Java enum confusion with creating a bitmask and checking permissions - java

I want to port this c# permission module to java, but I am confused how I can do this when I can't save the numeric value in the database and then cast it to the enumeration representation.
In c#, I create a enum like this:
public enum ArticlePermission
CanRead = 1,
CanWrite = 2,
CanDelete = 4,
CanMove = 16
I then can create a permission set like:
ArticlePermission johnsArticlePermission = ArticlePermission.CanRead | ArticlePermission.CanMove;
I then save this into the database using:
Now I can read it from the database as an integer/long, and cast it like:
johnsArticlePermission = (ArticlePermission) dr["articlePermissions"];
And I can check permissions like:
if(johnsArticlePermission & ArticlePermission.CanRead == ArticlePermission.CanRead)
How can I do this in java?
From what I understand, in java, you can convert the enumeration into a numeric value, and then convert it back to a java enumeration.

What you really need here is an EnumSet, described in the API like this:
Enum sets are represented internally as bit vectors. This
representation is extremely compact and efficient. The space and time
performance of this class should be good enough to allow its use as a
high-quality, typesafe alternative to traditional int-based "bit
An enum is a class under the hood so you can add methods to it. For example,
public enum ArticlePermission
CanMove(16); // what happened to 8?
private int _val;
ArticlePermission(int val)
_val = val;
public int getValue()
return _val;
public static List<ArticlePermission> parseArticlePermissions(int val)
List<ArticlePermission> apList = new ArrayList<ArticlePermission>();
for (ArticlePermission ap : values())
if (val & ap.getValue() != 0)
return apList;
parseArticlePermissions will give you a List of ArticlePermission objects from an integer value, presumably created by ORing the value of ArticlePermission objects.
Here is a more detailed explanation of EnumSet.


I am making a safe, compile-time String.format(...) equivalent. An issue still persist

Most people understand the innate benefits that enum brings into a program verses the use of int or String. See here and here if you don't know. Anyway, I came across a problem that I wanted to solve that kind of is on the same playing field as using int or String to represent a constant instead of using an enum. This deals specifically with String.format(...).
With String.format, there seems to be a large opening for programmatic error that isn't found at compile-time. This can make fixing errors more complex and / or take longer.
This was the issue for me that I set out to fix (or hack a solution). I came close, but I am not close enough. For this problem, this is more certainly over-engineered. I understand that, but I just want to find a good compile-time solution to this, that provides the least amount of boiler-plate code.
I was writing some non-production code just to write code with the following rules.
Abstraction was key.
Readability was very important
Yet the simplest way to the above was preferred.
I am running on...
Java 7 / JDK 1.7
Android Studio 0.8.2
These are unsatisfactory
Is there a typesafe alternative to String.format(...)
How to get string.format to complain at compile time
My Solution
My solution uses the same idea that enums do. You should use enum types any time you need to represent a fixed set of sets where you know all possible values at compile time( The first argument in String.format seems to fit that bill. You know the whole string beforehand, and you can split it up into several parts (or just one), so it can be represented as a fixed set of "constants".
By the way, my project is a simple calculator that you probably seen online already - 2 input numbers, 1 result, and 4 buttons (+, -, ×, and ÷). I also have a second duplicate calculator that has only 1 input number, but everything else is the same
Enum - &
public enum Expression implements IExpression {
Number1 ("%s"),
Operator (" %s "),
Number2 ("%s"),
Result (" = %s");
protected String defaultFormat;
protected String updatedString = "";
private Expression(String format) { this.defaultFormat = format; }
// I think implementing this in ever enum is a necessary evil. Could use a switch statement instead. But it would be nice to have a default update method that you could overload if needed. Just wish the variables could be hidden.
public <T> boolean update(T value) {
String replaceValue
= this.equals(Expression.Operator)
? value.toString()
: Number.parse(value.toString()).toString();
this.updatedString = this.defaultFormat.replace("%s", replaceValue);
return true;
public enum DogeExpression implements IExpression {
Total ("Wow. Such Calculation. %s");
// Same general code as public enum Expression
Current Issue - This is a HUGE issue. Without this fixed, my solution cannot work!!
public interface IExpression {
public <T> boolean update(T Value);
class Update { // I cannot have static methods in interfaces in Java 7. Workaround
public static String print() {
String replacedString = "";
// for (Expression expression : Expression.values()) { // ISSUE!! Switch to this for Expression
for (DogeExpression expression : DogeExpression.values()) {
replacedString += expression.updatedString;
return replacedString;
So Why Is This An Issues
With, this had to hacked to work with Java 7. I feel that Java 8 would have played a lot nicer with me. However, the issue I am having is paramount to getting my current implementation working The issue is that IExpression does not know which enum to iterate through. So I have to comment / uncomment code to get it to work now.
How can I fix the above issue??
How about something like this:
public enum Operator {
private final String expressed;
private Operator(String expressed) { this.expressed = expressed; }
public String expressedAs() { return this.expressed; }
public class ExpressionBuilder {
private Number n1;
private Number n2;
private Operator o1;
private Number r;
public void setN1(Number n1) { this.n1 = n1; }
public void setN2(Number n2) { this.n2 = n2; }
public void setO1(Operator o1) { this.o1 = o1; }
public void setR(Number r) { this.r = r; }
public String build() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" = ");
return sb.toString();
private String format(Number n) {
return n.toString(); // Could use java.text.NumberFormat

Enumeration help/advice - java

Is it possible to use an enumeration in the following circumstance:
Let’s say you have a certain amount of predefined 'read types'. Example read types could be: Diagnostic, KWH, MaxDemand, OnPeak, etc. And for each of these read types, there’s a ‘TIMTagNumber’ which is essientally a protocol for retrieving each predefined read type.
For example, TIMTagNumber 1100 would retrieve the read type Diagnostic
TIMTagNumber 1300 would retrieve the read type KWH.
The problem is that a predefined read type can sometimes be retrieved by more than one TIMTagNumber.
I want to create an enumeration ReadType that would define each read type and all TIMTagNumbers that can be used to retrieve that read.
Can you use an enumeration in this way?
public enum ReadType{
ReadType3(1400, 1401) // This read can be retrieved by both 1400 and 1401
If an enumeration is not the way to go, is there an elegant or efficient way to define these read types? The overall desired outcome of all this essientally is being recognizing what type of read it is based on the TIMTagNumbers.
I.E. Given 1400 OR 1401 you would know that it's 'ReadType3'.
Can you do this? Yes. Whether it's the right decision will depend on whether you want to couple these TIMTagNumbers to the read type. If not, a simple Map<Integer, ReadType> will probably suffice.
Here's how you could do it:
public static enum MyEnum {
ReadType3(1400, 1401);
private Set<Integer> timTagNumbers;
MyEnum(Integer... timTagNumbers) {
this.timTagNumbers = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(timTagNumbers));
//add check to make sure that values are unique across all instances
public static MyEnum forTIMTagNumber(int num) {
for ( MyEnum readType : values() ) {
if ( readType.timTagNumbers.contains(num) ) {
return readType;
throw new NoSuchElementException("No ReadType matching TIMTagNumber " + num);
int timTagNumber = 1400;
ReadType readType = ReadType.forTIMTagNumber(timTagNumber);
As I said above, this style works well when the data and the enum types are intrinsically coupled already. It would not be good for when the enum type is decoupled from the mapped values (e.g. the values are used for one of many ways of serializing the enum) or if the values are configuration-specific or even dynamic (e.g. if they were prices on an item). In these cases it is usually best to externalize this mapping in an EnumMap or Map.
public enum ReadType {
ReadType3(1400, 1401);
private int[] timTagNumbers;
private ReadType(int ... numbers) {
this.timTagNumbers = numbers;
public int[] getTimTagNumbers() {
return timTagNumbers;
public static ReadType forTimTagNumber(int n) {
for (ReadType type : values()) {
if (Arrays.binarySearch(type.timTagNumbers, n) != -1) {
return type;
throw new NoSucheElementException(); // if not found
With this you can do
int[] timTagNumbers = ReadType.Diagnostic.getTimTagNumbers(); // [ 1100 ]
ReadType type3 = ReadType.forTimTagNumber(1401); // ReadType.ReadType3
You can indeed use enumerations in that way, but your example is missing a private field and a constructor.
Something like:
public enum Bla{
private int amount;
private Bla(int amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public Bla getByValue(int value){
switch (value) {
case 100: return CASE1;
case 200: return CASE2;
return null;
I've included a "reverse lookup" method that returns an Enum given the value.
The main advantage is that you can have the rest of your code using "Bla" instead of int's which will guarantee type-safety on your operations, basically, it'll make impossible to pass an invalid int value as a method parameter (and you can use switch statements over enums too, and that's pretty awesome in some usage scenarios).
EDIT: I noticed after I posted that you need more then one int to specify the Enum, but the same logic applies, with the due changes in the methods, of course.
You could do something like the following, when you supply values in the parentheses where the enum variable is declared, it is calling the constructor of the enum. You need to create a different method in the enum itself to get the enum type from the integer value. See below.
public enum ReadType {
public ReadType getReadType(int num) {
ReadType toReturn = KWH;
switch (num) {
case 1300:
toReturn = KWH;
case 1100:
toReturn = DIAGNOSTIC;
case 1400:
toReturn = READTYPE3;
case 1401:
toReturn = READTYPE3;
return toReturn;
If you can impose some restrictions like no more than 2 tags can be associated with a read type and each tag is no greater than 2^15, then you can store the two numbers into 1 integer. See this S/O post for more details.

Loop for Enums in Java

I have some enums like this:
public enum Classification {
DUPLICATION("Duplication"), ....
but some of them have like 20 members, so currently in code I deal with them with huge if/else blocks like this:
int classification= rs.getInt("classification");
if (classification == Classification.UNKNOWN.ordinal()) {
} else if (classification == Classification.DELETION.ordinal()) {
( rs is from JDBC tho).
Does Java have a better way this these big if/else blocks to do what I am doing? some sorting of looping through it?
You could use Enum#values() to get all enum values in an array. The ordinal maps 1:1 to the array index. Add the following method fo your Classification enum:
public static Classification of(int ordinal) {
if (0 <= ordinal && ordinal < values().length) {
return values()[ordinal];
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ordinal " + ordinal);
and use it as follows
Classification classification = Classification.of(rs.getInt("classification"));
// ...
However, using enum's ordinal for this is not the best practice. What if some developer rearranges the enum's values or adds/removes values? Even the javadoc warns that it has usually no use for developers. Rather give each enum value a fixed identifier. You could pass it in as an additional argument of the enum constructor argument. You could even use enum's String representation for that.
UNKNOWN(1, "Unknown"),
DELETION(2, "Deletion"),
DUPLICATION(3, "Duplication"),
// ...
Then use that value for DB instead and modify the of() method to walk through them in a foreach loop:
public static Classification of(int id) {
for (Classification classification : values()) {
if ( == id) {
return classification;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid id " + id);
If the db value is the ordinal of the Enum then:
int classification= rs.getInt("classification");
I'll leave bounds checking as an exercise for the reader.
You can loop through an enumeration’s values via the object the someEnum.values() method returns:
for (Classification clz : Classification.values()) doSomethingWith(clz);
found here
I don’t know how exactly I can help you, since i don’t know what rs.getInt(String) does.
It seems to give back an Integer representing a enum value of Classification, but why?
Use variant.setClassification(YourEnumClassHere.values()[classification]). Enum.values() returns an array of all the declared enums in that class.
Instead of storing ordinal, you can store the name and use the valueOf method to convert the String back to your Enum type.
If you willing and able to store a string representation (this is a good technique) of the ENUM in your database, see Reference from Gareth Davis in comments above. If you are unwilling and/or unable to store a string representation and must continue with an ordinal representation, I suggest that a Map is called for. Here is some example code:
public class EnumMap
private enum FistSounds
Blam, Kapow, Zowie, Biff;
private static Map<Integer, FistSounds> ordinalMap = new HashMap<Integer, FistSounds>();
ordinalMap.put(Blam.ordinal(), Blam);
ordinalMap.put(Kapow.ordinal(), Kapow);
ordinalMap.put(Zowie.ordinal(), Zowie);
ordinalMap.put(Biff.ordinal(), Biff);
public static final FistSounds getByOrdinal(final int enumIndex)
return ordinalMap.get(enumIndex);
public static void main(String[] args)
FistSounds fistSound;
for (int index = -1; index < 5; ++index)
fistSound = FistSounds.getByOrdinal(index);
System.out.print("Ordinal: ");
System.out.print(", FistSound: ");
I'd recommend using a switch statement, if the logic to execute is different for each case....
do as #Gareth Davis instructs and then just have a switch statement and handle each case as required.
Enums are also eligible to be used in switch statements see here

Storing EnumSet in a database?

So in C++/C# you can create flags enums to hold multiple values, and storing a single meaningful integer in the database is, of course, trivial.
In Java you have EnumSets, which appear to be quite a nice way to pass enums around in memory, but how do you output the combined EnumSet to an integer for storage? Is there another way to approach this?
Storing the ordinal as a representation of the EnumSet is not a good idea. The ordinal numbers depend on the order of the definition in the Enum class (a related discussion is here). Your database may be easily broken by a refactoring that changes the order of Enum values or introduces new ones in the middle.
You have to introduce a stable representation of individual enum values. These can be int values again and represented in the proposed way for the EnumSet.
Your Enums can implement interfaces so the stable represenation can be directly in the enum value (adapted from Adamski):
interface Stable{
int getStableId();
public enum X implements Stable {
A(1), B(2);
private int stableId;
X(int id){
this.stableId = id;
#Override public int getStableId() {
return stableId;
adapted from Adamski's code:
public <E extends Stable> int encode(EnumSet<E> set) {
int ret = 0;
for (E val : set) {
ret |= (1 << val.getStableId());
return ret;
Providing your enum fits into an int (i.e. there are <= 32 values) I would roll my own implementation by using each enum's ordinal value; e.g.
public <E extends Enum<E>> int encode(EnumSet<E> set) {
int ret = 0;
for (E val : set) {
// Bitwise-OR each ordinal value together to encode as single int.
ret |= (1 << val.ordinal());
return ret;
public <E extends Enum<E>> EnumSet<E> decode(int encoded, Class<E> enumKlazz) {
// First populate a look-up map of ordinal to Enum value.
// This is fairly disgusting: Anyone know of a better approach?
Map<Integer, E> ordinalMap = new HashMap<Integer, E>();
for (E val : EnumSet.allOf(enumKlazz)) {
ordinalMap.put(val.ordinal(), val);
EnumSet<E> ret= EnumSet.noneOf(enumKlazz);
int ordinal = 0;
// Now loop over encoded value by analysing each bit independently.
// If the bit is set, determine which ordinal that corresponds to
// (by also maintaining an ordinal counter) and use this to retrieve
// the correct value from the look-up map.
for (int i=1; i!=0; i <<= 1) {
if ((i & encoded) != 0) {
return ret;
Disclaimer: I haven't tested this!
As Thomas mentions in the comments the ordinal numbers are unstable in that any change to your enum definition within your code will render the encodings in your database corrupt (e.g. if you insert a new enum value in the middle of your existing definition). My approach to solving this problem is to define an "Enum" table per enumeration, containing a numerical ID (not the ordinal) and the String enum value. When my Java application starts, the first thing the DAO layer does is to read each Enum table into memory and:
Verify that all String enum values in the database match the Java definition.
Initialise a Bi-directional map of ID to enum and vice-versa, which I then use whenever I persist an enum (In other words, all "data" tables reference the database-specific Enum ID, rather than store the String value explicitly).
This is much cleaner / more robust IMHO than the ordinal approach I describe above.
It struck me as a surprise that nobody was suggesting a well-maintained library instead of writing your own. The above answer is spot on and educational but it just encourages people to copy and paste code around (then mostly forget the credits).
Here's my 2 cents:
EnumSet<YourEnum> mySet = EnumSet.of(YourEnum.FIRST);
long vector = EnumUtils.generateBitVector(YourEnum.class, mySet);
EnumSet<YourEnum> sameSet = EnumUtils.processBitVector(YourEnum.class, vector);
// From Adamski's answer
public static <E extends Enum<E>> int encode(EnumSet<E> set) {
int ret = 0;
for (E val : set) {
ret |= 1 << val.ordinal();
return ret;
private static <E extends Enum<E>> EnumSet<E> decode(int code,
Class<E> enumType) {
try {
E[] values = (E[]) enumType.getMethod("values").invoke(null);
EnumSet<E> result = EnumSet.noneOf(enumType);
while (code != 0) {
int ordinal = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(code);
code ^= Integer.lowestOneBit(code);
return result;
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
// Shouldn't happen
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
// Probably a NullPointerException, caused by calling this method
// from within E's initializer.
throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
// Shouldn't happen
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
If you look in the source for RegularEnumSet, which is the implementation for Enum's <= 64 members, you will see that it contains:
* Bit vector representation of this set. The 2^k bit indicates the
* presence of universe[k] in this set.
private long elements = 0L;
elements is a bit-mask where the bit positions equal the enum ordinals, which is exactly what you need. However this attribute is not made availlable through a getter or setter as that would not match the equivalent accessors for the JumboEnumSet.
It is not one of the nicest solutions, but if simplicity and speed is what you are after, you could create 2 static utility methods that retrieve and set the elements attribute using reflection.
For me, I would probably just setup a constants class holding the enum values as integer constants where I can be sure which enum gets assigned what bit.
EnumSet implements Serializable, but there's a lot of overhead if you use that (it is written as an array of IDs, not a BitSet as you might expect, plus the object stream header.)
This is an old post that I found helpful, but with Java 8 or newer I've adapted the solution posted by #finnw into this interface:
public interface BitMaskable {
int getBitMaskOrdinal();
static int bitMaskValue(Set<? extends BitMaskable> set) {
int mask = 0;
for (BitMaskable val : set) {
mask |= (1 << val.getBitMaskOrdinal());
return mask;
static <E extends Enum<E> & BitMaskable> Set<E> valueOfBitMask(int mask, Class<E> enumType) {
E[] values = enumType.getEnumConstants();
EnumSet<E> result = EnumSet.noneOf(enumType);
Map<Integer, E> ordinalCache = null;
while (mask != 0) {
int ordinal = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(mask);
mask ^= Integer.lowestOneBit(mask);
E value = null;
if (ordinalCache != null) {
value = ordinalCache.get(ordinal);
if (value == null) {
for (E e : values) {
if (e.getBitMaskOrdinal() == ordinal) {
value = e;
// if there are more values to decode and e has a higher
// ordinal than what we've seen, cache that for later
if (mask != 0 && e.getBitMaskOrdinal() > ordinal) {
if (ordinalCache == null) {
ordinalCache = new HashMap<>(values.length);
ordinalCache.put(e.getBitMaskOrdinal(), e);
if (value != null) {
return result;
Usage for an enum like this (note the bmOrdinal values are out-of-order from the built-in enum ordinal values):
public enum BitMaskEnum implements BitMaskable {
private int bmOrdinal;
private BitMaskEnum(int bmOrdinal) {
this.bmOrdinal = bmOrdinal;
public int getBitMaskOrdinal() {
return bmOrdinal;
is then along these lines:
// encode as bit mask; result == 5
int result = BitMaskable.bitMaskValue(EnumSet.of(BitMaskEnum.A, BitMaskEnum.B));
// decode into set; result contains A & B
Set<BitMaskEnum> result = BitMaskable.valueOfBitMask(5, BitMaskEnum.class);
With the methods given in the answers it is possible to convert a integer to an EnumSet and vice versa. But I found that this is often error prone. Especially when you get negative values as java only has signed int and long. So if you plan to do such conversions on all sets of enums you might want to use a data structure that already supports this. I have created such a data structure, that can be used just like a BitSet or an EnumSet, but it also has methods such as toLong() and toBitSet(). Note that this requires Java 8 or newer.
Here's the link:
Without going into the debate about pros and cons of ordinal values in the database - I posted a possible answer to the given question here:
JPA map collection of Enums
The idea is to create a new PersistentEnumSet which uses the implementation of java.util.RegularEnumSet, but offers the elements bitmask to JPA.
That one can than be used in an embeddable:
public class InterestsSet extends PersistentEnumSet<InterestsEnum> {
public InterestsSet() {
And that set is used in the entity:
public class MyEntity {
// ...
private InterestsSet interests = new InterestsSet();
For further comments see my answer over there.
I have done some changes on finnw's code, so it works with enumerations having up to 64 items.
// From Adamski's answer
public static <E extends Enum<E>> long encode(EnumSet<E> set) {
long ret = 0;
for (E val : set) {
ret |= 1L << val.ordinal();
return ret;
public static <E extends Enum<E>> EnumSet<E> decode(long code,
Class<E> enumType) {
try {
E[] values = (E[]) enumType.getMethod("values").invoke(null);
EnumSet<E> result = EnumSet.noneOf(enumType);
while (code != 0) {
int ordinal = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(code);
code ^= Long.lowestOneBit(code);
return result;
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
// Shouldn't happen
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
// Probably a NullPointerException, caused by calling this method
// from within E's initializer.
throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
// Shouldn't happen
throw new RuntimeException(ex);

Convert from enum ordinal to enum type

I've the enum type ReportTypeEnum that get passed between methods in all my classes but I then need to pass this on the URL so I use the ordinal method to get the int value. After I get it in my other JSP page, I need to convert it to back to an ReportTypeEnum so that I can continue passing it.
How can I convert ordinal to the ReportTypeEnum?
Using Java 6 SE.
To convert an ordinal into its enum representation you might want to do this:
ReportTypeEnum value = ReportTypeEnum.values()[ordinal];
Please notice the array bounds.
Note that every call to values() returns a newly cloned array which might impact performance in a negative way. You may want to cache the array if it's going to be called often.
Code example on how to cache values().
This answer was edited to include the feedback given inside the comments
This is almost certainly a bad idea. Certainly if the ordinal is de-facto persisted (e.g. because someone has bookmarked the URL) - it means that you must always preserve the enum ordering in future, which may not be obvious to code maintainers down the line.
Why not encode the enum using (and decode via ReportTypeEnum.valueOf(s)) instead?
If I'm going to be using values() a lot:
enum Suit {
Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, Clubs;
public static final Suit values[] = values();
Suit suit = Suit.values[ordinal];
If you want the array to be private, be my guest:
private static final Suit values[] = values();
public static Suit get(int ordinal) { return values[ordinal]; }
Suit suit = Suit.get(ordinal);
Mind your array bounds.
I agree with most people that using ordinal is probably a bad idea. I usually solve this problem by giving the enum a private constructor that can take for example a DB value then create a static fromDbValue function similar to the one in Jan's answer.
public enum ReportTypeEnum {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReportEnumType.class);
private static Map<Integer, ReportTypeEnum> lookup;
private Integer dbValue;
private ReportTypeEnum(Integer dbValue) {
this.dbValue = dbValue;
static {
try {
ReportTypeEnum[] vals = ReportTypeEnum.values();
lookup = new HashMap<Integer, ReportTypeEnum>(vals.length);
for (ReportTypeEnum rpt: vals)
lookup.put(rpt.getDbValue(), rpt);
catch (Exception e) {
// Careful, if any exception is thrown out of a static block, the class
// won't be initialized
log.error("Unexpected exception initializing " + ReportTypeEnum.class, e);
public static ReportTypeEnum fromDbValue(Integer dbValue) {
return lookup.get(dbValue);
public Integer getDbValue() {
return this.dbValue;
Now you can change the order without changing the lookup and vice versa.
You could use a static lookup table:
public enum Suit {
spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs;
private static final Map<Integer, Suit> lookup = new HashMap<Integer, Suit>();
static {
int ordinal = 0;
for (Suit suit : EnumSet.allOf(Suit.class)) {
lookup.put(ordinal, suit);
ordinal+= 1;
public Suit fromOrdinal(int ordinal) {
return lookup.get(ordinal);
This is what I use. I make no pretense that it's far less "efficient" than the simpler solutions above. What it does do is provide a much clearer exception message than "ArrayIndexOutOfBounds" when an invalid ordinal value is used in the solution above.
It utilizes the fact that EnumSet javadoc specifies the iterator returns elements in their natural order. There's an assert if that's not correct.
The JUnit4 Test demonstrates how it's used.
* convert ordinal to Enum
* #param clzz may not be null
* #param ordinal
* #return e with e.ordinal( ) == ordinal
* #throws IllegalArgumentException if ordinal out of range
public static <E extends Enum<E> > E lookupEnum(Class<E> clzz, int ordinal) {
EnumSet<E> set = EnumSet.allOf(clzz);
if (ordinal < set.size()) {
Iterator<E> iter = set.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < ordinal; i++) {;
E rval =;
assert(rval.ordinal() == ordinal);
return rval;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value " + ordinal + " for " + clzz.getName( ) + ", must be < " + set.size());
public void lookupTest( ) {
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit tu = lookupEnum(TimeUnit.class, 3);
Safety first (with Kotlin):
// Default to null
// Default to a value
EnumName.values().getOrElse(ordinal) { EnumName.MyValue }
This is what I do on Android with Proguard:
public enum SomeStatus {
private static SomeStatus[] values = null;
public static SomeStatus fromInteger(int i) {
if(SomeStatus.values == null) {
SomeStatus.values = SomeStatus.values();
if (i < 0) return SomeStatus.values[0];
if (i >= SomeStatus.values.length) return SomeStatus.values[0];
return SomeStatus.values[i];
it's short and I don't need to worry about having an exception in Proguard
You can define a simple method like:
public enum Alphabet{
public static Alphabet get(int index){
return Alphabet.values()[index];
And use it like:
public enum Suit implements, Comparable<Suit>{
spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs;
private static final Suit [] lookup = Suit.values();
public Suit fromOrdinal(int ordinal) {
if(ordinal< 1 || ordinal> 3) return null;
return lookup[value-1];
the test class
public class MainTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Suit d3 =;
Suit d3Test = Suit.fromOrdinal(2);
}else System.out.println("Fails");
I appreciate that you share with us if you have a more efficient code, My enum is huge and constantly called thousands of times.
So one way is to doExampleEnum valueOfOrdinal = ExampleEnum.values()[ordinal]; which works and its easy, however,
as mentioned before, ExampleEnum.values() returns a new cloned array for every call. That can be unnecessarily expensive. We can solve that by caching the array like so ExampleEnum[] values = values(). It is also "dangerous" to allow our cached array to be modified. Someone could write ExampleEnum.values[0] = ExampleEnum.type2; So I would make it private with an accessor method that does not do extra copying.
private enum ExampleEnum{
type0, type1, type2, type3;
private static final ExampleEnum[] values = values();
public static ExampleEnum value(int ord) {
return values[ord];
You would use ExampleEnum.value(ordinal) to get the enum value associated with ordinal
There is an Easy and Bad way and there is a fairly easy and right way.
First, the easy and bad (those are usually very popular). Enum class method returns an array of all available instances via the values() method and you can access the enum object via array index.
RenderingMode mode = RenderingMode.values()[index];
//Enum Class somewhere else
public enum RenderingMode
//RenderingMode.values()[0] will return RenderingMode.PLAYING
//RenderingMode.values()[1] will return RenderingMode.PREVIEW
//Why this is bad? Because it is linked to order of declaration.
//If you later changed the order here, it will impact all your existing logic around this.
public enum RenderingMode
//RenderingMode.values()[0] will return RenderingMode.PREVIEW
//RenderingMode.values()[1] will return RenderingMode.VIEW_SOLUTION
Here is the right way to do it.
Create a static method fromInt in your enum class.
public enum RenderingMode
public static RenderingModefromInt(int index)
//this is independent of order of declaration
switch (index)
case 0: return PLAYING;
case 1: return PREVIEW;
case 2: return VIEW_SOLUTION;
//Consider throwing Exception here
return null;
public enum Status {
public static Status getStatusByOrdinal(int ordinal) {
for (Status status : values()) {
if (status.ordinal() == ordinal) {
return status;
return STATUS_1;
In this way you can not depend on compile-time generics resolution(so having an enum class instance you can create whenever enum you want, even those types created with Class.forMame)
public Object getInstance(Class enumClazz, int ordinal) throws Exception {
Object[] allEnums = enumClazz.getDeclaredMethod("values", Object[].class).invoke(null, null);
return allEnums[ordinal];
Every enum has name(), which gives a string with the name of enum member.
Given enum Suit{Heart, Spade, Club, Diamond}, will give Heart.
Every enum has a valueOf() method, which takes an enum type and a string, to perform the reverse operation:
Enum.valueOf(Suit.class, "Heart") returns Suit.Heart.
Why anyone would use ordinals is beyond me. It may be nanoseconds faster, but it is not safe, if the enum members change, as another developer may not be aware some code is relying on ordinal values (especially in the JSP page cited in the question, network and database overhead completely dominates the time, not using an integer over a string).
