With a set of random inputs like this (20k lines):
Find all the paths from A to Z.
A - B - Y - R - Q - Z
A - B - Y - U - Z
A - C - R - Q - Z
A - Q - Z
A - B - Y - U - K - Z
A location cannot appear more than once in the path, hence A - B - Y - U - P - U - Z is not valid.
Locations are named AAA to ZZZ (presented here as A - Z for simplicity) and the input is random in such a way that there may or may not be a location ABC, all locations may be XXX (unlikely), or there may not be a possible path at all locations are "isolated".
Initially I'd thought that this is a variation of the unweighted shortest path problem, but I find it rather different and I'm not sure how does the algorithm there apply here.
My current solution goes like this:
Pre-process the list such that we have a hashmap which points a location (left), to a list of locations (right)
Create a hashmap to keep track of "visited locations". Create a list to store "found paths".
Store X (starting-location) to the "visited locations" hashmap.
Search for X in the first hashmap, (Location A will give us (B, C, Q) in O(1) time).
For-each found location (B, C, Q), check if it is the final destination (Z). If so store it in the "found paths" list. Else if it doesn't already exist in "visited locations" hashmap, Recurl to step 3 now with that location as "X". (actual code below)
With this current solution, it takes forever to map all (not shortest) possible routes from "BKI" to "SIN" for this provided data.
I was wondering if there's a more effective (time-wise) way of doing it. Does anyone know of a better algorithm to find all the paths from an arbitrary position A to an arbitrary position Z ?
Actual Code for current solution:
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Test {
private static HashMap<String, List<String>> left_map_rights;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
left_map_rights = new HashMap<>();
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("routes.text"));
String line;
HashMap<String, Void> lines = new HashMap<>();
while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) {
if (lines.containsKey(line)) { // ensure no duplicate lines
lines.put(line, null);
int space_location = line.indexOf(' ');
String left = line.substring(0, space_location);
String right = line.substring(space_location + 1);
if(left.equals(right)){ // rejects entries whereby left = right
List<String> rights = left_map_rights.get(left);
if (rights == null) {
rights = new ArrayList<String>();
left_map_rights.put(left, rights);
List<List<String>> routes = GetAllRoutes("BKI", "SIN");
for (List<String> route : routes) {
public static List<List<String>> GetAllRoutes(String start, String end) {
List<List<String>> routes = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> rights = left_map_rights.get(start);
if (rights != null) {
for (String right : rights) {
List<String> route = new ArrayList<>();
Chain(routes, route, right, end);
return routes;
public static void Chain(List<List<String>> routes, List<String> route, String right_most_currently, String end) {
if (right_most_currently.equals(end)) {
List<String> rights = left_map_rights.get(right_most_currently);
if (rights != null) {
for (String right : rights) {
if (!route.contains(right)) {
List<String> new_route = new ArrayList<String>(route);
Chain(routes, new_route, right, end);
As I understand your question, Dijkstras algorithm cannot be applied as is, since shortest path problem per definition finds a single path in a set of all possible paths. Your task is to find all paths per-se.
Many optimizations on Dijkstras algorithm involve cutting off search trees with higher costs. You won't be able to cut off those parts in your search, as you need all findings.
And I assume you mean all paths excluding circles.
Pump network into a 2dim array 26x26 of boolean/integer. fromTo[i,j].
Set a 1/true for an existing link.
Starting from the first node trace all following nodes (search links for 1/true).
Keep visited nodes in a some structure (array/list). Since maximal
depth seems to be 26, this should be possible via recursion.
And as #soulcheck has written below, you may think about cutting of paths you have aleady visted. You may keep a list of paths towards the destination in each element of the array. Adjust the breaking condition accordingly.
Break when
visiting the end node (store the result)
when visiting a node that has been visted before (circle)
visiting a node for which you have already found all paths to the destination and merge your current path with all the existing ones from that node.
Performance wise I'd vote against using hashmaps and lists and prefer static structures.
Hmm, while re-reading the question, I realized that the name of the nodes cannot be limited to A-Z. You are writing something about 20k lines, with 26 letters, a fully connected A-Z network would require far less links. Maybe you skip recursion and static structures :)
Ok, with valid names from AAA to ZZZ an array would become far too large. So you better create a dynamic structure for the network as well. Counter question: regarding performance, what is the best data structure for a less popuplate array as my algorithm would require? I' vote for an 2 dim ArrayList. Anyone?
What you're proposing is a scheme for DFS, only with backtracking.It's correct, unless you want to permit cyclic paths (you didn't specify if you do).
There are two gotchas, though.
You have to keep an eye on nodes you already visited on current path (to eliminate cycles)
You have to know how to select next node when backtracking, so that you don't descend on the same subtree in the graph when you already visited it on the current path.
The pseudocode is more or less as follows:
getPaths(A, current_path) :
if (A is destination node): return [current_path]
for B = next-not-visited-neighbor(A) :
if (not B already on current path)
result = result + getPaths(B, current_path + B)
return result
list_of_paths = getPaths(A, [A])
which is almost what you said.
Be careful though, as finding all paths in complete graph is pretty time and memory consuming.
For clarification, the algorithm has Ω(n!) time complexity in worst case, as it has to list all paths from one vertex to another in complete graph of size n, and there are at least (n-2)! paths of form <A, permutations of all nodes except A and Z, Z>. No way to make it better if only listing the result would take as much.
Your data is essentially an adjacency list which allows you to construct a tree rooted at the node corresponding to A. In order to obtain all the paths between A & Z, you can run any tree traversal algorithm.
Of course, when you're building the tree you have to ensure that you don't introduce cycles.
I would proceed recursively where I would build a list of all possible paths between all pairs of nodes.
I would start by building, for all pairs (X, Y), the list L_2(X, Y) which is the list of paths of length 2 that go from X to Y; that's trivial to build since that's the input list you are given.
Then I would build the lists L_3(X, Y), recursively, using the known lists L_2(X, Z) and L_2(Z, Y), looping over Z. For example, for (C, Q), you have to try all Z in L_2(C, Z) and L_2(Z, Q) and in this case Z can only be R and you get L_3(C, Q) = {C -> R -> Q}. For other pairs, you might have an empty L_3(X, Y), or there could be many paths of length 3 from X to Y.
However you have to be careful here when building the paths here since some of them must be rejected because they have cycles. If a path has twice the same node, it is rejected.
Then you build L_4(X, Y) for all pairs by combining all paths L_2(X, Z) and L_3(Z, Y) while looping over all possible values for Z. You still remove paths with cycles.
And so on... until you get to L_17576(X, Y).
One worry with this method is that you might run out of memory to store those lists. Note however that after having computed the L_4's, you can get rid of the L_3's, etc. Of course you don't want to delete L_3(A, Z) since those paths are valid paths from A to Z.
Implementation detail: you could put L_3(X, Y) in a 17576 x 17576 array, where the element at (X, Y) is is some structure that stores all paths between (X, Y). However if most elements are empty (no paths), you could use instead a HashMap<Pair, Set<Path>>, where Pair is just some object that stores (X, Y). It's not clear to me if most elements of L_3(X, Y) are empty, and if so, if it is also the case for L_4334(X, Y).
Thanks to #Lie Ryan for pointing out this identical question on mathoverflow. My solution is basically the one by MRA; Huang claims it's not valid, but by removing the paths with duplicate nodes, I think my solution is fine.
I guess my solution needs less computations than the brute force approach, however it requires more memory. So much so that I'm not even sure it is possible on a computer with a reasonable amount of memory.
it's my first time with CGAL, some of you may argue why do I have to learn CGAL from something like that, but it's a new project that I must do (and... yes, I must use CGAL and Java combined) :/ Long story short... I only have:
Two double arrays, representing x and y coordinates of my vertices. Let's call them double[] x, y;.
Both arrays have S random values.
Two vertices, u and w are connected if distance(x[u], y[u], x[w], y[w]) < CONSTANT (ofc. I do distanceSquared(x[u], y[u], x[w], y[w]) < CONSTANT_SQUARED, so I avoid to call sqrt()).
x and y are filled randomly with values from 0 to UPPER_LIMIT, no other infos are given.
Question, do x and y describes a connected graph?
Right now I have two algoritms:
Algorithm 1:
Build adjacency list (Arraylist<Integer>[] adjLists;) for each vertex (only upper triangular matrix explored). Complexity O(|V|^2) (V = vertices set).
Recursive graph exploration, vertex marking and counting, if visited vertex equals S my graph have only one connected component, my graph is connected. Complexity O(|E|) (E = edges set).
Algorithm 2:
private static boolean algorithmGraph(double[] x, double[] y) {
int unchecked, inside = 0, current = 0;
double switchVar;
while (current <= inside && inside != S - 1) {
unchecked = inside + 1;
while (unchecked < S) {
if ((x[current] - x[unchecked]) * (x[current] - x[unchecked]) + (y[current] - y[unchecked]) * (y[current] - y[unchecked]) <= CONSTANT_SQUARED) {
// switch x coordinates | unchecked <-> inside
switchVar = x[unchecked];
x[unchecked] = x[inside];
x[inside] = switchVar;
// switch y coordinates | unchecked <-> inside
switchVar = y[unchecked];
y[unchecked] = y[inside];
y[inside] = switchVar;
return inside == S - 1;
Funny thing the second one is slower, I do not use data structures, the code is iterative and in-place but the heavy use of switch makes it slow as hell.
The problem spec changed and now I must do it with CGAL and Java, I'll read the whole "https://github.com/CGAL/cgal-swig-bindings" to learn how to use CGAL within Java.... but I'd like some help about this specific instance of CGAL code... Are there faster algorithms already implemented in CGAL?
Thank you for your times guys! Happy coding!
I believe that, without a method of spatial indexing, the best performance you are going to achieve in the worst-case-scenario (all connected) is going to be O(n*(n-1)/2).
If you can afford to build a spatial index (have enough memory to pay for the boost in speed), you may consider R-tree and variants - insertion is O(n) searching is O(log2(n)): this will get your "outlier detection by examining distances" approach for a cost of of O(n*log2(n)) in the worst-case-scenario.
A notable result
Hi I'm working on this little project which requires me to build a matrix in Java which resembles a chess board. I'm supposed to get the Knight to get from a point to another(In the way Knight moves). So I need to find the shortest way to get there in the end.
My problem is, I can't get to connect the edges to get to that point. I can find out if the vertex is a valid move but I can't seem to find a way to create nodes to get to that point. For Example,
I need to create nodes that connect K to O to find out shortest distance later.
PS. I'll be okay with just hints of how to get there or just some tips. Don't really need the exact code. Thank you very much!
I know it's a bad representation of matrix up there but spare me the critique please
A classic Breadth-First-Search is probably the simplest approach:
class Location {
int x;
int y;
List<Location> adjacent() {
// TODO return list of locations reachable in a single step
List<Location> findShortestPath(Location start, Location destination) {
Location[][] previous = new Location[8][8];
Deque<Location> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
do {
Location loc = queue.poll();
for (Location n : loc.neighbors()) {
if (previous[n.x][n.y] == null) {
previous[n.x][n.y] = loc;
if (n.x == destination.x && n.y == destination.y) {
// we've found a way, let's reconstruct the list of steps
List<Location> path = new ArrayList<>();
for (Location l = n; l != start; l = previous[l.x][l.y]) {
return path;
} while (!queue.isEmpty());
return null; // no path exists
This code enumerates all paths from the start location. Therefore, if there is a path to destination, it will find it. In addition, because paths are enumerated in order or ascending length, the first such path will be a shortest one.
The chess board can be implemented by a 2d array. Each cell in the matrix can be considered to be a node (or vertex) in the graph. Edge is composed of two nodes (in this case two cells) one being the from or source [ lets call it Nod A] and other being the to or neighbor or destination node [ Lets call it node B].
Edge exits if there is a possibility of moving from node A to node B.
You can use Dijkstra's algorithm.
For Node with the Knight's position you can see the possibilities of the cells where Knight can move to and add in the Min Heap. The weight of each edge is constant. You just need to update the cost of the Node.
I'm trying to write a time efficient algorithm that can detect a group of overlapping circles and make a single circle in the "middle" of the group that will represent that group. The practical application of this is representing GPS locations over a map, put the conversion in to Cartesian co-ordinates is already handled so that's not relevant, the desired effect is that at different zoom levels clusters of close together points just appear as a single circle (that will have the number of points printed in the centre in the final version)
In this example the circles just have a radius of 15 so the distance calculation (Pythagoras) is not being square rooted and compared to 225 for the collision detection. I was trying anything to shave off time, but the problem is this really needs to happen very quickly becasue it's a user facing bit of code that needs to be snappy and good looking.
I've given this a go and I it works with small data sets pretty well. 2 big problems, it takes too long and it can run out of memory if all the points are on top of one another.
The route I've taken is to calculate distance between each point in a first pass, and then take the shortest distance first and start to combine from there, anything that's been combined becomes ineligible for combination on that pass, and the whole list is passed back around to the distance calculations again until nothing changes.
To be honest I think it needs a radical shift in approach and I think it's a little beyond me. I've re factored my code in to one class for ease of posting and generated random points to give an example.
package mergepoints;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class Merger {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Merger m = new Merger();
private List<Plottable> createRandomList() {
List<Plottable> points = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
Plottable p = new Plottable();
p.location = new Point((int) Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000),
(int) Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000));
return points;
private List<Plottable> subProcess(List<Plottable> visible) {
List<PlottableTuple> tuples = new ArrayList<PlottableTuple>();
// create a tuple to store distance and matching objects together,
for (Plottable p : visible) {
PlottableTuple tuple = new PlottableTuple();
tuple.a = p;
// work out each Plottable relative distance from
// one another and order them by shortest first.
// We may need to do this multiple times for one set so going in own
// method.
// this is the bit that takes ages
// Sort so that smallest distances are at the top.
// parse the set and combine any pair less than the smallest distance in
// to a combined pin.
// any plottable thats been combine is no longer eligable for combining
// so ignore on this parse.
List<PlottableTuple> sorted = new ArrayList<>(tuples);
Set<Plottable> done = new HashSet<>();
Set<Plottable> mergedSet = new HashSet<>();
for (PlottableTuple pt : sorted) {
if (!done.contains(pt.a) && pt.distance <= 225) {
Plottable merged = combine(pt, done);
for (PlottableTuple tup : pt.others) {
// if we haven't processed anything we are done just return visible
// list.
if (done.size() == 0) {
return visible;
} else {
// change the list to represent the new combined plottables and
// repeat the process.
return subProcess(visible);
private Plottable combine(PlottableTuple pt, Set<Plottable> done) {
List<Plottable> plottables = new ArrayList<>();
for (PlottableTuple otherTuple : pt.others) {
if (!done.contains(otherTuple.a)) {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for (Plottable p : plottables) {
Point position = p.location;
x += position.x;
y += position.y;
x = x / plottables.size();
y = y / plottables.size();
Plottable merged = new Plottable();
merged.location = new Point(x, y);
return merged;
private void setDistances(List<PlottableTuple> tuples) {
System.out.println("pins: " + tuples.size());
int loops = 0;
// Start from the first item and loop through, then repeat but starting
// with the next item.
for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < tuples.size() - 1; startIndex++) {
// Get the data for the start Plottable
PlottableTuple startTuple = tuples.get(startIndex);
Point startLocation = startTuple.a.location;
for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < tuples.size(); i++) {
PlottableTuple compareTuple = tuples.get(i);
double distance = distance(startLocation, compareTuple.a.location);
setDistance(startTuple, compareTuple, distance);
setDistance(compareTuple, startTuple, distance);
System.out.println("loops " + loops);
private void setDistance(PlottableTuple from, PlottableTuple to,
double distance) {
if (distance < from.distance || from.others == null) {
from.distance = distance;
from.others = new HashSet<>();
} else if (distance == from.distance) {
private double distance(Point a, Point b) {
if (a.equals(b)) {
return 0.0;
double result = (((double) a.x - (double) b.x) * ((double) a.x - (double) b.x))
+ (((double) a.y - (double) b.y) * ((double) a.y - (double) b.y));
return result;
class PlottableTuple implements Comparable<PlottableTuple> {
public Plottable a;
public Set<PlottableTuple> others;
public double distance;
public int compareTo(PlottableTuple other) {
return (new Double(distance)).compareTo(other.distance);
class Plottable {
public Point location;
private Set<Plottable> containingPlottables;
public Plottable(Set<Plottable> plots) {
this.containingPlottables = plots;
public Plottable() {
this.containingPlottables = new HashSet<>();
public Set<Plottable> getContainingPlottables() {
return containingPlottables;
Map all your circles on a 2D grid first. You then only need to compare the circles in a cell with the other circles in that cell and in it's 9 neighbors (you can reduce that to five by using a brick pattern instead of a regular grid).
If you only need to be really approximate, then you can just group all the circles that fall into a cell together. You will probably also want to merge cells that only have a small number of circles together with there neighbors, but this will be fast.
This problem is going to take a reasonable amount of computation no matter how you do it, the question then is: can you do all the computation up-front so that at run-time it's just doing a look-up? I would build a tree-like structure where each layer is all the points that need to be drawn for a given zoom level. It takes more computation up-front, but at run-time you are simply drawing a list of point, fast.
My idea is to decide what the resolution of each zoom level is (ie at zoom level 1 points closer than 15 get merged; at zoom level 2 points closer than 30 get merged), then go through your points making groups of points that are within the 15 of each other and pick a point to represent group that group at the higher zoom. Now you have a 2 layer tree. Then you pass over the second layer grouping all points that are within 30 of each other, and so on all the way up to your highest zoom level. Now save this tree structure to file, and at run-time you can very quickly change zoom levels by simply drawing all points at the appropriate tree level. If you need to add or remove points, that can be done dynamically by figuring out where to attach them to the tree.
There are two downsides to this method that come to mind: 1) it will take a long time to compute the tree, but you only have to do this once, and 2) you'll have to think really carefully about how you build the tree, based on how you want the groupings to be done at higher levels. For example, in the image below the top level may not be the right grouping that you want. Maybe instead building the tree based off the previous layer, you always want to go back to the original points. That said, some loss of precision always happens when you're trying to trade-off for faster run-time.
So you have a problem which requires O(n^2) comparisons, you say it has to be done in real-time, can not be pre-computed, and has to be fast. Good luck with that.
Let's analyze the problem a bit; if you do no pre-computation then in order to decide which points can be merged you have to compare every pair of points, that's O(n^2) comparisons. I suggested building a tree before-hand, O(n^2 log n) once, but then runtime is just a lookup, O(1). You could also do something in between where you do some work before and some at run-time, but that's how these problems always go, you have to do a certain amount of computation, you can play games by doing some of it earlier, but at the end of the day you still have to do the computation.
For example, if you're willing to do some pre-computation, you could try keeping two copies of the list of points, one sorted by x-value and one sorted by y-value, then instead of comparing every pair of points, you can do 4 binary searches to find all the points within, say, a 30 unit box of the current point. More complicated so would be slower for a small number of points (say <100), but would reduce the overall complexity to O(n log n), making it faster for large amounts of data.
If you're worried about multiple points at the same location, then why don't you do a first pass removing the redundant points, then you'll have a smaller "search list"
list searchList = new list()
for pt1 in points :
boolean clean = true
for pt2 in searchList :
if distance(pt1, pt2) < epsilon :
clean = false
if clean :
// Now you have a smaller list to act on with only 1 point per cluster
// ... I guess this is actually the same as my first suggestion if you make one of these search lists per zoom level. huh.
EDIT 3: Graph Traversal
A totally new approach would be to build a graph out of the points and do some sort of longest-edge-first graph traversal on them. So pick a point, draw it, and traverse its longest edge, draw that point, etc. Repeat this until you come to a point which doesn't have any untraversed edges longer than your zoom resolution. The number of edges per point gives you an easy way to tradeoff speed for correctness. If the number of edges per point was small and constant, say 4, then with a bit of cleverness you could build the graph in O(n) time and also traverse it to draw points in O(n) time. Fast enough to do it on the fly with no pre-computation.
Just a wild guess and something that occurred to me while reading responses from others.
Do a multi-step comparison. Assume your combining distance at the current zoom level is 20 meters. First, subtract (X1 - X2). If This is bigger than 20 meters then you are done, the points are too far. Next, subtract (Y1 - Y2) and do the same thing to reject combining the points.
You could stop here and be happy if you are good with using only horizontal/vertical distances as your metric for combining. Much less math (no squaring or square roots). Pythagoras wouldn't be happy but your users might.
If you really insist on exact answers, do the two subtraction/comparison steps above. If the points are within horizontal and vertical limits, THEN you do the full Pythagoras check with square roots.
Assuming all your points are not highly clustered very close to the combining limit, this should save some CPU cycles.
This is still approximately an O(n^2) technique, but the math should be simpler. If you have the memory, you could store distances between each set of points and then you never have to compute it again. This could take up more memory than you have and also grows at a rate of approximately O(n^2), so be careful.
Also, you could make a linked list or sorted array of all your points, sorted in order of increasing X or increasing Y. (I don't think you need both, just one). Then walk through the list in sorted order. For each point, check the neighbors out until (X1 - X2) is bigger than your combining distance. and then stop. You don't have to compare each set of points for O(N^2), you only have to compare neighbors that are close in one dimension to quickly prune your large list to a small one. As you move through the list, you only have to compare points that have a bigger X than your current candidate, because you already compared and combined with all previous X values. This gets you closer to the O(n) complexity you want. Of course, you would need to check the Y dimension and fully qualify the points to be combined before you actually do it. Don't just use the X distance to make your combining decision.
I'm so confused by graphs and adjacency matrices. I'm doing an assignment for a class where I have a text file of nodes and a text file of edges and I have to read each of them and make them a graph onto which I can then perform operations such as determining if the graph is connected, finding a minimal spanning tree, traversals and finding paths. I've never worked with graphs before though, and I'm really confused by the whole thing, and I was wondering if someone could help explain some of this to me.
Firstly, do I build a graph on its own (with node and edges classes perhaps?) and then construct an adjacency matrix from that? Or is the adjacency matrix itself the graph?
And then I'm confused on how to implement the adjacent matrix into the program. The nodes are names things like "ND5" and "NR7" and so I would have to set and read the edges of [ND5][NR7] but I'm not sure how to set up a 2d array like that with strings for the outside and numbers on the inside.
I've been searching all over the internet and read through the whole chapter on graphs in my textbook, and I'm really not understanding just the first basic steps of getting this graph set up. I'd really appreciate the help. Thanks.
Firstly, do I build a graph on its own (with node and edges classes perhaps?) and then construct an adjacency matrix from that? Or is the adjacency matrix itself the graph?
There is no way anyone can answer that question for sure without actually reading the instructions for your assignment. However, unless the assignment specifically mentions Node and Edge classes or something, my guess is that you're just supposed to use the adjacency matrix to represent your graph.
And then I'm confused on how to implement the adjacent matrix into the program. The nodes are names things like "ND5" and "NR7" and so I would have to set and read the edges of [ND5][NR7] but I'm not sure how to set up a 2d array like that with strings for the outside and numbers on the inside.
I can totally understand your confusion here. What you actually want to do is create a bijection (a one-to-one relationship) between your node names and the indices of your matrix. For example, if you have n nodes in your graph, then you need an n×n matrix (i.e. new boolean[n][n]), and each of your nodes would correspond to a single integer in the range 0 until n (not inclusive of n).
I'm not sure what data structures you've covered in your class so far, but the easiest way to do this would probably be to use a Map<String, Integer>, which would let you look up a name like "ND5" and get back an integer (the index).
Another nice alternative might be to use an array. You could put all your node names into an array, sort it with Arrays.sort, and then once it's sorted you can use Arrays.binarySearch to find the index of a particular node name in that array. I think this solution is actually better than using a Map because it lets you do the lookups both ways. You use Arrays.binarySearch to do name-to-index lookups, and you just index into the array to do an index-to-name lookup.
Example: Let's say we have this graph:
Given that graph, here's some sample code of how you could do this: (warning! it's untested)
import java.util.Arrays;
// Add all your node names to an array
String[] nameLookup = new String[4];
nameLookup[0] = "A";
nameLookup[1] = "B";
nameLookup[2] = "C";
nameLookup[3] = "D";
// Our array is already properly sorted,
// but yours might not be, so you should sort it.
// (if it's not sorted then binarySearch won't work)
// I'm assuming your edges are unweighted, so I use boolean.
// If you have weighted edges you should use int or double.
// true => connected, false => not connected
// (entries in boolean arrays default to false)
boolean[][] matrix = new boolean[4];
for (int i=0; i<matrix.length; i++) matrix[i] = new boolean[4];
// I don't want to call Arrays.binarySearch every time I want an index,
// so I'm going to cache the indices here in some named variables.
int nodeA = Arrays.binarySearch(nameLookup, "A");
int nodeB = Arrays.binarySearch(nameLookup, "B");
int nodeC = Arrays.binarySearch(nameLookup, "C");
int nodeD = Arrays.binarySearch(nameLookup, "D");
// I'm assuming your edges are undirected.
// If the edges are directed then the entries needn't be semmetric.
// A is connected to B
matrix[nodeA][nodeB] = true;
matrix[nodeB][nodeA] = true;
// A is connected to D
matrix[nodeA][nodeD] = true;
matrix[nodeD][nodeA] = true;
// B is connected to D
matrix[nodeB][nodeD] = true;
matrix[nodeD][nodeB] = true;
// C is connected to D
matrix[nodeC][nodeD] = true;
matrix[nodeD][nodeC] = true;
// Check if node X is connected to node Y
int nodeX = Arrays.binarySearch(nameLookup, stringNameOfX);
int nodeY = Arrays.binarySearch(nameLookup, stringNameOfY);
if (matrix[nodeX][nodeY]) { /* They're connected */ }
// Print all of node Z's neighbors' names
int nodeZ = Arrays.binarySearch(nameLookup, stringNameOfZ);
for (int i=0; i<matrix.length; i++) {
if (matrix[nodeZ][i]) {
System.out.println(nameLookup[nodeZ] + " is connected to " + nameLookup[i]);
I'm having some difficulties with the following problem:
I'm making a little game where you're at a specific spot and each spot has each some possible directions.
The available directions are N(ord),E(ast),S,W . I use the function getPosDirections to get the possible directions of that spot. The function returns the directions into an ArrayList<String> e.g. for spot J3: [E,W]
Now the game goes like this: 2 dice will be rolled so you get a number between 2 and 12, this number represents the number of steps you can make.
What I want is an ArrayList of all the possible routes
clarification of all the possible routes:
When I'm at the current position I check what the possibilities are from there. Let's say that's go East and go West. So we get 2 new positions and from there on we need to check for the next possibilities again for both positions (until we took x directions)
(x equals the number thrown by the dice).
e.g.: I throw 3 and I'm currently at spot J3:
How would obtain the last mentioned Array(list)?
First, you might wish to think about your approach some more. In the worst case (a 12 is rolled, and all 4 directions are possible at every location), there will be 4^12 ~= 160 million routes. Is it really necessary to iterate over them all? And is it necessary to fill about 1 GB of memory to store that list?
Next, it is probably a good idea to represent directions in a type-safe manner, for instance using an enum.
That being said, recursion is your friend:
private void iteratePaths(Location currentLoc, List<Direction> currentPath, List<List<Direction>> allPaths, int pathLength) {
if (currentPath.size() >= pathLength) {
allPaths.add(new ArrayList<Direction>(currentPath));
for (Direction d : currentLoc.getPosDirections()) {
Location newLoc = currentLoc.walk(d);
iteratePaths(newLoc, currentPath, allPaths, pathLength);
currentPath.remove(currentPath.size() - 1);
public void List<List<Direction>> getAllPaths(Location loc, int length) {
List<List<Direction>> allPaths = new ArrayList<List<Direction>>();
List<Direction> currentPath = new ArrayList<Direction>();
iteratePaths(loc, currentPath, allPaths, length);
return allPaths;
You can assume that your field of spots is a complete graph. Then you need to implement BFS or DFS with saving pathes.
You can implement all logic in any of these algorithms (like getting a list of possible directions from a certain node).