I am using an InputStream to stream a file over the network.
However if my network goes down the the process of reading the file the read method blocks and is never recovers if the network reappears.
I was wondering how I should handle this case and should some exception not be thrown if the InputStream goes away.
Code is like this.
Url someUrl = new Url("http://somefile.com");
InputStream inputStream = someUrl.openStream();
byte[] byteArray = new byte[];
int size = 1024;
So somewhere after calling read the network goes down and the read method blocks.
How can i deal with this situation as the read doesn't seem to throw an exception.
From looking at the documentation here:
It looks like read does throw an exception.
There are a few options to solve your specific problem.
One option is to track the progress of the download, and keep that status elsewhere in your program. Then, if the download fails, you can restart it and resume at the point of failure.
However, I would instead restart the download if it fails. You will need to restart it anyway so you might as well redo the whole thing from the beginning if there is a failure.
The short answer is to use Selectors from the nio package. They allow non-blocking network operations.
If you intend to use old sockets, you may try some code samples from here
Have a separate Thread running that has a reference to your InputStream, and have something to reset its timer after the last data has been received - or something similar to it. If that flag has not been reset after N seconds, then have the Thread close the InputStream. The read(...) will throw an IOException and you can recover from it then.
What you need is similar to a watchdog. Something like this:
public class WatchDogThread extends Thread
private final Runnable timeoutAction;
private final AtomicLong lastPoke = new AtomicLong( System.currentTimeMillis() );
private final long maxWaitTime;
public WatchDogThread( Runnable timeoutAction, long maxWaitTime )
this.timeoutAction = timeoutAction;
this.maxWaitTime = maxWaitTime;
public void poke()
lastPoke.set( System.currentTimeMillis() );
public void run()
while( Thread.interrupted() ) {
if( lastPoke.get() + maxWaitTime < System.currentTimeMillis() ) {
try {
Thread.sleep( 1000 );
} catch( InterruptedException e ) {
public class Example
public void method() throws IOException
final InputStream is = null;
WatchDogThread watchDog =
new WatchDogThread(
new Runnable()
public void run()
try {
} catch( IOException e ) {
System.err.println( "Failed to close: " + e.getMessage() );
try {
} finally {
As noticed, sockets have a timeout already. This would be preferred over doing a watchdog thread.
The function inputStream.read() is blocking function and it should be called in a thread.
There is alternate way of avoiding this situation. The InputStream also has a method available(). It returns the number of bytes that can be read from the stream.
Call the read method only if there are some bytes available in the stream.
int length = 0;
int ret = in.available();
if(ret != 0){
length = in.read(recv);
InputStream does throw the IOException. Hope this information is useful to you.
This isn't a big deal. All you need to do is set a timeout on your connection.
URL url = ...;
URLConnection conn = URL.openConnection();
conn.setConnectTimeout( 30000 );
InputStream is = conn.openStream();
Eventually, one of the following things will happen. Your network will come back, and your transfers will resume, the TCP stack will eventually timeout in which case an exception IS thrown, or the socket will get a socket closed/reset exception and you'll get an IOException. In all cases the thread will let go of the read() call, and your thread will return to the pool ready to service other requests without you having to do anything extra.
For example, if your network goes out you won't be getting any new connections coming in, so the fact that this thread is tied up isn't going to make any difference because you don't have connections coming in. So your network going out isn't the problem.
More likely scenario is the server you are talking to could get jammed up and stop sending you data which would slow down your clients as well. This is where tuning your timeouts is important over writing more code, using NIO, or separate threads, etc. Separate threads will just increase your machine's load, and in the end force you to abandon the thread after a timeout which is exactly what TCP already gives you. You also could tear your server up because you are creating a new thread for every request, and if you start abandoning threads you could easily wind up with 100's of threads all sitting around waiting for a timeout on there socket.
If you have a high volume of traffic on your server going through this method, and any hold up in response time from a dependency, like an external server, is going to affect your response time. So you will have to figure out how long you are willing to wait before you just error out and tell the client to try again because the server you're reading this file from isn't giving it up fast enough.
Other ideas are caching the file locally, trying to limit your network trips, etc to limit your exposure to an unresponsive peer. The exact same thing can happen with databases on external servers. If your DB doesn't send you a responses fast enough it can jam up your thread pool just like a file that doesn't come down quick enough. So why worry any differently about file servers? More error handling isn't going fix your problem, and it will just make your code obtuse.
I'm trying to write a torrent streaming client in Java using webtorrent-cli, which runs on NodeJS. When installed as a node module, webtorrent-cli gives a nice webtorrent.cmd script which can be used to work with it. When download for a torrent starts, the cli updates the standard output each second with useful details like download speed, % of torrent downloaded, seeds available etc.
To observe such a "dynamic" stdout in Java (with commons exec), I am using the following snippet:
private static Thread processCreator() {
return new Thread(() -> {
try {
// Read stdout in a thread safe manner (hopefully)
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PumpStreamHandler handler = new PumpStreamHandler(baos);
String command = getCommand();
CommandLine cmd = CommandLine.parse(command);
Executor cmdExecutor = new DefaultExecutor();
// Schedule a service to print the content of baos each second
final ScheduledExecutorService service = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
service.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> {
try {
// Read and reset atomically
synchronized (baos) {
// Resetting so that buffer size doesn't grow arbitrarily
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
}, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Let the remaining bytes be processed
// Shutdown
} catch (IOException ioe) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
Thread process = processCreator();
I'm concerned about how the ByteArrayOutputStream is being written. The class itself is thread safe, but if the implementation writes to the buffer byte by byte, or in a way that "updated output" (from webtorrent-cli) is only partially written to the buffer by the time scheduled service captures the monitor and starts processing, then that's going to cause problems. In this case, because I'm just printing content of the buffer, it won't be that much of trouble I guess. But I've to process the output and extract out a couple of details in the fixed scheduled service. I can think of a different way to achieve proper co-ordination (e.g.: observe the completeness of an update by marking the event when buffer receives bytes that form the first line in webtorrent-cli's stdout...and mark the update as completed when buffer receives bytes that form the last line. Each update has identical first and last lines...or at least a few bytes in the beginning and end are identical). But that would be a bit more work than this. My question is, can I be certain that write to the buffer has happened in a single atomic call to ByteArrayOutputStream.write(byte[], ...)'. I hope I've explained my question well enough. If you need more details, let me know in the comments. BTW, when the code above is run, the output suggests that co-ordination is being properly managed. But maybe I'm just lucky that the race condition has been avoided so far?
I'm using TelnetClient.class from Apache Commons Net 3.3 jar. My problem is that the behavior of the method setSoTimeout() is not what is expected. This method, as far as i know, simply calls the one with the same name but in the Socket.class setting the read() timeout. This is a sample code (IOManager is just a class i made for I/O operations):
telnet = new TelnetClient();
telnet.connect("localhost", 2020);
manager = new IOManager(telnet.getInputStream(), telnet.getOutputStream());
while (true) {
manager.sendMessage("Peanut Butter Jelly");
And this is the code of the method i use to read in IOManager class (reader is a BufferedReader with the telnet inputstream which has the soTimeout enabled):
public String readBuffer() throws IOException {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
int len;
char[] chars = new char[1024];
do {
if ((len = reader.read(chars)) != -1) {
message.append(chars, 0, len);
} else {
throw new IOException("Stream closed");
} while (reader.ready());
return message.toString();
My problem is: even when im not calling the read() in the moment the timeout seconds are counting! All i want is to attempt to read data for 10 seconds but when i read something and then i wait 10 seconds and write, when i attempt again to read BOOM! java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out.
The timeout is expiring instantly! The server side then throw this: java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
The processes i work with do a lot of things before reading again, even waiting more than 20 minutes before sending a command again. The application must restart when it doesn't get an answer in the specified timeout. If i delete the Thread.sleep() it reads and sends correctly, as long as the client could not read data in 10 seconds (normal)
I work a lot with Server/Client programs and Sockets. This is only happening when using the TelnetClient. What could be the problem? Why this behavior? If i can't get it to work i think im going to use Callabe and Future interfaces but that is another Thread just to read (ouch, im actually making multiple connections to that Telnet Server).
Thanks for reading.
I ran into this problem and solved it by turning off the reader thread in TelnetClient:
telnet = new TelnetClient();
telnet.setReaderThread(false); // This prevents the timeout bug
telnet.connect("localhost", 2020);
I couldn't find a way. The behavior was always unexpected so i did it with this code:
I have my ExecutorService with space for only 1 Thread. I implement the call() method from Callable generic interface (that's why i can return String or whatever i want).
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
Callable<String> readTask = new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
return readBuffer();
I overload the readBuffer() method. I have this one that reads acepting a timeout argument:
public String readBuffer(long timeout) throws ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
return executor.submit(readTask).get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
The executor submits the task reading the buffer until there's nothing else to read or until the timeout in milliseconds expires.
It works as expected and without performance problems.
Question edited following first comment.
My problem is mostly with java socket performance, and especially reading from the target server.
The server is a simple serversocket.accept() loop that create a client thread for every connection from firefox
Main problem is socket input stream reading that blocks for enormous amounts of time.
Client thread is as follows :
//Take an httpRequest (hc.apache.org), raw string http request, and the firefox socket outputstream
private void handle(httpRequest req, String raw, Outputstream out)
InputStream targetIn =null;
OutputStream targetOut = null;
Socket target = null;
try {
System.out.println("HANDLE HTTP");
String host = req.getHeaders("Host")[0].getValue();
URI uri = new URI(req.getRequestLine().getUri());
int port = uri.getPort() != -1 ? uri.getPort() : 80;
target = new Socket(host, port);
//**I have tried to play around with these but cannot seem to get a difference in performance**
// target.setReceiveBufferSize(1024 *1024);
// target.setSendBufferSize(1024 * 1024);
//Get your plain old in/out streams
targetIn = target.getInputStream();
targetOut = target.getOutputStream();
//Send the request to the target
System.out.println("---------------Start response---------------");
System.out.println("request sent to target");
////Same as membrane
byte[] buffer = new byte[8 * 1024];
int length = 0;
try {
while((length = targetIn.read(buffer)) > 0) {
out.write(buffer, 0, length);
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("closing out + target socket");
// long count = IOUtils.copyLarge(targetIn, out, 0L, 1048576L);
// int count = IOUtils.copy(targetIn, out);
// System.out.println("transfered : " + count );
// ReadableByteChannel input = Channels.newChannel(targetIn);
// WritableByteChannel output = Channels.newChannel(out);
// ChannelTools.fastChannelCopy(input, output);
// input.close();
// output.close();
// int c;
// while ((c = targetIn.read()) != -1) {
// out.write(c);
// }
System.out.println("-------------------- end response ------------------------------");
catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
The main problem lies in in the appropriate method to copy the target inputstream to the client (firefox) outputstream.
The site i am using to test this out is http://www.ouest-france.fr (new site with a load of images and makes loads of requests).
Ping time from workstation to target : 10ms
Normal Loading in iceweasel (debian firefox, firebug time) : 14 secs, 2.5MB
Loading behind this proxy : 14 minutes (firebug net panel is full of fake 404s, and aborted request that go back to black after a certain time, loads of requests are in blocking or waiting mode)
Now when executing i loadup visual vm, launch profiling with no class filter (to see where the app is really spending its time) and it spends 99% of its time in java.net.SocketInputStream.read(byte[], int, int), which is reading on the target socket input stream.
I think i have done my homework and been searching a testing different solutions juste about anywhere i could.
but performance never seems to improve.
I What i have already tried :
-Putting input and output streams into their buffered version, no change at all
-int to int copy, no change at all,
-classic byte[] array copy with variable sized arrays, no change at all
fiddling around with settcpnodelay, setsendbuffersize, setreceivebuffersize, could not get any change.
Was thinking of trying out nio socketchannels , but cannot find a way to do the socket to sslsocket hijacking.
So at the moment i am a bit stuck and searching for solutions.
I look at the source code of open sources proxies and cannot seem to find a fundamental difference in logic so i am completely lost with this.
Tried a other test :
export http_proxy="localhost:4242"
wget debiandvd.iso
Throughput gets to 2MB/s.
And threads seems to spend 66% time reading from target an 33% time writing to client
I am thinking that maybe i have to many threads running but running a test on www.google.com has much less requests going through but still the sames problems as www.ouest-france.fr
With the debian iso test i was thinking i had to many threads running (ouest-france is around 270 requests) but the google test (10 request) test seems to confirm that thread numbers are not the problem.
Any help will be appreciated.
Environment is debian, sun java 1.6, dev with eclipse and visualvm
I can provide the rest of the code as needed.
Thank you
Partial solution found :
Not a very clean solution but works.
I still have a throughput problem.
What I do is set the socket timer to a normal timeout (30000ms).
When the first read has come in the loop I reset the timer to something a lot lower (1000ms at the moment).
That allows me to wait for the server to start sending data, and if I get 1 second without any new data coming I consider the transfer to be finished.
Response times are still quite slow but way better.
How do you design a read and write loop which operates on a single socket (which supports parallel read and write operations)? Do I have to use multiple threads? Is my (java) solution any good? What about that sleep command? How do you use that within such a loop?
I'm trying to use 2 Threads:
public void run() {
InputStream clientInput;
ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer;
BufferedInputStream bufferedInputStream;
byte[] data;
String dataString;
int lastByte;
try {
clientInput = clientSocket.getInputStream();
byteBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(clientInput);
while(isRunning) {
while ((lastByte = bufferedInputStream.read()) > 0) {
data = byteBuffer.toByteArray();
dataString = new String(data);
} catch (IOException e) {
public void run() {
OutputStream clientOutput;
byte[] data;
String dataString;
try {
clientOutput = clientSocket.getOutputStream();
while(isOpen) {
if(!commandQueue.isEmpty()) {
dataString = commandQueue.poll();
data = dataString.getBytes();
catch (IOException e) {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
Read fails to deliver a proper result, since there is no -1 sent.
How do I solve this issue?
Is this sleep / write loop a good solution?
There are basically three ways to do network I/O:
Blocking. In this mode reads and writes will block until they can be fulfilled, so if you want to do both simultaneously you need separate threads for each.
Non-blocking. In this mode reads and writes will return zero (Java) or in some languages (C) a status indication (return == -1, errno=EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK) when they cannot be fulfilled, so you don't need separate threads, but you do need a third API that tells you when the operations can be fulfilled. This is the purpose of the select() API.
Asynchronous I/O, in which you schedule the transfer and are given back some kind of a handle via which you can interrogate the status of the transfer, or, in more advanced APIs, a callback.
You should certainly never use the while (in.available() > 0)/sleep() style you are using here. InputStream.available() has few correct uses and this isn't one of them, and the sleep is literally a waste of time. The data can arrive within the sleep time, and a normal read() would wake up immediately.
You should rather use a boolean variable instead of while(true) to properly close your thread when you will want to. Also yes, you should create multiple thread, one per client connected, as the thread will block itself until a new data is received (with DataInputStream().read() for example). And no, this is not really a design question, each library/Framework or languages have its own way to listen from a socket, for example to listen from a socket in Qt you should use what is called "signals and slots", not an infinite loop.
I've written a tcp server in Java. It spawns worker instances (Runnable) and listens for incoming tcp connection. Upon connection from a client, it will take in data from the client and does its own processing.
Of late, I noticed that upon client disconnection, the entire server will crash with error java.net.SocketException: Connection reset when the client disconnects or quits. This was when I realised I hadn't tested the tcp server thoroughly for all instances of failure.
I looked into the code and noticed that the tcp server will crash at this line while((bytesRead.... -1) in the worker instance
final int BUFFSIZE = 65535;
int bytesRead;
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFSIZE];
din = new BufferedInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
while ((bytesRead = din.read(buffer)) != -1) { //tcp server crashes at this line if client quits or disconnects.
// worker does its job.
I've been pondering about the best way to close worker instance without causing a crash on the tcp server. I don't have access to the client source code to modify anything on their end.
Any thoughts?
Network I/O should be done within a try/catch block if you want to handle exceptions.
This line should throw an IOException if the connection is closed. Just make sure to catch the IOException and return from the run() method of your Runnable when it occurs. This will stop the thread handling this client connection.
You must have done something incorrectly if it craches the whole server, though. This probably means you don't have a thread per client connection, but rather a single thread handling the clients sequentially, one at a time. Post the server code for more information.
figured out the problem. Writing down what i did for any person looking to solve the same problem.
private boolean isStopped = false;
while (!isStopped()) {
try {
while ((bytesRead = din.read(buffer)) != -1) {
// worker does its job.
catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("Exception called! Most likely due to client disconnect!");
public boolean isStopped() {
return this.isStopped;
public synchronized void stop(){
this.isStopped = true;