioned backwards compatibility. So besides that, the only difference between this heavily used code and your approach is that this code avoids to call get afterwards as putIfAbsent already returns the old object if there is one.
So the simply answer, it works and this pattern also proving within a really crucial part of Oracle’s JRE implementation.

Is this usage of a cache map safe in a multithreaded environment?

I'm implementing a LRU cache for photos of users, using Commons Collections LRUMap (which is basicly a LinkedHashMap with small modifications). The findPhoto method can be called several hundred times within a few seconds.
public class CacheHandler {
private static final int MAX_ENTRIES = 1000;
private static Map<Long, Photo> photoCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LRUMap(MAX_ENTRIES));
public static Map<Long, Photo> getPhotoCache() {
return photoCache;
public Photo findPhoto(Long userId){
User user = userDAO.find(userId);
if (user != null) {
Map<Long, Photo> cache = CacheHandler.getPhotoCache();
Photo photo = cache.get(userId);
if(photo == null){
if (user.isFromAD()) {
try {
photo = LDAPService.getInstance().getPhoto(user.getLogin());
} catch (LDAPSearchException e) {
throw new EJBException(e);
} else {
log.debug("Fetching photo from DB for external user: " + user.getLogin());
UserFile file = userDAO.findUserFile(user.getPhotoId());
if (file != null) {
photo = new Photo(file.getFilename(), "image/png", file.getFileData());
cache.put(userId, photo);
log.debug("Fetching photo from cache, user: " + user.getLogin());
return photo;
return null;
As you can see I'm not using synchronization blocks. I'm assuming that the worst case scenario here is a race condition that causes two threads to run cache.put(userId, photo) for the same userId. But the data will be the same for two threads, so that is not an issue.
Is my reasoning here correct? If not, is there a way to use a synchronization block without getting a large performance hit? Having only 1 thread accessing the map at a time feels like overkill.
Assylias is right that what you've got will work fine.
However, if you want to avoid fetching images more than once, that is also possible, with a bit more work. The insight is that if a thread comes along, makes a cache miss, and starts loading an image, then if a second thread comes along wanting the same image before the first thread has finished loading it, then it should wait for the first thread, rather than going and loading it itself.
This is fairly easy to coordinate using some of Java's simpler concurrency classes.
Firstly, let me refactor your example to pull out the interesting bit. Here's what you wrote:
public Photo findPhoto(User user) {
Map<Long, Photo> cache = CacheHandler.getPhotoCache();
Photo photo = cache.get(user.getId());
if (photo == null) {
photo = loadPhoto(user);
cache.put(user.getId(), photo);
return photo;
Here, loadPhoto is a method which does the actual nitty-gritty of loading a photo, which isn't relevant here. I assume that the validation of the user is done in another method which calls this one. Other than that, this is your code.
What we do instead is this:
public Photo findPhoto(final User user) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
Map<Long, Future<Photo>> cache = CacheHandler.getPhotoCache();
Future<Photo> photo;
FutureTask<Photo> task;
synchronized (cache) {
photo = cache.get(user.getId());
if (photo == null) {
task = new FutureTask<Photo>(new Callable<Photo>() {
public Photo call() throws Exception {
return loadPhoto(user);
photo = task;
cache.put(user.getId(), photo);
else {
task = null;
if (task != null);
return photo.get();
Note that you need to change the type of CacheHandler.photoCache to accommodate the wrapping FutureTasks. And since this code does explicit locking, you can remove the synchronizedMap from it. You could also use a ConcurrentMap for the cache, which would allow the use of putIfAbsent, a more concurrent alternative to the lock/get/check for null/put/unlock sequence.
Hopefully, what is happening here is fairly obvious. The basic pattern of getting something from the cache, checking to see if what you got was null, and if so putting something back in is still there. But instead of putting in a Photo, you put in a Future, which is essentially a placeholder for a Photo which may not (or may) be there right at that moment, but which will become available later. The get method on Future gets the thing that a place is being held for, blocking until it arrives if necessary.
This code uses FutureTask as an implementation of Future; this takes a Callable capable of producing a Photo as a constructor argument, and calls it when its run method is called. The call to run is guarded with a test that essentially recapitulates the if (photo == null) test from earlier, but outside the synchronized block (because as you realised, you really don't want to be loading photos while holding the cache lock).
This is a pattern i've seen or needed a few times. It's a shame it's not built into the standard library somewhere.
Yes you are right - if the photo creation is idempotent (always returns the same photo), the worst thing that can happen is that you will fetch it more than once and put it into the map more than once.

Java Server Client, shared variable between threads

I am working on a project to create a simple auction server that multiple clients connect to. The server class implements Runnable and so creates a new thread for each client that connects.
I am trying to have the current highest bid stored in a variable that can be seen by each client. I found answers saying to use AtomicInteger, but when I used it with methods such as atomicVariable.intValue() I got null pointer exception errors.
What ways can I manipulate the AtomicInteger without getting this error or is there an other way to have a shared variable that is relatively simple?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I have the AtomicInteger working. The problem is now that only the most recent client to connect to the server seems to be able to interact with it. The other client just sort of freeze.
Would I be correct in saying this is a problem with locking?
Well, most likely you forgot to initialize it:
private final AtomicInteger highestBid = new AtomicInteger();
However working with highestBid requires a great deal of knowledge to get it right without any locking. For example if you want to update it with new highest bid:
public boolean saveIfHighest(int bid) {
int currentBid = highestBid.get();
while (currentBid < bid) {
if (highestBid.compareAndSet(currentBid, bid)) {
return true;
currentBid = highestBid.get();
return false;
or in a more compact way:
for(int currentBid = highestBid.get(); currentBid < bid; currentBid = highestBid.get()) {
if (highestBid.compareAndSet(currentBid, bid)) {
return true;
return false;
You might wonder, why is it so hard? Image two threads (requests) biding at the same time. Current highest bid is 10. One is biding 11, another 12. Both threads compare current highestBid and realize they are bigger. Now the second thread happens to be first and update it to 12. Unfortunately the first request now steps in and revert it to 11 (because it already checked the condition).
This is a typical race condition that you can avoid either by explicit synchronization or by using atomic variables with implicit compare-and-set low-level support.
Seeing the complexity introduced by much more performant lock-free atomic integer you might want to restore to classic synchronization:
public synchronized boolean saveIfHighest(int bid) {
if (highestBid < bid) {
highestBid = bid;
return true;
} else {
return false;
I wouldn't look at the problem like that. I would simply store all the bids in a ConcurrentSkipListSet, which is a thread-safe SortedSet. With the correct implementation of compareTo(), which determines the ordering, the first element of the Set will automatically be the highest bid.
Here's some sample code:
public class Bid implements Comparable<Bid> {
String user;
int amountInCents;
Date created;
public int compareTo(Bid o) {
if (amountInCents == o.amountInCents) {
return created.compareTo(created); // earlier bids sort first
return o.amountInCents - amountInCents; // larger bids sort first
public class Auction {
private SortedSet<Bid> bids = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<Bid>();
public Bid getHighestBid() {
return bids.isEmpty() ? null : bids.first();
public void addBid(Bid bid) {
Doing this has the following advantages:
Automatically provides a bidding history
Allows a simple way to save any other bid info you need
You could also consider this method:
* #param bid
* #return true if the bid was successful
public boolean makeBid(Bid bid) {
if (bids.isEmpty()) {
return true;
if (bid.compareTo(bids.first()) <= 0) {
return false;
return true;
Using an AtomicInteger is fine, provided you initialise it as Tomasz has suggested.
What you might like to think about, however, is whether all you will literally ever need to store is just the highest bid as an integer. Will you never need to store associated information, such as the bidding time, user ID of the bidder etc? Because if at a later stage you do, you'll have to start undoing your AtomicInteger code and replacing it.
I would be tempted from the outset to set things up to store arbitrary information associated with the bid. For example, you can define a "Bid" class with the relevant field(s). Then on each bid, use an AtomicReference to store an instance of "Bid" with the relevant information. To be thread-safe, make all the fields on your Bid class final.
You could also consider using an explicit Lock (e.g. see the ReentrantLock class) to control access to the highest bid. As Tomasz mentions, even with an AtomicInteger (or AtomicReference: the logic is essentially the same) you need to be a little careful about how you access it. The atomic classes are really designed for cases where they are very frequently accessed (as in thousands of times per second, not every few minutes as on a typical auction site). They won't really give you any performance benefit here, and an explicit Lock object might be more intuitive to program with.
