How to move (or do anything with) the mouse - java

How to interact with the Windows API using Java and the JNA (Java Native Access)?. I'm trying to make the mouse do something by queuing a mouse event on the mouse input stream, and the code works, in that the SendInput(...) method returns 1 suggesting that it has successfully queued the event, but yet the mouse itself does nothing.
Edit: edited to fill in the dwFlags field. I've tried several combinations of constants either by themselves or bit-or combined without success still. Again, the SendInput method returns 1 as it should suggesting a functioning method, but the mouse doesn't budge:
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.*;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.*;
import com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary;
public class MouseUtils {
public interface User32 extends StdCallLibrary {
public static final long MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = 0x0001L;
public static final long MOUSEEVENTF_VIRTUALDESK = 0x4000L;
public static final long MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = 0x8000L;
User32 INSTANCE = (User32) Native.loadLibrary("user32", User32.class);
DWORD SendInput(DWORD dWord, INPUT[] input, int cbSize);
public static void main(String[] args) {
INPUT input = new INPUT();
input.type = new DWORD(INPUT.INPUT_MOUSE);
input.input.mi.dx = new LONG(500);
input.input.mi.dy = new LONG(500);
input.input.mi.mouseData = new DWORD(0);
input.input.mi.dwFlags = new DWORD(User32.MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE
// input.input.mi.dwFlags = new DWORD(0x8000L);
input.input.mi.time = new DWORD(0);
INPUT[] inArray = {input};
int cbSize = input.size(); // mouse input struct size
DWORD nInputs = new DWORD(1); // number of inputs
DWORD result = User32.INSTANCE.SendInput(nInputs , inArray, cbSize);
System.out.println("result: " + result); // return 1 if the 1 event successfully inserted
Edit 2:
Doing more reading, and it seems that my understanding of arrays with JNA is deficient, that I have to think in terms of C arrays where an array is simply a pointer to a region of contiguous memory. More to come (I hope!).

JNA document Using Structures And Unions reads:
Unions are generally interchangeable with Structures, but require that you indicate which union field is active with the setType method before it can be properly passed to a function call.
I guess you missed setType part. Also, when using MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE, dx and dy are specified as the coordinate of the mouse, not pixels.
Following works:
public interface User32 extends StdCallLibrary {
public static final int SM_CXSCREEN = 0x0;
public static final int SM_CYSCREEN = 0x1;
int GetSystemMetrics(int index);
public static void main(String[] args) {
input.input.mi.dx = new LONG(500 * 65536 / User32.INSTANCE.GetSystemMetrics(User32.SM_CXSCREEN));
input.input.mi.dy = new LONG(500 * 65536 / User32.INSTANCE.GetSystemMetrics(User32.SM_CYSCREEN));

Call the toArray() method on your structure to obtain a contiguous block of memory.
INPUT input = new INPUT();
INPUT[] arg = (INPUT[])input.toArray(1);
Alternatively, you can simply declare an alternate method mapping for SendInput:
DWORD SendInput(int nInputs, INPUT pInputs, int cbSize);
However, there may be something else going on (permissions, perhaps? see MS notes on UIPI), since your example ought to work (at least with a single array element).
EDIT: the Union.setType() answer is indeed the correct one.

input.input.mi.dwFlags = new DWORD(0);
You didn't specify any of the mouse input flags, so there was no mouse input.


How do I separate the choices in a list

The purpose of the program is to calculate the volumes of different geometrical figures (Like a cylinder or a pyramid). I've started out by adding a list where the user can choose between the different figures.
The problem is that I don't know how to make the program know which formula to use. I need to be able to separate the choices instead of just making an int out of the answer.
private void btnAktiveraActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
String form = listForm.getSelectedValue().toString();
int fo = Integer.valueOf( form );
String höjd = txfHöjd.getText().toString();
int hö = Integer.valueOf( höjd );
String bredd = txfBredd.getText().toString();
int br = Integer.valueOf( bredd );
String radie = txfRadie.getText();
int ra = Integer.valueOf(radie);
String djup = txfDjup.getText();
int dj = Integer.valueOf(djup);
double ACyl = 3.14*ra*ra*hö;
double APyr = (br*dj*hö)/2;
double AKub = br*dj*hö;
double ARät = br*dj*hö;
private void btnBeräknaActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// I know this code won't work, its just a reminder.
if (answer == Cyinder){
System.out.print("volymen är: "+ACyl+" cm^3");
I don't understand your question very clearly. I would suggest to make a plan to solve your problems.
make a list of figures that program will calculate
make a list of methods to count volumes of those figures
create individual classes, variables etc...
create methods
create main method with user input
You mentioned you don't know which formula to use. I assume there won't be many formulas in your program. I would create an individual method for each individual figure i.e. piramidFormula(), cilinderFormula()...
There is no point to refer to polimorphism when I think your level of programming is very basic at this stage.
I hope that will help you a little bit.
You need a list to hold the things, you seem to understand this just fine.
You need a way to select things. Selection is typically not exactly the same thing as the list, you need a class to be responsible for the "selection" behaviour.
Each thing has a routine that can calculate the volume. That means it will need input parameters. This is where it starts to get tricky, because if you want all of your things to be in the same list, you need to decide how to manage the different input parameters for the different types in the list.
public List<VolumeCalculations> volumeCalculations ...
public interface VolumeCalculation {
public double getVolume();
public class CubleCalcuation implements VolumeCalculation {
private double side = 0;
public void setSide(double value) {
this.side = value;
public double getVolume() {
return side*side*side;
the other volume calculations are left as an exercise to you.
Then you need to put them all in the list
volumeCalculations.add(new CubeVolumeCalculation());
But when you select the calculation, you will need "something" to ask for the right input.
public interface CalculationInputGather {
public void setCalcualtion(VolumeCalcuation value);
public void askForInputs();
which the one for the CubleCalcuation might look like
public CubeInputGather implements CalculationInputGatherer {
public void setCalculation(VolumeCalcualtion value) {
if (value instanceof CubeCalcuation) {
this.volume = value;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("value must be a CubeCalculation");
public void askForInputs() {
System.out.println("enter the side value:");
// read the value
then when you know the selected item in the list, you can use a Map of Calcuations to their input gatherers to lookup the right input gatherer for the selected calcuation.
If you already have the list for the user to choose from, maybe consider a map instead. You can have all your shapes as the keys of the map and then the formulas for volume as the values of the map. The list of shapes can be provided to the user via the keySet and their response can be matched back against the map to find the formula.
EDIT: You have your formulas for each shape inside an action event. You'll need to move those into a separate class
public static class Formulas() {
// list all formulas here
private String cylinder = "3.14*r*r*h";
Then when you hit the action you can either create a new instance of the Formulas class and use any convenience methods you might write in there.

Lexicographic quicksort algorithm

My professor gave me a code for the methods to be used in sorting an array of names lexicographically, but I have no idea how what to write inside the main class to show that the program works. I am very new to java, so please if you know how to do this could you write it as simple as possible for me to understand it. Thanks in advance.
This is are the classes
public class quicksort_class {
int[] array1 = new int[11];
public quicksort_class(int[] w)
array1 = w;
private static void sort(String[] string, int leftlimit, int rightlimit) {
if (rightlimit > leftlimit)
int midpoint = partitionstep(string, leftlimit, rightlimit);
sort(string, leftlimit, midpoint - 1);
sort(string, midpoint, rightlimit);
public static int partitionstep(String[] string, int leftlimit, int rightlimit)
String midpoint = string[rightlimit];
int lpointer = leftlimit;
int rpointer = rightlimit;
String temp = "";
while(string[lpointer].compareTo(midpoint) <= 0)
lpointer = lpointer ++;
while(string[rpointer].compareTo(midpoint) > 0)
rpointer = rpointer --;
if(lpointer > rpointer)
temp = string[lpointer];
string[lpointer] = string[rightlimit];
string[rpointer] = temp;
while(lpointer < rpointer)
temp = string[lpointer];
string[lpointer] = string[rightlimit];
string[rightlimit] = temp;
return lpointer;
This is the main class (as you can see I have no idea what to write)
package quicksort;
public class Quicksort {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Write something that sets up an array of strings and calls sort against it, then prints out the results or checks them against a known good result.
Ideally, write something which does this repeatedly, with particular emphasis on checking unusual combinations (already sorted or sorted in reverse, null in the array, same value appearing several times or all values being identical...)
If you want to go beyond that, you need to dig into the code to understand its edge cases and specifically test those, and/or do a "code coverage" analysis (there are tools to help with that) to make sure all parts of the code have been exercised.
Assume the algorithm of sort method is correct:
1. If the main method is within the body of quicksort_class, you can directly call the sort method as sort(arrayToBeSorted, 0 , arrayToBeSorted.length-1). And the arrayToBeSorted should ordered lexicographically after your call. You can check that to confirm.
2. If the main method is in other class, as your main method currently, you need to at least change the private prefix of sort method to public, and call quicksort_class.sort(arrayToBeSorted, 0 , arrayToBeSorted.length-1).
Some tips:
1. Private prefix of method definition means this method can only be called inside current class body.
2. Static prefix of method definition means you should call this method via class name directly, instead of via a instance of class.
By the way, can you provide what the array1 attribute stands for? I don't get why it's there.

2 dimensional array changing during serialisation

I'm serialising and deserialising a large two dimensional array of objects. Each object contains instructions to creating a BufferedImage - this is done to get around BufferedImage not being directly serializable itself.
The class being serialised is:
public final class MapTile extends TransientImage
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
private transient BufferedImage f;
transient BufferedImage b;
int along;
int down;
boolean flip = false;
int rot = 0;
public MapTile(World w, int a, int d)
// f = w.getMapTiles();
along = a;
down = d;
public MapTile(World w, int a, int d, int r, boolean fl)
// f = w.getMapTiles();
along = a;
down = d;
rot = r;
flip = fl;
public int getA()
return along;
public int getD()
return down;
public void assignImage()
if (f == null)
f = World.mapTiles;
b = f.getSubimage(along, down, World.squareSize, World.squareSize);
if (rot != 0)
b = SmallMap.rotateImage(b, rot);
if (flip)
b = SmallMap.flipImage(b);
f = null;
b = null;
which extends:
public abstract class TransientImage implements Serializable
private transient BufferedImage image;
public BufferedImage getImage()
return image;
public void setImage(BufferedImage i)
image = i;
public abstract void assignImage();
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
This will ultimately be part of a map - usually it is created randomly but certain areas must be the same each time, hence serialising them and reading the array back in. As I will never need to save the image during normal usage I am putting in the write code:
try (ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("verticalroad.necro")))
//catch (IOException e) {
in the class that creates the map, the read code:
FileInputStream door = new FileInputStream(new File(f.getPath()+ "//verticalroad.necro"));
ObjectInputStream reader = new ObjectInputStream(door);
homeTiles = (MapTile[][]) reader.readObject();
catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("Thrown an error" + e.getMessage());
in the initialising class and commenting in and out as needed.
However. Each time I run the program the contents of the two dimensional array (mapArray in write, homeTiles in read) is different. Not only different from the one I (thought) I wrote, but also different each time the program is opened.
As can be seen, I'm printing out the toString to System.out which reveals further oddities. As its just a standard array, the toString isn't 100% helpful but it seems to cycle between several distinct values. However, even when the toStringg gives the same value, the contents of the array as displayed are not the same.
An example of a toString is hometiles:[[Lriseofthenecromancer.MapTile;#7681720a Looking at the documentation for Array.toString (here) it seems to be badly formed, lacking a trailing ]. I'm not sure if this is a clue to the issue or if its simply that the array is very large (several thousand objects) and its an issue of display space (I'm using NetBeans).
Any insight as to why this is changing would be appreciated. My working assumption is that its serializing the array but not the contents. But I have no idea a) if that's the case and b)if it is, what to do about it.
EDIT: Looking into this a bit further, it seems that instance variables aren't being set immediately. Printing them out directly after the call to setImage() has them all at zero, printing them from the calling class has them where they should be.
The underlying problem was that I'm an idiot. The specific expression of this in this particular case was that I forgot that subclasses couldn't inherit private methods. As such, the assignImage call wasn't being made and the image wasn't being set up.
Sorry for wasting the time of anyone who looked at this. I feel quite embarrassed.

Javolution ByteBuffer question

I have the following implementation with Javolution:
public class RunScan extends Struct
public final Signed32 numOfClusters = new Signed32();
public final ClusterData[] clusters;
public final Signed32 numOfRecons = new Signed32();
public final ReconData[] recons ;
public RunScan (int numOfClusters, int numOfRecons)
clusters = array(new ClusterData[numOfClusters]);
recons = array(new ReconData[numOfRecons]);
public class ClusterData extends Struct
public final UTF8String scanType = new UTF8String(CommInterfaceFieldConstants.SCAN_TYPE_SIZE);
public final UTF8String patientId = new UTF8String(CommInterfaceFieldConstants.PATIENT_ID_SIZE);
public class ReconData extends Struct
public final UTF8String patientId = new UTF8String(CommInterfaceFieldConstants.PATIENT_ID_SIZE);
public final UTF8String scanSeriesId = new UTF8String(CommInterfaceFieldConstants.SCAN_SERIES_ID_SIZE);
In our communication class, before we put data onto socket, we need to get the bytes[] of the RunScan object but we get BufferUnderflowException in the line with "//<<<<<<<":
private byte[] getCmdBytes(Struct scCmd)
ByteBuffer cmdBuffer = scCmd.getByteBuffer();
int cmdSize = scCmd.size();
byte[] cmdBytes = new byte[cmdSize];
if (cmdBuffer.hasArray())
int offset = cmdBuffer.arrayOffset() + scCmd.getByteBufferPosition();
System.arraycopy(cmdBuffer.array(), offset, cmdBytes, 0, cmdSize);
String msg = "\n\ncmdBufferRemaining=" + cmdBuffer.remaining() + ", cmdBytesSize=" + cmdBytes.length + "\n\n";
cmdBuffer.get(cmdBytes); //<<<<<<<<<< underFlowException
return cmdBytes;
This method works in other cases. The exception happens because this line,
ByteBuffer cmdBuffer = scCmd.getByteBuffer();
only returns a 8 bytes (from the remaining() method) ByteBuffer of the RunScan object which are those two Signed32 fields, I think. But this line,
int cmdSize = scCmd.size();
returns a right length of the RunScan object which includes the size of those two arrays.
If I create those two array at the time I declare them (not "new" them in the constructor) with hard coded length, it works fine without any exception.
Anybody can help me figure out what's wrong with our implementation?
I ran into a similar situation with my code. Generally, with the current Struct object, you cannot have a variable length array defined in the same struct as the member that contains the number of elements in the array.
Try something like this:
public class RunScanHeader extends Struct
public final Signed32 numOfClusters = new Signed32();
public final Signed32 numOfRecons = new Signed32();
public class RunScanBody extends Struct
public final ClusterData[] clusters;
public final ReconData[] recons ;
public RunScan (int numOfClusters, int numOfRecons)
clusters = array(new ClusterData[numOfClusters]);
recons = array(new ReconData[numOfRecons]);
You'll then need a two phase approach to read and write, first read/write the header data, then read/write the body data.
Sorry I don't have more details at this time, if you can't solve this, let me know and I'll dig back through my code.
The initialization order is important has it defines the position of each field. Either your initialization is done when the field is declared (most common case). Or if you do it in the constructor you have to remember that the constructor is called after the member initialization. Here is an example with initialization done in the constructor:
public class RunScan extends Struct {
public final Signed32 numOfClusters;
public final ClusterData[] clusters;
public final Signed32 numOfRecons;
public final ReconData[] recons ;
public RunScan (int numOfClusters, int numOfRecons) {
// Initialization done in the constructor for all members
// Order is important, it should match the declarative order to ensure proper positioning.
this.numOfClusters = new Signed32();
this.clusters = array(new ClusterData[numOfClusters]);
this.numOfRecons = new Signed32();
this.recons = array(new ReconData[numOfRecons]);
// Only after all the members have been initialized the set method can be used.
get() will move the position of the ByteBuffer.
scCmd.getByteBuffer().slice().get(dest) might solve your issue with moving the position and unintended side effects.
scCmd.getByteBuffer().duplicate().get(dest) might also solve your issue if slice() produces the wrong picture of the origin buffer.
Additionally, it appears as though scCmd.getByteBuffer() creates a redundant reference and you are calling the source and child reference in the same method.
If scCmd.getByteBuffer() is already passing you a slice(), your redundant access to these methods is certainly going to do something other than what you planned.

Luse Constructor With Variable Inside

I'm learning about constructors.
When I try to compile the following code, I get the error "variable input and shape are not initialized."
Could anyone tell me why and how to solve it?
public class Try {
public static void main(String[] args)
String input;//user key in the height and width
int shape;//triangle or square
Count gen = new Count(input , shape);//is this the right way to code?
public class Count {
public Count(String inp, int shp) {
String input_value = inp;
shape_type = shp;
public void solve () {
if shape_type==3{
//count the triangle
else if shape_type==4{
//count the square
You haven't given shape or input values yet before you try using them. Either you can give them dummy values for now, like
String input = "test";
int shape = 3;
Or get the string and integer from the user; in that case, you might want to take a look at how to use a Scanner.
By leaving input and shape without values, at:
String input;
int shape;
they are uninitialized, so Java doesn't know what their values really are.
I assume this is some kind of homework. I took the liberty of reformating and fixing your code a little.
You have to initialize any variable you are going to use. The only exception is when you are using class members (those are initialized automatically to some default value). See below that the members of the Count class aren't explicitly initialized.
This is some working code. Also note that i change the solve method a little (the if blocks should have had () around the expression. But what you are trying to do is usually better done with a switch block as shown below. Also I declared two members inside the Count class to remember the values provided at construction time in order to be able to use them when calling the solve() method.
public class Try {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = null; //user key in the height and width
int shape = 0; //triangle or square
Count gen = new Count(input, shape);//is this the right way to code?
class Count {
String input_value;
int shape_type;
public Count(String inp, int shp) {
this.input_value = inp;
this.shape_type = shp;
public void solve() {
switch (this.shape_type) {
case 3:
// count the triangle
case 4:
// count the square
Proper formatting of the code usually helps :).
