How to Center background in Andengine Scene - java

Is there a formula to use to center a background in the camera of Andengine.
My camera is the size of the Screen on the particular device which i retrieve using this...
final Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
CAMERA_WIDTH = display.getWidth();
CAMERA_HEIGHT = display.getHeight();
int x = //formula to center background in camera or screen on the X axis
int y = //formula to center background in camera or screen on the Y axis
For my SpriteBackground, how could i figure out what is the x, and y to center it in the camera?
The x and y is supplied like this..
Sprite sprite = new Sprite(x,y,TextureRegion);

final float x = CAMERA_WIDTH / 2 - textureRegion.getWidth() / 2;
final float y = CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2 - textureRegion.getHeight() / 2;
Sprite sprite = new Sprite(x, y, textureRegion);
This will make sprite positioned in the middle of the scene. If the camera doesn't move around, it will be the center of the camera (hence screen) too.

You should check setBackground method for your scene. It will center your sprite and move it when your camera moves.
Sprite background = new Sprite(0,0, CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT, backgroundTextureRegion);
scene.setBackground(new SpriteBackground(background));


Android carousel, image perspective transformation

Could you help me how can I make Android view with images as on the screenshot:
It must fit screen width.
I can transform the first image, from left, like:
ImageView img;
float degrees = 70;
Camera mCamera = new Camera();
final float mCenterX = img.getWidth() / 2.0f;
final float mCenterY = img.getHeight() / 2.0f;
final float centerX = mCenterX;
final float centerY = mCenterY;
final Camera camera = mCamera;
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();;
matrix.preTranslate(-centerX, -centerY);
matrix.postTranslate(centerX, centerY);
In the layout imageViews are stored inside Horizontal LinearLayout. But image width isn't recalculated with matrix transformation.
Please, help me to implement this layout, as on the picture.

Coordinates of content of ImageView

So I have an ImageView where I set png as a background. Let's assume the png picture is a circle, so it doesn't take all the space of the ImageView.
I need to catch the event of clicking only the content of the ImageView (the circle) and not the remaining empty area.
Is this actually possible at all or with any other Android control?
I still can't get this to work.
So to be more precise I have this picture of an egg which I set as ImageView src
And I want to be able to click only on it. Foe example if I click slightly outside the egg I want to know that and prevent code inside the ImageView click event.
I tried this code but I don't have any idea how this helps me:
ImageView imageView = (ImageView)findViewById(;
Drawable drawable = imageView.getDrawable();
Rect imageBounds = drawable.getBounds();
//original height and width of the bitmap
int intrinsicHeight = drawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
int intrinsicWidth = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
//height and width of the visible (scaled) image
int scaledHeight = imageBounds.height();
int scaledWidth = imageBounds.width();
//Find the ratio of the original image to the scaled image
//Should normally be equal unless a disproportionate scaling
//(e.g. fitXY) is used.
float heightRatio = intrinsicHeight / scaledHeight;
float widthRatio = intrinsicWidth / scaledWidth;
//do whatever magic to get your touch point
//MotionEvent event;
//get the distance from the left and top of the image bounds
int scaledImageOffsetX = event.getX() - imageBounds.left;
int scaledImageOffsetY = event.getY() -;
//scale these distances according to the ratio of your scaling
//For example, if the original image is 1.5x the size of the scaled
//image, and your offset is (10, 20), your original image offset
//values should be (15, 30).
int originalImageOffsetX = scaledImageOffsetX * widthRatio;
int originalImageOffsetY = scaledImageOffsetY * heightRatio;
here is how you would get the click event:
int[] viewCoords = new int[2];
//From this and the touch coordinates you can calculate the point inside the ImageView:
int touchX = (int) event.getX();
int touchY = (int) event.getY();
int imageX = touchX - viewCoords[0]; // viewCoords[0] is the X coordinate
int imageY = touchY - viewCoords[1]; // viewCoords[1] is the y coordinate

Android: Canvas scaling in different coordinate system

I'm kinda desperate already =)...
I'am drawing points and lines onto a canvas in Android. The points I'm displaying should be displayed in a mathematical system. So I did canvas.getHeight() - point.y to display the points in the right way.
But if I would like to zoom into the drawn object the y coordinate gets scaled out of my view.
That's because x = 10 and y = 700. If I scale it with a scale factor of 10, the y make the object disappear.
I hope you get what I'm talking about...
How do I display my coordinates in the right (mathematical) way without moving the y coordinate far away??
Here is what I do:
canvas.drawPoint(startPoints[i][0], height-startPoints[i][1], pointColor);
canvas.drawPoint(endPoints[i][0], height-endPoints[i][1], pointColor);
Then my point (x=10, y=10) is going to be displayed as x=10 , y = 714.
Here's my full routine
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
final float[][] startPoints;
final float[][] endPoints;
int count = 0;
height = canvas.getHeight();;
canvas.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
canvas.translate(translateX / scaleFactor, translateY / scaleFactor);
Paint lineColor = new Paint();
Paint pointColor = new Paint();
startPoints = data.getStartPoints();
endPoints = data.getEndPoints();
count = data.getSize();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
canvas.drawLine(startPoints[i][0], height-startPoints[i][1],
endPoints[i][0], height-endPoints[i][1], lineColor);
canvas.drawPoint(startPoints[i][0], height-startPoints[i][1], pointColor);
canvas.drawPoint(endPoints[i][0], height-endPoints[i][1], pointColor);
private class ScaleListener extends
ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener {
public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
scaleFactor *= detector.getScaleFactor();
scaleFactor = Math.max(MIN_ZOOM, Math.min(scaleFactor, MAX_ZOOM));
return true;
scaling factor x = screen width in pixels / target width in pixels
scaling factor y = screen height in pixels / target height in pixels
scaled x point = x on resized canvas * (resized width / original width)
scaled y point = y on resized canvas * (resized height / original height)

How to align rectangle to bottom of any device?

rec.set(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()/2);
It creates the rectangle as expected, I know 0, 0 is x, y but how do I set y to the bottom so it stays at the bottom on all devices with different size?
you haven't given much information, so I'll state my assumptions
the x,y would be the top-left of your shape, so assuming that the canvas is the full height of the device:
x - 0, as you want the shape to start on the left edge, y - the height of the device minus the height of the shape
your code would be
int width = canvas.getWidth();
int height = canvas.getHeight()/2;
int x = 0;
int y = canvas.getHeight() - height;
rec.set(x, y, width, height);

Android - Draw Bitmap within Canvas

I currently have a maze game which draws a 5 x 5 square (takes the width of screen and splits it evenly). Then for each of these boxes using x and y cordinates I user drawRect, to draw a colored background.
The issue I am having is I now need to draw an image within this same location, therefore replacing the current plain background colour fill.
Here is the code I am currently using to drawRect (a few example):
// these are all the variation of drawRect that I use
canvas.drawRect(x, y, (x + totalCellWidth), (y + totalCellHeight), green);
canvas.drawRect(x + 1, y, (x + totalCellWidth), (y + totalCellHeight), green);
canvas.drawRect(x, y + 1, (x + totalCellWidth), (y + totalCellHeight), green);
I would then also need to implement a background image for all the other squares within my canvas. This background will have simple 1px black lines drawn over the top of it, current code to draw in a grey background.
background = new Paint();
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, background);
Could you please advice if this is at all possible. If so, what is the best way I can go about doing this, whilst trying to minimise memory usage and having 1 image which will expand and shrink to fill the relvent square space(this varies on all the different screen sizes as it splits the overall screen width evenly).
Use the Canvas method public void drawBitmap (Bitmap bitmap, Rect src, RectF dst, Paint paint). Set dst to the size of the rectangle you want the entire image to be scaled into.
Here's a possible implementation for drawing the bitmaps in squares across on the canvas. Assumes the bitmaps are in a 2-dimensional array (e.g., Bitmap bitmapArray[][];) and that the canvas is square so the square bitmap aspect ratio is not distorted.
private static final int NUMBER_OF_VERTICAL_SQUARES = 5;
private static final int NUMBER_OF_HORIZONTAL_SQUARES = 5;
int canvasWidth = canvas.getWidth();
int canvasHeight = canvas.getHeight();
int squareWidth = canvasWidth / NUMBER_OF_HORIZONTAL_SQUARES;
int squareHeight = canvasHeight / NUMBER_OF_VERTICAL_SQUARES;
Rect destinationRect = new Rect();
int xOffset;
int yOffset;
// Set the destination rectangle size
destinationRect.set(0, 0, squareWidth, squareHeight);
for (int horizontalPosition = 0; horizontalPosition < NUMBER_OF_HORIZONTAL_SQUARES; horizontalPosition++){
xOffset = horizontalPosition * squareWidth;
for (int verticalPosition = 0; verticalPosition < NUMBER_OF_VERTICAL_SQUARES; verticalPosition++){
yOffset = verticalPosition * squareHeight;
// Set the destination rectangle offset for the canvas origin
destinationRect.offsetTo(xOffset, yOffset);
// Draw the bitmap into the destination rectangle on the canvas
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmapArray[horizontalPosition][verticalPosition], null, destinationRect, null);
Try the following code :
Paint paint = new Paint();
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, x, y, paint);
You could also just reference this answer.
