Error when starting JBoss 5.1.0.GA / AttachmentStore - java

I'm getting this error when starting the JBoss server in Eclipse.
Failed to boot JBoss:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Incompletely deployed.
Deployment "AttachmentStore" is in error due to: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: wrong arguments. new for taget expected=[] actual=[]
I've googled the AttachementStore error and most suggested modifying the profile.xml (conf/bootstrap/profile.xml) file by adding a class to the constructor parameter node like this...
constructor parameter class=""
Adding the class="" seems to be the accepted solution everywhere since it's a known bug in JBoss but it didn't work for me.
I know I added the class correctly, I checked, rechecked and rechecked again the profile.xml file but JBoss is still throwing the same error when starting. I'm completely baffled. Anyone have any other ideas?

Error mainly occurred due to upgrade java 6 to java 7 or 8. Previously I used jdk 6u10 and it is changed to jdk 7u45.
Run the projects using java release of jdk 6u10 or Sun JDK 1.6.0_13. JBOSS runs with these JDK version successfully.


Problem with oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPServletContextListener

I'm running a small java application on TomCat 9.0.56 for class that has to connect to a database. I'm using jdbc (ojdbc8 - It was working fine untill it started displaying the following error:
16-Jan-2022 21:03:42.631 SEVERE [RMI TCP Connection(3)-] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart Error configuring application listener [oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPServletContextListener] java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: oracle.ucp.jdbc.UCPServletContextListener.<init>()
I'm new to tomcat and I'm not sure how to fix this. I have re-installed everything but it hasn't worked again. Any idea?
IDE - IntelliJ 2021.2.3
JDK - 17.0.1
I am sure you must be using Oracle JDBC and UCP binaries from 21.1 release instead of 19.3 release. You can check and validate the ojdbc and ucp jar version using below command:
java -jar ucp.jar
java -jar ojdbc8.jar
The issue you have described above is a known issue with ucp 21.1 release jars. In order to fix the issue, you can simply switch to ucp/jdbc 21.3 release. Please make sure to upgrade both ucp.jar and ojdbc8.jar to 21.3, not just one. Also, make sure to remove all duplicate jars(if any) from the class-path.
Here is a related thread for the same issue:
Ojdbc8 jars upgrade to throws Nosuchmethod exception UCPservletContextListener init
Weirdly, uninstalling and deleting all tomcat versions previously used and installing a new one and setting up a new configuration made the error stop happening and the app is running nicely again.
I had done this before with no results, but this time it did work.

Oracle JDK Update 5 (1.7.0_05) not working on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11. EOFException while connecting to Javaspace Blackboard (JINI)

We are trying to run a process (broker) from a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (java-1_7_0-ibm) which connects to a Javaspace Blackboard (JINI) deployed on another linux machine. (CentOs with Open JDK "1.7.0_05-icedtea" version)
Stack Trace :
INFO: Starting broker
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
at net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler.invokeRemoteMethod(
at net.jini.jeri.BasicInvocationHandler.invoke(
at com.sun.jini.reggie.$Proxy0.lookup(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.jini.reggie.RegistrarProxy.lookup(
at edu.vt.ndssl.blackboard.JiniSpaceService.findSpace(
at edu.vt.ndssl.blackboard.JiniSpaceService.<init>(
at edu.vt.ndssl.blackboard.JavaSpaceBlackboard.<init>(
at edu.vt.ndssl.blackboard.BlackboardFactory.make(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected exception
at com.sun.jini.logging.Levels.createLevel(
at com.sun.jini.logging.Levels.<clinit>(
at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
... 10 more
Caused by:
at com.sun.jini.logging.Levels.createLevel(
... 13 more
Same code works fine with Java 1.6 version upto 26.
I am looking for a correct version of Java to be installed on the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server which will be compatible with this OS and also equivalent to the Oracle JDK Update 5 or Open JDK Version 1.7.0_05 (icedtea).
Apparently, the root cause of the problem is that Oracle has made an incompatible change to the serialization format of the com.sun.jini.logging.Levels class. The change reportedly happened in Oracle JDK 1.6.0_38 and JDK 1.7.0_13, and has presumably made it into recent OpenJDK versions as well.
This problem has manifested in a variety of projects that use JINI. Examples: +
More examples can be found by searching for "com.sun.jini.logging.Levels EOFException".
I can't say what the solution is / would be for you, but I have a couple of ideas:
Avoidance: I think you can avoid the problem if you don't mix pre and post-change JVM versions in your application network.
If you need to upgrade your application JVMs, I suggest that you upgrade them all, and then do a complete shutdown/restart of your JINI applications and services.
Fix your applications: It appears that the Apache River project fixed the problem by modifying the JINI code. As the issue ticket says:
The com.sun.jini.logging.Levels class produces a RuntimeException with the latest version of Java (both 1.6 and 1.7). The issue surrounds creation of custom java.util.logging.Level. The current implementation uses a ClassReplacingObjectOutputStream and the LevelData approach. By removing this approach and creating a subclass of java.util.logging.Level the issue gets resolved.
The issue ticket has a lot of discussion on the best way to do this, proposed patches and links to the checkin where they actually implemented the fix.

UnsatisfiedLinkError and NoClassDefFoundError : Running Java Mapscript on Ubuntu 11.10

We have coded and run a dynamic web application using MAPSERVER(Version 6.0.1) on windows platform using Java Technology. Now, there is need of deploying it on Ubuntu 11.10. We have installed Apache Tomcat 6.0, Mapserver 6.0.1, Apache 2.0, and FWTools-2.0.1(As this package contain all required tools for mapserver if I am not wrong, so I didn't feel any other tools to be installed). We have deployed the war file(and put application without) in Apache Tomcat 's Webapps folder. I even got the index page which dont have code related with mapscript api. But while fetching the other servlet with mapscript we are getting following error...
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no mapscript in java.library.path
Again while refreshing the browser page where the above error was displayed, I got a change,
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
I searched on net about the above problem. But finally blank. Please, provide idea about the above problem.
I'm not going to explain why you're getting the UnsatisfiedLinkError, but instead I'll explain why you are getting the NoClassDefFoundError when you reload the page.
A NoClassDefFoundError with a message Could not initialize class ... is thrown by the JVM when it attempts to initialize a class that it has already tried and failed to initialize.
The first of your two stacktraces contains the line
The method name <clinit> denotes the static initializer, of the class mapscriptJNI. So, at the point that the UnsatisfiedLinkError was thrown, the JVM was trying to initialize this class. Looking at the error message, it seems that this static initializer tried to load the native code library mapscript but failed.
This UnsatisfiedLinkError causes the mapscriptJNI class to fail to initialize successfully. The JVM keeps a record of all classes that fail to initialize, and if you attempt to initialize one of those classes again, you'll get a NoClassDefFoundError with a message saying that it could not initialize that class.
When you refresh the page, you end up causing the JVM to attempt to initialize the class mapscriptJNI a second time. Of course, this class failed to initialize the previous time. Your second stacktrace contains exactly the error I've described.
In short, the UnsatisfiedLinkError is the real error here. Fix that and the other one will go away.
I would check the following 2 items:
Is the mapscript.jar file on Tomcat or at least your webapp's classpath? (NoClassDefFoundError is your big clue here)
Is the on either your LD_LIBRARY_PATH or -Djava.library.path? (UnsatisfiedLinkError since the shared object cannot be found)
Try having a look at this post, near the Running Java Mapscript (on Linux) section.
Hope that helps!

JAX-WS and version conflicts

As test project I've create a very simple WebService using wsdl and jax-ws. The client runs very well if it is deployed as web application in GlassFish but if I start the same (WebService-)Code in Eclipse directly, I get the following error:
WARNUNG: Input Action on WSDL operation AddNumbers and #Action on its associated Web Method addNumbers did not match and will cause problems in dispatching the requests
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/glassfish/ha/store/api/BackingStoreException
at mnm.namedesdienstes.webservice.service.NameDesDienstesService.getNameDesDienstesPortTypePort(
at webserviceClient.NameDesDienstesClient.myTest(
at webserviceClient.NameDesDienstesClient.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 16 more
After some research I found out that it must have something to do with different versions of some library files. So now my question is, how can I "fix" my eclipse java execution to run my webservice client correctly? I've found some tips to copy some jar to an endorsed-directory, but which jars into which directory :-)
I'm using Max OS 10.6.8, Eclipse Project uses JVM 1.6. My Mac Java Version is
xmacbook:~ cstraube$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03-384-10M3425)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02-384, mixed mode)
UPDATE: My first try (thanks to the link from remipod) I performed the following steps:
Get the directory of endorsed lirbaries with System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.endorsed.dirs"));
Next, I copied the two files JAXWS2.1.7-20090419.jar and JAXB2_20080513.jar (both Version 2.1.7) into this directory
Unfortunately I get still the same error
I have similar problem with yours when deploying web service (JAX-WS) in tomcat 7.
The missing class definition could be found in ha-api.jar.
You should add the ha-api.jar (From JAX-WS distribution) into server lib. For my case, the eclipse run tomcat 7, so the location is (Tomcat 7.0\lib).
You have to copy the fitting versions of jaxws-api.jar and jaxb-api.jar into the directory /Library/Java/Home/lib/endorsed (Mac).
Have a look at this link JAX WS with WS 2.1.1. You will need to give precedence to your version of jaxws to the provided jaxws from the jre 1.6.
Glassfish already includes some libraries, as well as java 6. I had to track down version conflicts with jaxws in glassfish 3.1 / 3.1.1 and java 6 / 7. You might check the exact java runtime eclipse uses to start the application and look for duplicate jars on the effective classpath.
The endorsed mechanism just provides an easy and error prone way to override the included jaxws distribution. Error prone, because your colleague will suffer from the same problem.
I havn't seen the exception in the context of jaxws. Your version conflict could be created by another library than jaxws...
I experienced the exact same exception
And after ensuring my JAX-WS and JAX-B jars were all the same version the issue was still occurring.
THE FIX: I then added the ha-api.jar to the WEB-INF\lib directory and this solved the issue.
The clue here was the "ha" package in the exceptions class path as seen above. Hope this helps!

ICEFaces 1.7.2 and Websphere Application Server 7

We recently migrated from WAS6 to WAS7. One of our application, which was working perfectly fine in WAS6 is not working in WAS7 with following error.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com/sun/faces/util/Util.verifyFactoriesAndInitDefaultRenderKit(Ljavax/servlet/ServletContext;)V
The piece of code, which is giving that error is
FacesContextFactory contextFactory = (FacesContextFactory)
facesContext = contextFactory.getFacesContext(
request.getSession().getServletContext(), request, response, lifecycle);
Found these info while debugging the app in WAS6 vs WAS7
contextfactory: - JSF-IBM.jar - WAS7
contextfactory: com.icesoft.faces.context.FacesContextFactoryImpl - icefaces.jar - WAS6
I tried some suggestions like creating a Shared Lib and associating that to the EAR and changing the class loader schemes from "Parent Last" to "Parent First".
But no matter what I do, In WAS7 I am getting MultipartFacesContextFactoryImpl as the value of contextFactory.
I tried to replace 1.7.2 with 1.8 version of icefaces.jar and icefaces-comps.jar. But still the same result.
Please help. Please let me know if you need more details.
It could be that WAS6 used Java 5 as native and WAS7 uses Java 6. Try recompiling your classes with Java 6.
