How to execute a Maven build Java application - java

I am playing to Maven and tried to built a simple HellowWorld application.
This application uses Spring to libraries.
When I tried to run it, I run it through:
with command:
java -cp HelloWorldApp
It has a long list of classpath dependencies.
I think maven must have some more clever ways to do this instead of listing a whole list of dependency libs.
Can someone help?
Thanks. I now have another question. I run the project using:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.vaannila.HelloWorldApp"
However, my project uses a Spring config called beans.xml which is in the
When I run it, it says:
Caused by: class path resource [beans.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(XmlBeanDefinitionReader.jav
How can I specify where to look the Spring config?
Many thanks

Run your application by issuing mvn exec:java at the command line, maven will take care of the rest including download of the maven exec plugin.
EDIT As for your updated question: It appears that maven did not copy your resources to the target folder, you can use the maven-resources-plugin to do that. This link should help you get this done.

If you use IDE, such as eclipse +m2eclipse - it will calculate all dependencies from maven dependencies.
If you are running from command line use Exec maven plugin


Is it possible to package a portable maven in the project (and some general direction on how)?

The solution which needs bootstrapping is supplied as java code. Absolutely sure that this is necessary.
Receivers of the solution are guaranteed to have a suitable JDK
However, receivers of the solution are unable to install Maven (they don't know how to and cannot be taught)
My idea is to include some sort of Maven with the project, such that can be set up in a script like so:
set up maven repo as a folder under the solution folder (using relative reference)
set up anything else maven needs (don't know what, exactly)
call /path/to/maven/mvn compile -f /path/to/oneAndOnly/pom.xml
java /target/MySolutionClas
I am aware of: but it gets confusing when he talks about configuring the portable maven into the pom.xml - wait, how is that pom.xml going to mean anything if maven is not configured yet?
(PS: I mean no disrespect to the author. I probably got it all wrong)
One could include a shell script that would setup maven if it is not already present.
The same for building and packaging encapsulating the complexities of the setup to just runing a couple of scripts.
Maven Wrapper aims to do just that, similar to the gradle wrapper seen in many gradle projects.
Running the wrapper goal of the maven wrapper plugin will generate a mvnw script in your project that can be run in place of a globally installed mvn command.
It's part of the maven 3.7.0 release, and documented more fully here:
See for maven < 3.7.0

How to run maven project using batch file?

This is what i have done till now:
I have API automation Script in maven using testng, Following is the structure of project
2.Now i first tried to run testng.xml using command-line with following command.
java -cp ".;C:\Users\A622965\.m2\repository\org\testng\testng\6.8\testng-6.8.jar" org.testng.TestNG testng.xml
3.But throws following error:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.testng.TestNG
Not able to figure out the issue after watching lot of tutorials.
I am looking to batch process the script using Task Schedular in Windows
Remember that Maven is a build tool, so every single operation which requires the classpath must be done through Maven, wether if you want to execute it from the command line or from some GUI.
So, in your case you will find useful the Maven command line tool:
mvn <phases>
In your case:
mvn test
But remember to include first in the pom.xml the testng library dependency, and also to properly configure the surefire plugin.
You need to build path for testng
Right click-->Build -->Libraries Tab-->Add External jar-->Then restart--it will work...

maven install shows error but when i execute maven -X install build success

I have a java maven application when i execute the command mvn install it shows compilation error stating that the particular user defined package is not found. When i execute build maven from eclipse by passing -X clean install in goals it passes.
I am passing an User-defined Java object to the method as parameters(I am using the same process for different method with the same object it worked) but wen i create a new method it fails.
maven 3.5 version
any help would be appreciated
i found the issue was with the pom.xml where they build two different goals one to compile the main files and the other is to compile class files. I wrongly added the test beans to main project rather than it must be in test side. So, at the time of compilation first it compiles the main files these test beans binaries would not be available in the heap so it fails.
now the issue has been resolved. Thanks for the help #DarsanMetha and #khmarbaise

Where to put JDBC driver in Java console program?

I've created a little test app as a console program in java that tries to work with hibernate, and I'm trying to connect to an instance of SQL-Server-2008. But when I run my app I'm getting an error stating that it can't find the JDBC driver.
Now I've created the project as a maven project so if the driver is available as a maven dependency that would be great, although I couldn't find it. I do however have the actual .jar file, but I have no idea where to put this in my project structure. Which look like this:
So.. any help would greatly be appreciated! Thanks :)
Download it from and then install
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=sqljdbc4.jar -DartifactId=sqljdbc4 -Dversion=3.0 -Dpackaging=jar
Once you include it using maven, it is referenced from maven directory.

How to build and Run Storm Topology within Intellij IDEA

I followed Storm Starter instructions and imported Twitter Storm in IntelliJ. For sake of testing I edited ExclaimationToplogy a bit and used following Maven command to build and run it:
mvn -f m2-pom.xml compile exec:java -Dstorm.topology=storm.starter.ExclamationTopology
But I am more interested to build and run within IDE rather than from command line. What actions do I need to perform?
Follow the steps in storm-starter's: Using storm-starter with IntelliJ IDEA
Open Maven's pom.xml file and remove <scope>provided</scope> line from storm dependency. This enables IntelliJ to compile storm dependency on build.
Go to /src/jvm/storm/starter/, right click on ExclamationTopology file and Run 'ExclamationTop....main()'
From within IntelliJ, if you get Clojure related compiler errors involving LocalCluster then .... do a mvn clean install -DskipTests from the command line on the same project first. Then do a 'Rebuild Project' from within IntelliJ. Life is full of mysteries :-).
You need to also ensure that the storm-core is not in provided scope for storm-starter.
