I'm looking at the Google Web Toolkit pom file at http://gwt-maven.googlecode.com/svn/docs/maven-googlewebtoolkit2-plugin/examples.html and it doesn't seem right to copy all of it into my project pom, as it would add too much unnecessary clutter.
Hence, am looking for a way I could store the GWT pom in an external file, and make reference to it in my project pom.
Anyone knows?
That project is deprecated, use gwt-maven-plugin from codehaus.
Hence, am looking for a way I could store the GWT pom in an external
file, and make reference to it in my project pom.
That's multi-module-project setup, have a look.
Have you tried using the gwt Pom as the parent Pom for your project?
Something like this in your pom.xml?
we are creating a lot of short lived test projects at my work. Dozens of them each day. we have about 10 dependencies that we use internally at our workplace - these are all custom plugins.
I want to get people to not have to mess with their pom.xml for the official dependencies just to get started. so either create a bash script that has all the dependencies on cli...or try to inherit one common xml from all these pom.xml.
I looked at other answers (like Reusing ant-snippets in multi-module maven build), but i dont think these work. im also looking to see if i can use multimodule builds, but then it is even more boilerplate.
i was also looking at maven-dependency-plugin, but I think it only copies/downloads dependencies...u still need to add them to pom.xml.
I also saw some similar questions in gradle area (Add dynamic dependencies via command line), but unsure if it works in maven.
so my question stands - how do I add a large number of dependencies to a maven project, WITHOUT messing with the pom.xml file ?
Any help will be much appreciated.
You can create a parent pom dependency, include all needed dependencies in it and then use it as parent dependency for your small projects, like this:
Do not forget to run mvn clean install to install the parent POM to your local repository.
I got a Maven project with the following structure:
Module A (parent), Submodule B and Submodule C
In the parent pom.xml I am using a variable for settings the version of all projects:
Module C is my distribution package which uses the shade plugin for packaging everything into one single jar.
In the submodules I set the parent like this:
Now I want to use Module C in another project, however I only get the following error when doing so:
Failed to execute goal on project newProject: Could not resolve dependencies for project group:newProject:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at group:moduleC:jar:1.1: Failed to read artifact descriptor for group:moduleC:jar:1.1: Could not find artifact group:parent:pom:${revision} in nexus (NEXUS_URL)
I assume the problem is, that the variable value is not filled in when referencing Module C as dependency. How can I solve this issue? I already tried to clean the project before building and forcing to update all artifacts without success.
Maven expects all modules to have a hard version.
To avoid editing lots of poms, use the versions plugin, example:
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.1
If you run the above command on the parent it will fix all the child poms.
See here for documentation.
Thanks to the comment of hadu.mansouri I could fix it. I used flatten-maven-plugin for flattening the pom.xml files. However, it seems to have a problem with the shade plugin, as the shaded module was the only module where it did not work. Thus, in the released shade module pom it said:
for referencing the parent. I used the approach of the article linked in the comment. There, this extension was used: https://github.com/jcgay/unique-revision-maven-filtering
Using this instead of the flatten-maven-plugin, Maven builds the multi module project correctly with the single version property, and I can also use the shaded module in other projects properly.
I am not sure I really understand the strongest feature of Maven - Dependency Management.
When I am developing a project I need to add all dependencies while I am writing the code. Therefore when building the project with Maven I already have all dependencies downloaded.
What is the point of the Dependency Management then?
Thanks to Maven you do not need to download the dependencies and put it into the lib on Tomcat for instance. It is done automatically by maven. You can see directly in the pom.xml file all you dependencies and also other settings.
Dependencies management is just one of the main feature of Maven. I think you should ask yourself what are the addotional tasks (external libs, deployment, documentation etc...) you are performing in your project and see if Maven can help you on these tasks with its plugins.
Let's assume For your local you have downloaded all the necessary jars and kept in lib.Now you want to move your code into many machines.
So now you have to transfer all the files to another machine.
By mistake if you miss some jars while sending or let's say in future you want newer version of jar.So Do you like to send it to all the machines the jar and remove the older version from lib or write a configuration that automatically does all the things in one go.
Once the project gets bigger you will feel the real essence of Maven.It's just the pom.xml you need to take care all the jar management.
Maven's dependency management makes most sense in an environment where you work on multiple projects, across multiple dev machines and more than one dev.
Imagine the simplest of scenarios:
While you are developing you will need to copy paste the log4j.jar file to all of those projects, which translates to extra disk space used locally and on any SCM you may use, and need to go into each project and define it as a library (add it to the classpath). If you want to change the version of the jar you need to repeat the process.
If you use Maven, all you need to do is
define an online repository (example Maven online repo)
create a pom for your project:
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
Most IDE's already have seamless integration with Maven and no further hassle is needed. And the above steps are only executed once.
Some additional references:
Why maven? What are the benefits?
Why should we use Maven?
Maven Dependency Plugin Example
When I look at my effective pom in Eclipse, I can see a load of dependencies and a label stating that this is our corporate super pom which must form part of every project.
I can't actually work out where the super pom comes into play in the config. I have looked at my settings.xml in maven, and it has lists to remote repositories, and internal repositories - but can't seem to see a link to the super pom anywhere.
It is a muliple module maven project built from an internal archetype, and the parent module has a parent artefact defined...but when I browse the parent artefact, I still cant see how the super pom comes into play.
Any advice appreciated.
The super pom is defined by the <parent> tag:
All pom implicitly inherit from super pom which is present in the maven distribution. This pom contains defaults for all maven projects which can be overriden in your maven project. But most of these defaults are not overridden as they typically form the convention part of maven as it is a build tool geared more towards convention. For e.g., the default build directory is target and hence this configuration is present in super pom as
For more information and actual location of this pom please refer here and here
With maven is it possible to have a top-level project who's packaging type is "war" which will build itself and all of its dependent modules (packaged as jar) and have the build generate a project.war file?
Much of the documentation examples and other examples I've seen often use a top-level project with packaging type of "pom" and the project only serves the purpose of tying the modules together. Can I avoid this?
So basically I need something which is effectively like declaring a <module>my-module</module> for maven to build, and in that same POM, declaring a <dependency>...my-module's artifact...</dependency> on that same module which needs to be built. Maybe a plugin as someone already suggested?
Update: In other words (to simplify the problem): If I have project A and project B, where project A depends on project B - is there a way for me to execute a build on project A and also have it automatically build project B (and include project B as its dependency - creating projectA.war which contains projectB.jar)?
super_aardvark suggested correct way but,
For requirement I would suggest following structure It is suitable and good structure also :
Consedering ProjectA as project-webapp , ProjectB as project-core
You can have following structure :
Your Grand Project :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<name>Project Repository System</name>
<description>Project Repository System R2</description>
Your WebApp Project:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<name>Project Web Application</name>
<description>Project Repository</description>
Your Core Project:
<name>Project Core</name>
Your Directory structure should look like:
-------Grand Parent.pom
| |
| project-webapp.pom
| -------project-core.pom
From parent pom execute mvn clean install it will build both the web-app and core project
That's not really what a top-level project is for. Your WAR project has dependencies, which are the artifacts (e.g. jars) that will be included in the WAR (in WEB-INF/lib) when you run 'mvn package'. Your WAR project pom can have the top-level project as its parent, but it shouldn't be the parent of its dependencies. You may want to have that top-level project be the parent of both the WAR project and of the JAR projects that are dependencies in the WAR.
This is not possible in Maven 1, 2 or 3.
I'd recommend to give up this idea, because Maven's whole purpose is to enforce standardized development process. Don't fight the structure, just create a parent POM module and make the WAR module and other dependencies underneath it.
When you have a multi-module project and you're doing work in several modules simultaneously it can be tedious and error-prone to make sure all the necessary dependencies are updated.
In my situation, I would like my build system to detect changes and only build the modules that are necessary. One way this might be possible with maven is for someone to write a custom plugin that does this, which doesn't seem insurmountable given there are already complex plugins available, like the maven release plugin.
Others have already mentioned the aggregation pom concept, which is repeatable and does produce the necessary artifacts. But sometimes you end up building more than you really need to.
Maven profiles can help and here's a good article in that regard:
Using Aggregate and Parent POMs
Also note in the article the concept of the batch pom, which I was not previously aware of.
Remember, mvn clean install will push your artifact into your local repo. So if module A depends on module B, as long as your local repo has the latest build of module B then you should be all set. So, if there were an external tool that was watching for changes to module B and automatically built it when there were and pushed those changes into the local repo then when module A was rebuilt it would pick up those changes. There are continuous integration (CI) tools that can do this, like Jenkins. But you would need a local install to have this work directly with your local repo. It's still an option, though.
Another option would be for the CI environment to push your builds to an external maven repo (or even one you setup locally with something like Nexus). Then you setup your CI builds to pull from that location as well.
So, there are solutions that rely on other tools or potential plugins to do what you want - just depends how much time and effort you want to invest to get it all setup. But, once you get over that hurdle you'll have a system (and knowledge and experience) that you can use on all your projects, not to mention you'll be familiar with how many development shops/teams work.
I would recommend researching continuous integration and continuous delivery for more information and ideas.
In parent pom, you have to define a sequential order of modules to be compiled. You can add a war packing module to the last in that list. It will simply aggregate all previous compiled code together.
Not really - (Well, I can think of a couple of ways, but I'd not use them as they're convoluted and go against the basic ethos/practices of Maven).
Don't forget that the other purpose of the top-level pom is to provide a single point to set common details such the particular versions of dependencies used in the modules of the project.
NetBeans has an option that allows you to do exactly this with Maven projects but I don't know any pure Maven solutions. I think that the task is more suited for an IDE, because it knows for what depended projects you have the code (based of what projects you have opened in the workspace). How would Maven itself differentiate between a dependency that you want to build and one that needs to be fetched from the repository. And for those that need to be built, where should it look for the source code?
Anyway, another solution to the problem, that I used successfully a few times, is to create a simple shell script that navigates to your projects folders and starts the build then it waits for it to finish then proceeds to the next project and so on.